Wednesday, November 27, 2019

"People of Color"

I'm one of those "People of Color" you hear about.  In fact, all of us are...  

"People of Color" are most always Black, or Brown, or Red, or Yellow.  But hey, for some strange reason we don't use those terms anymore.  No, that would be racist.  We now use "People of Color."  But so-called "White" people are "People of Color" too, I maintain, and I'm here to explain my rationale. 

Take me for example:  I'm a sort of medium beige.  Others of my "tribe" are of differing shades.  They could be oatmeal in color, or a burnt umber, or chestnut, or latte, or desert sand, or perhaps a nice parchment, even.

Or they could be of an egg nog shade, or sorrel, or buttermilk, or ecru, or perhaps biscuit, or a fawn shade, or maybe even an attractive parmesan hue.

Or maybe they're buff, or eggshell, or macaroon, or hazelwood, or maybe even a nice cafe au lait.

But whatever their hue, they are all "People of Color."  

To my way of thinking, the only folks who are not a member of the "People of Color" club, are those who are born an albino.  Albinos are NOT "People of Color," because they do not possess any skin pigment.  And in this color-absorbed society, pigment is the only thing.  Without it, you see, the Democrats wouldn't have any way of knowing exactly who to slice and dice and mix and match and cut and paste and beg and plead and pander for votes in order to divide and conquer our electorate.  And that's exactly what they've been doing since one B. H. Obama took office and showed them how, using Saul Alinsky's famous playbook.  

However, and this is now important for some strange reason, we must not leave behind those who "identify" as a person of a color different than their own.  If there's one thing the Democrats have taught us, it's that one can "identify" as almost anything, and we non-identifiers must...MUST...grant them the right to do so.  Boys can identify as girls, girls can identify as boys, and people of one race can identify as another.  

(BTW, we've learned of late that a 220 pound, 6 foot boy identifying as a girl has a pretty good chance of winning the next girl's wrestling meet.  Thanks Barack.  Your tenure shall not be forgotten...)

Remember Rachel Dolezol?  She's White, but "identified," she said, as Black.  So much so that she became the Director for the Western Region of the Oregon NAACP.  Now that, my friends, is some serious "identification."  But hey, all that's important is that she meant well, right?  


Think about this:  If skin pigmentation is soooooo unreliable as a judge of race that a whole slew of Black Oregonian NAACP members chose a White woman to be their leader, perhaps they should come up with another set of metrics...

So, even if a person's an albino, if they "identify" as a Black person, it's quite okay according to the Progressive playbook.  It might help, of course, if they'd put a sign on their lapel so proclaiming.  It could help forestall the need to explain themselves to other Social Justice Warriors when they're out protesting... 

Did you ever ask yourself if this race-absorbed Democrat Party were to perhaps stop focusing upon skin color and start paying attention to core "bread and butter" issues, like jobs, and immigration, and foreign relations, and the economy, and even the weather (climate change), if they absolutely must, would they possess an even greater appeal to those they wish to rule?   I'd say yes.  

What would you say?  

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