Friday, February 11, 2022


As we head into this Super Bowl weekend, I'm sort of amazed by the NFL's much-publicized, anti-hate and anti-racism program.  

That is true in spite of some rather startling facts:  The National Football League is made up of about 1,600 active players, on 32 different teams.  And 73.1% of them are Black.

They're virtue signaling with little slogans on the backs of their millionaire players' helmets.  They paint enormous slogans in their end zones.  "End Hate!"  "Stop Racism."  The signs blare out the price what their hostage takers demanded that the NFL's commisar pay.  It's transparently pathetic.   

The NFL makes White folks, and the Chinese, and Japanese, and Tibetans, and Native American "indigenous personages," and those from Burkino Faso, whatever race they are, who long to play professional football, fight over only 26.9% of the available slots.  

Like fighting over table scraps.

Isn't that the very definition of "racism?"

However, in addition to being rather over-weighted with Black players, for whatever reason, it seems their management would like to complain, loudly, that Black folks are somehow being mistreated, maligned, malnourished and hornswoggled.  

Despite the fact that the starting wage for a 89th round draft choice is now, gulp, $705,000 per annum.  Playing little boy games.

So, in spite of the horrendous odds against making the Big Leagues in football, if you're not Black, you have another strike against you.  Which is another thing that amazes me, and analogous to my little NFL comparison.  Sort of like all the really good jurists out there who've been dreaming of being called up someday to the Supreme Court.  All those district court judges and municipal court judges and superior court judges and American Idol judges who've been working their entire lives to be found worthy of a seat on the Supreme Court now find themselves, sort of like White players in the NFL, and the Uighurs in China, the wrong flavor.  Too bad, so sad.  

Joe O'Biden's handlers want a Black Woman for their SCOTUS pick (I wonder if he even remembers filibustering Black women judges on two separate occasions while a Senator?  I wonder if the Republicans will bring that up?).  Not the most qualified jurist, just a Black Woman.  Now, whoever that woman might be, if she's confirmed, she will go forth with an asterisk next to her name, forever.  For the very first time, ever, not the most qualified judge, not even the first Woman of Color, just the first Black Woman.  

Do you think Black people will reward him, or any Democrat, with their votes solely because he appointed somebody because of their melanin content?  Which, I might add, is why our early White plantation owners chose their ancestors!  

You know the only difference between the Boy Scouts and the President and his puppermasters?  The Boy Scouts have adult leaders...

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