Monday, April 16, 2018

"Two Americas"

Remember when John Edwards, failed POTUS candidate, dishonored and disbarred philandering lawyer and all-around disgusting, smarmy leper of a guy, ran his campaign spouting about "Two Americas?"  

Don't remember John?  Good.  He wasn't called the "Breck Girl" for nothing.  Look it up...

Edwards' Two Americas had to do with income inequality between the "haves" and the "have-nots."  Of course, he was among the "haves," trying his best to appeal to the "have-nots."  While all this was going on he was secretly raiding his campaign coffers to pay for the inflagrante dilecto he enjoyed with his gal pal,  So much so, it seems, that she had his "love child" while his wife was battling breast cancer.  Real cad, that one.  

Did I mention he's a Democrat?  Must have gone to school on Billy Jeff "Blue Dress" Clinton...

Anyway, it turns out that Edwards was correct in his assertion.  There ARE two Americas, but not the ones he meant.  The two Americas now refer to the ones nestling up against either Ocean, and the America between the Sierra Nevada and the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Explanation?  Sure...

If you look at the map of who voted for whom this past General Election, you'll note that New England down to the Middle Atlantic States, plus the strip of States from Oregon down through the south end of California, plus the obvious "deep blue" cities like Chicago and Philly and Baltimore, voted for Hillary Clinton.  The majority of the rest of the Nation, known unaffectionately by the swells as "Flyover Country," consists of those who voted in the main for Donald J. Trump.

These are the folks who get up early and stay up late.  They make the stuff we need to live.  They milk the cows, till the fields, grow our food, make our cars and trucks, turn forests into lumber for our homes, fill our prescriptions and dig in the ground for coal and oil and precious metals.  They are mainly "blue collar" workers who just want to be left alone to earn a living and raise their families.  They have little or no political power.  They own and control almost no media influence and have little political "pull," except for their tidal wave of votes this past election  demanding "change."  Nobody asks their opinion on anything, because those who are responsible for the media reporting don't give a damn about them. 

And "change" is what they got with Trump.  Boy, did they ever get some of that change thing...

But the "Coastal Elites," as they are known, own and control the Mainstream Media, the major corporations, the unions, Silicon Valley, and the halls of academy.  And they are almost entirely located in New York City, Washington, D.C., Lost Angeles, San Frantwisto and Chicago.  Big cities all, and chock full of those who never bent their backs in farming, manufacturing or hard labor of any kind.  

"And therein lay the rub," as Shakespeare used to say.

Having lived in the once-Golden State for nigh on to 42 years, but having been born and raised in the Midwest, I thus have a foot in both camps, so to speak.  And I can therefore comment with some degree of authority on this issue.  Here, they believe that they, the "enlightened ones," are waaaaay too cool for the Federal Government.  Especially now that an orange philandering billionaire is POTUS.  

They are fond of saying that CA is the "sixth (or even fifth) largest economy on Earth!"  Larger even than France," they say. Yes, it's true, it is.  Kind of expected, though, when you consider CA is the USA's largest state, is nearly a thousand miles long and 250 miles wide, is jam packed with some 45 million people, some of them even here legally, and has been steeping in uber-liberal, highly corrosive, redistributionist  left-wing politics for the past thirty years. 

Other lefty states are much the same.  Coastal states lead the nation in high taxes, onerous, often punitive rules and regulations on business, and the rapid elimination of their citizens' individual rights.  

Oh yeah, and a rapid out-migration of their citizenry...

The "Between the mountains" states are much less burdensome to individual freedoms.  Lower, sometimes non-existent income and sales taxes, simple, unobtrusive rules and regulations on bizz, and freedom-friendly governments under which they live.  

The Coastal folks, having usually been born and raised in their little enclaves, tend to believe that the "flyovers" are toothless, inbred, pickup truck-driving, gun owning rubes, who don't count.  For anything.  So why even bother to...bother?  And the flyovers tend to think that the Coastals are stuffy, snooty, and filled to the brim with self-importance.  Undeserved self-importance, by the way.    

So, what's the future hold for America?  It seems to me we're on a collision course, which can only result in a bitter divorce.  I foresee for America what some are trying to do to California; break it up in smaller, more manageable and much fairer pieces.  

There's a signature-gathering effort here to place a referendum on the ballot this November to carve up CA into three: Northern California, Southern California, and just plain California.  In short, the "Coastal Elite" State of California would consist of the 7 counties south from San Fran down to Lost Angeles.  The other two up north and down south would house the regular, hard-working folks who don't want to give citizenship, a nice car, a place to live, and food, shelter and clothing to Every Single Illegal Alien in the Entire World.  With 56 counties in CA, and 7 controlling every facet of our existence, you can understand why such an effort is underway.

If this is good for the once-Golden State, then why not for the U. S. of A?  Yes, why not?  In fact, I suggest that this might be the only realistic solution for keeping America from totally devolving into Venezuela.  Think of it:  We break America into four pieces.  The renewal of the 13 original Colonies into "Socialist America."  The Deep South into "God-Fearing  America."  The "California" State we talked about earlier into the "Peoples' Republic of California,"  and everything else into - screw the mountains - "America."  

And don't try to tell me it wouldn't work.  Think of Europe.  It's about the size of Texas and consists of a dozen separate countries, each with millions of souls.  And, despite dozens of conflicts over the centuries, they still live cheek-by-jowl, and in relative harmony.  We could do that too. 

And should...

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