Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Dodge City, Part Deux...

I'm considered by many to be an expert on the Old West.  And I count myself amongst that many.  

That's the period between 1850 and 1895.  And it covers all of the comings and goings that made that period of time in our history so very interesting.

And however broad that subject matter might be, I'll be focusing on Dodge City for today's rant, er... discussion.  And the cattle drive period of about 1848 to 1865.  The time when cowboys were herding millions of head of cattle north from their "fattening" grounds in northern Mexico and up to the railhead in Dodge.  For shipping by train to the Kansas City and Chicago stockyards, and on then to points East.  Followed by those cowboys getting drunk and raising old Billy Hell afterwards.  And the measures the town  marshals took to keep the town safe from their excesses.

And oh yeah, the thieves and whores who plagued these poor cowpokes during that entire period.

You've probably heard that Dodge City was a den of iniquity.  And it was.  And a place where you could get in a gunfight and die, if you weren't careful.  And it was.  And a place full of "flim-flam artists" and hookers who would lighten the back pockets of drunken cowboys.  And it was.

But it was also a pretty safe place, considering.  No matter what you may have heard.  If you were a dusty cowpoke, fresh off the trail, and you sauntered into the Long Branch Saloon and bellied up to the bar, and happened to bump into the tall guy next to you, do you know what you'd say?  You'd say, 

"Oh, I'm sorry.  Please excuse me."

Why?  Because that man was armed.  He had a .45 on his hip and he'd be certain to make your next breath your last if you pissed him off.  So not pissing him off is high on your list of things to do.  And you'd be armed, too, BTW.  And so was that guy on your left.  So everybody was armed, and nobody caused any trouble at all. 


To the point that between those self-same years of 1848 to 1865, there were a total of only 15 people killed in a gunfight.  In that entire period.  Only 15.  Google it if you doubt me.  It's true regardless of what you saw on "Gunsmoke."  "High Noon-style" gunfights, folks facing off on Main Street, were incredibly rare.  Only about a dozen occurred in the entire history of the Old West. 

Let me say again, only 15!

So let's summarize, shall we?  Dodge City was an Old West cow town without the necessary law enforcement to enforce the law (Hmmm.  Remind you of anything?).  So the customers, the cowboys who brought their cows and their thirst to this pivotal town, took care of it themselves.


It was just reported that the average police response time to 911 calls in our largest, Big Blue Cities was, ready for it?  31 minutes and 14 seconds.  That's why we say, "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."

If there were armed neighborhood watch patrols, protecting the businesses and homes they rely on for their continued existence, like the bizz owners in Dodge put together, do you think there would be "breaking and enterings?"  "Smash and Grabs?"    

If you're living in one of those Big Blue cities where taking a walk after dark means taking your life in your own hands, I have a suggestion:  

Buy a gun, learn how to use it, and then carry it with you wherever you go.  

I suggest you also obtain a legal Concealed Carry Permit in those Big Blue states requiring it (37 of our states, don't!).  But whether you do or not, put your gun in your pocket and keep it with you at all times.  You'll likely never be called upon to use it.  But if you are, I'll end with this admonition:

"It's better to be judged by 12, then carried by 6."     

Just imagine what (wouldn't) happen if the criminals didn't know who was armed, but learned through the grapevine that most people were?

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