Saturday, September 7, 2024

You Have to be Taught...

It's my belief that you have to be taught to be Patriotic.

And you have to be taught to honor your elders.  And to obey the law.  And to treat others as you wish to be treated.  And to love God and avoid sin wherever it raises temptations.  And to be a good citizen, a good parent, and a Freedom-Loving Patriot.

You don't come down the chute knowing these things.  

I was raised at a time and in a part of our Country where that was all a given.  Nobody locked their doors.  Everybody was armed.  Attending church was the thing to do.  

I became a Cub Scout at the age of 8.  

That's the earliest you can join.  Two years later I became a Tenderfoot, which is preparatory to becoming a Boy Scout.  I joined Scouting at the age of 12.  And loved it.

Scouting teaches you the "Golden Rule."  Sharing is absolute.  Country and God before self.  It teaches you to Be Prepared.  And to love America.  I learned to hunt, and fish, and to build a campfire without matches.  I became self-sufficient.  I learned to take care of myself, and others should the situation warrant.

And later, when I was in the Army, it did.  Many times.  

But most of all, it taught me that I was among the Earth's lucky 5%.  Those fortunate enough to have been born and live in the United States of America.  A Country most believe to have been graced by God.  

Whether others choose to believe it or not...

After soaring through the Scouting ranks I was awarded the Eagle Badge.  Fewer than 5% of Scouts attain that rank.  Plus, I was awarded the God and Country Award and two Oak Leaf Clusters.  

I then became an Explorer Scout, Scouting's elder statesmen.  And the teachers of those just coming up.  I became an Assistant Scoutmaster and served as one for two more years.  In that role it was my job to pass along to the "Tenderfeet" all the lore I'd inculcated.  All the things necessary to help turn a young boy into a young man...  

I loved Scouting, at least the way it was.  I gather it's focus has changed, and so has America's.  And that's tragic, because the fabric of our society has been rent.

Look around you.  Is this what we want for our Country?  We hire people to clean our houses, while dirtying up our environment.  A trip to Lost Angeles is like a trip to the garbage dump.

The scourge of an Open Society like ours is we can choose to teach our kids what it takes to be a law-abiding, Patriotic American, or not.  And lately, it appears...NOT!

Those we put in authority can choose to remove the Pledge of Allegiance from our classrooms.  The ACLU can sue us and force the removal of that age-old affirmation.  They can also remove our National Flag from our classrooms.  Under the belief that it might "offend" somebody or other.  And also requiring our teachers to teach all the reasons why our kids should be Patriotic.  Starting with our One Million Lives Lost in the pursuit of continued Freedom.  A delight shared by No Other Country.  

Like I said, those "We" put in authority.  And "We" can take that authority back if it's being used inappropriately.  And I believe that it is.

BTW, I've lived in what used to be the Golden State for almost 50 years.  And I've yet to see an advertisement for the Boy Scouts.  I don't even see kids walking around with Scout uniforms.  What once was a given, it appears is now not even an option.  

How sad...

Yes, today's society can choose to pass along the reasons why our children should be Patriotic.  Or not.  And if it's "not," then America no longer exists...

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