Monday, May 27, 2024

"The Last Full Measure..."

More than 1,400,000 of our fellow Americans have died over the years fighting for our collective Freedom.

That's in the 12 major and more than 100 minor wars, "police actions," "military involvements," and "skirmishes," we've engaged in since 1776. 

Here' a partial list of those who died so that we might live:

     -  Civil War:           620,000

     -  WW2:                405,399

     -  WW1:                116,516

     -  Vietnam War:       58,218

     -  Korean War:         36,516

In fact, the United States has been at "war," or our men and women have been "in harms' way," for 222 of its 241 years.  

Think about that.

That means there were - and are - countries which would fight and die to try and kill us.  Eagerly!  And take our property and our freedom.  And also our lives.  That would be most of the 195 countries on Earth, I believe.  I'd bet you can name half a dozen without even straining.  

The same countries to which we are sending boatloads of cash every year in "foreign aid."  To try and buy their friendship.  

P.S.  It isn't working.

That's why we have to remain ever vigilant, ever prepared.  For only that will dissuade foreign powers which might wish us harm.  That saved us during the Cold War.  It could do so again.  As the wise man once said, "In time of peace, prepare for war."  

And just to keep you current, more than 7,000 of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have died serving our Country since 9/11.  All around the world.  In just the past 23 years.

And even though less than 1% of us have now chosen to join our all-volunteer military, down from 11.2% of our population who fought during WW2, more than 41,000,000 Americans have worn the Uniform of our Country over the years.  Proudly, I am certain.  

Less than 1% of us are now carrying the other 99%.

You might be surprised to know that we have forts, and stations, and encampments, and posts in 178 of those 195 countries.  Right now, today.  Working overtime to keep us all safe.  And believe me, they're not doing it for the money.  

Your Freedom was paid for in blood.  Perhaps the blood of a distant relative, long dead.  Or perhaps your father's blood, or maybe that of one of your sons or daughters.  And if you find that sentence somewhat blunt, jarring even, there's something you should know:  People are out there plotting to kill us.  And just because you don't see it, up close and personal, doesn't mean it's not happening.  Trust me, it's happening.  It's happening right now.  

Because Freedom isn't Free.

Today, as you're eating hot dogs and drinking a cool one, I'd like you to ponder for a moment the "Last Full Measure of Sacrifice" some gave so that you and I can enjoy this day.  None of them made the choice to go to war.  And to die in our service.  That choice was made by people in suits far, far away.  And often for the wrong reasons, in retrospect.  Sadly.  In fact, in retrospect, almost always.  But our young men and women answered the call, nonetheless.  They stood up straight and held up their hands.  They swore to defend us, and they did.  And so they deserve a few seconds of our thoughts.  

Please try and live your lives worthy of their sacrifice...

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