Friday, November 22, 2019

The Largest Army in America...

You might be interested to know that more than 642,000 people applied for hunting tags for last year's Wisconsin deer season.  642,000!  Surprised?

And more than 738,000 applied for deer tags in Texas, the largest annual deer hunt in the nation.  And more than 501,000 in Missouri.  And 586,000 in Michigan.  And 574,000 in Colorado.  And 367,000 in Illinois.  600,000 in Minneesssowwwwtta.  And 353,000 in Georgia.  And That, my friends, is a lot of deer hunters to-be (Dept. of the Interior, 2019).

And many, many more signed up for hunts in Nebraska, and Kansas, and Idaho, and Montana, and Tennesssseeee, and, and...  

In fact, you might be surprised to learn that more than 10,000,000 deer hunters applied for tags during the 2016 - 2017 seasons.

Add to that those who hunt ducks, and geese, and black bear, and elk, and antelope, and rabbit, and quail, and Big Brown Bears, and every other type of game every year, and you have millions more hunters, each of whom is armed and steeped in the American hunting culture. 

They would count themselves among the more than One Hundred Million American gun owners.  And these folks own more than 350,000,000 guns, and that number is increasing by more than 2 million every month (FBI stats, 2019).

But what one should really focus their attention on is that 600,000 applicants for a deer tag means that 600,000 people own guns and are ready to use them.  Consider, if you will, that we only have a bit more than 1,200,000 active duty soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and coast guardsmen spread all across the world in all our nation's military.  

Contrast that reality with these numbers:  Many more people sign up to hunt deer every year than are actively protecting us in our military.  Which means that just our deer hunters collectively alone, are a greater armed force than of all the members of our military put together.  And, oh yeah, most of the militaries of our allies, as well.  

That should put a chill up the spine of all gun-grabbers everywhere. 

Those of the anti-gun persuasion often speak of "gun violence" and how we might prevent it.  Let's take a look at that, shall we?  "Preventing it" to them means confiscation of all the guns we have in circulation, and then eliminating all the ways to buy more.  Oh, they might tell you they only want "common sense gun reforms," but that really means, "give me all your guns and nobody gets hurt."  We know that from 2020 Democrat POTUS candidates, who have happily said as much during the 5 debates.  And that's why gun owners don't trust gun-grabbers and never will.  

Here's a really big question I'd like an answer to:  What, exactly, is the gun control crowd suggesting we do to take the guns out of the hands of CRIMINALS?  So far each and every one of their anti-gun laws focuses on making it harder for honest, honorable, law-abiding citizens to buy, own, use and keep firearms.  None, I repeat NONE of their more than 25,000 anti-gun laws or proposed laws are focused on getting guns out of the hands of those predisposed to use them illegally: gang bangers, robbers, thieves, rapists, burglars, carjackers, terrorists and prospective mass-murderers. 

Why?  Could it be that it's just too much trouble to try and figure out a way to take the guns from crooks?  Or that they just don't know how?  Admitting that they don't have the answer to this perplexing problem would be to admit to their fawning sycophantic followers that they aren't omniscient.  Or maybe that they just don't care?  I mean, it's sooooo easy to disarm the honest firearm owners, they think, why should they use quality time to try and figure out a way to actually come up with a way to end "gun violence" by disarming the Bad Guys?  You know, the ones who are actually causing the problems?  

Friends, and you ARE my friends, they want very much to disarm us.  As to "why," the only answer I can come up with is that disarmed people are easier to manage.  To control.  To make us all do what they want done.  Sort of like the way the leadership approached the problem in Cuba, and North Korea, and China, and England, and Australia.  And more recently, Venezuela.  The Venezuelans aren't so happy they turned their guns in ten years ago.  They surely could use them now, doncha' think?  If they hadn't, maybe they wouldn't be eating their zoo animals now...  

And while they're disarming us, they're simulfriggintaneously letting thousands and thousands of hardened felons out of our prisons.  What are they thinking?  

Here's my little admonition to the powers-that-be in Sacramento, and every other place where they want to give the finger to the 2nd Amendment:  Until or unless you come up with a way to disarm criminals, leave us law-abiding gun owners the Hell alone.  If not, learn to fear the hunters amongst us, especially if we wind up in a civil war; there's legions of them, and they're all armed and considered dangerous...

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