Thursday, December 26, 2019

Things I Don't Quite Understand...

As we head into a brand-spanking New Year, there's a lot of stuff going on these days that I just do not quite understand.  

Yes I, The Chuckmeister, internationally recognized professional at understanding all sorts of stuff, a guy who identifies as knowing almost everything worth knowing, am now faced with a number of items that leave me all flummoxed.  Completely dumbfounded!  Things that are, however in my worthy opinion, shouldn't be.  Circumstances that shouldn't exist, but for some strange  And I'm about to cast the harsh light of day thereupon (yes, I am a wordsmith).  Here goes... 

I don't understand why so-called "celebrities" continue to make it a point to publicly and loudly endorse positions that alienate half the Country.  And I don't care which position they endorse.  Why, I would ask, does a celeb who depends on ticket sales, or album purchases, or movie attendances to fund their extravagant, high-zoot lifestyles, intentionally piss off half of the people, those out there in "flyover country," who just might attend that concert or buy their CD or see their flick?  

The only answer I can conjure up is that they're either (a), shockingly ignorant, meaning they don't know any better, as in, never having been so schooled, or (b), just plain dumb.  As a bag of rocks, dumb.  Take your pick.  They're both pretty bad...      

I find it strange that every single time some disaffected, anti-social miscreant picks up a gun and shoots somebody with it, or several somebodies, a legion of Left-wing gun-haters will pass a raft of new laws making it tougher for law-abiding citizens who had nothing at all to do with the shooting to buy, use and keep firearms.  And that's so even in spite of the iron-clad guarantees afforded each American Citizen under the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.  


Think about it:  Crime goes up, so politicians make legally obtaining firearms...harder.  Whaaaat?  

*  We all (should) know that the top 1% of our income earners pay more than 29% of all our income taxes.  And that the top 5% pay more than 49%!  And that the bottom 47% of all our wage-earners pay no income taxes at allZero.  So it would seem when our Democrat 2020 POTUS candidates all call for a more fair and equal income distribution, the people who are paying all the freight might agree with them.

So when Liz (Fauxchahontas) Warren calls for the "tippy top" earners to pay their "fair share," the "tippy top" folks might just want to vote for her.  Either that, or take their cash and move to Belize, or Panama, or Costa Rica...

I don't understand why those who believe we face an "existential threat," as the Leftoids like to call it, over so-called "global warming," or "climate change," or whatever they're choosing to call it these days, don't direct their rage toward the folks who are actually causing their butt-hurt.  China and India together are responsible for more than 50% of all atmospheric pollutants.  The U.S. produces less than 13%!  Yet, we never, EVER hear a call from these climate alarmists for China or India to stop polluting.  Ever!

Ask yourself, when was the last time you saw a protest by climate alarmists against China or India?

Are they unaware that they're focusing their attention where it doesn't belong?  Or are they afraid of the backlash?  Or do they just hate America that much?  Or are they just too damn stupid to know it?  

Greta, can you hear me? 

I can't figure out why, when American finally has become a net petroleum products EXPORTER, as in oil and gas, which we have, more than any other country on Earth, some folks are choosing to buy those plug-in electric cars.  They cost much more to buy, require a costly in-home charging apparatus, have batteries that will need expensive replacement, lose more than 40% of their efficiency and range in cold weather, pose significant risks to first responders in accidents (can't use Jaws of Life), have poor resale value and require a charging network availability that may be inconvenient to their travel plans.  

Yet, you see plenty of $140,000 Tesla Model S's on the streets around here.  I think that little factoid just might prove to be a measure of how vibrant our economy has become under Trump.  Either that or how stupid people who buy electric cars really are...

I don't quite understand why our so-called "MainStreamMedia finds it difficult to believe that more than half of our population now thinks they're a bunch of biased, Left-wing zealots who harbor a deep-seated desire to destroy Republicans and conservatives at every level.  And why they try and deny that they're in lock-step politically with the Democrats and "Progressives" and Liberals in nearly every instance.  And why America is now just dismissing them and what they say and that for which they stand.

One would think they'd try and disguise their contempt for that half of the populace who inhabit "flyover country," even if only to pursue possibly increased ratings.  But considering that some of the talking heads on cable TV are near socialists, or even outright communists (think Lawrence O'Donnell), I'd think it would accrue to their benefit to just lie.  I mean, they're lying all day every day to us anyway, why not just try on a different lie for a change?

And just before heading out the proverbial door, I'd lastly like to say there's something else I just don't quite understand.  Why, I wonder, was a good portion of the Obama Administration's entire, 8-year policy effort geared toward enabling men to take a pee in girls' restrooms?  What possible political advantage did they think they'd gain from trying to erase the differences between men and women?  Between the sexes?  Why?  Were they simply going after the votes of the 1% of the population that's transgender or pedophiles?  Me thinks they might want to target a larger...and less controversial...potion of our electorate.

But hey, that's just me...

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