Sunday, August 30, 2020


                                                        M E M O

TO:               The Leadership of the NBA, MLB, NFL, NASCAR, etc.....

FROM:         The Chuckmeister

SUBJECT:   Our National Anthem/Flag

DATE:          Right Now

As we head into the foreshortened playoff season, I just thought I'd pass along that America's 18.2 million veterans believe your players taking a knee when the National Anthem plays is quite a bit like coming to their home and taking a sh*t on their front porch.

They take it personally.  They take it as an insult.  And so do I.  Because it is.

And we believe it's intended to be so.  

Those desirous of expressing some disfavor with America because of some past slight, perceived or imagined, is just fine with us.  Protesting is a part of our DNA.  Do it!  Protest away.  We've fought enemies, foreign and domestic, in uniform, for your right to do so.  And some of us have died in the process.  Just about One Million of us.  You're pissed that some Black guy somewhere got shot by some White cop, so you feel the need - the compunction - to march down Main Street and wave a sign.  Or boycott one of your games.  Great.  I like it.  Keep on doing it.

But do not take a knee when my National Anthem plays.  Stand up, put your hand over your heart like a gentleman or a lady and stay silent for the three minutes of your overpaid, entitled life while the Anthem plays.  That's all we ask of you.  But if you absolutely have to protest, please protest sometime other than while our Anthem is playing.  Get up off your knees and stand, at attention, like an American.  Like a citizen.  Otherwise, we're going to think that you're intentionally disrespecting our Flag and our Country.  A Country we've fought for, and some have died for.  And unless you've paid that price, do yourself a favor and either (a) stand, hand on heart, quietly, for a tiny fraction of your celebrated life, or (b) do your little kneeling thing somewhere else.

You could choose to kneel in your locker room before the game.  That would be fine with us.  You could kneel in the parking lot before the game starts.  That'd be okay too.  You could kneel in a local church or synagogue or mosque.  Everyone would buy that.  Or you could just go ahead and kneel in the studios of the Comedy News Network or MSDNC and save them the trouble and expense of launching a remote broadcasting team.  Just don't kneel before a game on national TV as our National Anthem plays and our Flag waves.  We believe that your doing so would be an intentional insult to us and all we represent.  And if you didn't know that before now, you do now.  

Just a thought in closing.  You don't have to take my advice.  You can continue kneeling in protest while pissing off 18.2 million veterans, more than 5% of America's population, or you can grow up and join in the American Way.  We won't get involved in your protests, don't get involved in our celebrating America.  You know, the Country that gave you both life and freedom.  If you choose not to do as I request and continue to insert yourselves between us and the Country we love, you'll destroy your sport, as many folks will vote with their feet and stop watching.  Then your $Multi-Million dollar contract will go "poof" and you'll be washing cars on Main Street instead of protesting on it...

You've been warned.  The next step is yours...

Friday, August 28, 2020

Form 4473:

I had an enlightening conversation with a Liberal friend the other day.  He'd just decided to buy a firearm (after years of my haranguing him to do so!) and had visited his local gun store.  His experience at so doing was both perplexing and enlightening, in terms of what he expected to occur, and what actually happened.  In short, he was pissed!  He actually expected to walk in, plunk down his cash and, as ex-Prez Barry Obama had promised, walk right out with it.  Well fellow Pilgrim, this little essay should prove enlightening to those who, like my friend, actually have a tendency to buy the crap that Democrats shovel.

First, the gun stores are nearly empty; folks like my Liberal friend have already bought everything that isn't nailed down.  Some riots and looting and burning and anarchy have a tendency to cause that.  People are snatching up guns at the rate of more than 3 million a month now.  That's just about double the rate of a year ago.  I've called a number of gun stores recently on the lookout for certain firearms for friends, and they have nothing desirable.  Second, Obama was lying, again, and as my friend found out, this little essay will prove it.  Here goes...      

So let's say you decide one fine morning to trundle on down to your local gun store and, like my friend, buy yourself a firearm.  You've been thinking about it for some time now, and you've finally decided to "pull the trigger."  That's a little gun joke.  Heh, heh...  

Let's just say that, okay, whether or not it's true.  You might love guns or hate them.  I don't care right now.  Just go along with me here for awhile, okay?  

So you've sought out the advice of professionals (like me!) and picked out your firearm of choice and began the process of taking ownership.  What happens now, you might ask, especially if you've had smoke blown up your ass for years by anti-gun crusaders?  You probably think that they'll hand your shiny new gun over to you and you'll walk right out with it, right fellow Pilgrim?  Ummm, no.  Even though then-POTUS Barry Obama told us all that it's easier to buy an AK-47 than it is to rent a library book, a laughably inept and vacuous comment, from a laughably inept and vacuous ex-POTUS, I can assure you Barry's been smoking some of those anti-God cigarettes he grew so fond of back in Hawaii.  I intend to lay it all out for you, fellow Pilgrim, because I know stuff.  I actually know pretty much all there is to know about this subject, as a matter of fact, so you can rely on me.  Ready?  Okay.  Here goes:

First, you must take a test to see if you're intelligent enough to own and use a gun.  An actually pen and paper test with questions on it you must answer correctly.  It'll cost you $25.00 to take that test.  Imagine that...

Then, you must fill out Government Form 4473.  It's called a "DEROS."  The stands for "Dealer Electronic Record of Sale."  It'll cost you $25.00 for the privilege.  It asks everything about you, including your citizenship status.  And whether or not you're a felon.  And whether you're an addict.  And whether or not you're mentally okay to own a firearm.  And you fill it out under penalty of perjury.  It's a felony to falsify answers on this Form.

The dealer then sends it off electronically to the Feds for their background check.  It's called a "NICS" check, which stands for "National Instant Criminal Check System."  The Feds use this to see if you're an upstanding kind of guy or gal (or any of the other 57 genders if you're in one of those "Progressive" states.  Like mine.).  We've had this background check in place since 1998.  You didn't know that did you, all you anti-gun crusaders?  

If you're a good citizen, the Feds clear you to buy the gun right away, the sale is consummated and the electronic record of the transaction is destroyed, by law, within 24 hours.  The hard copy of the Form is kept, by the dealer, for 20 yearsIt may not by law be furnished to the Federal Government!  

In fact, doing so would be illegal.  It was proclaimed so by our Founding Fathers.  Why?  Because we Americans do not want the Feds to know who has what gun.  Why?  Because those nice Feds might one day decide to come for them, you know.  Like the British did which sparked the Revolutionary War.  Like Senator and now V.P. candidate Kamala Harris has promised to do.  Within the first 100 days of her administration, she promises.  And that's why we can't let them find out.

Unless you're a Democrat, that is.  They really want the Feds to know who has what gun.  In fact, they really want a Federal Register of who has what gun.  That's why they continue to bang the drum for "Universal Background Checks," which would change Federal law to force the authorities to create a register of gun owners.  And then they want those friendly Feds to come to your home one day and take your gun from you if you possess one that they do not bless.  And if it was up to them, that day might

Doubt me?  On the day after Hurricane Katrina, then-Sheriff Stan Lee and his deputies hopped into their little boats and proceeded to visit each and every house where a gun owner lived.  They knew where the guns were because they had passed a law forcing the creation of a registration scheme.  They seized those firearms just when their owners needed them most; for personal protection in the midst of one of the worst instances of human tragedy and anarchy in our Country's history.

Why do the Democrats want to disarm you?  I don't know.  But one thing's for sure: A disarmed population is a compliant population...

Anyway, if the Feds' background check says you're okay to own a firearm, your sale is approved and the clock starts; in CA at least, you may not pick up your firearm for ten (10) days.  To the minute, by the way.  There are a couple of dozen states that have similar (nonsensical) restrictions on when guns are actually deliverable.   

Other states in which they can actually read know that the Constitution says our Right " keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."  And, unlike CA, and half of America, they do not infringe; they simply assure the law that a prospective firearm purchaser meets the minimum standards for acquisition and then make the sale and hand over the gun.  I guess their citizens can actually be trusted with firearms...

If you've been watching the news or listening to the radio or reading what's left of our newspapers, you surely know that this is true.  Many of our more "Progressive" states have passed laws designed to gut the 2nd Amendment.  They've passed laws making it illegal to buy certain guns, and to own them, and to buy certain ammunition magazines, and to own them.  Virginia is a good example.  Since the Democrats have taken over their State they've passed laws designed to do all the stuff I've outlined above.   And so has CA, and NY, and OR, and WA, and CO, and NJ, and IL, and, and, and... 

Here's the Bottom Line:  The last few of those 27 little words of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States says "...the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."  That means the Gummint isn't supposed to screw with it.  Like they've been doing for decades, I would add.  And one of these days we 2nd Amendment advocates may have to make them pay for those transgressions.  

As I've said on multiple occasions, 100+ million Americans own more than 440 million firearms, more than one out of every three households, and they're not likely to willingly hand them over when one of Kamala Harris' minions dispatches people with try and seize your guns.  

What could possibly go wrong? 

(BTW, you'll be pleased to know my friend has acquired his new firearm and is happily learning how to safely own and use and store it.  He is no longer among the undefended and unprotected...)

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Having a Little Fun With the Media...

We all know by now that the so-called "MainStreamMedia" not only hates The Donald, they detest everything he stands for, plans for, or attempts.  They hate the air he breathes.  They also detest all those who have supported him, or voted for him, or perhaps ever will.

Therefore, anytime he puts forth some sort of goal or objective for his Administration, almost no matter what it might be, such planning is met with howls of outrage and nearly unanimous negativity from the so-called "MainStreamMedia."  That would include the "Alphabet" channels, ABC, NBC and CBS.  And cable channels CNN, MSNBC, NPR and PBS.  And big-city newspapers like the New York Crimes and Lost Angeles Slimes, the Chicago Tribulations and hundreds of other left-wing rags.  

Their "questions" asked at White House press briefings prove it.  They are almost always "gotcha" questions designed only to provide the journalist asking them with a video clip to use in their network's evening news.  Head Dweeb Jim Acosta of the Clinton News Network has become infamous for such activities.  In fact, he even wrote a book about how cool he is and how the President sucks.  The last I heard the book wasn't doing so very well.  I guess all the members of his family has already received their free copy...  

One of my personal favorite questions was asked by a reporter for the Atlantic Magazine (I didn't know it was still in bizz!).  She asked, "Given that more people have died from the Coronavirus under your watch in six weeks then died in all of the Viet Nam War, why do you believe you deserve a second term?" 

Get it?  Not a question for which their readers need an answer, not a question for which there IS an answer, just a "gotcha'" designed to ensnare.  A question that blames the POTUS not only for the virus itself, which is laughable, but for his presumed failure to combat it in a timely fashion (see below).  And, most importantly, to elicit a negative response they can use on their network's nightly news.  

NOTE:  As a reminder, Trump shut down travel from China on January 31st and the United Kingdom on February 5th, 2020.  Chris Barbot, New York City's Health Commissioner, announced to everyone on February 2nd, "Join in the parades and don't believe the "manipulation"coming from the President."  And good ol' San Fran Nan Pelosi toured San Francisco's Chinatown on February 24th, during which she loudly invited everyone, everywhere to come visit that famous tourist trap, and presumably spread the virus while so doing.  And (in)famous NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio (real name Warren Wilhelm, Jr.) proclaimed to a crowd on March 2nd, "Get out on the town in spite of the Coronavirus!"  

So given that all but a couple of our media organizations are Left-wing in the extreme, and that all but a couple of the reporters assigned to the White House Press Pool indicate that they vote Democrat (95.4%!), and that almost everything the Prez puts forth as a plan or strategy is universally panned as unworkable and unconstitutional and anti-American, suffering through a press conference today by the President's Press Secretary is similar to attempting to wade across the Zambezi River without becoming a crocodile's lunch.  

So knowing all of this, I suggest that POTUS take to the Press Room lectern on a Monday morning bright and early and proceed to lay out the very most Left-wing policy agenda in America's history.  

Trump could start by saying he intended to stop oil exploration in the Arctic, and open our borders to everyone from everywhere, and award free college to everybody, and appoint Alexandria Occasional-Cortex as Ambassador to the Vatican.

And that we should outlaw all semi-automatic firearms, including all those scary black ones that cause so many to get the vapors, and that "sanctuary cities" should be made mandatory, and that girls should receive prophylactic abortions at the age of 13, and that we should tear down all our statues, and eliminate our nuclear arsenal, and remove our Embassy from Jerusalem, and immediately register all illegal aliens to vote.  And then give them all a new car.  Of their choice...

Oh yeah, and proclaim that Hydroxycloroquine doesn't work.  

Then, the Press Pool will do what it always does; it will put out a torrent of negative news stories panning the entire list of stuff that the POTUS just put forth.  They will do their best to show that whatever POTUS wants is baaaaad!  That it will hurt America and hurt Black people and hurt The Poor and hurt the hungry and hurt the downtrodden.  And hurt the environment and hurt animals.  But then...

The POTUS should take to the lectern on the following Wednesday a.m. and state that he was just kidding on Monday.  That he meant none of what he'd said and desired none of what he'd put forth.  That he was 100% against everything that he'd listed previously, and wished America to know it.  And that the only reason, THE ONLY REASON that he'd announced such plans was "mask-hysteria."  That's the disease you get from wearing a mask for too long each day.  And that since he'd been wearing his mask too much it had made him crazy.  Oh, and also it was to showcase in neon-bright colors just how Left-wing the MSM truly is and how they lie like a rug and how America shouldn't trust a word they say.  And then we could all watch the "MSM" twist itself into rhetorical linguistic knots trying not to agree with the POTUS when they'd agreed with everything he'd said just a couple of days before.  

It would be glorious to watch.  And who knows, it just might work!      

Monday, August 24, 2020

If a Tree Falls in the Forest...

 No doubt you've heard that old saying, "If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, did it really fall?"

That philosophical question has been debated in the halls of prestigious institutions of higher learning for decades.  And nobody got shot or beat up or had their businesses burned to the ground.

I have a new question to add to this mix:  "If a riot happens in Portland and no "MainStreamMedia" (MSM) TV channel or Big City newspaper reports it, did it really occur?"

This question is not philosophical.  It's damn serious and a bit existential.  Let me add a slightly modified question for your consideration:  "If the TV channel you watch chooses not to report on news it finds "outside the approved DNC narrative," and that's the only channel(s) you watch, would you ever learn that Portland and Seattle and New York City and Baltimore and Kansas City and Atlanta and Chicago and now Kenosha were suffering through nightly riots and burning and looting and anarchy?"  

Did you watch the DNC Convention?  If you did you know there was absolutely no mention by anyone of the riots consuming many of our largest and oldest and "bluest" cities.  That there was no mention that our police are under attack daily and that many have been injured (more than one thousand!) or even killed (eight, so far!).  That they are retiring and quitting in droves!  That business owners in these cities have been forced to board them up and wait until somebody, somewhere, anywhere comes to their aid.  That many of these same cities are burned-out shells of their former selves, with tens of $Millions in damage (over $Two Billion, so far), and that the folks who watch CNN and MSNBC and NPR and PBS and ABC/CBS/NBC will never know because their preferred "corporate" media channel won't tell them about it?

I suggest that my readers shop around.  You might want to do as I do; watch all the cable channels and at least a few of those on broadcast.  Find out what they're pushing, and why.  Find out what major stories they're (intentionally) avoiding reporting.  However painful to your baser political leanings to undergo, watching what the "enemy" is doing is absolutely necessary for you to have a well-rounded understanding of just how close we are to losing our democracy.

And trust me, Pilgrim, we're damn close...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The DNC Convention for Dummies...

 For those of you too busy (or too intelligent) to watch the Democrat National Committee's 2020 Convention, please allow me, The Chuckmeister, your friend and faithful scribe, to summarize it for you.

I'm retired and disabled and hard of hearing and have a bad back and don't get around so very well anymore and am sort of curmudgeonly (get off my lawn!) so I have plenty of time to watch totally useless and nonsensical crap on TV and am therefore able to fill you in on all the juicier parts, even though there were very few juicy parts.  So here goes...

     -  Convention, Night One:

          No God in Pledge of Allegiance, and Trump sucks.

     -  Convention, Night Two:

          No God in Pledge of Allegiance, and Trump sucks, Big Time!  Everybody, especially Hollywood celebrities, are of the opinion that Trump really, REALLY sucks!  He sucked yesterday, he sucks today, and damn!  He's gonna' suck tomorrow, too...

     -  Convention, Night Three:

          No God in Pledge of Allegiance, and Joe Biden's a super nice guy, we know that because lots and lots of folks tell us so.  Kamala Harris is the first Southeast Asian-American woman whose family owned slaves to be picked as a V.P. candidate.  Fauxcahontas Liz Warren is once again declared a Native American.  Clinton's still not President although she claims to be, and Barry Obama is upset that Trump hasn't governed as a Liberal socialist Democrat.  

     -  Convention, Night Four:

          No God in Pledge of Allegiance, and America is a horrible, dark, scary, nasty, dirty, failing, dystopian wasteland where nobody has a job and people are dropping like flies from an out-of-control virus that Trump created.  America, where dreams are shattered by Orange Man Bad, who hates undocumented future voters, and there's no chance for us unless we frog-march him from the White House and run him out of town on a rail.  America, where guns are just awful, borders are even worse, and where we've gotta' tax the rich into the Stone Age.  America, where post offices are in favor for the very first time ever, but Trump's trying to take them all away and hide them in his back yard so we can't vote.  And America, where Joe Biden has told us he doesn't have Alzheimer's, dementia or Alzheimer's. 

Got it?  That's it.  I just saved you about 9 hours of finger nails-on-a-blackboard, wretch-inducing TV viewing that would have driven you into the depths of depression and just might have given you the heartbreak of psoriasis.  And what do I expect in return, fair reader?  All I ask is this:  

If you still intend to vote for Biden in November, tell me why without mentioning the name "Trump."

Thursday, August 20, 2020

A Few Pandemic Factoids...

 When the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus reared its ugly head, everyone began asking me, The Chuckmeister, how they should view it.

That's because my family and friends know that I spent a lifetime in the medical field making sick people well.  And a good portion of that time was spent in virology and epidemiology and multi organ-system antimicrobial therapy.

I also "identify" as an archeologist and a Shawnee shaman.  But that's for another screed.   

So I've often been asked if this whole virus thing is a Liberal scam (again), or if it's the first part of a viral s**tstorm so wild that the Book of Revelations tells us will kill one-third of the Earth's population.  

Of course, if you don't read the Bible, then you're safe.

The answer I've been giving since March, since this all began, has not changed.  It's was and is, this: "You've got about a one-in-one thousand chance of getting it, and if you get it, about a one-in-one thousand chance of dying from it."

Too simplistic?  Perhaps.  Just a prognostication borne of decades of experience.  And, as it turns out, one remarkably accurate (even a blind pig finds an acorn every now and again!).  For those in need of additional proof, here are the most recent statistics from the Centers for Disease Control    

                                          As of:  August 10, 2020

Total Tested:                                65,756,307

     Total Negative:                       59,867,907

     Negative %:                                         91%


Total Positive:                               5,888,400

     Positive %:                                            9%


Total Deaths:                                   161,842

     Death Rate (as % of positive):              2.75%

     Death Rate (as % of total tests):           0.25%


Population of the U.S.:             331,000,000

     Morality Rate:                                        0.04%


Chance of Not Dying From the Chinese Coronavirus:


Now, I know that my flip "one chance in one-thousand" comment was slightly off.  Yes it was.  But I'd offer up that is wasn't off by all that much...

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Getting More for Less...

You've no doubt read by now that New York City has voted to defund its police department to the tune of $One Billion Dollars.  That's approximately one-sixth of its entire budget.  The police were asking for more.  They just got less.

They say they're doing that to "improve the overall quality of community policing."  Hmmmm.

And Seattle just voted to reduce funding to their police department by some 10%, immediately, and reduce pay for their top 40 officers by 30%.  And then to reduce it even more next year.  

And Lost Angeles just voted to reduce funding to its police by more than $150 Million Dollars.  

And Portland just voted to reduce its police budget by 50%50%!  And one of the nine councilweenies there voted against the majority; she wanted to abolish police funding altogether.  Completely.  Entirely.  Hmmm...

Now, I know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but improving the quality of the services rendered by simply reducing the amount of money spent on them, and eliminating some of those charged with performing those services, seems counter-intuitive in the extreme.  But hey, that's just me.  So I got to thinking of other services we Americans enjoy and how such, ummm, "Progressive" thinking might serve to impact them were that same sort of thinking applied.  Here's a few I considered:

     -  It's kind of like improving the service at Home Depot by removing all of the shopping carts.  

     -  Like improving the service of American Airlines by making their planes smaller.  And slower.

     -  That's sort of like improving the quality of Baskin-Robbins by eliminating all of their ice cream flavors but vanilla.

     -  Sort of like improving the taste of breakfast at I-Hop by outlawing eggs.  

     -  And sort of like reducing the amount of pain in a surgical procedures by eliminating anasthesia.  

In short, if we can improve the services delivered by simply spending less on the responsible agency, how about expanding this remarkable new strategy to include another, even more important and expensive entity?  

How about we implement this strategy with the Congress of the United States of America?

America spends more than $4.5 Trillion Dollars a Year to operate our Government.  And a Big Chunk of that money goes to pay the feckless, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing legislators who decide how much and where and when to spend our money.  Being a Congressperson used to be Big Deal.  Now?  Take a look at Alexandria Occasional-Cortex if you'd like to know.  

So I suggest we apply the "reduced police funding principal" to Congress.  I suggest we immediately reduce the number of senators from two per state to one.  There are 100 now, let's take it down to 50 and just watch services improve!

And then I suggest we reduce the number of elected state Representatives from 425, the current number, to say 100.  That's two per state, more perhaps even than they really need.  Since they don't do anything anyway, except show up for their nightly time slot on MSNBC and CNN, that is, service will surely improve, just as it has(n't) in soon-to-be police-free Portland.  

Seattle and Portland and Austin and Kansas City and New York City and Baltimore and San Francisco tell us they need fewer police, and need for their police to do fewer things.  I say, give them what they want!  I say to the Portland and Seattle police departments, "blue flu" is in!  I'm one of those folks who believe, "if a little bit is good, a whole lot just has to be better!"  Just don't show up for work tomorrow and see how much better your department's service truly becomes!

And on the way out that gauzy, ephemeral, digital door, I would say, if you don't think service would improve if Congress left town, THEY'VE ALREADY LEFT TOWN!  There's nobody left in D.C.!  They're on vacation while America is hungry and broke and unemployed.  In a pandemic.  

And it would be hard to make that up even if you really tried...  

Sunday, August 16, 2020

"E Pluribus Pluribus"

Our National Motto is "E Pluribus Unum."  That means, "Out of many, one."  

That's what America was supposed to be.  That's what America used to be.  It's even on our money!

I'm guessing it should now reasonably be changed to "E Pluribus Pluribus," for "Out of many, many."  For that's the way America is today, unfortunately.  

America was a Grand Experiment.  That's what they called it way back then.  For there never has been a country like America in all of human history.  A country based upon these immutable facts alone; we are all created equal, under God, and everyone is equal under the law.  That's it.  No factions, no little groups, no exceptions.

No "identity groups."  No "slicing and dicing" in order to pit one sub-group against another.  No Blacks, and Whites, and Reds and Yellows.  No rich and poor and young and old and urban and country.  Just Americans.  

America so enthralled a famed French philosopher and economist back in the 18th century, a guy named Alexis de Toqueville, that he wrote a book about our then nascent young country.  He predicted that the only thing that could destroy our American Dream was from the inside.  He feared our success could prove to be our undoing.  In fact, his opined that America could well cease to be as a Nation if politicians discovered they could buy votes using other taxpayers' money.  Ummm, gulp!  

I think we're there, Pilgrim!      

Those on our political "Right," conservatives and Republicans they are, wish us to continue as originally configured.  They seek to unite disparate groups into proud folks whose one common denominator is being "Americans."  No "hyphenated" Americans.  No Blacks, No Whites, no Reds or Yellows.  No rich, no poor, no urban or country.  Just Americans.  

And by my way of thinking, no "African-Americans."  Just "Americans."  I say, pick one.  Either be "African" or "American."  If you want the hyphen, I say, you've picked the wrong country in which to live.

But those on the political "Left," Liberals and Democrats and Progressives and socialists and Marxists and communists and those who scream at people in ice cream shops for not wearing their masks, are working hard to deconstruct us into little groups with individual interests, all fighting with each other for dominance.  For political and economic control.  For wealth!  For power!  One "identity" against another.  It's not pretty, folks.

Nor will it be.  So long as a Black man in Detroit is made to believe by opportunistic Democrat leadership that a White man in Rapid City, South Dakota has taken, or has been given, his share of the pie, we're destined for failure as a society.  

There is no "zero sum-gain," as then-POTUS Jimmuh Carter once called it.  There's just freedom for everyone to achieve according to his and her talents and abilities.  That's called "capitalism."  That little word enabled the founders of Apple to create an entire new industry and untold wealth for its shareholders.  NOTE:  The Apple folks didn't take anything from anyone in order to create their company.  They did not take a poor Black Arkansas sharecropper's mule in order to make their tony little phone.  It was all new ideas, all new technology, and all newly created wealth.

And BTW, not just Apple.  Include in this crowd MicroSoft, Amazon, Twitter, Instagram, etc., etc., etc...

Of course, there are those who don't believe in capitalism.  There are those who wish to be given instead of earning.  For those I say, good luck.  You will not prosper in a Country designed around our Constitutional freedoms.  Remember, you have the Right to "Life, liberty and the pursuit of freedom."  You have to pursue it; it doesn't fall into your lap while watching a Jerry Springer re-run.  You'll just have heartache until you figure out it's easier and quicker and more profitable to cast aside socialism, embrace capitalism and start your own record of success.  

On the way out the digital door, let me just add that if you choose to believe those who promise that we can tax the rich so very much that you won't have to work for a living, let me offer up one of my favorite quotes:

     "Trying to make a poor man rich by making a rich man poor is like standing in a bucket and trying to lift oneself up by the handles."

                                        -  Sir Winston Churchill  

Friday, August 14, 2020

"A Woman of Color"

So I've got this question:  Is a "Woman of Color" the same thing as a "Colored Woman?"  And similarly, is a "Community of Color" a "Colored Community?"  And is a "Colored Man" a Man of Color?"  And are "People of Color" the same thing as "Colored People?" 

Why are we wasting all those prepositions?

I'm not real smart so I don't stay up with all the latest names we mere mortals are permitted to call each other now without getting in trouble with the Speech Police, or getting  - Heaven-forbid - "cancelled," so I need help from you, my trusty readers.

You'll have to cut me some slack, fellow Pilgrims.  When I was coming up back in the Midwest we called "Black" people either "Negroes" or "Colored."  And they called themselves either "Negroes" or "Colored."  For that's what they were.  And folks like me were called "Caucasians."  For that's what we were.  We were not called "White," just as our "Black" friends were not called "Black."  And "Indians" (now officially "Indigenous Personages") were not called "Red," and the Chinese and Japanese and Koreans were not called "Yellow."

In fact, until a few Black Olympic athletes stood with their fists high in the air at a medal ceremony in Mexico City, proclaiming their "Black Power," using the term "Black" for Black people was a major league No-No.

But I've been assaulted over the past day or so with the term "Woman of Color" at least 300 times.  That term has been used all over the "MainStreamMedia" to describe Joe Biden's new V.P. running mate, Kamala Harris.  And she is.  A "Woman of Color," that is.  But she's also a "Colored Woman."  Just as a "Community of Color" is a "Colored Community," and a "Man of Color" is a "Colored Man."  And torturing the English language to within a semi-colon of its very life to try and make the term more important, or more exalted, or more socially acceptable just doesn't get it with me.  

BTW, Kamala Harris is not an "African-American."  She's an "Asian American."  Her mother is from India, a part of the Asian Subcontinent, and her father is from Haiti.  No Africans anywhere in her curriculum vitae.  Well, except for the fact that her father's relative, a guy named Hamilton Brown, owned about 200 African slaves back in the early 1800's, that is.  And several plantations.  He even has a town named after him ("Brown's Town").  So her people have owned more slaves than my people.  Should I be jealous?  And I don't know whether she gets a hyphen with that "Asian American" thing, either, so let me know if you have a clue.

And BTW again, how'd "African-Americans" get two names...and a hyphen?  Do I instantly become an "Irish-American?"  No.  No, I don't.  Because I'm not special, like "African-Americans," I guess.  Is it just me, or do you think these folks should either choose to be an "American," or choose to be an "African," but not both?  Either or, they should choose.  And at the very least, lose the hyphen!

And on my way out the digital door, you'll recall that Ms. Harris' Party has continually accused Trump of being both racist and sexist.  However, you might want to remember that she was chosen for this "historical honor" to run for Vice President based solely on her race and her sex...

So I'd like to know if I have the freedom to call Ms. Harris a "Colored Woman?"  And if not, why not?  After all, I'm a "Colored Man!"  Beige, my friends, is a color...

(BTW, it's a true joy to be able to write exactly what I think, whenever I think it, without fear of losing my job or being socially ostracized.  I'm retired and live alone, so that fate has already befallen me.  Plus, I have a rapier wit and am willing to unleash it against all foes foreign and domestic.  And I'm also armed and considered extremely dangerous.  So whaddaya' gonna' do to silence me, commie pinko left-wing weenies?)

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

"Escape From Seattle"

I dunno' about you, but I just cannot wait to see the movie!  You know, the one our friends in Hollywood will soon make about the seizure of a sizable chunk of Seattle by Marxist revolutionaries on June 10th, 2020?  It will be truly something.  A glorious Marxist paradise, a true Utopia, smack dab in the middle of Seattle!  The new "Summer of Love," it was called.  What's not to like?  People playing and singing and dancing!  It was called "CHAZ."  Oh no, wait.  They changed the name to "CHOP," I think.  Hmmmm...

And then the people started getting beat up and robbed and raped and shot.  Not a good look...

That whole sordid chapter in how-not-to-run-a-city reminds me of the movie "Escape From New York."  And it was soon followed, you might recall, by the sequel, "Escape From Los Angeles."  It was the story of "Snake" Plotkin, played by famed actor Kurt Russell.  He was an old west gunslinger-type writ into a dystopic future epic, where warlords had occupied major cities and were purging all opposing viewpoints with extreme prejudice.  

See anything remotely familiar here, Pilgrim?

Anyway, Snake decides to fight his way out of first NYC and then L.A., just like so many of Seattle's soon-to-be-ex-residents are preparing to do.  And Portland, too, me thinks.  That's because ordinary tax-paying citizens just aren't hep to black-clad thugs setting their businesses on fire.  Kind of rude, doncha' think?  And beating their residents over the head.  And blinding cops with lasers.  And looting department stores for anything that can be carried in an effort to snag some of those "reparations."  

And all of this would not have been possible without the feckless "leadership" of the mayors of Seattle and Portland.  And New York City, of course.  Let's not forget NYC.  It's Mayor, Bill De Blasio (real name: Warren Wilhelm, Jr.), has (mis)managed to turn this once Safest Big City in America into a veritable wasteland.  A mere shadow of its former greatness.  A hollowed-out shell of the once-vibrant economic engine of our Great Country.  Store after store looted and pillaged and often burned.  Every other storefront is covered over with plywood, its owners no doubt trying to plan their own "escape" from New York.

Downtown NYC looks like a West Virginian's meth addict's mouth; every other business closed.  I wonder why there's been no reporting on that by the so-called "MainStreamMedia?"  No video at all.  It's almost as if the MSM folks don't want you average Americans to know that anarchists have taken over a dozen of our oldest and biggest and "bluest" cities are are tearing them down one brick at a time.     

So far more than 1,000 buildings have been trashed in Minneapolis.  More than 500 in NYC.  Portland has undergone nightly riots for 75 days now.  Night falls, protesters protest, then Antifa vandals join in on the action, and start throwing rocks and chunks of concrete and frozen bottles of water at anyone who moves.  They start blinding cops with lasers and setting fires and accosting and robbing and beating other protesters.  I keep thinking about the folks who live and work there; how do they feel about all of this?  How do they feel about having their lives and their economic futures turned upside down in an instant?  I haven't seen any news reports about these folks, have you?

Anyway, I'm sure Kurt Russell is writing the screenplay right about now.  "Escape: Part 3" is just around the corner, me thinks.  Russell will play Snake, of course.  And I'm thinking maybe Little Mikey Moore should play the evil, heartless War Lord who's taken over the Town.  And since the Election will be over by then, how about Michigan Governor Whitmer for the female lead?  We'll turn her into a cruel, whip-cracking, cat suit-clad dominatrix who falls for Snake.  That shouldn't take too much acting, me thinks.

And maybe we cast San Fran Nan Pelosi as President.  She's always wanted that job, and often pretends daily that she already has it, so it shouldn't be much of a stretch for good ol' Nan.  She'll try in the film to negotiate, unsuccessfully, Snake's release from Evil Mikey's custody without having to first clean the poop up off the streets of San Francisco. 

And to bring up the end, so to speak, we'll hire Sen. Chuck Schumer to play the part of Seattle's Police Commissioner.  It will be his job to explain how Snake managed to escape his custody, before being then savaged and tortured and strung up by the mob.

Maybe "Escape: 3" will resonate with the Hollywood crowd.  Maybe we'll soon see what it was like on the inside of this whole "CHOP/CHAD" phenomenon.  Maybe we'll come to know how the leaders of a once-beautiful city decided to permit its destruction to play out *LIVE* on national television. 

In the meantime, those who've yet to be negatively impacted by this whole Antifa/BLM movement are girding for battle.  Or, they've decided to run for the hills before their lives are similarly negatively impacted.  What's that sound we hear?  It's the roll-up door on the back of U-Haul trucks as they slam shut in preparation for their trip East on the I-10.  On their way to somewhere - anywhere - in an effort to escape anarchy...    

Monday, August 10, 2020

The Day the Shark Got Jumped...

Listen up, fellow Patriots!  You're going to learn about the absolute dumbest, stupidest, most ridiculous and foolish effort by a committed Marxist dweeb to "cancel" the Constitution, throw a bomb into a reelection campaign, and give the finger to America's gun owners, all in one tawdry lawsuit. 

The Facts:  New York State's Attorney General Lititia James just sued the National Rifle Association, it's management and its Board.  
Her 177-page lawsuit says she wants to put its leaders in jail and make the entire organization go away.  


She campaigned for her office back in 2018 promising to "get" Donald J. Trump and to put the "terrorist" NRA out of business.  She's so far failed to accomplish the former, but she's still dead-set on accomplishing the latter.

Yes, fellow Patriots, those of us in the know have known for years, nay for decades, that the Democrats (Liberals, Progressives, socialists, communists, Marxists, squishy weenies, etc.) wish to disarm the American public (defenseless people are sooooo much more compliant!).  All one has to do is to review the rash of legislation and litigation over the past few years to know that anything that can be pointed and goes "boom," is on the Liberals' hit list.  California, as a (sad) example passes an average of 9 new pieces of anti-gun legislation each year.   

But what we do know is that so-called "blue" states, those owned and controlled for decades by far-Left Democrats, New York being a prime example, wishes desperately to outlaw guns.  And, the organization that represents the folks who own them, as well.  That would be me and (hopefully) you.  New York passed a law last year that attempted to force the NRA's liability insurance provider to stop selling it coverage (tortious interference, perhaps?).  Without liability insurance it could not continue in business.  Her intention, no doubt.  They were able to secure alternate coverage just prior to having to pull the plug.  Yeah, that's pretty low...

And we know that NY, like another dozen or so deep "blue" states, have outlawed, or severely limited access to, so-called "assault weapons."  Those are the scary-looking black sporting rifles, of which there are more than 15 million currently owned, that are almost never used in mass shootings, but that trigger Leftists into throws of angst and anger and self-flaggelation.  

(NOTE:  Rifles and other long guns are used in less than 3% of all shootings.*)  

But that's not enough.  Just outlawing the most popular Modern Sporting Rifles, which is what these semi-automatic weapons are called, isn't enough.  Not nearly.  NY's Attorney General has not only sued the NRA's leadership for all sorts of waste and fraud and abuse, but she's also demanded that the NRA be shut down!  Put out of business!  Eliminated!  Dissolved!  

A bit extreme, don't you think?  So much so that New Yorkers' gun purchases are up 121% over the same time a year ago. **

The NRA's President, Carolyn Meadows, she of the female persuasion, calls the action "...a baseless, premeditated attack, designed to suppress our members' 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights."  She could have also added that it's a cheap political trick with no chance of success (it's already been appealed), designed to score points with the Liberal press and Democrat voters and nobody else, while also costing the NRA loads of money it just might have donated to Trump's campaign.  

She could have added that, but she didn't.  I just did...

For purposes of background, the National Rifle Association is the oldest and largest 501(c)(3) Public Benefit Corporation in the United States.  It was incorporated on November 17, 1871, and has been representing the goals and objectives of its 2nd Amendment Member advocates ever since.  It exists to assist gun owners in firearm training, school safety and safe usage, and nothing more.  And there are currently more than 5 million of them!  And they all pay annual dues!  And if you really, REALLY wanted to energize 5 million, dues-paying firearm advocates, of which there are more than 100 million, I cannot think of a better way to do so than for an avowed Leftist to try and shut down the organization to which they belong.  Can you?

Every one of those 5 million dues-paying members has friends and family and co-workers and acquaintances over whom they hold sway.  Wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins of gun owners are influenced by them, and therefore tend to vote pro-gun.  It's been estimated that up to 15 million prospective voters are therefore so influenced, and they are therefore likely to be pro-gun, pro-2nd Amendment, and pro-Republican.  And they vote!  

BTW, just over 60 million voters elected our last POTUS.  A 15 million voter bloc is substantial...

So if you really wanted to supercharge a special interest group, firearm owners in this case, simply try to put their main organization out of business.  This would be like the Alabama Attorney General suing to put Planned Parenthood out of businessFor purely political reasons.  After all, trying to destroy an organization 90 days before a General Election, when the members of that organization are expected to vote against your candidate, as is the case here, and hamstring it with legal machinations and burden it with an absurd amount of legal costs, is nothing if not a neon-bright signal that this A.G. and her Party cares not a whit about the law or the people she's sworn to protect and serve.  Rather, she's announced publicly that she is trying to silence the voices of a group that doesn't share her ideology.  This, fellow Patriots, is the "cancel culture" on steroids.  Have we really been reduced to this, people?  Have we gotten to the point where politicians will actually state, out loud, that they intend to violate both the spirit and the intent of not only their oath of office, but of impending legislation?  

Yes, I'm sorry to say that we have...

By this action she's "jumped the shark."  (Google that if you need to know the reference.)  "August 6, 2020."  Mark that date down for future reference.  It will be remembered as the day the 2020 General Election really got started, and the day Joe Biden's chances at becoming POTUS...began to crater.  Badly...

Me thinks this may have been an "October surprise."  In early August...

*     FBI statistics, March, 2019.
**    FBI statistics, June, 2020

Saturday, August 8, 2020

An Open Letter...

This is an Open Letter to the NFL, the NBA, NASCAR, MLB and all other professional sports franchises:

For whatever reason, fear most likely, you've all decided to roll over for "Black Lives Matter."  You've decided that your players should no longer be required to stand with their hands over their hearts when the National Anthem is played and the American Flag waves.  One would have thought such a requirement unnecessary.  

You would have thought so, but you would be wrong... 

Here's the deal; Even though you and your players may never have served in the Armed Forces of the United States, more than 22 million of your fellow Americans have.  And about 1.4 million are currently serving on active duty, which represents about 0.5% of our population.  Roughly 2 million women are U. S. military veterans, which is about 1.4% of our population.  But considering that 22 million number above, that means that some 7.3% of all the men and women in the United States have served our Great Country.

And that 7.3% had mothers, and fathers, and sons and daughters, and uncles and aunts and cousins.  And they had neighbors and co-workers and friends and customers and employees.  In short, the millions and millions who have served over the decades have had a significant influence over other members of our population.  Tens of millions, perhaps.  I would guess that 7.3% number could easily double when such influence is considered.  Influence over how they lived, and thought, and voted.  And I believe it could be comfortably stated that each of these patriots have saluted our Flag and reveled in our National Anthem.   

And I'm one of them. 

And to a man, and a woman, they all wrote a blank check to the People of the United States of America for an amount up to and including their lives.  They chose to serve this Great Country, usually for pay far less than they could have earned in other endeavors.  But they chose to serve America anyway, and all of its citizens, no matter their race, color, creed or national origin.  They served to try and keep us all safe from enemies foreign and domestic.  They served so that today's professional athletes could live and love and work in freedom.    

Freedom for which they paid not one single dime.  

And yet, despite all of this, despite owing a debt which can never be repaid, these athletes have chosen to endorse an organization dedicated to the overthrow of the United States.  To the destruction of the American family.  To the defeat of Israel.  To the end of ownership of private property.  To the end of capitalism.  And they have chosen to kneel when their Country's National Anthem plays and its Flag waves.  And in so doing they are broadcasting their disrespect for their Country far and wide, and for the men and women who have served it and its People with dedication.

And most especially for those who have died trying...  

And don't try to tell me that this show of contempt is for some other social justice rationale.  They could easily conduct such a display in the locker room before the game, or in the parking lot after the game, or in a local church at any other time besides during the playing of our Anthem.  It is the pure act of doing so which enrages and saddens the millions of veterans who have fought for the Country it symbolizes.  Choosing to kneel only when the Anthem is played is nothing less than giving Americans, and most particularly American veterans, the finger.  And don't think it goes unnoticed...

Professional sports is supposed to be a respite from the myriad demands of everyday life.  We sports enthusiasts are not looking to a basketball or baseball game, or a NASCAR race, for a sermon, or a life lesson, or to be condescended to by some multi-millionaire athlete.  And I dare say if you persist in this thoughtless action you've undertaken, you will all learn a hard lesson for yourselves...

Oh, by the way, if you owners chose to embrace "Black Lives Matters" out of fear, considering that 13.4% of the population is Black, consider that just about that same percentage are U. S. military veterans and their families and friends and those they influence.  

Hmmm.  You're afraid of the 13.4% of our population which is Black.  Perhaps your fear is misplaced...

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Elderly Anarchy...

Hey old folks!  I dunno' about you, but I'm beginning to think we ought to start some semi-rioting!  And quasi-looting!  And engaging in some elderly anarchy!  Arson is, of course, optional...  

Oh, I know we're kind of "up there" in age, so full scale looting and burning and rioting like they're doing up there in Seattle and Portland and NYC takes waaaay too much effort and energy!   Waaaay more energy than we've got enough Ensure to fuel!  So I figured we should come up with a little plan that enables us, the folks who built this fine Country, to get our share of the booty.  

First of all, I've got to say that I am one surprised senior to note that breaking and entering and looting and stealing and even arson is no longer illegal.  If it were, they'd be arresting those nice folks in Lost Angeles and New Yawk City and Portland and Seattle.  Sometime or other when we weren't looking they changed the laws.  They must have, because what used to be the law is no longer followed.  So fellow Old Folks, we're among the very first to notice this, so we're in on the Ground Floor, so to speak.

The "ground floor" of the local department store!  Bwa ha ha ha!  

So what I'm proposing is that we sort of sneak in behind these nice "Black Lives Matters" Marxists who are rioting all thither and yon and grab a little stuff for ourselves, doncha' think?  I mean, we're being arrested for trying to attend church services.  Or go to the beach.  Or visit the gym.  Or get our hair cut.  Soooo, we might as well do something previously considered illegal, which obviously is illegal no longer.  And we've got to have something to do while waiting for our 4:00 p.m. early-evening seating at the local Sizzler.

I mean, think about it:  Things have gotten so far out of hand that we now have White people excoriating White people about their Whiteness!

So, church and the gym and the beach and a haircut is bad, rioting and looting and burning and anarchy is good.  So let's stop obeying the law, and start acting like our "preferred class" of "Antifa" and "Black Lives Matters" Marxists!  I mean, think about it!  If a bunch of riotous thugs can start breaking things, and setting fires, and stealing flat screen TV's, and nobody stops them, then breaking things becomes the norm.  So now that it's the norm, I want my share.  Just call me Norm!  Ha ha ha ha!  

Ha ha ha ha ha!

And I know you do too.  And if you live in California or New York, where there's no more cash bail, you're in luck.  Even if they catch us they have to immediately let us go!  Just like that guy in Glendora, Taxifornia, who stole three different cars between midnight on one day and noon the very next!  Three in 12 hours!  Isn't that some kind of new record?  This gives "catch and release" an entirely new meaning!

So this we know:  It's now no longer illegal to do those things which used to be legal.  Down is up and up is down.  It's Bizarro World, people!  Taxifornia is letting felons out of prison by the thousands!  It just let another 8,000 felons out of prison due to the Chinese Coronavirus, it said.  That's on top of the 64,000 last year!  So what do we have to worry about?  If we get caught, nada!  

BTW, if masks worked, why didn't the once-Golden State of California issue masks to its imprisoned felons instead of releasing them?  Yeah, why?

So I'm thinking we put together a little Club.  I'm thinking we call it the "Old Folks Grab and Dash Club."  Or the "Five Fingers Discount Club."  Or maybe the "Anarchy for Fun and Profit Club."  We fill a few camper vans with the elderly and head on off to the nearest "peaceful protest."  That's what the Democrats call riots these days.  Heh, heh.  And when the vandals start looting and burning and rioting, we'll sneak in right behind them when nobody's looking and pick up their leavings.  They get the big screen TV's, we get the smartphones.  They get the cases of liquor, we get a couple of six-packs.  You get the idea.  (We couldn't carry the cases of liquor anyway!)  Let's kind of make a sport of it!  Let's go forth knowing that it's no longer cool to sit at home and stew over events that one cannot control.  It's time to get in on the act!  We may have been too timid or scared to participate in those riots of the 60's and 70's, so we now another another chance!  Do your part to help America deconstruct, today!  

And remember, if you get caught, just tell the Fuzz, "Blue Lives Matter."  And, since you'll be the only one anywhere around on their side, they'll probably let you go...

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Whatever Happened to America?

While we weren't looking, America, we went from a nation just cruising along, enjoying our preeminent place in the world, applauding our historic high stock market valuation and low unemployment rate, reveling in our newfound position as the world's largest producer of fossil fuels, and all of a sudden, 


I'll willingly offer up at this point to anyone who cares that the events of the past four months have left me gobsmacked! 

I would have never predicted any aspect of what we've all experienced and are experiencing.  And I doubt you would have either.  First, who predicts a pandemic?  There's never been one in our lifetimes, so predicting that one would occur would be a pretty bad bet.  And whether it was unleashed upon us intentionally, or by accident, at this point matters not.  It happened.  And we're fighting it.   

Second, who would have predicted that a rogue cop would kill a Black felon and ignite a firestorm of racial angst?  Not just that a rogue cop would kill a Black felon, as I'm sure that happens every now and then.  And so does a Black cop killing a White felon.  Same deal, pretty much.  But rather that this particular rogue cop would kill this particular Black felon, at a particular time extremely convenient if one were planning to start a revolution.   

It's as if a plug was pulled and a well-spring of vicious, destructive, nasty, mean-spirited anger and hate, supplied by a legion of disaffected, mainly-White youth, with no apparent rhyme or reason, was Hellishly unleashed upon all of us.

And who besides me thinks this whole thing was carefully planned and orchestrated by those who wish to destroy America?  By those just waiting for an event they could use to start their revolution?  Riots don't take place in only Democrat-run cities - on command - if those riots were unplanned.  The events that unfolded following Floyd's killing, in my opinion, removes all doubt...

Remember?  Two days after George Floyd died, May 27th, 38 Democrat-led cities were simultaneously attacked.  From Seattle to New York City, thousands of black-clad criminals rioted and looted and burned and pillaged.  Not in Republican cities, mind you, just those owned and operated by Democrats.  Democrats who put up no resistance to this shocking level of violence and destruction.  And most still haven't...  

This shocking level of violence is still on display in a number of Democrat-run cities as this is written.  Not available for your viewing, I'd add about here, because all but one or two "MainStreamMedia" (MSM) channels refuse to even hint that it exists.  They all call it "peaceful protesting."  So far we've had more than 1,000 of our cops injured and 18 killed in riots since Floyd died.  Is that "peaceful protesting?" Keep ignoring that, MSM...  

But as what Rush Limbaugh calls a "seasoned citizen," and as a guy who's worn the uniform and stands for the Flag, I have to confess that my absolute least likely prediction, ever, would have been that an entire generation of Americans would appear to absolutely hate it.  To seemingly detest the core principals that have heretofore united our Great Country.  "E Pluribus Unum."  From many, one.  I guess the Democrats changed it while we weren't looking, to "E Pluribus...Pluribus." 

I don't know about you, but I would never have guessed that millions of our young people would actually show disdain for the Country that gave them life and guaranteed them freedom.  And they seem surprised that some of us are shocked at their actions. 

And I'm surprised that they're surprised!  

When did we stop teaching patriotism?  Or even "civics" in general?  Did this failure occur in the home?  Or has it been in our schools?  Or both?  I tend to think that our schools are the primary culprits.*  If you consider that the administrators of our schools are likely of an age to have been a part of that "summer of love" anarchy back in the 60's and 70's, and that they proudly expressed their embrace of socialism and Marxism and even communism back then, they're now in a position to promote those same anti-American leanings they never lost, to teachers under their leadership who've been trained to dislike America from their freshman year in college.

Example:  The teachers and students of Saint Junipero Serra High School in the San Franpoopco Bay area first voted to change their school's name.  And then after that, their teachers helped them tear down Serra's statue... 

A friend confided in me the other day.  He said his daughter was a good, solid, Flag-waving patriot until he sent her off to college.  What he got back, he said, was something quite different...   

So while parents have been dutifully working and saving and paying their taxes so they could send their kids off to college, those colleges have been turning out little Marxists year-after-year.  And the events of the past four months have given us our first indication that the America we thought we had, we no longer have...

Tearing down statues.  Burning churches.  Looting department stores.  Wounding, and even killing, cops.  Is this what we've been paying for?  Is this what we've been working for?  Is this what our Fighting Forces fought and died for?  Is this what we want for our Country?  For our kids?  Are we proud of how this looks to those in other countries?  I think not...

Perhaps if we stopped paying an extra $600 a week, over and above normal state unemployment, in effect paying people not to work, these same rioters and looters and arsonists would have no choice but to leave their parents' basements and go back to work...

I believe that those of us who love America had best be on guard.  Our Country is under attack.  The beginnings of a full-fledged revolution are now underway.  Unless we salvage what's left of America, now, while we still have the chance, by whatever means necessary, I fear for our tomorrows... 

*  As per the FBI, "schoolteacher" is now the number one vocation of those arrested in recent "peaceful protests."  Let that sink in...