Sunday, August 18, 2024

Burger Wars...

I've written previously in these humble pages that I purchased my first McDonalds hamburger for $0.15 cents.  That was awhile ago, I'll confess, but it sets the "baseline" for today's little rant.

The price of a MickeyD's double cheeseburger was $2.39 four years ago.  When Big Orange was in the White House.  Today?  $4.89.  More than double.  And I doubt MickeyD would choose to commit economic suicide by increasing prices so much people stop buying...but that's exactly what is happening.  And should be happening...  

And not just to our friend, the Mic.  Every fast food operator with more than 60 locations in Taxifornia must now pay their entry-level employees $20.00 an hour.  Up from $15.00 an hour.  A 25% jump, overnight!  93% of thier stores have since increased prices.  To the point many can no longer afford to pay them.  A Major-League conundrum.  Orchestrated and implemented by perhaps the dumbest, most self-centered and greedy politician in all of history.  Our own Nero, burning down the once-Golden State.  Forcing 1,000,000 taxpayers to flee!  So far!  Running like bandits in search of greener pastures.

Knowing any pasture is greener.

Rubio's has closed all 48 of its stores.  Dominos has fired all 930 of its delivery people.  Approximately 20% of stores have closed their dining rooms and operate drive-thrus only.  Every store polled said they're reducing employee hours.  And every store polled stated they're implementing robots and AI much sooner than previously planned.  

And those efforts may stem some of the bleeding.  But BoyGuv ("Hairgod") has killed the Golden Goose.  Major chain stores are now operating at break even, or at a loss.  That makes them worthless to a prospective buyer, as stores like these are only "worth" a multiple of what profits they can produce.

And because the stores are now virtually worthless, in terms of profit generation, they cannot keep on paying their franchise fees.  Which means the stock of their corporate owners will take a hit.  And every 401(k) plan in America owns McDonalds stock.  And the stock of many other fast food operations.  As this s*it flows downhill, it may even cause a recession.  

Plus, the dick in Sacrascrewyou destroyed entry-level jobs forever.  Little Johnnie can no longer work a few hours after school and on weekends to afford some gas in Dad's car, so he can take Little Suzie to the movies.  At $7.75 an hour.  Which is our Federal Minimum Wage.  MickeyD's counted on the Little Johnnies for 7 decades before BoyGuv "fired" them.  And while I'm writing this, the "Fast Food Council" that BoyGuv created, along with this dummmmass law, is now preparing to increase the MinWage in Taxifornia to $22.00 an hour!  Which will force another round of price increases and employee layoffs.

And store closures, and stock market tanking and maybe even nastier economic aftershocks.

Wanna' fix all this?  It's easy.  When I was a kid the Moms would fix sack lunches for Little Billy, Little Mary and Big John every morning.  And then fast food happened.  It was cheap enough that Big John could afford to buy a combo at Wendy's.  Or Burger King.  Fast food was the province of the poor and lower-middle class.  And it stayed that way until the Dumbass of Sacrascrewyou personally strangled it.  

To death!

So here's how to put Humpty back together.  Everyone all together now, 

just stop buying fast food!  

Put together a sack lunch and deal with it.  It's cheaper and quicker and easier.  And you can help put a stop to this nonsense.  There are 500,000 Taxifornians working in these fast food emporiums whose vote is being bought by this joke of a law.  They will be out of a job in a week.  Stores will close.  Stores will declare bankruptcy.  But just before they do, BoyGuv will squeal "Enough!"  

And then he and his "Supermority" Democrats will undo this mess overnight!  He is a coward and needs that fact to be exposed.  All we need are people with the will to show some spine.  Pack a lunch!  Tell 'em all to get screwed!  They're screwing you, screw them back!

This is what happens when you give one Party such a stranglehold on legislation they can use the public treasury to buy votes.  By giving favors.  And bestowing titles.  And phantom jobs.  They think we're like a bunch of dairy cows.  To be milked and then put away.  They treat us Taxpayers like their very own Uyghurs.  Just pay your taxes and shut up.  But there are still enough of us true 'Muricans here to put this stupid move on TILT!.  All we have to do is band together and commit... 

I'm betting this whole house of cards will collapse within a week!  And oh yeah, I'm a graduate economist.  So I actually know what I'm talking about.  

This time...

It would work.  Will you do it? 


  1. The youth, and the elderly on broken 'fixed' incomes are the workers of fast food. And youth try as fast as they can to get a better job while the elderly try as much as they can to survive. And, as someone who is in social services trying to help, I wonder just how many elderly, poor, disabled and unlucky enough to get sick or have family get sick will be homeless by the end of the month. And, I'm in a state and area doing much better than California. Unfortunately, our homeless have to deal with winter weather.

  2. 30% of the homeless are already here. We've attracted them with our mild weather and huge handouts. And they'll be here until we stop feeding them. You must know that BoyGuv's naked tax grab took all the profit out of fast food. Intentionally. And they will drop like flies. Where will you go when there's no place left to go?


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!