Tuesday, February 15, 2022

White Congressional Caucus...

I called the Capitol Building today looking for some information.

I wanted to speak with the official who handles the White Congressional Caucus, I told the operator, after fighting my way through their interminable phone tree.  She told me there was no White Congressional Caucus.  Whoa!  There must be a mistake, I told her.  There's a Black Congressional Caucus, I said, and an Asian-Pacific Congressional Caucus.  There's even an American Indian Congressional Caucus, and an Indian-Subcontinent Caucus, fergodsake.  

Which is chock full of Indians I presume.   

In fact, you might find it hard to believe that there are more than 200 official Congressional caucuses,* including some of the most inane subject matters one could imagine.  Cannibis Caucus?  Yes.  Latino-Jewish Caucus?  Oh yeah.  A Kurdish-American Caucus?  What would we do without it?  Even a Bourbon Caucus?  Yes, indeed.  

So there just has to be a White Congressional Caucus, I told her, if for no other reason than... "equity."  You know, that gilt-edged word that's somehow representative of all the "Progressive Left" yearns to attain in this life.  With no expectation of the next one, I would assume.

But no, the operator said, in her tired, mid-Atlantic drawl, the Whites are left out.  Once again.  I'm getting a complex!  Do I have the heartbreak of psoriasis?  Are my underarms disarming?  Halitosis, maybe?  If not, there should be no reason why the majority of America is not represented.  You know, the very same reason some are clamoring for a Black woman to be anointed to the Supreme Court.  


Taking from some...to give to others.  The redistribution of wealth.  Karl Marx would be proud.  Sort of like the Chinese are doing to the Uighurs every single day.  While they force them to make your tennis shoes.  For 8 of the past 14 years our President has been sort of "Black."  Sort of.  And for all 8 of them he dragged around a decrepit antiquated reprobate V.P. who's forgotten most of what he's ever known.

Which wasn't a Hell of a lot.

So yes, we have an LGBTQ Caucus, and a Colorado River Caucus, and a Digital Arts Caucus, but we have as yet no Congressional White Caucus I'm sorry to report.  It would be too, ummm, "representative," I guess.  You know, like our Founding Fathers intended.  

Assuming anyone cares... 

*     Google "Congressional caucuses" when you have a chance.  Then pour yourself an adult beverage, sit back and prepare to be both enlightened and disturbed..    

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