Friday, August 16, 2019

"Brown Privilege"

I've had it with this whole "White Privilege" thing.

Now, I didn't even know there was a thing called "White Privilege" until a few months ago, but then some "Progressive" weenie got "woke," whatever that means, and conjured it up (good weed, no doubt!), and thereafter all their brethren and sisteren (and "otheren?") have been spouting it as if it was a thing.

It isn't.

But even if it was, I'm soooo over it!  Whatever benefit I might have gained by having been born White in a predominantly White America, I'm pretty sure has been sanded off by time and changing demographics and politics and "Progressivism" and "woke-ness." 

So I now find myself an old, tired White guy who's had his privilege forcibly removed.  Yet those who want me punished for possibly having had some in the distant past just won't leave me alone.

White privilege?  Puleeeeeze!  I live in California, friends, and middle-class White folks here are treated like the Uighurs in China!  The Kurds in Syria!  The Gypsies in Europe!  The Republicans in Hollywood!  Since about a decade ago when somebody determined that there were more Brown folks here than White ones, and that they just might be converted into brand-new voters, the die was cast; we've been declared excess.  Unnecessary.  Soooo yesterday's news!

And in the meantime, all the stops have been pulled out to make being here illegally soooo very attractive!  Now illegals here get free drivers' licenses.  And free food and free legal assistance and free rent assistance and free education for their many kids, which we pay to birth for free, and "no cash bail" arrests and no towing when they're found to be driving illegally (an illegal driving illegally...isn't that a hoot!).

And of course, they all get a "free" Social Security number, which they just steal and use without fear of retribution.  All of them.  Millions and millions of them!  All felons!  And nobody seems to care!  

And now the last proud vestiges of citizenship are being erased as illegals are voting in San Francisco and Santa Monica and Lost Angeles.  Oh yeah, and in New York, and Baltimore, and Seattle, and Denver, and, and...

Remember that "employer mandate" thing that Obama told us would save us money?  The promise that the Washington Post called the Lie of the Year!  The one that made us pay a fine if we didn't buy Obamacare?  Well, that one was declared unconstitutional by the SCOTUS, which it was.  

But now, California's newest Governor, San Fran Nan Pelosi's nephew, just reinstated that mandate, but only for Californians!  And that's not all; in the same breath he promised to give free health insurance to all illegal aliens, everywhere!  To be paid for by those of us legal citizens!  Imagine: if we can't afford health insurance for ourselves, we'll get fined, and those fines will go to buy coverage for our uninvited new voters!  Boy Guv Newsom has already primed the new spending pump to pay for this with $90 Million of our tax dollars, with much, much more to come.  

Who knows how much more this Obamanation will ultimately cost us?  And how many legal residents will still be here when the dust settles?

So let's see here; legal citizens get bupkus, and illegal uninvited foreign nationals get, ummm, damn near everything!  And we have to pay for it!  How do I get rid of this White Privilege?

It seems to me, Pilgrim, that "White Privilege" has been replaced, here in CA at least, by "Brown Privilege."  What do you think? 

So, I'm working on a plan to fix this whole thing.  I'm thinking that if a bunch of us were to just take a rowboat south around the Border at Tiajowannna and sneak back in, then ask for asylum, just like everybody else in this part of the world, we might be able to reinvent ourselves as newly-minted illegals!  Illegals (us) who would then have all the benefits of citizens without any of the disadvantages:  like paying taxes, following the laws and pretending to care about America.

Oh, we might have to add a "z" to our last names, but hey!  Small price to pay to try and make this horrendous assault on the rule of law - and common sense - somehow more palatable...

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