Monday, August 12, 2019

A Sad STATE of Affairs...

For my friends back east who've called to ask how things "really" are here in Taxifornia, stating openly that they just can't believe what they're reading and seeing on TV and being told, I offer up this tasty snippet of info you can use.

First, I know you've heard about how the Loony Leftoids here are about turning illegals into voters and taxing the middle class and raising gas taxes to the moon and outlawing guns and taxing drinking water and eliminating plastic straws and trying to fix "global warming" all by themselves, but those things are just too unlikely for many of you folks to believe.  I know.  You've told me so.

So how about some things much smaller in scope that just might give you an insight into the quagmire of nuttiness into which this State has descended?  Okay.  Here goes...

The administration of California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB), just emailed all its students a heartfelt apology.  They apologized for having let the Border Patrol use their Career Center to advertise its job openings.  They even went so far as to offer "...counseling and psychological services" to the students who were negatively triggered by this assault on their little snowflake senses.  Woe is them!  Woe is them!  

Imagine:  A state university, any state university,  anywhere, apologized and offered counseling to students who they unfairly exposed to what, work?  Reality?  Real life?  Adulthood?  The consequences of violating our immigration laws?  Or is it just that they didn't want to traumatize their pansy victims with the facts; you breaks the law, you pays the price.  No matter your color.

Or at least you still do in some places...  

And second, I just learned that the Mayor of San Jose, the town that surrounds Silicon Valley, and all its riches, and all its festering, insufferable preening liberality, demanded that his City Council pass a law requiring gun owners within his fair community to pay a tax if they want to buy them, or if they wish to still keep them.  He said, "You have to have a license to drive a car, why not a licence to own a gun?"  Yes, you got that right.  That old tired meme again.  With complete disregard for the niceties of the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, no longer for this Mayor is it "...the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."  For him it's infringement on steroids!

Hey Mr. Mayor!  Isn't this a bit like the Old South's Poll Tax?  You know, the one designed to keep Black folks from voting?  Just another sachet around the 2nd Amendment designed to dramatically increase the cost of defending oneself?  Since they're both the subject of Constitutional Amendments (you knew that, right?), do you still wish to try and make this leaky boat float?

Would you like to know what can happen when you let a bunch of overeducated, underexperienced, elitist, redistributionist, smug, otherwise-unemployable Progressive weenies take over the Castle?  Freedoms will be eroded a bit at a time, day by day, hour by hour.  Just like that proverbial frog and the pot of boiling water.

These are but two examples...    

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