Saturday, August 28, 2021


Just learned our "leadership" in the White House is now providing unfettered entry into the United States for every Afghan who wants to come.

And we're flying them here on our shiny C-17's, for free.  And we're sure to have plenty of water and "culturally-appropriate" food and clothing and blankets on hand.  Got to make them comfy.  

Of course.

So, unless I'm getting this wrong, our Government is picking up a society from across the world and setting it down in America.  With every human need necessary for these wonderful folks to set down roots and make sure their welfare checks arrive on time.  At last I heard, there were some 85,000 of these fine people.  These wonderful, fine people. 

We're told. 

BTW, is it just me, or is 85,000 a lot of people?  Now, I know that Joe O'Biden's people are importing over 200,000 illegal aliens a month via our open southern border, but still, 85,000 of one group, one culture, one belief, one religion, one language, is a LOT!  And if you resettle huge chunks of "over there" to "over here," isn't it likely to change the demographic dynamic "over here?"  

Or is that the goal?

Un, I was just thinking; I'm pretty sure there are at least 85,000 people in Appalachia who would gladly run right down to their local airport, climb on board and be resettled to any damn place these Liberal pukes hearts' desire.  Except they don't have a neighborhood airport.  They live in them there "hollers" in West Virginia and chunks of Virginia and the Corolinas.  And there's tens of thousands of them who will surely go to bed hungry tonight.  With no shoes to wear tomorrow.  And whether due to rampant, generational poverty, or Governmental indifference (how do they vote again?), the stain of this failure is on all of our hands.  

So you open the Southern Borders to let in Future Democrat Voters, and fly in Afghan Future Democrat Voters, could you do me a favor; 

could you just find a nice, White, English-speaking country to declare war on next time? 

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