Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Update on "Deepwater Horizon"

I hope you're good and pissed about the new O'Biden Administration's attempt to remake the American electorate by importing millions of new Democrat voters-to-be.

Some 200,000 a month, by the most recent estimates.

That's about the size of Richmond, Virginia each and every month.

(Or Spokane, Washington or Rochester, New York, or Springfield, Missouri, etc., etc...)

I outlined that scenario in my "Deepwater Horizon" expose a couple of days back.  And if you haven't read it, read it now.  It'll be good for you.  

I'll wait...  

(Dum, dum, dum dum dum dum dum, dum, dum...  That's the theme from Jeopardy.)

You back?  Good.  Then you also need to know that none of this past Sunday's talking head political pundits on the "legacy" TV shows addressed the outlandish, unbelievable, completely out-of-control crisis on our southern border.


-  Not ABC's "This Week With George Stephanopoulos."

(Did you know this little fella' was Billy Jeff "Blue Dress" Clinton's Chief of Staff while in the White House?  Not a journalist?  And did you know they were roommates in college?  Gettin' a little chummy here, doncha' think?)    

-  Not NBC's "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd.

(They pay this smarmy bozo $800,000 a year to read the news.  I'll do it for mucho less!)  

-  Not CBS' "This Morning" with Margaret Hoover.

(You don't pay me enough to watch this puke-worthy, launch-inducing drivel each Sunday.  Except, she's sorta' cute...) 

None of them.  Of course, "Fox News Sunday" with Chris Wallace, devoted a lengthy segment to this man-made illegal immigration problem, as it always does, but it's still sort of an actual news program.  Even though Wallace is a registered Democrat.

(And an insufferable, smarmy, self-satisfied puke...)  

These shows talked about taxes, and the need to raise them.  And the definition of "infrastructure," and how it needs to be changed to include everything, now that the Democrats are in charge.  Mail-in voting is infrastructure, right?  Fixing "Climate Change" is infrastructure, right?  

They talked about transportation, and once again how they needed to raise taxes (a recurrent theme, it seems).  And Russia (we can't raise taxes on Russia, can we?).  And why sending a ballot for mail-in voting to every single person in America, in advance, without request, regardless of whether they're a citizen, is a really peachy idea.  And how that really works well in large apartment buildings.  Ummm, yeah. 

And the pandemic.  They talked about that.  And how it was Trump's fault, sort of, primarily.  Mainly because he could have, maybe, done more.  Especially if he'd listened to Fauci more.  Oh wait...   

(Wasn't everything Trump's fault?  I thought that had already been established...) 

They talked about a lot of stuff, with a lot of supposedly important and intelligent people.  But they didn't talk about the one thing that could destroy America.

Unfettered illegal immigration.

(Remember, we've been assured that fully 62% of our population has as its primary news source Yahoo or Google.  That means they've yet to hear about the humanitarian nightmare unfolding on our southern border.  I fear for the future of the Republic...)

So quite simply the Democrats have decided you, the American People, just won't buy their failed policies, and that they need to replace you instead with someone who will.  And that "someone" is millions of new illegal aliens streaming across our southern border.  They believe these new citizens-to-be will be so appreciative of their new Democrat masters that they'll vote the "right way" when each November rolls around.  


(I leave you with an old Arab saying.  It goes, "Never let a camel get it's nose under your tent.  Pretty soon you'll have a camel in your tent"...)   

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