Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Stop Mentioning Race!

It seems to me that promoting national unity is not helped along by creating and applauding diversity.

I was just subjected to another of those Public Service Announcements on a cable TV channel blatantly pandering to Black folk.  "Celebrating Black history month!," the banner cried.  Just like it recently "celebrated" "Indigenous Peoples' Month" and "Pacific Islander Month," and "Puerto Rican History Month."  

Something tells me these broadcasters are trying to throw a bone to their minority populi, and their guilty White Liberals, in an effort to, a) hopefully engender support and viewership; b) try and keep the natives from burning down THEIR building the next time they feel frisky.

In fact, I don't mind it at all if folks of various and sundry backgrounds want to band together into groups, large and small, toward the accomplishment of a common goal.  Let's say a knitting club.  Or a Sunday afternoon model airplane club.  Or maybe even a political action committee.  After all, it worked well for the Boy Scouts of America until a bunch of ambulance chasers got ahold of it.  

But not, I repeat NOT, for a BIPOC-only meeting at the Student Union at 4:30 p.m.," as was advertised on the website of Haaaavid University one recent afternoon.

BTW, BIPOC means "Black, Indigeneous People, and Obstetricians and Chiropractors."  I think.

So I went looking.  I found the "United Negro College Fund."  I found the "Congressional Black Caucus."  I found the "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People" (isn't that passe?), and I found the Black Entertainment Channel.  All within the first sixty seconds.  I did not find the White polar opposites of any of these little non-diverse groups.  

What do we have to do to get Americans to start acting like Americans, and less like Blacks, or Whites, or Yellows, or Reds?  Or any other color?   I, personally, am a pleasing shade of light tan.  In case you wondered.  Should we take this further and have a White's-only NRA?  And a Blacks' only NFL?  Oh wait, we already have that.  And how about Asian-only M.D.s?  Ummm, one of "them" just operated on my neck.  Isn't it all getting to be a bit ridiculous?  Aren't they all just Americans?

BTW, wouldn't you have liked to be there the day God decided that Mexicans would be gardeners, and Koreans would have all the laundries, and Blacks would play basketball?  Hmmm.

I say lets get rid of the "Blah Blah History Month" and all other divisive advertising.  I say start extolling the virtues of the biggest and the free-est and the best-est Representative Republic on Earth!    

In fact, I suggest we never, ever again use the race of an individual in describing anyone on TV or in print unless it was in the reporting of a crime.  

You might want to think about that a little bit.  The benefits could be manifold.  And if you agree, pass it along...

1 comment:

  1. The problem is that we are dealing with a sick society. Put in perspective, you don't get a sane person shooting up a school. There use to be a little fear if your going to be a little shit, that your mothers going to slap you and then tell your "father" who would give you a kick ass for being a jerk!


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