Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The "Black Semites"

You've likely noticed that the brashest, most blustery and loudest bully usually winds up running the show.  

That's why Caesar was able to take over Rome.  And Hitler was able to take over Germany.  And pro-p(small "p")alestinians were able to take over our college campuses.  And our city streets.  And apparently a number of our dumbest 20-somethings.  

A small contingent of very loud, very entitled terrorists trying to burn down city hall.  It's been happening since the beginning of time in poorly-run republics, like ours, enabling bullies to take over.  And in all the poorly-run states which kowtow to loud, obnoxious bullies.  

So now they're disrupting polite society on our campuses once again.  Which brings me to suggest:    

You know how the Iranians have that "Green Brigade" thing to do their heavy-duty killing, right?  Not just shooting people on the street for failing to wear a hijab, but the targeted stuff.  The assassinations and bombings and poisonings and rocketing villages and such.    

Those are truly scary guys.

They wear green berets and scarves and sport black uniforms with masks to hide their faces.  They look particularly evil, what with their AK-47's and cartridge belts and machetes.  You'd probably poop your pants if a squad of these killers came for you.

The Jews, who I've written are complicit to a degree in their own misery because they make such terrific victims, need to start fighting back.  They need to finally accept that a medical doctor degree or a law degree or a PhD doesn't insulate them from racial or religious politics.  They need to put together a "green brigade" of their own.  Right now!  And I suggest they call it...

            The "Black Semites!"

So we get a bunch of Gen-Z-aged Jews to volunteer for this thankless, but existential job.  The job of defending a population, a race, really, and a religion.  Made up of folks who've done nothing to earn it.  Other than make such good victims.  

Maybe we can find some MMA fighters who just happen to also be Jews.  Maybe we can get those guys to lead our patrols.  Tough sumbitches with a little judo and karate training and such.  Maybe we import some IDF soldiers, battle-hardened and ready to lead our band of opinion-changers.  And then turn them loose to go forth and start taking back our colleges and Big Cities.


So imagine 500 or 1,000 or so of 20- and 30-somethings all dressed in black, with black berets.  Hence the name.  And each of them in flackjackets, with bear spray, and hammers.  And batons.  And numchuks.  And knives.  And face masks.  With mirrored sunglasses.  Worn even at night.  Especially at night.  

                    Every Night.

Oh yeah, the sunglassses will pay homage to our fear(ful) ex-leader, Joe O'Biden (who's running the Country, again?).  A guy who has apparently retired.  I've just computed that he's been on vacation a total of 383 days, so far.  Just a bit over 41% of his total term.  Now all he's doing is sucking up campaign cash.  So if I've got it right, the lady who took three tries to pass the bar, and never had a real job, and never signed a check on its face, and never ran so much as a 7/11, is now Running the Country.  

While also campaigning.  Really?   

But back to the proposal.  Picture teams like this of 20 or 30 patroling the streets of Lost Angeles and New Yawk and ChicaGO looking for Bad Guys.  Those identified as "Bad" because they're doing bad things.  Like beating up Jews for no other reason than the fact that they're Jewish.  Maybe paying special attention to areas around the synagogues.  And the Diamond District.  And anywhere Jews choose to congregate.  Like on the campus of Columbia University.    

And when they find  Bad Guys they scoop they up and deliver them to the police.  Who will then deliver them to the District Attorney.  Who will then turn them loose at the Speed of Light.  Because the D.A. in L.A. was bought and paid for by George Soros.  Who's a Jew but apparently hates Jews.  Another oxymoron we normal folks are left to unravel.  

Oh yeah, he's the guy financing all the HAM ASS and anti-Israel protests on our Ivy League college campuses.  He also hates America and wants to help secure its downfall.  And so does his son Alex, who's running all his anti-American organizations.  And we sit back and let them do it.  

That's the scourge of an Open Society.

(NOTE TO SELF:  Idea for a screenplay.  George Soros lives in an enormous compound on the South Shore of Long Island.  You take a right at Exit 54 on the Long Island Expressway, drive a few miles South and you'll run right into it.  I know.  I've done it.  I'm thinking we have a rogue Conservative hero pilot who hates socialist pricks, swipes an A-10 Close Support Attack Aircraft, load it down with incendiary rockets, then do a low-level attack run on George's place.  Singing Jimmy Buffett's "Margaritaville" as he unleashes a barrage...) 

And those Bad Guys the D.A. releases?  The cops will just arrest them again.  And again.  And again.  Perhaps with a little facial rearrangement thrown in each time.  And our "Black Semites" could serve as a sort of posse.  Helping our put-upon, underfunded, undermanned police maintain Public Order.  Or at least that's the way we'd "sell" it.    

And if they encounter resistance?  Resistance will be met with equal force.  Backed by 500 willing participants.  Or maybe 1,000.  In every Big Blue City...

Get it?

That's why you need more than a sprinkling of cowering Jewish students in universities filled with a sea of White, Anglo-Saxon Protestants with rich daddies.  Who are guilt-laden because of their "privilege."  And a few busloads of out-of-town Muslims thrown in.  Beating the crap our the Jewish students.  And the occasional Black and Chinese and Transgender wierdos thrown in for color.  All orchestrated by Iranian terrorists. 

And we're permitting that to occur.   

We need the Jews to stand up and protect themselves like Italians would.  Or the Irish.  Or the Germans.  Any of whom would swing back if attacked.  And I'd say fighting back would likely END the constant effort to erradicate them from our landscape.

They should punch those bullies in the face.  Over and over and over.  Until they stop being a boil on the butt of humanity.  And a few thousand "Black Semites" spread among the Biggest and Bluest Cities might just bring that about...*  

There.  Another problem solved.  Any more questions?  

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