Wednesday, August 29, 2018

"Poop Patrol:" The Law of Unintended Consequences....

I, The Chuckmeister, your loyal scribe, your Ambassador Without Portfolio, your Map Through the Media Minefield, have lit upon a factoid you, my loyal reader, need to know.

Yep, it's true; San Francisco has finally jumped the shark.  The Law of Unintended Consequences has risen up and bitten this former Jewel by the Bay in the ass.  

For years the Leftoids in charge up there have simply turned their backs on the homeless, the vagrants, the addicted, the aggressive panhandlers, the rude, obnoxious loiters that hassle and pester visitors each and every day.  Their having embraced their form of complete freedom back in the "Summer of Love" 1960's, has morphed from something kind of "cute" back then to something very scary now; scary enough that the coveted American Medical Association convention scheduled for next year, which was to have contributed some $60,000,000 to local cash registers, was cancelled.  They say they don't need the risk or the grief, and I don't blame them. 

The streets in San Frantwisto are covered with trash.  Liquor bottles, hypodermic needles and human waste cover the streets.  It's not only an eyesore, it poses a major public health hazard!  So, the good folks up there in Commieville came up with the answer:  The "Poop Patrol."

Yes folks, the brand-spanking new "Poop Patrol" was unveiled there last week.  A whole cadre of highly trained technicians, probably with high school GED's, will swarm the streets each day, cleaning and sanitizing and polishing them so that tourists will be happy like little clams. Of course, by the end of the day, the crap will all return.  Literally.  And tomorrow they'll repeat the process and everyone will be happy and feeling all Progressive again, right?

Well, they'll be happy, at least.  Each "Poop Patrol" member will receive a pay package of $185,000 a year for providing this essential service.  For purposes of comparison, that's $10 Grand more than we pay our Senators.  But then again, I doubt our Senators would pick up crap off the streets.  It may not be enough to live there, but hey, they'll just strike for higher pay when the time comes.

And get it...

For purposes of background, the City of San Fran spends more than $70,000,000 a year trying to keep the streets clean.  With vagrant encampments all over the City, that job is a never-ending process.  Additionally, they've now added another $700,000 a year for even more specialized folks, probably even possessing triple-digit I.Q.s, to pick up just human feces!  In HazMat suits!  I can see it all now.  Pile of sh*t?  Who ya' gonna' call?

"Poop Patrol!"

Now, it's probably just me, but wouldn't it be better, and cheaper, and cleaner, as well as safer, more attractive and businesslike, and certainly more sanitary, to just prevent such activity in the first place?  You know, just prevent hundreds and hundreds of scofflaws from building encampments all around Union Square?  

Well, my friends, let me introduce you to the "Law of Unintended Consequences."  You try something to fix something, and you discover quickly that you blew it; your "fix" will cause everything else to go to Hell and force you to try another solution to "fix" the one you already tried, but didn't work.  

Overlaid on San Fran this means it allowed its "Progressive-ness" to take over and permit totally uncivilized, lawless, dangerous activity, just to prove how completely "Progressive" it really is.  All without a single thought as to how to pay for it.  No problem there, right?  Just raise taxes on the middle class.  Oh wait!  Their Middle Class just packed up and moved to Points East!

Do you know the only difference between San Francisco and the Boy Scouts of America?  The Boy Scouts have adult leaders...

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