Thursday, October 3, 2024

Minority Report...

I've just started the "National Association For the Advancement of White People," and I'm inviting you to join.  

Black and Brown and Yellow and Red people can also join, 'cause I'm just that kind of guy.  But I'm really looking for Whites to come join as we need all the members we can get.  Because we're now in the minority, just like Browns used to be.  In fact, I'm feeling kind of like the Black folks feel, being a minority and all.  And we've seen what the Brown folks have done while in the majority.  And it's time we fight back!

And I'm also recommending our Representatives in Congress create the "Congressional White Caucus."  To join alongside the Congressional Black Caucus.  And our reporters should create the "White Journalists Association."  Just like they have the "Black Journalists Association."  Exactly like them...

As I wrote recently, there are more than 1,000 501(c)3 Public Benefit Corporations in America with the word "Black," or in one case "Colored," in their titles.  And only twelve I could find that have the word "White."  And they're likely under investigation by the FBI.  Or the CIA, NSA, AAA, or the NFL.  

Up to now us White folks have been in the majority around here.  It was certainly that way when I moved to California back in the '70's.  The population of White people in in 1980 was 80.1%!  But while I wasn't looking, a whole bunch of folks of different colors came to visit.  Through the "back door."  And decided to stay.  The camel got his nose under the tent!  Yet we White folks are still getting blamed for everything!  

It's just awful.  Black people giving me the side eye as I drive by.  Brown people are looking at me with disdain.  Yellow folks are not even bothering to look at all.  I'm a "Stranger in a Strange Land."  Lemme' tell you about it...

According to the Bureau of the Census, us White folks now constitute only 34.69% of California's population.  Here's the rest of the breakdown:  

     -  Latinos/Hispanics represent 39.40%.  

     -  Asians come in third at 15.12%.  

     -  Blacks are a measily 05.36%.  

     -  Indigeneous Personages ('Murican Indians) are 0.39%.  

     -  Pacific Islanders are 0.35%.  Including the "Rock."

     -  "Others" are 0.57%.

     -  And finally, a Mixture of Some or All of the Above comes in at 04.12%

We po' White Folks, who have been blamed for everything including The Flood, are finally, and seriously, in the minority.  As in, there's way more of them than there are of us!  We're no longer responsible for anything!  So now we're in the minority, and I want to be treated like it!

I mean, look at all those "LGBTQABC123+++" folks!  They all represent minorities.  Tiny little minorities!  And we give them the Key to the City.  

And because our BoyGuv ("Hairgod") Newsom just signed a new law giving reparations to Black folks, including an apology of sorts, and since I had a Great, Great, Great (not sure how many "Greats") Uncle who died in the Civil War, I want me some of those reparations, too!

Just think:  More than 620,000 White Folks died fighting the Civil War in an effort to win freedom for Black slaves!  Including my Great (+++) Uncle.  So let's get our priorities straight! 

I recall vividly when we gave Black Folks an extra 5 points on their civil service exams in order to sort of "make up" for slavery.  Thank God for LBJ and Lady Bird and their Great Society Programs.  And an extra .05 points on their State College GPA's to make up for their inherent lack of intellect, I guess.  And created all sorts of Federal agencies to sue the crap out of anyone and everyone if Blacks were the least bit mistreated in hiring or promotions.   

We've spent (invested?) more than $6 Trillion Dollars on these programs.  And what we have to show for it is more racial animus than at any time in my life.  

So now I'm ready for some of them there reparations.  I'll take cash, or pre-paid credit cards, or the digital currency of your choice.  And don't expect me to thank you.  I expect it.  I deserve it!  Just like the Blacks say they deserve it.  Because Uncle Floyd died while serving in the Virginia 5th Reserve Regiment, trying to do away with slavery.  So just like the Black folks, I am owed.  Big Time!

Which way to the pay window? 


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