Thursday, September 5, 2024

Our War Against Tyranny!

Would you like to eliminate the $20.00 Minimum Wage and Fight Back against Taxifornia's involvement in raising Fast Food prices?  

It's simple:  Stop eating fast food for a month.

For those of you lucky enough to live someplace else besides the Peoples Republic of Taxifornia, here's an update on our latest foolishness.  The one where our dufus BoyGuv Newsom raised the MinWage for fast food workers to $20.00 an hour.  From $15.00 an hour.  But only for brands with 60 or more stores.  

Which basically wrings all of the profit out of owning one of these franchises.  And BoyGuv could care less.

Did you know that there are 1,222 MickeyD's in Taxifornia?  Yep, Fellow Patriots, CA features a total of 9% of all of MickeyD's total restaurants.  And it's total income.  So the owners of these McD's franchises are being held hostage by a socialist governor.  Who believes he can do anything without a consequence.

He's wrong

The ignorant elitist bozo who pretends to run this unmanageable State tried to buy the votes of 500,000 MinWage fast food workers (yes, that's how many there are in Taxifornia) by mandating, LEGISLATING, a $20.00 an hour Minimum Wage.

That's 3 x the National average!  It stands at $7.25 right now.  Except in Taxifornia.  Where BoyGuv Newsom tripled it.  To try and win the votes of one-half million workers.  

He didn't expect to get the votes of those who owned those MickeyD's, and Wendy's, and Subways, and Burger Kings, BTW.  He already knows they're not going to vote for him.  But he expects to get the votes of those half million fast food workers.

Who probably have a degree from Haaaavid.  Or Yale.  Or maybe Princeton.  And they're now saying, "Would you like fries with that?"  And they're now bitching because they aren't making enough money flipping burgers or delivering other peoples' food to pay off their student loans.  And the "Cackler-in-Chief" is hoping to also buy their votes by transferring their promised loan payback onto our taxpayers.  

How quaint.

Just so you know, the average McD's owner must invest a minimum of $1.2 and as much as $2.4 Million to open one of their franchises.  And their franchise fee is $45,000, BTW.  And they must show they have $750,000 in liquid capital before they can qualify.  And their average earnings, after tax, is only $186,000.  Invest $2,000,000 and earn $186k.  That's only 0.9% Return on Investment, BTW.  That ain't much!  

You can get a better return from your local bank.  Which is about 1% right now.  

The owners of these restaurants have already begun their response.  They're cutting hours of operation.  They're cutting employee hours.  They're investing in automation, such as kiosks and auto-pay windows.  They're shutting down dining rooms.  They're implementing AI.  And they're raising menu prices an average of 10%.  On top of several other increases over the past couple of years.  Making fast food unaffordable for those who used it most.

$18.99 for a Happy Meal?  Ummm, no.

Imagine what would happen if nobody bought a burger from one of these places for an entire month?  Imagine the fiscal hit the various cities would take?  And to BoyGuv without their tax revenue?  Imagine the earthquake that would happen to all their food and beverage suppliers?  Do you think maybe these businesses would be marching on Sacrascrewyou?  How about those 500,000 now unemployed workers?  On BoyGuv's mansion's front doorstep, maybe?

And the very worst part of this is that Taxifornia represents 15% of our once-Great Country.  So there will be pressure from the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) to make this terrible error go Nationwide.  Because this infernal Union will then be able to charge dues from the now higher paid employees.  

That's all they care about.  

And just so you know how we got here, the SEIU invested more than $60 Million Dollars of their members' dues over a 10 year period to try and force McDonalds to void their franchise agreements.  Since they've got BoyGuv in their back pocket, they've succeeded.

So now it's up to us, the customers.  Fight back!  Refuse to do business with any of these places until the prices come down.  And if they don't, let's try making a sack lunch.  Again.  We used to do it.  We can do it again.  This of it as our War Against Tyranny!  Try cooking at home for a few months and see how they like it?  You'll see how quickly they back off from these insane policies...

And if they don't, there'll be a lot of uneaten hamburgers, and you'll be $Dollars ahead...

1 comment:

  1. I read this as I am eating a healthy, homemade soup for lunch at work on my lunch break. My sack lunch
    will come from home, not a fast food that is more expensive and you have no idea just what is in the meal.


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!