Thursday, April 13, 2017

All You Need To Know About "Global Warming."

"Global Warming."  

Those two words mean different things to different people. To those of a liberal persuasion, it means the sky is falling. Literally.  It means that the oceans are rising, the Polar bears are drowning, the Earth is cooking, the atmosphere is polluted with scads of Co2 and other greenhouse gases, the ice caps are melting, solar and wind farms are the answer to every question that has ever been asked, and that all those nasty old petroleum products that come up from the bowels of the Earth are fouling our very existence and will ultimately kill us and every other life form.  And soon.

And if you're a conservative, you believe that "global warming, or "climate change," or "climate chaos," or "atmospheric calamity," or whatever-they're-choosing-to-call-it-these-days, is a gigantic unadulterated load of horses**t.  

There is proof, they say, that the average temperature is not increasing, that the oceans aren't rising, that the ice caps aren't melting, that Polar bears can swim 60 miles without taking a break, that wind and solar energy actually costs more to produce than the energy thus produced is worth, that Co2 levels, albeit at a historic high, don't determine atmospheric temperature or warming trends, and that fossil fuels will continue to cleanly and efficiently and inexpensively power our society well into the future.

Oh, and that Al Gore is a bloated gasbag who put forth a laughable theory that was as full of holes as a piece of Swiss cheese, but earned him $100 Million Dollars and an Oscar from a bunch of Hollywierd left-wing loons anyway (are you listening, Leo DeCaprio?).  

Back to that "all you need to know" stuff.

The "sky is falling" crowd always falls back on that hard-and-fast statement that "97% of all climate scientists" agree that global warming is "settled science."  Annnnnd, my friends, they are correct.  97% actually do.  "Settled science?"  Not so much.

Buuuuuuuut, what you need to know, but the left-wing loons won't tell you, is...

...97% of all climate scientists either work directly for the Government, or indirectly for colleges or universities or think tanks that rely on Federal grants to continue their very existence.

People are predictable.  They predictably want their paychecks to continue to be issued, and to cash (what a concept!).  That keeps mama and the kiddies happy, the mortgage paid, and the bulldog fed.  

Soooooo, if you were one of them there "climate scientists," wouldn't you want to keep getting paid?  Sure you would. And if continuing to get paid depended upon your being willing to state publicly that "global warming" is real, and that those who beat that drum are being honest and forthright, even if it's a load of crap, you'd most likely say, "Yeah, they're being honest and forthright!"  I mean, those with PhD's in Climatology aren't likely to find another job paying anything like what they're earning now if they're unceremoniously dumped for being honest and forthright.  You'd probably be willing to say that Kim Kardashian's backside isn't huge if it meant continuing to get paid, wouldn't you? Sure you would. 

Sad commentary on the human condition, but true nonetheless...

Oh, and that other 3%?  The ones who don't agree that "global warming" is going to roast us all in a fiery Hell of our own making?  They work for radio and TV stations, or for websites and other private enterprise where knowing weather trends is necessary to keep the doors open, or for weather channels like "The Weather Underground," or "The Weather Network," or "MyRadar," or, well, "The Weather Channel." 

And BTW, Mr. John Anderson, one of the founders of The Weather Channel, is quick to report that all this "global warming" hysteria is, well, hysteria.  He says it's nothing more nor less than liberals trying to find another avenue into our collective wallets to fund their left-wing agendas.  I tend to agree.

Google this if you need some proof.    

There's some more stuff you need to know.  There's a really big bunch of Americans who work in or around the fossil fuels industry.  First of all, recent oil field discoveries here at home (see Bakken Oil Shale Fields) tell us we Americans have more proven oil sands to exploit than all the oil in the Middle East combined!  So, if you put that together with Canada, which is rich in petroleum reserves (think XL Pipeline), and Meheeeeeko, which is as well, through hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") we could become a net exporter of oil to the rest of the world within a few short years.  And, the price of a barrel of oil could plummet to as little as $30.00.  

And the Saudi shieks, who have gold-plated lawn mowers...and no lawns, would have to get real jobs for a change. Wouldn't that do your heart good?

Oh, and would you like to know who stands to lose their ass if the XL Pipeline gets built?  Warren Buffet, that's who.  His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns the Burlington-Northern, Santa Fe Railroad.  That outfit has a contract to transport oil from the Great North to the refineries in Looooosiana at $30.00 a barrel.  The XL, when built, will transport tar sands oil for $10.00 a barrel.  And it will be built, now that The Donald has approved its construction.  And the B-N,SF stock will then take a dump. That's why Buffet kept giving campaign donations to Barry and Hillary by the fistful over the past few years in an effort to keep this all from happening. Helps to know the "whys" and the "wherefores," don't it?

Second, 515,218 of our people work in oil/petroleum, 362,118 work in natural gas, and another 76,771 in advanced gas production.  However, you should know that for every one employed directly in oil/petroleum, totaling about 1,250,000, there's another two working to support that individual.  All in all, there are more than 9,000,000 employed as a consequence of this all-important resource.  

Annnnnd, coal currently employs 160,119, which is down by more than 100,000 since B. Hussein Obama's one man campaign to try and destroy this all-important industry unfolded.  And, I'm of the opinion many of these jobs across ten U.S. states will soon return now that Trump has eradicated the Obama Executive Action that nearly caused the demise of this tremendous resource.    

Solar and wind?  Solar = 373,807, wind = 101, 738.  That's about 475,000 jobs, far less than in fossil fuels, which would not disappear if we would drop our incessant love affair with "global warming."  Both efforts to create so-called "clean energy" will continue to grow and prosper even if those in power stop their Energizer Bunny efforts to re-imagine our society. 

Oh, and truly enormous solar arrays like the one near State Line, Nevada, roast birds into crispy critters as they fly by, and huge wind farms chop them up into little bits.  Well over 300 American eagles were sacrificed on this alter of liberalism during 2016, by the way.

So, whether or not you agree that "global warming" is real, or just some commie pinko liberal weenie effort to separate you from some more of your hard-earned cash, be advised that the effort to force us to buy into it is not likely to stop anytime soon.  Al Gore just released his third documentary on the subject, called, predictably, "An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power."  In it I'm sure he'll be kind enough to let us know how, unlike all his other predictions from his previous two pieces of fiction, like Miami being under 20 feet of water by now, this set will actually come true...

Ummm, one more thing:  If ex-Vice President Alfonso Gore had won his home state of Tennessee, he'd have won the White House back in 2000. So, one has to ask oneself, if one can't convince his friends and family and neighbors back home in Pigeon Forge he'd be a better POTUS than "W," then maybe it's a good thing he didn't win.  Maybe we should take that into account when we consider viewing his latest effort at boring us to tears...

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