Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year From "Chuck's Tutu's!"

Psssst!  To those of you who still live in an open and free society, as America was first envisioned, you might want to read this.

The Democrat Legislature of Taxifornia passed 1,200 new laws last year.  I say "Democrat" because the Democrats have a supermajority in both houses of our Legislature.  They have absolute political control of 47 of our 53 counties here in Taxifornia.  Which means they can - and do- pass the scariest, most inane, stupidest, foolish and crazy laws they wish.  And then it's up to San Fran Nan Pelosi's little nephew BoyGuv ("Hairgod") Newsom to decide which of them to sign into law.  And just like last year, BoyGuv signed "only" 997 of them.  Only...  

                   997 NEW LAWS! 

Which means they're added to the previously-enacted 366,334 city, township, county and State rules, regulations and laws under which Californians are already laboring.  Making CA the Single Most Over-lawed (and overtaxed) State in America.  

Which is one-third more than New Yorkers must bear, coming in at Number 2 on our Official List.  They "only" have 235,345 laws on their books. 

I report on all of this to alert my more, umm, "seasoned" fellow Patriots, that our society appears to now be operated for the benefit of only the extremely aggrieved.  Whereas before we ran America for the benefit of the majority, DUH!, we now are managed by a group who believe that every single transgression, no matter how slight, needs to be addressed and corrected.  And usually, since Gubmint is involved, it's "overcorrected."  To the max.  

And the majority needs to now be sent to bed without supper.  Since all they do is pay the bills.

If you're a transvestite, as some 8% of our population claims (the psychologists tell us it's more like 3%), you get special treatment, special laws and special Gubmint protections.  If you're a Conservative, you go straight to jail, no passing "Go" or collecting anything from anyone, much less $200.

So I suggest we Conservatives put on a tutu and declare ourselves to be LGBTQ123ABC-@#U213)++, or whatever it is now, and they won't be able to do a damn thing to us!  Even the New York Slimes and the Atlantic Magazine will be on our side!  Even the ACLU and the Southern Poverty (and Partner Enrichment) Law Center!  Even AOC and her naysayers will applaud our actions!  Even the ASPCA, Goodwill, the United Negro College Fund will be on our team!  

And maybe best of all, the "Mumbler-in-Chief" and his Democrat National Committee will have to bang our drum!!!

Yes I know, I know.  It's verbal judo.  Something I practiced my entire life, and fed my kids with the outcome.  So Happy New Year, from "Chuck's Tutu's,"* and just remember: you're not paranoid if they're really after you.  And if you're a Conservative and live in Taxifornia, they're really after you.  Because you're paying the freight around here!  So your only hope is to remember that tutus come in various sizes.  You can wear one of these and do just about any damn thing you wish.  You might want to try one on today...
*  I'm hereby announcing my new business venture:  "Chuck's Tutus."  I won't rest until every single Taxifornian is a tranny!  Gimme' a call today and we'll talk sizes and prices (pink's my personal fave!).  

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