Friday, July 27, 2018

Identity Politics...

Now, we all know by now that the Democrat Party began implementing what they euphemistically call "Identity Politics" a decade or so ago to try and divide and conquer; pit race against race, class against class, religion against religion and city dwellers against those in "flyover country."  Apparently, the idea was they could seize, and then hold onto power.  Forever.  And ever...

Fat chance.

Seems like the Democrats ran into a Blusterous, Bilious Blowhard Billionaire on the way to the Political Promised Place.  And he's tied them in knots ever since...

So they've whipped up the troops to "resist."  Resist everything.  Every idea, every suggestion, every vote.  Resist everything!  And they've been doing a pretty good job, for the most part. But there's this one guy in Lost Angeles that caught my eye.  Now THIS guy deserves the "Saul Alinsky Award for Overreach."  Ready?

Yesterday the L. A. Police arrested a guy named Barraco Clintez for taking a pick axe to President Donald J. Trump's  "Star on the Walk of Fame."  Those little jewels are located all over the sidewalks of the (once) beautiful, but now homeless-plagued downtown Hollywood, California.  The Donald's Star has been disfigured before, but this time takes the Little Debbie.  

It seems that Senor Clintez ticks nearly all the boxes; he's an illegal immigrant, half-Mexican, half-Black, hard-core socialist, with ties to "Antifa," who was paid by one of Leftist puppet master George Soros' companies to cast illegal votes while starting up Black Lives Matter.  

Now, I gotta' tell you, this guy leaves very little to the imagination in terms of "identity."  And you can tell by his resume that he takes his lot in life very seriously.  But it struck me that he is missing some stuff that might attract votes like a Hoover vacuum cleaner.  First, he should be gay, or at least a transgender.  Yeah, that would help.  And he should be a dwarf.  And perhaps an albino.  And maybe a recovering drug, alcohol and sex addict.  Who is lactose intolerant.  And suffering from the Heartbreak of Psoriasis.  And he could maybe stretch the definitions a bit and magically become a Gypsy.  Oh yeah, and he should become one of those Native American Indigenous Peoples (if it can work for Elizabeth Warren, it could surely work for Barraco).  Then, our Mr. Clintez could be prepped for his run for office, once all illegals are granted citizenship, as a... 

..."Half-Latino, Half-Black, Socialist, Albino, Gypsy, Native American, Terminally-Ill, Transgender, Dwarf, ex-Addict and Uninvited, but oh-so-welcome ex-Undocumented, but now Proud Future Voter." 

Now, see what happens when you take something to its logical extension?  Knew that you would...

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