Wednesday, January 8, 2025

So Why Don't WE Start a Union?

You may not have heard about the shameful, finger-in-the-eye given the ski vacationers at Park City, Utah this past weekend.  The rich people who pay their rent.  Who put food in their mouths.  Who buy their babies Pablum.  They were perfectly and completely screwed.  And here's how they did it.

It seems that this past weekend in uber-pricey Park City is the beginning of the ski season for the tony set.  The folks who can afford to drop $20,000 for a weekend of skiing.  Reservations made long ago for $4,000 a night accomodations were met with 3 hour waits to sign in and get their keys.  And of 3 glorious and well manicured ski runs on the mountain, only one was open for business.  And the one lift featured a 30 minute wait.

Why?  It seems the "Park City Ski Patrol Association" had chosen this of all weekends to strike.  For better pay and benefits.  All 300 of the Union's members were on strike.  Park City had to fly in folks from other ski resorts to open any run at all.  The Union thus proved that it can hobble their business.  And rob them of both their reputation and their income for their own selfish interests.

We're told Park City, including all its pizza parlors and pubs and uber-expensive restaurants, stood to garner as much as 40% of their entire year's income off this past weekend.

I read several revues condeming Park City and promising to never return.  Pissed of $Billionaires hopping on their G-550's and flying off to more welcoming climes.  Just think how badly this affected the Town.  And does the Union care?  Not a whit...

This made me think that if these folks can do this, WE, you and me, ought to be able to do the same.  All of us.  Every single American everywhere!  I think WE should unionize!  I think we should be able to strike when our elected representatives act like fools.  I think a strike would be in order if the State in which we live tries to tell us what kind of car we can drive.  Or packs nearly a $Dollar a gallon in taxes on our gasoline, as Taxifornia now does.  Why aren't we motorists in this bedeviled State protesting?  And Unionizing?  And striking?  

Just see how quickly they'll come to their senses if we deprived them of their expected tax revenue!

"The Union of the Citizens of the United States of America," I think should call it.  The "UCUSA."  And we're all members already by virtue of our citizenship.  And we should start finally start acting together to get what we want.  And what we deserve!

You know the 1st Amendment guarantees our Right to not only Assemble, but to Protest.  And then to speak our minds.  Well, I'm protesting.  Are you?  Are there things you think are unconstitutional or greedy or unlawful?  That "up with which we should no longer put?"  (With an appreciative nod to Yoda?)  Let's get together and let them know how we feel.  Why should we be forced to stand in the corner and quietly put up with one outrage after another?

If a bunch of guys who play in the snow can cripple an entire town, a SUPER RICH town, LEGALLY, then we, you and me, ought to be able to cripple a Gubmint agency that's acting beyond its authority.  Remember when all those truckers combined to protest Canada's dimbulb Prime Minister?  Their "EX-Prime Minister Justin Trudeau?  

Oh yeah, Pretty Boy has bitten the dirt.  Because Canada's citizenry got tired of being jerked around.  High taxes, high crime, high prices.  Gone!  We already proved we could shake America's foundations with our votes.  Why stop now?  Let's take control of our Country and our future!    

What do you think?

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