Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Imagine for a Moment...

Just imagine for a moment that your government siezed all the gas stations.

Between one day and the next, whether physically or just administratively and judicially, your government grabs all the gas stations and puts them under its control.

Believing it has the authority to do so, most likely to "Save the Planet" from "Global Something-or-other," it does a Juan Peron or Hitler or Pol Pot and nationalizes (or state-ilizes) all gas stations.  Just like Venezuela did when it took over all petroleum in the country.  That gas is currently being sold at your friendly 7-11. 

And what does this gubmint do to reduce those nasty greenhouse gas emissions?  It simply reduces the hours those gas stations are open.  Or it gives you a little coupon good for only a certain amount of gas.  Or only allows you to buy gas on alternate days.  BTW, Jimmy Carter, the Democrat, did all those things back in the '70's.  Before suffering a monumental electoral defeat at the hands of Ronnie Reagan. 

And they didn't work then, either. 

So here's the question du jour for all those either currently considering the purchase or lease of a plug-in electric vehicle, or already own one: just flip everything upside down.  Do a 180 and realize your gubmint has complete and total control over your electricity company and the power it generates.  And therefore the price you'll have to pay for it.  The place you'll have to buy power from to make your little growed-up golf cart keep on running this summer.  During the peak of the power demand.  Or this coming winter.  When keeping the lights on and the heat going is more important than powering your car.


Which means it can shut you down at will.  Screeeech!  Whoa, Nellie!  No driving today!  Or maybe tomorrow.  Call that gas-powered Uber.  Just imagine putting the motive power it takes to make your $65,000 buggy run in the hands of AOC and Pete and Kamala and Good Ol' Joe...  

1 comment:

  1. The year my friend and his wife bought their house, his father gave him a gas mower. He ran it for twenty years. It was dependable. It mowed his large lot with no problems. Four years ago the mower finally gave out. Since he had become a first responder and his young teenage son couldn't start the mower easily, he bought an electric mower.

    His now 17-year-old and 15-year-old sons spend every lawn mowing day fighting the lawn mower and fighting their mother because what was once a couple hours is taking all day because the electric batteries keep needing recharged. Considering that they can now bench press more than they weigh, starting a gas mower would probably be no problem. Their mother is trying to find a good, reliable, gas mower to use as backup for the electric mower with its two batteries and two battery chargers. Their youngest son even considered a reel mower to be more dependable. You know, the kind that was complete push power.

    My daughter also decided to buy an electric mower for her smaller yard. She has four batteries and four battery chargers so she can get the job done in a timely fashion. Somehow I really don't think going electric with cars is going to help America's transportation needs. If you have this much problem mowing a lawn during summer, how do you think we'll fare getting to work, or anywhere else? Unless...that's their plan.


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!