Your Place for Any Subject Worth a Spirited Discussion. Including those subjects banned by the five or six "social justice" oligarchs in Silicon Valley who think they should be in charge of our puny little lives...
Friday, July 25, 2014
The Answer to the VA Problem.
You've no doubt read about the problem at the Veterans Administration Hospitals. For those who've been living under a Wal-Mart dumpster, here it is in brief:
The V.A., the second largest budget item in our multi-trillion dollar economy, has been lying through its false teeth about exactly whom, and where, and how often it's been treating our vets. Those who have agreed to fight and die for us deserve for us to keep our promise. And that promise is that, when they need health care, they will receive it. But the V.A. bureaucrats have been lying about delivering it. They've been lying about scheduling it. And the result is at least 1,000 of our best and bravest have died waiting for care that would never come. For shame.
We now have proof that certain of the V.A. hospitals, at least 47 of them in fact, have kept shadow lists of those awaiting care. They've pretended that there's no extended waiting period, even though many of our vets have been forced to wait for six, or seven, or eight months, or even longer. And some, those with cancer or heart disease, as an example, have been forced to wait so long that they have died awaiting care. For double shame, again.
Why? It appears those shadow lists were maintained to give the appearance that patient "throughput" was better than it really was. The weenies that push paper around on their desks wanted to give the appearance that clinic visits were arranged and patients were seen in under a month, when in reality it was far too often several times that. Why? Money. No, not the money it would take to generate greater efficiencies, but the money the weenies wanted to earn in increased bonuses. Pure greed. That's why our vets were sentenced to death. Shame, shame, shame.
Well, my friends, I have the answer to this problem. There are 153 V.A. hospitals. There are 773 community-based V.A. outpatient centers. And there are 260 V.A. mental health centers. I say close them all!
I say abolish the Veterans Administration, sell off the property and issue Medicare cards to each and every one of our veterans. I say give our vets the same care we give our seniors. They've earned it. Give it to them. And stop trying to run a separate and distinct socialist-style healthcare system solely for our veterans. It hasn't worked. It will never work. I've lived a long and fruitful life, and throughout that fruitful life the V.A. has never, ever worked. Nor will the socialist-style Obamacare the Gummint is trying its socialist best to inaugurate. Give up, you bureaucrats! Give up and use some common sense for a change!
Eliminate the Veterans Administration and replace it with Medicare!
Did you know that the V.A. Wadsworth Hospital in Los Angeles covers an area of about one-half square mile? That's about 320 of the most valuable acres on the tony west-side of L.A. That's about the most expensive ground in all of America. My conservative estimate is that this dirt is worth about ONE BILLION DOLLARS! Now expand that estimate to include all the other hospitals, and the clinics, and we're talking some serious money. Serious even for Government numbers. I say sell it all! Sell it and use the proceeds to shore-up Medicare and reduce the Federal debt!
Got it? I thought you might. Now if you'd just put pen to paper, or put fingertips to keyboard, and pass along your thoughts to your elected representatives about this issue, perhaps we might finally put an end to this painful, expensive and shameful episode.
By the way, I utilize the services of the V.A. I'm a vet. And I'm on Medicare. I know intimately the strengths and weaknesses of each system. I'm therefore eminently qualified to opine on this subject. Those of you who haven't, or aren't, don't get an opinion. So but out.
Thanks aren't necessary. It's why God put me here...
Friday, July 18, 2014
THE Solution to the Border Crisis...
Three miles.
Three little miles.
That's how far my new home, Fortress Chuckmeister, is from the Immigration Center in Murrieta, California. And the Murrieta Immigration Center, and centers just like it across America, is where the Federal Government is attempting to dump hundreds - even thousands - of illegal aliens on a regular basis.
That's right, my friends, as many as 300,000 illegals, many of them children, are expected to wade across the Rio Grande this year. Or be delivered via jet ski. Or boat. Maybe by trebuchet (Google's a cool delivery method). There's no doubt they've been invited here by our Community Organizer-in-Chief. The only question is...why?
Many, myself included, believe our Fundraiser-in-Chief is trying his best to flood America with illegals so as to grow new little Undocumented Democrats, and thereby turn those Red areas of America a bright shade of blue. I think he knows he's going to lose the Senate come November, and most likely his socialist/Marxist Democrat Party will also lose the Presidency in November, 2016. So, considering he has but 100 some-odd days until election time, he has to work fast if he's to keep his promise.
Remember that promise? It was five days before he was to be immaculated. He was addressing a crowd of swooning sycophantic drones. He said, and I quote: "...America is the greatest country on Earth. Please join with me now as we begin to fundamentally change it."
Change it into what, one might ask? The drooling commie journos who make up the Dinosaur Media didn't bother to ask. Well, now we know. He's doing his Manchurian Candidate best to change America into a left-wing, European-style socialist/Marxist Workers' Paradise. A place where the government owns everything and distributes it to those in need depending upon how they act, and how they vote!
Unlike many of those who reside in the once-Golden State, the Chuckmeister is a red-blooded conservative. A patriot. A veteran. A believer that small government is better. A guy who rebels against onerous taxation. A fellow who wants the Gummint out of his bedroom, out of his wallet, out of his refrigerator and out of his life.
However, a majority of my fellow Taxifornia residents disagree. They love high taxes because they don't pay them. They want Sacramento to take other peoples' money and redistribute it to those "in need." That would be, ummm, them. That's why the Chuckmeister and Mrs. Chuckmeister relocated recently to one of the most bright-red, conservative, God-fearing, gun-loving, pro-life enclaves in this Deep Blue State. We moved to Temecula.
Temecula is a little town about 50 miles north of San Diego and 60 miles southeast of Orange County. It was a stagecoach stop back in the 1850's, and as recently as 1990 boasted only 2,700 residents. Bright, clean, wide boulevards, affordable housing, plenty of tasty wineries, great restaurants and a love of freedom. We had moved to Orange County some 40 years ago because it was a bucolic, peaceful, rural area with fresh air, fruit trees, no traffic and a love of liberty. And then, over time, it began to turn into Los Angeles South. That's not a compliment. Too bad.
We said, enough is enough. Because of our family we couldn't load up and move to Utah, or Nevada, or Arizona, or New Mexico, or, my personal choice, the Hill Country of Texas. So, that necessitated a selection of some other Taxifornia location that featured people who share our values. And that's how Temecula was selected. And next door is the beautiful community of Murrieta. And Murrieta has just become the target of the commie media nationwide.
Just today some hard left journo proclaimed Murrieta as the "Hate capitol of America." Really? Hate capitol? Just because its citizens don't cotton to the idea of having hundreds of illegal aliens dropped in its lap unannounced to care for, and feed, and house, and educate, without reimbursement? I wonder how the drooling journo who made this dumbass assessment would respond to having a bunch of homeless people who didn't even speak his language dropped in his front yard, with the admonition that he had no choice but to adopt them and care for them as his own - and on his own. I think we all know the answer to that question.
Back to the point: What's to be done about this insane situation? Some 62,000 illegals have already invaded our sanctity so far this year, with as many as 100,000 more expected. Our Vacationer-in-Chief wants the Congress to give him $3.7 Billion Dollars to help pay for their assimilation. Not to firm up the border so the invasion stops, mind you, but to house and feed and clothe and educate them. Outrageous. Here's my solution. Ready?
After the little illegals make their way out of Guatemala and El Salvador and Honduras, they still have 1,700 miles to go before they reach the Brass Ring (that would be America). That means they have to make their way all across Meheeeeko via train, or bus, or truck, or car or foot. I thought Meheeeeko was our friend! Our best trading partner! And I thought that Meheeeeko had machine guns trained on its southern border with each of the foregoing countries to keep illegals out. Yet "somehow" these "little kids" manage to avoid the machine guns. Really?
Does anyone besides me think that Meheeeeko is more than a little complicit in this major crime?
Once the "refugees" make their way out of the countries that they fear, and into Meheeeeko, it seems to me that they have avoided the immediate threat they are fleeing. Our Insurance Salesman-in-Chief could simply make a call to the International Red Cross, an organization which we fund to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year, and ask that they establish camps on the Meheeeeko side of the border with these countries to welcome the refugees. To feed them. And house them. And clothe them. And educate them. Plus, there would be no chance the refugees would be raped, or murdered, or shot, or whatever while making the trek northward. The refugees are not our problem, nor should they be. They are the international community's. They can and should contribute to ameliorating this situation. Problem solved.
Oh, and by the way, how about our Prez growing a set of you-know-whats and issuing an ultimatum to Meheeeeko's Prez that if he doesn't get with it and start acting like our friend, we're going to cloud up and rain all over them. We could simply issue a "Do Not Visit" memo from the State Department and their American tourism dries up! He could also demand that Meheeeeko free our hero Marine TODAY! Tick, tock. I'm waiting...
To summarize: Send those who have invaded our country back home. Now. Bitch-slap Meheeeeko around a little bit until it gets on the straight and narrow. Assist Meheeeeeko and the international community in establishing camps to welcome the refugees. AND THEN SECURE OUR BORDERS SO THIS NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN!
You're welcome.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Things we ought to have, but don't...
Despite what some might believe to be an overwhelming assortment of complete crap available for sale to us, the gullible Americans, most of which is made in the Peoples' Republic of China, or maybe the Almost-Peoples' Republic of Bangladesh, but certainly not in the Damned-if-it's-not-the-Peoples' Republic of San Francisco, where nothing's made but more little commies, I think there's a whole lot more stuff we could have, but don't.
A list? Sure. Glad you asked. Here goes...
1. I believe what we need is a DVD of Secretary of State John (Lurch) Kerry's speeches. Then, we could just play them on a continuous loop when we go to bed. Can you think of a better somnifascient (that would be a sleep-inducer, to those of you from El Centro)? And, if you call in the next 6 minutes, you could get TWO such DVDs, and give the other one to that complete ass at the office who you just despise. Just pay extra shipping and processing, of course.
2. We could have good (and paid) Samaritans who wander around offering to help people take "selfies" for a small fee. It's hard to take a selfie by yourself. That's because you only have two hands. And you need one to hold the camera phone, one to squeeze your significant other (man, woman, gay, lesbian, transgender, nice person of confused sexuality, dwarf, albino or any other carbon-based life form not yet included in the aforementioned groupings) and one to hold your brewski. With a little help from a friend, you could take selfies the envy of all your other friends who don't have selfie-taking friends. Or three hands. After all, Barry "The Selfie-Taker-in-Chief" Obama's got one. Why not you?
3. I think we ought to make it a law that everyone, everyone, read the Bill of Rights. Then perhaps they would understand that they come as a set of ten, not a "pick and choose" to meet your delicate, prissy, wussie, scardycat, pantywaist predilections. And if we do, then no more will the "Progressives" among us try to excise the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and sometimes 10th Amendments.
4. I think we ought to have the United Nations relocated to the Left Bank of the Seine. That's a river, deep in downtown Paris. That's in France, for those who don't travel much. Then, all the commie pinko weirdo lefty socialist Marxist dictators who populate Our World and always, always vote against us at the U.N., could get together over a tiny little overpriced cup of espresso and some escargot on toast points and decide how to screw America.
Remember, kiddies, that we, the U.S. of A., pay no less than 30% of the total operating budget of the U.N. And they, mostly dictatorships that hate you and me, spend all day long trying to hose us. Up theirs, I say. This is but one small way to pass that message along.
5. How about a healthcare plan that's simple, affordable, understandable and available. And that's certainly not what we have with "Obamacare." Here's the recipe:
1) State-run and -funded medical colleges puking out newly-minted doctors and physicians' assistants every year, who agree to work in community-level health clinics for ten years at reduced rates of pay, in exchange for their educations, making emergency care available to the poor and disadvantaged without bankrupting hospitals;
2) Health insurance sold across state lines, just like car insurance, and home insurance, thus heightening competition, and with it, dramatic cost reductions;
3) "Portable" health insurance, enabling working folks to take their plan with them when they change jobs;
and 4) the Feds expanding Medicaid/Cal to the poor and disadvantaged uninsured without disturbing the health insurance of the 85% of Americans covered by their employers.
This simple approach would solve the uninsured problem. However, it would not solve the Democrats' need to control each and every aspect of our puny, worthless proletariat lives, which they've gone a long way toward achieving with Obamacare. I predict they will not look kindly on any effort to relax their grip on our healthcare...or, our lives.
6. It seems that everyone wants to drop some excess l.b.s and stop smoking. So, what we ought to have is the Chuckmeister Weight loss and Smoking Cessation Program. Here's how it will work: Show up at my house by 8:00 a.m. on a Monday morning. I lock you in the closet. I shovel some bread and water to you a couple of times a day. That's it. Nothing else. You get sprung Friday afternoon at 5:00 p.m. I guarantee, absolutely guarantee, you'll lose weight and stop smoking. Anyone interested, give me a call. Price is negotiable depending upon your political party affiliation and ability to pay (we're into income equality, don't you know). If your name is Pelosi, or Reid, or Biden, the price will be quite large.
7. I'd say we ought to have an honest Fourth Estate. You know, the so-called "Mainstream Media." That's the folks who are accorded special consideration by our Constitution, enabling them to skirt certain laws in order to bring us, the American people, the truth! We need to know what's really going on so we can elect, or re-elect, the politicians who will properly represent us. But when we have sycophantic lefty communist journo-weenies spewing crap 24-7 and intentionally avoiding certain reportage in an effort to protect their favorite politician, you know who he is, and all his buddies, such as is the reality today, we are left with the barbarians at the gate.
8. I think we ought to have a new tax. Yes, believe it or not, the anti-tax-of-any-kind Chuckmeister is advocating another, and new, tax. I'd like to tax everyone who "tweets" a nickel per tweet. Think of it. Millions and millions of tweets per day from people who actually think that someone, somewhere gives a damn about what they think, 140 characters at a time no less, to people who actually don't give a damn about what they read. And, the money should go to the "Wounded Warrior Project" so that we can end, once and for all, those three minute TV commercials displaying kids with chrome legs and begging for cash that our Government should already have provided. Shameful. And if there's anything left over, send it to the nearest VA hospital so they can offer some really excellent healthcare to those who have placed their lives at risk to save ours. It's time for a new approach. And time for ignoring our heroes to end. Tweet your ass off, and the money goes to fix our broken system. What's not to like?
9. I'd like to see our youth be required to serve two years post-high school in the service of our Country. The military is my preference, any branch, but the Youth Corps (or "corpsss," as Mr. Oblamo likes to call it) or the Peace Corps(sss) would be fine. It matters not. Just serve.
Why? We puke out high school graduates that cannot write or read sufficiently, and are not ready to head off to man- or womanhood. It's a rare 18 year-old that's ready for college. And especially when college costs as much as a house, it's a good idea, I say, to make sure they are prepared and ready to exact the maximum advantage from that enormous, monumental investment. Israel requires this. And The Netherlands. So does Switzerland. There may be other countries, but I know these do for sure. And then their countries pay for college for those who have completed their service. I say that's a good investment and a good trade. What do you think?
10. I think we ought to have the "Obama Channel." Then, instead of seeing Barry Obama's condescending, oafish, scolding, smirking, completely unqualified face every time you turn on the telly, you could view without fear of being accidentally subjected to a daily dose of Oblamo.
It seems that every time I turn on the TV there he is; Mr. Community-Organizer-in-Chief pontificating on one subject or another, giving his Major Policy Address of the Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening/Weekend. I'm pretty sure that he believes that giving a speech is the same thing as actually doing something. Like, here's what I think, now everybody do it while I head off to the golf course. For those poor souls who get off on watching Barry waste their time, they'd have a channel to turn to. For the rest of us, peace and quiet. Not working, Barry. Get off my TV. Thanks.
11. I'd like to see our First Lady stop telling us what to eat and how and when to exercise. I'd suggest she get back to doing the things than an unelected spouse of whomever happens to be infecting my White House is supposed to do. That would include hosting little cocktail parties, showing up for State Dinners dressed-to-the-nines, and decorating the Holiday Tree (used to be Christmas Tree, but that's now politically infriggingcorrect). Other than that, I don't give a whit about her opinion on any subject, nor will I take it. In fact, I'd really like to know that I'll never have to see her "For the first time in my life I'm proud to be an American" face again.
By the way, her Illinois law license was revoked. So was Barry's. Does anyone know why? Of course you don't.
12. I'd really like to not know the political persuasion of today's movie stars. And recording artists. And famous people of all color and stripe. Even those who are only famous for being famous. Like the Kardashians, for instance. I'd really prefer them to perform, to do their thing, without involving me in their lives any further. I think I developed this preference when Ms. "Pretty Woman," whose name I've sworn to never again utter, commented for one of those magazines you're forced to see when checking out at the drug store. She said, "I think Republican is in the dictionary right between reptile and reprehensible." How nice. And since then, I've managed to never, ever spend another dollar to watch anything she's done. Or said. In fact, I've developed a complete list of all the famous people who choose to spew their political views, whether right or left. I'd guess that about half of all famous people are on that list. And I'd guess I've saved about $34,800 by not going to their movies or buying their songs. I'd suggest you do the same.
By the way, with that amount I could afford to attend one of Mr. Oblamo's little Dinner Party Fundraisers for the Stars. Or not.
On second thought, keep spewing your tripe. And I'll keep saving. Oh, and by the way, please don't tell me about your bedroom preferences either. If you're gay, keep it to yourself. Michael Sam insured I'll never watch the St. Louie Rams ever again when he kissed his boyfriend upon being drafted by them in the 98th round, or something. Congratulations, Mr. Sam, but get a room.
13. I'd like to see a return to citizen legislators such as we enjoyed as a country back in the days of our Founding Fathers. Then, citizen patriots such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and even George Washington left their family farms, or their job as a blacksmith, or running a general store and headed off to the new Washington, D.C. There, they spent a couple of years trying to help form and manage our New Republic. Then they returned home where they truly belonged.
Now, we have career congresspeople who have two jobs; get elected, and then get reelected. They spend decades on the public dole, sucking out bennies from you and me, the taxpayers. They stop working for The People and start working for themselves the minute they get off the plane at Reagan National. And they lose contact with the peoples' wills and wants. Thus, they become little more than pigs feeding at the public trough. Go home, you slugs. Go home, and leave us alone.
There. I've said it. These are the things we need but don't have. Maybe somebody out there in Internet Land will decide to make one or more of these bucket list dreams of mine come true. In fact, maybe you have one of your own. If so, send it along as a comment and we can expand my list ever further. Until then, have a great summer...
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