Sunday, February 23, 2020


I watched the Democrat 2020 debate for candidate for President of the United States on TV the other night.

Yes, I really, really did.

I must say that doing so was gut-wrenching.  This docudrama was produced and directed by a make-believe cable news channel called MSNBC, and their used-to-be actual broadcast news channel NBC.  It's actually 24/7 hate-Trump forevah non-stop that some people actually watch.  And, believe it or not, believe...

On the stage tonight was, ummm, no...flags.  No American flags.  No flags from any country.  No flags. This is America.  We ALWAYS display our pride in America by displaying our flag.  I find that strange.  And disconcerting.  Do you as well?  

Also, my fellow Patriots, I must opine in my usual snarkiness that this "Jerry Springer" of a "news" channel did an absolute asinine job of conducting the debate.  It seemed that the panelists were awkward in the way they conducted the questioning, and certainly the candidates were awkward in the way they responded.  And within seconds it devolved into a shouting match that lasted two hours.  In short, it was five people who were afraid time was running out, and a new guy with more money than God who was there to enforce that notion.

My observances, right to left, stream-of-conciousness:

Amy Klobuchar:  Mary Tyler Moore not only showed up for the debate, she's from the same town (Minnneeeappullous).  She's the only one who has a semblance of "moderation" in the crowd, such as it is, which will likely assure her impending defeat.  Which will be also blamed upon sexism.

Pete Bootygagg:  Howdy Doody came to debate.  Or Mad Magazine's "Alfred E. Neuman," as The Donald prefers.  He's smarter than you, better educated than you, better looking than you, more holy than you, and even gayer than you.  And he'll be proud to tell you about it all day long.  So there...

Joe Biden:  Could this guy be stretched any tighter?  His last face lift left him unable to connect his mind with his mouth, apparently.  He kept interrupting himself, stumbling and  mumbling, spewing out incomprehensible nonsense, reminding me of crazy old Uncle Fred who we pray doesn't show up for Thanksgiving dinner, but unfortunately does.  Somebody ought to tell him to go on home, mix a highball and hit the Barcalounger...

Bernie Sanders:  Good ol' Bernie was on fire the other night!  He's gonna' take all the rich folks' money and spread it liberally (liberally, get it?) all around in exchange for your vote.  Well, not YOUR vote, because you know better.  But the votes of those who want everything for nothing.  Ummm, Bernie, that would be a quid-pro-quo, wouldn't it?

Elizabeth Warren:  This redskin was on the warpath!  She was pissed at everyone, and let them all know it!  She barked and scowled and hissed and moaned!  Man, it was fun to watch!  She was so afraid she's losing that she's going to take everybody down with her, starting with the Mini Mogul!  This was everyone's prissy 8th grade teacher who continually bitched at you for not trying hard enough in school...

Mike Bloomberg:  America's 8th richest man and America's only Republican, and Democrat, and Independent Mayor of New York City in history, all wrapped into one very small package.  But now he's sunk some $500 Million Dollars into trying to also become POTUS.  Based on his laughably poor showing at the debate, he should just go ahead and fire his financial advisor before he gets in too much deeper...

So there you have it, fine friends and fellow Patriots.  This was by far the best of the 39 debates the Democrats have conducted thus far, if only because we knew they really disliked each other, deep down, and now they've finally proven it.  And we learned also something we already knew; they, the Democrats, apparently cannot decide between socialism and capitalism, and they unanimously hate Trump.  I'm guessing that the internecine war unfolding between the various factions of this fractured Party may well send it into a contested convention this summer.  

And I, for one, cannot wait...

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