Friday, February 16, 2018

"Shelter in Place"

As you know by now, there's been a horrific mass murder at the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

Dozens were wounded and numerous teachers, administrators and students were killed.  At this time the number is being placed at 17.  Sad.  Very sad.  And almost entirely preventable.  And the reaction of the authorities?

Shelter in place!

What sort of dumbass crap is this?  That's an insult to our intelligence!  First you disarm us, and then you tell us to hide when Bad Guys come to kill us.  Instead of doing everything possible to "harden" these targets by making mass shootings more difficult, it seems that the "authorities" are working overtime to do the exact opposite. The elected dodos who infest the Blue State Capitols, the District of Columbia, the Lap Dog Media, Hollywierd-types, and pampered snowflake weenies made that way by years of socialist policies, have declared almost all shopping malls, theaters, government buildings, airports, train stations and schools "Gun Free Zones."

Like the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School...

Lemme' see here.  If I'm inclined to whip out a heater and go on a shooting rampage, murdering all thither and non, do you think it's even remotely possible that I - or anyone else - would choose a police station, where everyone's armed?  How about a gun show?  Maybe a gun store?  How about a shooting range?  Maybe a Costco in south Texas?  No?  Why?  

Because everybody would be armed!

Hello!  I'm not one of those highly-paid Congressweenies whose job it is make sure this stuff doesn't happen.  But I am fairly intelligent, filled up to the brim with common sense (a commodity in very short supply among our Fearless Leaders these days!), and well-trained in owning and using firearms.  And I can tell you that...

...if we we were to adopt the "Israeli model" and arm a small percentage of our teachers and administrators with concealed carry weapons, making sure they're well-trained first, and agreeable to packing heat, and advertise that fact, plus employing retired police and military to guard the exterior of schools, then school shootings will be stopped.  Right now.  Since adopting this plan there's shootings in Israel. 

A few years back those fun-loving Palestinians were blowing up themselves and a bunch of Israeli school children almost daily.  The Israelis did something about it.  We could too.  Why haven't we?

...we should install metal detectors in all schools and lock the doors after the last child enters.  And don't open them until school is out.  If the FL school had been "hardened" in this manner the shooter could not have gained entry. prepared to "Run, Hide, Fight."  When somebody's trying to kill you it's a good idea to hide.  But if that doesn't work, run like Hell!  If that fails then fight!  Attack the shooter. Hit him with a table.  Or throw a chair.  Anything.  It might not work and you might get shot.  But you might be shot anyway, so be proactive.  You might wish to take in the movie "15 - 17 to Paris" if you'd like to see how that's done...

In short, you can either try to control events, or events will surely control you... 

And a short commentary on AR-15s, the weapon the FL shooter used.  The Left is telling you that this weapon is for "assaults only," is a "weapon of mass destruction," and is "for military use only."  You should know that there are (1) more than 10 million ARs in circulation, (2) it is considered the most popular Modern Sporting Rifle in America, (3) it is used for hunting everything from squirrels to Alaskan Brown Bear, (4) and that less than 3% of all murders in America are committed with long guns, including ARs.  

A reminder, the 26 people shot at Sandy Hook Elementary were murdered with a pistol.  And at the church in Charleston.  And at Fort Hood.  There's a bunch more, but you get the idea.

The Democrats' answer to mass shootings is to outlaw - and ultimately confiscate - guns.  They've even begun to suggest we do what Australia did and confiscate all guns.  With more than 100 Million Americans owning more than 300 Million guns, that ought to be fun to watch.  They think the common man/woman/other isn't smart enough to own a gun.  They've been singing this tired old tune for decades, apparently unaware that they are at odds with the Constitution.  Or maybe they just don't care.

And the Republicans are steadfast in their protection of the 2nd Amendment, as they should. So the answer lay, in my opinion, with a change in the law to tighten gun background checks for certain individuals who've earned enhanced scrutiny, such as those with a mental disability, and a change in the public's attitude regarding the hardening of "target rich environments," like schools. The authorities have to get serious on making it legal to force those suspected of having a mental illness to get the help they need.  And you and me need to understand that the Gummint cannot protect you from cradle to grave, regardless of the liberal crap shoveled your way since birth.  So you have to take charge of your own safety, and the safety of those you love.

Oh, and on my way out the door, I might mention that there's never been a mass shooter who's been a member of the National Rifle Association.  Is that a surprise to you?

There are those who will surely disagree with my prospective solutions.  Fine.  Opinions are like belly buttons.  Everybody's got one.  Including me.  I rest my case... 

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