Friday, October 11, 2024

Our Hidden Army.

The police in our Country conduct more than 50,000 traffic stops a day.

Each and every day.

That's more than 20,000,000 a year.  For traffic violations, to be sure, but for all manner of suspected illegal activity also.  Especially in the bad part of town.  After midnight.  When people may be bored.  

We have 708,004 sworn law enforcement officers in the United States.  That mean they hold up their hands and swear to abide by the Constitution.  Of these here United States.  And then give them a few weeks training on how to arrest DUI's and folks who beat their wives.  And nearly nothing about their employers' civil Rights and how to avoid abusing them.

And there are another 1,200,000 unsworn.  Giving you about a 1% chance of getting pulled over each year.  Costing you $187.00 on average.  With California's $671.00 per ticket is a noted aberration.  Because everything costs more in Taxifornia, doncha' know.  Gotta' pay for those free abortions for everyone from anywhere somehow...

Now then, just for grins, multiply 20,000,000 times $187.00.  You'll find out why there's so many traffic stops.  And why so many police chiefs and mayors in towns of 2,500 or less drive fancy cars and live in the Big House on the Hill.

The point of this screed is that we may well have created a monster in our paramilitary policing forces.  It's well known that "when you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail."  It's true also that a tiny minority of our population breaks the law.  Continuously.  And it must be tough to go out and look for them.  

But busting some poor schlub nearly a week's pay for 10 mph over, if he wasn't hindering traffic or posing a danger, is obscene.  But like with transgender males beating the crap out of girls in girls' sports, the ruling class tends to look the other way.  "Not my problem."  "Don't take down my name."  "Please leave me alone."

There are nearly 30,000 cops in New York City.  And from their increasing crime rate, they probably should have more.  Especially because they've willingly imported nearly 1,400,000 illegal aliens.  All of them unvetted!  And then, because they decided years ago to symbolically declare themselves a "Sanctuary City," never expecting to have to suffer because of it, they're now suffering because of it.  

They've been forced to learn that every action carries with it the equal and opposite reaction.  And sometimes an over-reaction, like if you increase a "Sanctuary City's" population by 15% virtually overnight.  

Who don't pay taxes.

But back to the subject, there are 8,832 cops in crime-ridden Lost Angeles.  And they certainly could use more.  Especially since L.A. has a bigger population than most states.  It can take hours to just drive across it!  Which is possibly one of the reasons there's so much crime.  

But Liberals run the city, like every Big City, so that'll never happen.  Because they hate to incarcerate anybody.  Ever.  And will never, every build a new jail.  So they're bursting at the seams.  So they just kick them out the back door on a "No Cash" bail.  While the cops are still completing the booking report.  Must be depressing.  Making the poor cops wonder why they bother to arrest anybody, I'm certain.  I'd guess the excitement of a new job and a new uniform and getting to pack heat must wear off pretty dayummm quick, when you're working for idiots.  

But lastly, I wonder if the day a new officer starts his law enforcement career, if he/she/it isn't forced to become one of "them."  And be forced to succumb to that "Us vs. Them" mind-set.  The 3% of "Them" against the 97% of "Us."  We see it every day on the news.  Officers knowingly or unknowingly (worse)_ violating citizens' Rights.  And if called on it, their city is forced to pay.  Big $Bucks.  And they seldom, if ever, get reprimanded, because their underpoliced cities cannot do without them.  

We Created All That! 

As I've opined before, cops are those folks we love to love when we don't need them, and love to hate when we do.  Go ahead, you can confide in me.  Aren't you near crap-your-pants afraid when you see the blue lights in your rearview mirror?  And aren't you afraid of the cops and what they can do to you, on purpose or by accident?

If the answer is "Yes" to either question, then we ought to do something about it...

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