Thursday, June 2, 2022

"Somebody DO Something!"

Every time some disaffected, crazed weirdo shoots up a mall or a hospital or a school, as just happened in Texas, those on the Left who neither understand the problem nor know how to deal with it, will run to the nearest microphone and call for gun control.  At least those awful, scary-looking "assault weapons" they talk about, which civilians cannot obtain by law,* but perhaps all our firearms, as some of the more rabid among them demand.  It's predictable.  It's automatic.  Unlike the guns they so detest...  

Did you know that the "Gun Free Zones Act" has been in effect since 1990?  And it requires that all of America's 140,000 K-12 schools be declared "Gun Free Zones."  Which means they're declaring themselves "soft" targets to any would-be mass murderer?  And if you bring a firearm within 1,000 feet of one of those schools, then you're subject to a $1,000 fine and up to 5 years in the slammer.    

So it's already been a felony to just BRING a firearm close to a school.  And that didn't stop the crazed disaffected young man who shot up Ross Elementary.  And neither did the penalties for the attempted capitol murder of shooting one's grandmother in the face.  But that didn't stop him.  He did it anyway.  And yet, those on the Left seem Hell-bent to passing some more laws, on top of the 300,000+ anti-gun laws now on the books Nationwide (Google it), trusting, I gather, that THIS time they'll do some good.  The shooter's grandmother wonders the same...

Fat chance.

Here's something you need to take to the bank; The Left wouldn't have to search for an answer if they'd just "harden" our schools, making them impregnable, which they've so far failed to do.  And permit teachers and coaches and staff to who are trained to do so to carry concealed firearms, and 


We've been telling them this for decades.**  They haven't listened.  And they're not listening now.  Potential mass murderers are drawn to "soft," unprotected targets because they are in pain and they want others to suffer along with them.  If we make it known potential shooters will be dropped like a bad habit before they can get through the front door, they'll go somewhere else.  And out most valuable asset, our children, will finally be safe.

From potential mass-murderers, who'll pick the easiest to kill, and from gun-grabbers who'll do anything to disarm the public.  One has to ask, why?  What are they planning that 100 million Americans with 400+ million firearms could thwart?  Just because we're only armed electorate in the world.  And if they're not, please get out of the way so that those who both understand the problem and have a solution can handle it.  

Okay, Mr. O'Biden?  Okay, Mr. Schumer?  Okay all you other big mouth politicians?  Okay now, I can go back to something productive...      

*   It's been against Federal law to purchase a fully-automatic weapon in America since 1934.  But the BidenMedia will tell you they're widely used.  They lie.  BTW, the "AR" in AR-15 stands for Armalite Rifle, the Chicago company that invented them way back in 1955, not "automatic rifle," like the Left has told you.  Repeatedly.  They either lie or they're ignorant.  Duh!  And the "15" is the civilian version of their "AR-10" military issue weapon, rendering it compliant with all applicable, 50-state gun laws, unlike the Left has told you.  They lie.  Etc.  Meaning it may be all black and scary-looking, but it's no different in its "semi-automatic," one-trigger pull, one-shot, operation (THEY'RE NOT FULLY-AUTOMATIC!) than your granddad's shotgun.  Unlike the Left has told you.  They lie.  Ahem.  Just to set the record straight...

**   Am I qualified to comment?  I'm a certified gunsmith.  I was a champion target shooter, a Range Officer at two Army bases, and a Firearm Safety Advocate for the National Rifle Association, our Nation's oldest and largest 501c(3) public benefit corporation (1877).  I also own several of those scary black "assault weapons" that so triggers the Left, have for decades, and I've yet to murder any innocent civilians.  Maybe it's a DNA thing.  Yes, I believe I'm qualified to comment...


  1. When they force citizens to lockdowns but let criminals free because of Covid fears...
    When they push and protect Four HUNDRED seventy four "mostly peaceful protests" but full-force go all out war against Jan 6...
    When they allow an all-out invasion of aliens giving them our babies formula, while WE are struggling to find formula for our infants...
    they have NO interest in protecting our infants, children or citizens but instead want to subjugate us...and step by step they are doing that.

  2. Not so long as we are armed. That's why they want to disarm us so desperately...

  3. I feel my father who served in New Guinea WWII on the ground, machine gunner would have been appalled at the weaponry available to ordinary citizens .that are for war. I think he would feel appalled where we have come as a country and saddened with the gun violence that has torn our country apart. Can’t imagine how he could have fathomed the insurrection, our Hallowed grounds attacked. This is not what he fought for. The right for anyone to own a weapon of destruction so heinous is beyond comprehension. No one wants to take away your guns if you feel you need them for whatever your purpose. But those military weapons have no place in a civilized society. What have we become? What do our children think of us?

  4. My father was a machine gunner in New Guinea in WWII . He saw combat but never could talk about it. Too horrific.He would be appalled that any citizen could get the firepower of the caliber exhibited as the AR 15. He would be shocked and appalled. He saw the carnage of gun power that should never be in the hands of an ordinary non trained 18 year old.common sense would you want your child to be bearer of this gun power?

  5. So you seem to be a gun expert I’m assuming you were in father was on the ground in the south pacific in New Guinea in WWII.A machine gunner and I feel he would be appalled at the kind of military grade weaponry that any 18 year old civilian could purchase in this country. And for what purpose? I wish we could bring the old veterans back for their experience and words of wisdom.

  6. I’m assuming you are a gun expert and at one time was in battle. My father was in New Guinea in WWII a machine gunner boots on the ground.I believe he would not believe that any 18 year old should get the fire power usually reserved for war he would be sickened. It’s for humans. Wars and guns are not glamorous.It’s dangerous and our citizens are afraid

  7. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have used smaller type for my asterisked commentary. Which, if "Anonymous" had chosen to read, would have answered the questions she chose to ask. Maybe Anonymous needs glasses. I'll use larger type next time. However, the rapid-fire comments, four within 45 minutes, gives me to believe he/she/it needs some Ambien. Or maybe the rest of that bottle of merlot. And perhaps some professional help...


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!