Friday, May 19, 2023

Repeating History...

"A false conclusion once arrived at and widely accepted, is not easily dislodged.  And the less it's understood, the more tenasiously it is held."

     Georg Cantor, German Mathmetician/Philosopher, (1845  -  1918)

Funny (not), we humans never, ever learn.  

We're easily hoodwinked.  Our pockets are easily picked.  Just think:  a geologist named Wallace Broecker was puttering around his lab at Columbia University one day back in 1975 and came up with the term "climate change."  

His research was telling him that the Earth was on the brink of climactic change, as it always has, and possibly tied to CO2 in the atmosphere.  So he, all alone, published an article positing this notion, and all the academicians with an axe to grind, an America to hate and a pocket to pick went on the warpath.  Something else to be angry at, I assume.  They decided that burning petroleum emits CO2, and CO2 is a "greenhouse gas (never proven)," and so we should stop burning gas and oil and start riding horses again.  

And if we don't, he suggested, it would be THE END OF THE EARTH AND EVERYBODY ON IT!!!

And from that moment, only a few decades ago, we became a nation of pu*sies.  Afraid of our shadows.  High-priced universities have "crying rooms" lest a conservative be granted free speech.  College students are using the 1st Amendment's guarantee of Free Speech to protest against free speech.  Roving bands of "ecowarriors" are poking holes in the tires of SUV's to "save the planet."  We're building eyesore windmills tarting up our lovliest shores in this unceasing quest.   

This is our "Chicken Little" moment.  And if you're too young to know what that means, you're likely part of the problem.

We've spend $Two Trillion Dollars trying to combat "global warming."  Or "Climate Chaos."  Or "Climate Change."  Or whatever they're calling it these days.  While the two largest polluting nations, China and India, are doing NOTHING.  In fact, together they're responsible for more than 52% of all climate pollutants.  China's got the record at 34%.  And it's opening a new coal-fired electricity generation plant EVERY WEEK.

We've destroyed the coal and industry.  We're destoying the petroleum and natural gas industries, while sitting on a river of oil. 

We're crippling the automobile industry, by far our largest contributer to GDP, with unrealistic demands, while placing those same unrealistic demands on our aging electricity power production capacity.  

In short, the Ship of State has a bunch of fools at the helm.  And it's heading straight for the rocks...

We've been warned that failing to remember history will get you more of it.  It's happening...                                 

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