Thursday, November 15, 2018

A Few Words To Live By...

The level of political discourse in our Great Country has never been at a lower ebb.

That old "my friends on the other side of the aisle," has somehow morphed into, "that old sexual pervert pedophile rapist burglar thief who cheats on his taxes and has the temerity to run against me, a patriot, for public office, simply must be taken out and horsewhipped."  

People are screaming at each other.  They are hounding folks out of restaurants and airports.  They are literally going nuts over anything and everything!  This has simply got to stop.  And in an effort to provide just a bit of a calming influence to the roiling waters, I'd like to pass along a saying given me to by an old Sunday School teacher friend:

"There's enough bad in the best of us, and good in the worst of us, that it hardly behooves any of us to talk about the rest of us."

So, The Chuckmeister passes this along to any of those out there in InternetLand who might be planning to act in a manner unbefitting a good neighbor and fellow American. 

Please don't.  It's not nice.

There.  I've fixed that problem.  What's next?

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