Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The 1st Annual Chuckmeister Film Festival!

The famous French philosopher and economist Alexis De Touqueville was a big fan of America, given his country was fighting back against their Crown at the time.  That was back in the late 18th Century, it was.  His country had no freedoms based, like our own, upon the inherent God-given rights of Man.  However, he opined that America, should it ever fail, would do so from within.  It would do so, he said, once the "ruling class" discovered it could buy its compatriots' votes with their own money. 

He said that such a fate had befallen ancient Greece, and Persia, and spectacularly, Rome.  And that he feared such a fate would ultimately befall all democracies, including America's own Representative Republic. 

And when our body politic grew so soft and ignorant and focused on other unimportant things, he opined, that they would crumble in the face of the next enemy's aggression.  

Such as is now happening.  

However not to be all gloomy and such, even though we're now witnessing America in decline for the very first time in our lives.  We still need a little entertainment every now and agin to take our collective mind's off the sh*tstorm unfolding all around us.  I'm therefore extremely pleased to announce...

...the "1st Annual Patriot Film Festival" to be held right here at the Chuckmeister Compound!

Or, "Fortress Chuckmeister," as we like to call it.  

And in honor of the beginning of the end of America, the day after we ceased to be the Bastion of Freedom for the World and became its laughing stock, secured by a rogue, Soros bought-and-paid-for District Attorney, I thought it might prove shickles and tits if we screened one of my all time fave movies:  

             "Blazing Saddles."

Yep, only those of us who understand the true meaning of Freedom are invited to this Film Festival.  It's truly an "underground" event, to be enjoyed only by those adult enough to do so.  Only those who can take a joke, especially one from a Hollywood Liberal like Mel Brooks, its Director, are invited to attend.  And only those who are unafraid of being "canceled" by their Progressive friends (or enemies) can punch their ticket here at Chuckmeisterville.

And yes again, this 1974 movie won two Academy Awards, didja' know that?  It cost about $45.00 to make and generated more than $One Hundred Nineteen Million Bucks in boxoffice ticket sales.  Didja know that?

It won for Best Actress and for Best Film Editing.  And it was a major-league hoot!  It starred Gene Wilder, Madeline Kahn, Harvey Korman, Slim Pickins and ex-Detroit Lions middle linebacker Alex Karas, among others.  Annnd, its star was a terrific actor named Cleavon Little.  He's a Black fellow who the Governor, played by Harvey Korman, offered to spring from prison on the condition that he'd become the sheriff of a little town named Rock Ridge.  A town the Guv wanted to dry up and blow away so he could take a saddlebag full of cash from the railroad for the land upon which it then sat.  And a town which was sure to fill this Black sheriff full of bullet holes on Day One, the Governor thought. 

Except it didn't.  Before long Little as "Sheriff Bart" was leading these racist townsfolk on choir lessons.  The same ones who had earlier in the movie called him the "N-WORD" a total of 38 times, if I counted right.*  So if you have sensitive ears, you might want to stay home and watch the Hallmark Channel instead.  Except your ears are likely just fine if you're reading this unassuming little blog.  

And it was perhaps the funniest film ever made.  That was back in the day when we could laugh at ourselves and each other without somebody getting offended and calling the ACLU.  Jokes which cannot even be told today.  And that's why most stand-up comedians are now pumping gas.  So if you're reading this, consider yourself invited to the Festival to beat all Festivals!  Date and time to follow...  

(Oh yeah, and I'm planning to later show an endless loop of reruns of Archie Bunker and Meathead and The Jeffersons and a dose of Red Foxx and, and, and.  Ya' think that might be fun?  And if you have an acquaintance that needs to be "baptised" into the culture we've only recently lost, this could be a great introduction.)  

*    Doncha' just hate that term, "N-Word?"  Back when I was coming up we could use that same "N-Word" anytime we wanted.  And we would not be "canceled" if we did.  Nor did we use the "b-word," or the "c-word," or the "d-word," or any other moronic alphabetical escape hatch.  We didn't use it, by the way, because to do so would be impolite.  And impolitic.  And certainly not in the presence of Black folk.  It was a socially-unacceptable word we could use anytime we wished, but didn't.  And don't you now find it interesting that the Black and White positions on the issue have exactly flipped?  Black rappers use the "word" indiscriminately all day and all night and we Whites would rather stab ourselves in the leg with a rusty screwdriver than be caught using it.  And in fact, were we to be caught doing so our lives would be just about over.

Such is what "social media" has wrought.  I've long said it shall be the bane of our existence.  We're now watching that prediction come true...  

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