Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Am I Missing Something Here?

Ya' gotta' help me here.  I just heard on the news that our Federal Gummint just announced it's spending some $87 Million Dollars to rent motel rooms in and around our southern border.

To put up illegal aliens.

Lemme' say that again.  Illegal aliens.*  

Aliens who've crossed the border illegally and shouldn't be here.  

And that's while we're forcing on-duty National Guard members in Washington, D.C., American citizens and military veterans all, to sleep on the floor of parking garages.  

The cold hard floor...

Did someone in law enforcement forget that crossing our International Border without permission is illegal?  And that doing so opens one up to arrest and prosecution?  And that such prosecution can carry with it a prison sentence of up to six (6) months for the first offense, as a misdemeanor, and up to two years for any subsequent offense(s), as a felony?  That is in addition to any civil fines and forfeitures assigned?  So, yes, my cursory search of our laws says that crossing our Border is still illegal, and that anyone doing so should be arrested.

Did they forget that?

Apparently, Mr. Joe O'Biden is not aware of our Federal laws, even though we're told he has a law degree.  I understand he graduated toward the bottom of his class, which is not hard for me to believe having observed him carefully, so perhaps he didn't learn it waaaay back then.  Which, as they say, was a long, LONG time ago, doncha' know.  Perhaps even before there WAS a border (chuckle, chuckle from Chuckie).  Or perhaps he's forgotten it due to his advanced age.  So, yes, it's still illegal to cross the border, and good ol' Joe should be reminded of that fact.

As in, misdemeanor for the 1st offense, felony for the 2nd and subsequent offenses.

(Ummmm, just wondered when the last time one of those "undocumented, but oh-so-welcome visitors from Anywhere Else, who are sure to become citizens reeeeel soon," was actually prosecuted for this, perhaps our most frequent crime?  Bet it was a long, long time ago, if ever...)

Asking for asylum?  Terrific!  Under carefully negotiated agreements between the Trump Administration and the governments of Mexico and all the Northern Triangle countries, those asking for asylum were required to apply in the first country in which they arrived after leaving their home country.  Period.  And then wait in Mexico while their cases were being adjudicated.  They did not get to jump to the front of the line.  Unless the laws were changed while I wasn't looking.

Were they Joe?  Were they?

Apparently.  Because Joe on Day One whipped off a few Executive Orders and upset the entire apple cart.  To the extent we're now in a generally-regarded "National Crisis."


Joe helped more than 140,000 illegals crossed our southern border in February.  More than 18,000 illegal unaccompanied children (UAC's) are being currently held in custody.  In warehouses.  Some Seven Times the number when Trump was POTUS.  In the very same cages Obama built (where are all the celebrities who were clutching their pearls when Trump had to detain UAC's?  Where's Cher?  Where's Chrissy?  Where's Barbra?).  It was just reported that illegals now detained are being issued a ticket without a court date!

A summons!  Like for exceeding the speed limit!

I ask again:  Is it not illegal to cross our Border illegally?  If not, and if those arrested for having done so are not punished, then I'd have to ask... 

...why should any of our citizens ever bother to obey any of our laws, ever again?  


*  Don't give me any crap about using the term "illegal aliens."  That's the term our Constitution uses to describe anyone who breaks in to our Country without permission.  There's been a whole lot of not asking for permission lately...

NOTE:  The 9th District Court of Appeals just issued one of their Orwellian rulings stating that the amount of bail in a criminal case may be set after considering the perp's ability to pay.  In other words, if you're poor  and can't afford bail, you get set free.  Only the "rich" have to pay bail now in California.  That should result in a new wave of crimes by those unable to pay to bail themselves out of trouble.  Maybe it will pose a real draw to those out-of-state criminals looking for a little sunshine.  Maybe including a disproportionate level of retired seniors who are considered among the newly "poor."  Has anyone considered that they just might go on a crime spree now that they've found out that, as with illegal aliens, there's no punishment for their crimes?  Perhaps I should erase this in case I should decide to take my own advice...

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Attractive Nuisance...

There's such a thing in the law called an "attractive nuisance."

I learned that from a lawyer friend who advised me to ditch my swimming pool diving board many years ago.  He said if anyone got hurt, they could sue by declaring my diving board an "attractive nuisance."

As in, if it weren't so damned attractive, no one would have used it.  Or gotten hurt.  The "but for" provision in the law.  As in "But for" the diving, board, your honor, my client would not have been mangled for life and turned into a vegetable..."

Yeah, the law sucks, don't it?  If it didn't, Hunter and his Dad would both be in prison...

Anyway, with that comparison to build upon, America is an "attractive nuisance."  You could look all around the world and you won't find another country people are literally selling their gold teeth to break into.  We've made it that way.  We've created the single most vibrant, successful, productive republic on Earth.  Not a democracy, a republic!  A democracy brought down ancient Rome.  We've got a republic, as Franklin once told a constituent, "...if we can keep it."

In spite of the liberal leaches and union thugs and climate alarmists and racial bigots and usurious tax policy wonks and idiotic rules and regulations, we've made it work.  In just over 240 years we've gone from a post-medieval collection of villages to, as Reagan once said, "The shining city on the hill."  

So attractive, in fact, that people from the other 187 nations want to come here.  Maybe all of them.  Sometimes desperately.  I'm thinking if it weren't for the oceans, you know, the Pacific and the Atlantic (praise be for them!), there might be 2 or 3 billion people living here!  (BTW, some of the open borders crowd have stated there's plenty of room in Texas for all of them!).  And even though we offer a legal, moral and ethical immigration system that permits the annual welcome of more than 1,000,000 migrants annually, right now, many others feel free to violate our laws and come here illegally.

And that's not new.  We've been told we have "11,000,000" illegals here for decades.  Right now.  Alright, everyone who believes there are just 11 million illegals here, raise your hand?  Anyone?  Anyone?

We have no way of knowing how many are here.  It could be 22,000,000.  Or maybe 50,000,000!  No one knows.  And seemingly, the Democrats don't care.  Joe O'Biden bragged the other night in his first (and maybe last...) press conference that relatives of unaccompanied minors who are found with their phone numbers taped to their wrists are immediately called by the Border Patrol so they can be reunited.  Huh?  Why didn't a reporter ask if those parents or other relatives who are here to welcome this new illegal child are themselves illegal?  And if so, why aren't they being scooped up and deported?

Institutionalized, multi-generational, flagrantly illegal activity, sanctioned by one of our two political parties is making citizens disdainful of the law.  It certainly is me.  Shameful.

Why?  Because to Democrats all those illegals will someday be magically turned into voters.  Illegal aliens are voting right now in San Franpoopco and Santa Monica and Chicago and Baltimore and in some counties of Virginia.  They'll figure out a way to make them all citizens, perhaps as soon as Joe O'Biden gets up from his next nappy poo.

Maybe by next Tuesday.

Trump was trying to build a wall to keep them out.  O'Biden and his sycophants are trying to open the borders and let them all in.  

Houston, we have a problem!  

In fact, a good portion of our problem is in and around Houston!

It may be the only way to diffuse this situation is to make America less attractive.  To make the U. S. a less desirable place in which to live and fewer will try to break in (it's becoming more so every day!  Have you been to Lost Angeles lately?  It's a toilet!  Literally!)   

Maybe we just let Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and her crowd pass the Green New Deal.  That should stop the trains and the planes and eliminate all the cars and put us on horseback again.  And also major Gun Control.  They'll confiscate all the weapons and then only the gangs will have guns (think Japan's Yakuza).  And brand-new Voting Rights Legislation.  Gutting ordinary controls on illegal voting would insure the Inmates stay in control of the Asylum.


In fact, the inmates are now voting from the asylum!  The Democrats new "stimulus" bill insured that!  

These measures, all Democrat wet dreams, should go a long way toward turning America into Venezuela and our zoo animals into supper.  For only then, absent a new Administration or Heavenly Intervention, will the wave of illegal immigration on our Southern Border...cease.

Until then, as I advise my family and friends and neighbors, keep your guns oiled and loaded and at the ready.  You just might need them...

Friday, March 26, 2021


Once again, some crazed fool obtains a gun, legally or otherwise, and shoots up a church or a mosque or a school.  

Or, most recently, a grocery store.

It happens every now and then when one of the 100,000,000 American gun owners comes unglued and causes a massacre.  With a firearm.  Somebody who should have been found out and helped with their mental health crises by our highly-paid healthcare authorities before the fact.  But our current mental health system failed them. 

And all of us.  

And quicker than a quark can go "fsssst," the gun-grabbers on the Left, those protected behind walls and guns, will line up in front of the nearest news camera and demand GUN CONTROL!   

They want so-called "assault weapons" banned!  And confiscated!    

And they want so-called "high-capacity" magazines to be banned!  And confiscated!  

And they want to pass so-called "Universal Background Check" legislation so they'll know who has what gun, so they'll know where to go when Confiscation Day comes...

(NOTE:  When a drunk causes a wreck and kills someone, we do not normally call for all cars to be confiscated.  When a kid drowns in a bathtub, we do not normally call for all bathtubs to be outlawed and showers to be mandated.  When a baby sticks a fork in a power outlet and electrocutes itself, we do not normally call for electricity to be outlawed.  But when somebody shoots somebody?  Pulllleeeezzz!  Oh yeah, and it's a Constitutional RIGHT to own and bear a firearm!)  

Fellow Pilgrims, I'm godddammed sick and tired of hearing these empty threats!  I say, Go Ahead, Make My Day!  Pass such legislation!  Even though doing so would clearly violate the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, and draw lawsuits like a magnet, and be overturned by any right-thinking SCOTUS, and cause untold havoc on the streets while those lawsuits are winding their way through the courts, and cause millions of legal gun owners to become instant felons because they absolutely will not comply with heavy-handed new Federal registration/confiscation rules and regulations, they'll still do it.

Because they can.

So again, I say, Man Up!  No more empty threats.  If you're going to "pull the trigger," so to speak, pull it!  We await!

And by the way, the term "Molon Labe" was uttered by Sparta's Leonidas in response to Persia's Xerxes' demand that he turn over all his weapons.  Or else, Xerxes threatened, he'd be coming to Thermopolae and take them.  They didn't.  He did.  He later wished he hadn't.  Big Time...

Oh yeah, "Molon Labe" means, "Come and take them!"

Okay, Harris/O'Biden, it's your move...

Thursday, March 25, 2021

My Press Clippings...

I don't want you to read and enjoy this unassuming little blog just because I think you should.  No, no, no!  You should only read it because of the wisdom it imparts.  The almost unmatched level of deep, heartfelt wisdom and experience borne of decades and decades of community organizing, deep sea diving, sign twirling, bull riding, responsibility-avoiding and gunsmithing.  However, for those who have yet to experience the almost ethereal, orgasmic sense of joy which can come to one from an enlightening read of "The Chuckmeister's" blog, perhaps the voice of others might serve to sway you.  If so, here are a but a few I've collected of late.  Enjoy!

                                           ////  +++ \\\\

"One of the more inspirational Conservative voices of our time!"

                                                      Dick Fitswell, Pumpkin Center Harold         

"Now that Rush has gone, his generation's most influential author.  If you want a rolickkking good time, read "The Chuckmeister!"

                                                           Cher, Beverly Hills

"The most (reading) fun you can have with your pants on!"

                                                Jamal Gnu, Puerto Rico Near-Citizen

"Don't read this guy's blog, folks.  If you do, you'll be hooked, and then you'll pass it along maybe to a liberal, who will be so triggered he/she/it will hunt him down and "cancel" him

                                                      Billy Jeff (Blue Dress) Clinton

"One has to wonder about this poor fellow's upbringing.  It's obvious he was raised by wolves.  Of course, that's not meant to disparage wolves..."  

                 Jim Acosta, Clinton News Network

"This guy's proof-positive you can be Joe Biden's age and still be able to order a taco!"

                                    (Cancelled by Teen Vogue)

"Could we do without "The Chuckmeister?"  How about a big fat NO!"

                                                       Nargalwith Chandalaranathan, New Deli News

"How did he learn all that stuff?  Can it be unlearned?"

                                                       Bebe Netanyahu, Prime Dude, Jerusalem

"Take away his laptop!  He's dangerous to polite society!"

                                                      Don Lemming, Intern, MSPMS                        

"Don't tell me he dreams up all that crap by himself!"

                                                      Igneous Basalt, Editor, Geology Yesterday

So in the privacy of your own home you may have happened to read one of The Chuckmeister's blog postings, with one hand, under cover of darkness of course, and wondered how he manages to stay out of jail.  Or "the home."  Some of these folks have as well...                                              

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

What Henry Lee Taught Us...

Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans on August 23rd, 2005.  Hit it hard.

It made a mess, as you likely know.  I know personally, having toured the area with a LA state patrolman friend some six months later.  Put simply, 90% of it was just erased...  

However, there was another "mess" it caused, or rather exposed.  And I, The Chuckmeister, am here to tell you all about it...

On the morning of August 24th, the very next morning, while the storm was still raging through Louisiana, New Orleans Parish Sheriff Henry Lee marshaled his forces.  He dispatched his deputies to the homes of every single registered gun owner, in row boats, to confiscate their weapons.  Every single one. 

No, I'm not kidding.  I truly wish I were.

The reason Henry knew who had guns is that New Orleans managed to bullsh*t its citizens into allowing it to create a registry of firearm owners some years earlier.  That was in response to its decades-long, nation-leading murder rate.  Which, I would add, was due in no small part to lax police enforcement under 80+ years of Democrat leadership.  

Creating a firearm registry is something our Founding Fathers would have never envisioned, nor ever countenanced.  New Orleans Parish had to pass a law in order to permit this activity, as current Federal regulations explicitly prohibit it in the absence.  

So just think of it: at the time when the residents of New Orleans needed their firearms for self-protection more than at any other on record, its Sheriff took them all away.  Why?  And why did the citizens let him get away with that?  And better yet, why did they accede?  

Why do I bring this up?  The Democrats are attempting to ram through legislation, right now, today, as this is written, which would create a Federal Registry of firearm owners.  Something that currently does not exist, for the very reason New Orleans residents have come to know.  There are legions of misguided gun-grabbers scurrying around D.C. with the singular goal of confiscating firearms.  And they desperately want to pass Universal Background Check legislation so they can go out and get them.  

Just like Henry Lee. 

Knowing what you now know, are you comfortable having your elected bozos know what guns you have?  Or even if you have one at all?  Do you want your firearm registered so they can come and snatch it up when the wicket gets sticky?  How about those belonging to your kids?  And their kids?

And here's one of those "existential questions" you read about.  If the Sheriff's deputy came to your house to confiscate your weapons, would you give them up?  Would you?  Do you wonder what percentage of your citizen brothers and sisters would do the same?

In short, are you willing to let a bureaucrat get between you and the defense of your family?

Freedom isn't free.  We have to keep fighting for it each generation.  And even if this generation chooses not to do its share, we will...

Monday, March 22, 2021

The Grays...

So back to the aliens...  

No, silly, not those aliens, the other ones...

We were talking about aliens, weren't we?  You know, those little "Gray" people?  The ones folks keep reporting as having seen so many times over the years?  Over the millennia?  Those guys?  The Grays?

Well anyway, back to the aliens.  I have it on good authority that they are sick and tired of being referred to as "The Grays," and I don't blame them.  It's a racial epithet and it should be removed from our lexicon! They consider the term demeaning and wish to be known by more socially-acceptable terminology.  I mean, you don't want to piss them off, they might riot!  And we surely do not want that!  I'm suggesting "Little People" as a much nicer name.  I mean, they average only about 4 feet in height, so that term would fit nicely.    

Of course, the Leprechaun Lobby would object, but somebody's ox always gotta' get gored, right people?  "For every action," and all that...

Anyway, our intergalactic alien friends are wondering exactly when we'll decide to stop slicing and dicing our society into various little races and colors and ethnicities and sub-groups?  I mean, it's divisive and accomplishes nothing except fomenting ever more disharmony between our various peoples.  And in the case of our famously scarce friends from "up there," they absolutely abhor it!  So much so, I hear, that they don't intend to show themselves, to land on the White House lawn, so to speak, unless or until we get our collective act together.  

Face it people!  We're just going to have to stop thinking of each other in terms of our color first.  I know there's one political Party that will dig in its feet here, but I'm pretty sure the other one will go along with this plan happily.  And maybe then we'll be able to convince those "other" guys, the ones who see race first, the ones to whom melatonin is the single most element on the "societal table," to finally see the light.

So, if you want to know the secret about those "Grays" and those flying saucers, you're just going to have to stop being a Democrat, or start being colorblind, or both...

Saturday, March 20, 2021


I think there's been a misconception on the part of those on the Left that all Trump voters were somehow hipppppmotizzzed into voting for him alone.

Like a "cult of personality," they tell us.  All day and all night they tell us that...  

No, I think he may well have just looked over his shoulder while walking along one day back in July of 2015 and discovered he was leading a parade.  A parade of millions and millions of disaffected Conservatives (many of them Republicans) who'd been mistreated, lied to, over-regulated, minimized, over-taxed, condescended to, insulted, demonized, beaten down and mainly IGNORED by their elected representatives and much of the Legacy Media for a generation or more.  Like so many serfs.  Did I say ignored?  Yes I did.  And they were looking for a champion to take them to the Conservative Promised Land.

A parade of millions who'd finally come to realize that the "powers that be" in the states bordering either of our vast oceans have been treating those in the middle of our Great Country, the so-called "fly-over people," as second-class citizens for far too long.

And it was Trump who just happened to come down the Golden Escalator that fateful day back in 2015 to pick up their gauntlet.

But those who selected Trump as their Champion back then did not do so, in my humble opinion, because he's a blustery, ornery, take no prisoners, loud, combative, competitive, insensitive, flawed, hard-charging, narcissistic sort of guy.  But mainly they did because no one else had shown up to champion their cause.  No one had shown up to be their Galahad.  I mean, Mitt Romney?  Hello!  Pullleeeezzz!  I think he wears silk underwear!  He holds up his pinky finger when he sips his sauvignon blanc!  And the fact that no one had done so before Trump tells us more about today's America than we should ever want to hear.

The 40%-or so of 'Murica that attached itself to Trump back then (and the 75+% of Republicans who say they'd still stick with him now), did so, in my opinion, because of what they hoped he would bring to that arrangement.  They knew that Trump was a businessman, not a politician.  A businessman who had succeeded admirably in his own life, and so they thought he might be able to bring some of that talent to the job of fixing Government.  After all, a never-ending stream of politicians hadn't managed to do so after decades, now had they?  They believed that Trump was willing to work hard, not just talk hard.  They heard him say he was dedicated to improving the plight of the working man and they chose to let him try.  They saw that he was willing to commit to a set of promises, and then be held to them.  And they saw that those promises were for the most part, kept.  

As he said to the Black population, "What do you have to lose?"

And all would have been, arguably, had Democrats not planted their Gucci-clad feet firmly in the turf and stalled almost all the legislation he and his Team managed to put forth.  And those who doubt the extent of that resistance only need consider the "Dirty "Pee" Dossier," the Russian Hoax, the Mueller Report, the Ukraine Phone Call, and two, read that TWO impeachments.  That, and a full-throated condemnation by nearly every single Media outlet in America.  Only his vaunted "Tax and Fiscal Reform Package" saw the light of day, and thankfully it did.  It lowered taxes on more than 81% of our citizens.   

Did the blow-dried talking heads on MSPMS and the Clinton News Network tell you this tax plan lowered taxes only on the rich?  Did they tell you that all day and all night?  Yeah, they lie like that.  All day and all night...

But despite Trump's many triumphs, he was thwarted continually in his efforts.  He was seen by his supporters as having tried, however.  After all, Trump was working for free, for God's sake!  He donated back to the Government a total of $1,400,000 of his salary to various charities during his 4-year term.  He felt that working as President was a privilege.  A privilege worth losing perhaps as much as one-half of his own personal fortune!  Although O'Biden took in some $16,000,000 in speaking fees the year after he left orifice as V.P., I'm wondering if good ol' Joe will now do the same?

O'Biden's now POTUS.  long live the POTUS!  Now, considering that his first actions as Prezzz was to issue 62 Executive Orders voiding some of Trump's most important accomplishments, and personally killing more than 100,000 high-paying, union jobs, I'm thinking it's gonna' be a bumpy ride....

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Ending Illegal Immigration...

Have you seen those "Maps to the Stars" homes?  You know, the ones they pass out on Hollywood Boulevard?  The ones you use to find out where Cher lives so you can drive there and wave?  Well, fellow Pilgrims, I suggest we use those maps to end, once and for all, the "crisis" at our border.

Hello, O'Biden Administration!  I'm here to school you on exactly how to end illegal immigration.  If you wish to end it, that is.  And it goes something like this...

We all know that Cher and all her Hollywood friends continue to prattle on about how America should open wide its borders and let everyone in.  Everyone.  Everyone from Mexico, and El Salvador, and Guatemala and Peru and Sierra Leone and Russia and Iran and Mogadishu and everywhere else. 

And we also know that they live in palatial, 5-acre estates surrounding the Beverly Hills Hotel.  And it seems to me that there's quite a bit of unused room on those expansive properties.  Room enough, it would seem to me, for a few of our poor, mistreated, "undocumented" friends to pitch a tent and set up shop.  And we know that they'd wish to honor their new visitors with a place to stay and something to eat and bathroom and shower facilities while they're getting on their feet.  I figure there should be room for at least 200 individual tents on each property, into which we could pack maybe 500 or 600 new "friends."  

God knows our Entertainment types will surely luuuuv the chance to "pay it forward" and help their new guests.  So all we have to do then is get the word out to all those miserable migrants, right?  To them know that our entertainment friends have the answer to all their problems, right?  So, how shall we do that?  How, indeed?

You with me so far?  Yes?  Okay, so the next step is we get a bunch of volunteers to stand at each of our primary border entry points and pass out leaflets.  Leaflets giving our new visitors instructions as to how to get to Cher's house.  And Barbra's and Britney's and Jay-Z's and all their tony neighbors.  I'd also seek to get (shame?) some free bus tickets to Hollywood out of Greyhound and Continental, as well as some freebie coupons from our uber-liberal friends at Starbucks, to include with those leaflets.  

Just think:  They paddle over the border and while the Border Patrol are drying them off, we hand them a nice, 4-color leaflet welcoming them to Joe O'Biden's America!  We let them know how much Cher is looking forward to their visit!  Oh yeah, and we also run a few TV ads in El Salvador and Guatemala and Honduras announcing our little Plan...

I wonder just how long our Border "crisis" would last if they took my advice?  

(This is called "thinking outside the box."  The folks we pay to run things should try it sometime...)

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Caracas on the Potomac...

I was just thinking back to a simpler, far gentler, more enjoyable time.

Yes, fellow Patriots, I was just ruminating upon a time in the not-so-distant past when you could hop on a plane and go to Washington, D.C. for a nice little vacation.  Once there you could wander around, visiting our Great Country's national monuments with abandon.  Up and down the National Mall, in and out of the various buildings containing all our Family Heirlooms.  And I mean really visit them.  You could get up close and personal with the White House, for instance, and the Capitol Building, and the Treasury Department.  

In fact, I recall a visit I took to the Capitol some years ago.  I was alone, wandering around, just taking in all the history,  which as you know I love, and found a stairway just off Statuary Hall.  It was located off the main hallway, sort of tucked away, covered over by a curtain.  It looked interesting.  It looked like I shouldn't go there, so I decided to go there; to look behind the curtain and explore.  

I found myself in an upstairs hallway where all the Senators have their offices.  Being from Missouri, the "Show Me State," and having traveled and worked in Kansas extensively by that time, I decided to try and find my friend then-Senator Bob Dole's office.  I knew Bob from my many business trips to Russell, Kansas, his hometown.  I found his office, went in and looked around.  Nobody home.  Not even a secretary.  I left a short handwritten note for Bob and left.  End of story.

Exceppppt, I was just thinking that had this same scenario happened on January 6th, 2021, I'm pretty sure I'd be a criminal and most likely in jail by now.

Or shot and killed.  With no explanation from the authorities.  Like the poor woman from San Diego.  An Air Force veteran, shot in the neck by a cop.  Which cop?  We don't know.  The authorities haven't told us.  And seemingly won't.  And without any explanation to us, the citizens, so far.

I'd kind of like to know why Ashli Babbitt was killed during this "armed insurrection," wouldn't you?  And I'd like to know why they're calling it an "armed insurrection" when the only shot fired was by a cop...into the neck of Ashli Babbitt.  And aren't you kind of wondering why our vaunted "MainStreamMedia" isn't asking these same questions?

How do you have an "armed insurrection" if nobody's armed?  And why would you call it that unless you have an agenda?

If I can ask questions a journalist should be asking, why aren't journalists?  Unless, of course, they've all been compromised by their political biases.  And they're not really journalists anymore.  Just political hacks, scurrying around for favors from well-positioned, elected cronies.  

Now?  Good luck on seeing the Capitol and any other significant National Monuments.  They're wrapped in razor wire up to a height of 10 feet!  They're ensconced in all sorts of stuff to keep you and me, the Taxpayers who pay for it all, out.  As in, OUT!  Why?  No one knows.  There's been no explanation given!  We are left to guess, and my guess is that Nancy Pelosi, who as Speaker of the House controls the Capitol building and grounds, keeps them there to protect her and her fellow socialists.  Clearly, while America hasn't been paying attention, Pelosi and her sycophants have turned Washington, D.C. into Pyongyang.

That's in North Korea, doncha' know.

My own supposition is that they, the Democrats, have given up on trying to sell us their their warped vision of America.  They've decided that now, when they're in charge of everything, they're just going to use their power to pass all sorts of Left-wing legislation while they can.  Because they can.    

A Point to Ponder:  There are more armed American soldiers in Washington, D.C. now, today, then in Baghdad.  Or Afghanistan.  Combined.  Some 7,600 American National Guard soldiers are standing guard over the Capitol Building today, right now.  And sleeping in parking garages.  Guarding against what?  Nobody seems to know.  However, they've cost us, you and me, the American taxpayers, at least $500 Million Dollars so far, and are expected to remain in D.C. for several months to come.

Like I said, Caracas on the Potomac.  I think the crooks in charge in Caracas are doing everything they can to disguise the fact they're socialists, while Pelosi and her socialists are  doing everything she can to prove to prove to us that they are.

Just a closing thought:  The Democrats are surrounding themselves with walls and protecting themselves with guns...while they're telling us we don't need guns and walls.  Do they think we're actually buying this bullsh*t?

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Oh Yeah...

...I almost forgot.  In follow-up to my most recent screed, you could call it a "Part Two," let me outline what we, those who elect to assist in annexing Mexico, do once all the hotels and airports shopping centers and restaurants and bright, clean new cities are built in the brand-new "United State of America."

We'd place signs on the Border letting everyone know that we now have a Border.  A Border which will be enforced.  Enforced as in, don't cross without permission.  Unless you want your ass shot off, of course.  And permission shall only be granted to those who follow the rules and regulations.  Those who show up at our Ports of Entry, just like they're supposed to, hat in hand, all respectful like.  And also we'd print in VERY BIG LETTERS on signs all across the Border saying something like, "BORDER VIOLATORS WILL BE SHOT!"  

Something like that.

And then we'd install gun emplacements in fox holes every 1/8th mile all across the entire 1,760 miles between the United States and what used to be Mexico.  Call it a full employment plan for ex-Marines.  And in them we'd place M-60 machine guns, loaded and ready to go with shiny new .30 caliber ammo.  Pointed north.  Ready to enforce our Border rules and regulations.  As in, don't cross, or you'll be opened up like a can of tuna.

And then do it time or two.  I know, I know, it would be messy.  And a public relations disaster for the O'Biden Administration.  The folks who just couldn't manage to keep all their newly-branded citizens inside their borders.  There.  That should be sufficient...  

We'll call our new home the "United State of America."  And we'll adopt the Constitution of the United States.  After all, the people of that once-Great Country haven't been using it lately, now have they?     

P.S:  You know what's great?  It's having a teeny little blog that few are permitted to read, which expresses what this apparently wrong-thinking citizen intends.  And that occasionally puts forth content of incalculable value, often hidden in baskets-full of nonsensical claptrap.  Which only my fellow Patriots are invited to try and decipher.  And quite likely would be yanked down with extreme prejudice if the pantywaist pukes at FB and Google and all those commie outfits ever became aware of its relatively paltry and meaningless existence.  So unless or until that happens, this member of the (dis)loyal opposition will continue to hide in the bushes and throw spitballs.  Fair warning is hereby extended... 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Disneyland for Illegals...

I, The Chuckmeister, your unpaid guide through the perils and pitfalls of modern-day life (and worth every single penny of it!), have said for years that there's a simple, and I believe effective answer to the "crisis" occurring on our Southern Border.    

           We simply annex Mexico.

Did you know that the Mexican maps do not show the Border as the Border?  The Mexican people call it "La Frontiera."  As in, the "Frontier."  Like the one between the U. S. and North Korea, for instance.  A Frontier.  Not a border.  Because to them, the Mexican-American War was never really over.  They think the "Treaty of Juadalupe Hidalgo" ended it unfairly, they believe, because it took the northern portion of their country away.  What they then called "Aztlan."  We think we stole it fair and square.  And we know we could have taken the entire country had we wished.  Being the Nice Guys we are, we decided to only take everything up to and including San Francisco as the spoils of war, and then all the way over to Oklahoma, and then down through to Texas.  Only.  

They wound up with "La Frontiera."  And the never-ending desire to cross it...

Now then, fellow Patriots, for the Plan:  We get about 20 or so retired, paunchy old Viet Nam vets to volunteer.  Most of them are bored and tired and pissed off at their lot in life, and are beset with all sorts of nagging medical issues, so they'd be more than willing to take up arms and storm some castle or other.  We convince a Chevy dealer to loan us a half-dozen used Suburbans.  We ask a gun dealer for a couple of dozen AR-15s, and some ammo to go along.  And then we talk a willing billionaire to bankroll the effort with about $250,000 in One Hundred Dollar bills.  

At a pre-approved time, each Suburban, filled with armed Army vets, one at each window, will ready itself at one of the half-dozen major border crossing checkpoints leading into Mexico.  At "Go" time, each Suburban will crash through their border checkpoint, windows down, with a crusty old vet at each one, furiously throwing out hundred dollar bills. 

My theory is, the Mexican border guards will be so busy scrambling around on the ground picking up our money that they'll pay no attention at all to the fleeing Surburbans or the Army vets inside.  Once past the Border, it'll be a straight shot all the way to Mexico City.  Once there, they can simply walk up the Capitol Building steps and take over the Country.  We'll time it for about 2:00 or so, when they're all taking siestas, so we should receive little in the way of resistance.  Especially when their guards find out what we're up to.  I mean, taking over the country should be easy, as the aristocrats who own and control Mexico are most likely lounging by the pool at the Beverly Hills Hotel, so they won't put up much of a fight.  

Then, we'll invite American citizens to emigrate to Mexico.  We could expect that millions would head the call, as the Ruling Party here in America is doing its best to destroy the Country.  And with 4,000 miles of pristine shoreline available, up and down both the Baja and the Mainland, we'll build dozens and dozens and dozens of high-end hotels and vacation resorts, using American talent to run them.  And we'll invite Americans to both vacation and move there.  And that will result in bright and clean new cities, filled to the brim with folks dedicated to obeying the law and staying out of other peoples' business. 

As to America, we'll give it to the "Progressives" who've been so dead-set on ruining it.  Have you been to Lost Angeles lately?  It's a toilet.  A Tiajowanna-quality toilet.  The very same folks who wish to return "Aztlan" to Mexican control have shown us what they'll do if they achieve it.  And the "Progressives" in charge here have shown us that they're quite comfortable in allowing this desecration of our once-Golden State.  I say, let them do with their America what they will.  They've screwed it up beyond all recognition over the past 50 years or so, so let them live in the mess of their own creation.  I mean, murderers on death row getting stimulus checks?  And voting?  Pulllleeeeze...

My guess is that within a couple of decades their America of today will become the Venezuela of tomorrow...  

Monday, March 8, 2021

Good News, O'Biden Voters!

I come to you with good news today, O'Biden voters!

(Proving that I, The Chuckmeister, am able to "reach across the aisle," so to speak, and help out our our less fortunate "Progressive" friends.)

Yes, O'Biden voters and only O'Biden voters, I knew that you'd be worried about the passage of HR-1, the new Congressional legislation sponsored by House Speaker Nancy "San Fran Nan" Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Charles "Chuckie" Schumer.  Not to mention rammed into effect by the Democrat Party utilizing "reconciliation," a piece of parliamentary legerdemain seldom if ever used to pass laws without a single vote of the opposing Party.  Why?  Because they can.

Let me restate that: the Democrats just passed a new $1.9 Trillion Dollar spending frenzy without a single Republican vote.  And 91% of the new money, every single dollar of it borrowed from China, will not be spent until 2023 through 2028.  And in case your eyes have gone out of focus over these yuuuge numbers, that's One Thousand Nine Hundred Million Million Dollars.  Or, roughly 10% of our entire economy!  Which brings our spending over the past year to just about $6 Trillion Dollars!  NOTE:  Every single dollar of HR-1 will be paid back by your kids, and their kids, and their kids' kids, most likely forever.

There.  Did that help?  Good.  Now back to our celebration.

I knew that some of you, the ones who voted for Joe O'Biden, might be worried that incarcerated felons would not be sharing in the largesse just heaped upon the American people by the Democrats.  No, you might be worried that felons like Dylann Roof, murderer of 9, currently on death row, might not be getting his $1,400.  And Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon Bomber, murderer of 3 and maimer of dozens, currently on death row, might not be getting his $1,400.  Fear not!  He will too!  And so will every other incarcerated murderer in America.  Every one of the 2,721 convicted murderers on death row will be getting their $1,400.  Of course, they won't be able to go to the canteen and shop around, given that they're all in solitary confinement, but maybe good ol' Joe can fix that with an Executive Order or two.  

However, the Good News is that all the other 2.1 million imprisoned felons in the United States will be getting their very own $1,400.  Every.  Single.  One.  I know how happy that will make you.

But it gets even better, O'Biden voters, all 6.1 Million felons in America will also be sharing in that same pot of borrowed money, with each getting their very own $1,400!  Did you know America had so much money to spread around, fellow Patriots?  Neither did I...    

Oh wait.  I almost forgot.  I almost forgot to mention that every single illegal alien in America will also get their own $1,400!  All 11 or 20 or 50 million of them!  Now, I don't know how we're going to figure out how to get the money out to them, unless they've all registered their names and addresses with the Treasury Department like us taxpayers, but I'm guessing good ol' Joe and his sycophants will somehow find a way.

But in addition to having the very same amount of money to spend at the canteen as you do at the local Albertson's, fellow O'Biden voter, you might have also worried that jailed illegal aliens might not be able to vote in the next election.  Fear not, again!  They will!  Yes, O'Biden voters, Mr. O'Biden wants you to know that every single imprisoned felon in America will be able to vote in the next election.  And the one after that.  He says you have a say in the future of America, even though you did you very best to destroy it.  

Do you feel better now, friends and neighbors?  Do you feel better knowing that murderers and rapists will be treated exactly like you?  With money to spend borrowed from our biggest enemy, China?  And the right to vote just like every other non-law-abiding American, just like you?  And that all our illegal aliens will be getting a giant pot of free money, courtesy of you, the Taxpayer?  And that the franchise you thought you held as a citizen of the United States has now been diminished...sullied...by these actions beyond all recognition?  Well, you should.  You voted for this.  

Enjoy it while it lasts...     

Saturday, March 6, 2021

My Glass is Half Full...

Those who know The Chuckmeister know that I, The Chuckmeister, am an inveterate optimist.

That means they know that I'll always look high and low to try and find something positive in even the most negative, nasty, depressing, stressful and unpalatable situations imaginable.

Like now, for instance.

"So what's there to be so friggin' optimistic about, Mr. Chuckmeister," you might ask?  I mean, our new POTUS, Mr. O'Biden, the Resident of these here United States, has told us we're in for a dark winter.  Verrrry dark.  Well, fellow Patriot, I'm here to tell you why I'm being optimistic even in spite of this dire warning.  And here it is...

About 45% of the public, on average, in my humble opinion, are downright ugly.  As in, it may not hurt them to wear that face, but it sure as Hell hurts me!  I may not be 100% accurate in my 45% assumption, but I'll bet I'm pretty damn close.  Not more than a couple of degrees off in either direction.  And now that we're absolutely required by the "powers that be" to wear face masks, we are all now protected from having those 45% pollute our view.  Thankfully.  

Dayyyummm, it's like finding a diamond in a goat's ass...

We've been told by (Saint) Dr. Fausti, the Very Most Important Medical Professional in the Entire Land, the only person you can see on any TV channel at any time of the day or night, more ubiquitous even then than that pillow guy, telling you his latest ideas regarding the wearing of facial masks and the social distancing of us 'Muricans.      

Not only is Dr. Fauci the very highest paid Gummint worker in America ($445,000 a year!), he's also the only guy permitted to go on TV and guess.  Guess about almost anything having to do with our health and our freedom.  And his guesses will be considered sacrosanct by the blow-dried talking head moderators upon whose channels he puts forth his high-level prognostications.  At least for the day he puts them forth.  Or fifth, even.  

They think he's the Second Coming.  Of course, most of them don't believe in the "First coming," so do with that what you will... 

Anyway, back to ugly.  There are various degrees of ugly.  It goes all the way from moderately unattractive to all-out, stop-you-in-your-tracks, uggggg-leee!  But masks cover them all.  Thankfully.  So now you don't have to flinch when you see them.  

Thank God for small favors...

But now Dr. Fauchi, who originally told us masks don't work, is now on a multi-mask kick.  He went from not wearing one, at all, ever, to wearing one all of the time, including while engaging in sex with newly-met partners who you just hooked up with at the local gin mill, to now wearing two.  Two masks.  Two is better than one, he now tells us.  But even better (worse?) than that, he's now telling us we might want to consider wearing THREE!  Three masks!  He's one of those, "If two's good, three's better," guys.  I'm trying to picture someone wearing three masks, and all I can imagine is an entirely covered face, perhaps with the exception of a nostril.  Or two.

Buuuuut, an entirely covered face is a Godsend, if that face is...wait for it...UGLY!  Right?  Even various degrees of ugly are now covered by masks.  At least one, and perhaps as many as THREE soon!  And even though I may now miss the chance to ogle the occasional knockout, "three-alarm" babe now that the masking of our females by aged, crusty old doctors has become fashionable, yes Pilgrims, my glass is "half full."  

Better that than "half empty" with ugly people flitting around me, all thither and yon...

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Patriotism: A Treatise

I don't remember being particularly patriotic as a yout (what's a yout?).  I just didn't focus on it.  Nor did anyone else I knew.  It wasn't a part of our daily lives.  In fact, I did not develop any degree of patriotism at all until the U. S. Army and I joined forces.  

During a war.  

You should know that joining the Army during a war tends to focus the mind quite seriously, doncha' know.

No, my interests were far more locally focused.  Gotta' remember, we were all 18 or 19 or 20 year-olds back then.  Dumb as a bag of rocks, were we.  Only the events occurring in and around our home towns, good ol' Chillicothe, Missouri in my case, held my interest.  And who to call out for a drag race (I always had one of the town's faster cars!).  And where the next poker game would be held.  And who to hustle in the pool hall that day (I used to shoot a mean stick...that's where "the Chuckmeister" moniker came from!).  And which girl I thought might be available.  As in, available...

Doncha' know.

But the day I received "that" letter from the Draft Board is forever indelibly etched in my rapidly-fading memory.  I was invited (ahem!) to join the United States Army and go halfway around the world and shoot at little people who'd been hanging out in a tree, waiting to kill me.  For months. I was not looking forward to the whole experience.  Neither were those who elected to relocate to Canada.  But I survived it.  In fact, I GREW from it!  

In fact, every other soldier I knew at the time grew from it.  Doing otherwise was simply unimaginable.  Entering the armed services meant surrendering your individuality and donning the mantle of a "Team."  Whether you wanted to or not.  And pretty much none of us wanted to.  

Your name was taken from you, forcibly, and you were issued a number.  You were then reduced by true professionals to a whimpering, quivering mass of protoplasm.  And then rebuilt, one corpuscle at a time, into a trained, hardened killer.  Becoming a member of a group of men, all trained-up and ready to go break things and make noise and kill people, as a unit, was their goal.  We became a part of a whole.  We became hard as nails.  We lost our fear.  We gained the strength borne of many.  We surrendered our individuality.  We became men 

We became soldiers.

And that "we" part was a cross-section of America's citizenry back then.  Young and older, Black and White, rich and poor, elite and commoner, smart and somewhat less than, we were cut down to size and then rebuilt into a fighting force to be reckoned with.  We were most often sent to far-flung lands, usually beset with the ravages of socialism, and poverty, and warfare.  And we were therefore able to look back on whence we'd come.  From a far-away land.  To be able to view one's homeland through an 8,000 mile-long aperture is a unique, scary and thrilling experience.  An opportunity reserved for a very few.  And when (or if) we survived, we went home smarter, tougher, wiser, better educated, highly-trained and ready to assume our rightful role as good husbands, good fathers, and most of all, good citizens.  

That scenario no longer exists, I'm afraid.  

Now?  Our military is made up entirely of volunteers.  Volunteers who are individually older, smarter, better educated and more capable than were we way back when.  Mucho better!  Today's soldier or sailor or Marine has at least two years of college, and more than 40% have college degrees.  Our Fighting Forces now have 1+ year more formal education than do their civilian counterparts lounging in their basements playing Donkey Kong (sorry).  

So what am I bitching about?  They are not drafted.  They enlist!  An important step toward making it a career!  And thus, they no longer represent a cross section of America.  Because a "cross-section of America" couldn't qualify.

Back when conscription was in effect we count on those who came back from military service to inform and shape public opinion around their spheres of influence (it's hard to hate the Army if your brother's in it, as an example).  But we no longer draft the under-educated Black yout from inner-city Philadelphia, for example.  In fact, that man could no longer qualify to become a soldier.  He's not smart enough.  And he's not educated enough.  And so he'll never be taken apart and put back together by the military, to his everlasting benefit, and America's everlasting detriment.  And he'll also never come home from the Army and be an influence on his family and his community.  

Nor will that influence be felt at the ballot box...

Everything changed back in 1976.  That was the year we stopped drafting our youth into military service.  However, you might be interested to know that Israel drafts every single one of its citizens upon attainment of the age of 18, and they must serve in the military for a minimum of 2 years.  The Netherlands does that as well.  So does Switzerland.  And Russia, and Brazil, and Ukraine, and another dozen countries around the Globe.  And both the Israelis and the Swiss, as an example, require that their returning soldiers take home fully-automatic, military "assault rifles", and to keep them loaded as a part of their national readiness.  They are even inspected without notice to insure they are maintaining their country's "ready reserve."  These countries make sure their future citizens are properly prepared for the task.  Properly trained to protect their homeland.  And properly trained to be good citizens.  

Unlike America has been since it stopped conscription.  

(Alert!  Alert!  Personal Opinion Coming!)  Face it, America:  With exception of our truly excellent military, far too many of us are a weak, flabby, overweight, under-motivated bunch of video game-playing, Red Bull-sucking losers.  We got to witness proof of that fact unfold last summer in 50 of our biggest cities.  And I maintain that ceasing the draft went a long way toward achieving our current reality.  Unfortunately.  It also kept our youth from having to forcibly interact on such a base level with other citizen soldiers from other parts of America.  And it therefore kept them from being enriched by that experience.  And then bringing that experience back home with them.  And perhaps most importantly, it's contributed immeasurably to the "tribalism" we're currently experiencing here in America. 

Point to Ponder:  One of the many friends I made in the Army was a Black guy from Detroit.  What are the odds a White kid from a farm town in Missouri would become best friends, to this day, with a Black guy from inner-city Detroit?   

Only about 1,300,000 Americans are serving in the United States military.  That might seem like a lot, but that's less than 0.5% of our entire population.  One-half of one percent of our population is keeping our Country safe.  Only.  To this we add a dramatic lessening in the overall level of patriotism of our citizenry due in part, I would offer, to the lack of "society-blending" the draft once forced.  And we have proof of that lessened level of patriotism.  To wit:

The Mayor of Washington, D.C and the Capitol Police has ordered our National Guard soldiers to sleep on the cold, hard concrete floor of a parking garage.  Thousands of them.  Every night.  Without a second thought.  So unbelievably ignorant, so indelibly foolish.  So completely without guile that such a slight as this will likely never, ever be removed.  Shame on her.  And if they had any shame at all, shame on them.  

And shame on all of us... 

Bring back the draft, America!  If some don't want to pick up arms and serve in our military, let them serve in some other capacity.  Let them join the Peace Corps.  Let them paint yellow stripes down the center of our highways, but make them serve!  Our kids have lost their sense of patriotism, because they've never had to serve a need greater than themselves.  

Our youth is our wealth.  Our only true wealth.  Stop squandering it...

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

MinWage: All You Need To Know...

There's been oodles of commentary about a $15.00 Minimum Wage over the past few months.  Oodles.  BTW, "oodles" is an oldie-timey word meaning..."lots."

Anyway, the O'Biden Administration has been promising, PROMISING its voters that they'd be earning $15.00 an hour for scooping ice cream.  And flipping burgers.  All they had to do was vote for him.  They did, it seems.  Do they get their $15.00 an hour?  Just wait a bit.  It's coming, they're told.  Won't be too long now...

Exxxceppppttt, increasing the Federal "MinWage" to $15.00 an hour would represent an increase of $8.75 over the present $7.25.  A more-than-doubling of our mandated Federal wage.   

Do these people have s**t for brains?  

Oh, I'm sorry.  That was a rhetorical question.

Does not the O'Biden Administration understand that the Federal Minimum Wage was installed back in 1938 as a part of the "Fair Labor Standards Act."  The idea was to use it...and its mandated 25 cents per hour...to help the U.S. crawl out of a nagging depression.  It's been used ever since to try and keep employers from screwing Little Johnnie and Sweet Suzie when they take their first jobs at Baskin-Robbins.  And Mickey D's.  And Carl's Jr.  For the MinWage has been intended for first jobs for teenagers so they could learn how to get to work on time and keep their noses clean and earn a few bucks so they could put gas in the Family Truckster for that big Friday night date.  (Yeah, I know.  Longish sentence.  But it worked, so I went with it.) 

It was never intended as the source of a Living Wage.  Let me repeat:

It was never, ever intended that our Fed MinWage could support a family.  

Not a family of four.  Or even two.  Not even one!  That's why it's so low.  But they, our friends on the Left, want to raise it so that John and Juan and JoAnn can go to work at Mickey D's and Carl's Jr. and 31 Flavors and feed a family of four.  And have a nice place to live.  And a car.  However, it's rather interesting that nobody sought the advice and council of Mickey or Carl or any of the other flavors!  And what's surprisingly lacking in the conversation is how Baskin-Robbins could possibly afford to pay Juan or John $30,000 a year for scooping ice cream?  For if it were, these Ivory Tower, lily-livered functionaries who come up with these wet dream ideas would come to understand that the OWNER of that Baskin-Robbins might consider himself lucky in these challenging times if he earns that same $30,000 a year off the franchise he mortgaged his house to purchase.  

Something tells me most days he's scooping his own ice cream...

And we don't even have to talk about the $10.00 sundae that would result from this economic foolishness (BTW, I, The Chuckmeister, actually have a degree in economics, and actually know how it's supposed to work!).  And the fact that no one would be buying them at such an artificially inflated price.  Which would then result in B-R going bankrupt.  And little Johnnie and Suzie losing their jobs.  As well as the franchise owner.  Got it?  I knew you would.

Some factoids for your reading pleasure: The average restaurant in America is lucky if it earns a 2% net profit.  And that presumes no impediment, natural or manufactured, on "throughput."  In other words, nothing preventing the turnstyle from turning.  Which means no pandemics, for example.  Not 20%, 2%!  Also, according to the Haaaavid Business Review, only one in two new restaurants make it an entire year.  And only one in five lasts five years.  And only one in 20 makes it to a twentieth anniversary.  A restaurant's largest cost of operation is labor.  That can mean up to 50% of gross sales.  So if labor costs go up, all other things being equal, the restaurant either has to increase prices to cover the shortfall, or lose money.  And losing money isn't in the Game Plan.  So, the Government's imposition of artificial increases in the cost of labor by approving a $15.00 an hour wage rate could mean a Mickey D's $6.99 Meal Deal could now cost $10.99.  Or even more.  And when folks won't pay the higher price?  Yes, what? 

The Office of Management and Budget has already come out with its opinion on this prospective debacle.  The OMB states that passing the $15 MinWage would result in the direct loss of more than 1.5 Million Jobs.  And in my erstwhile opinion, another indirect loss of up to another 3 Million More.

And while we're at it here, let us not forget that these newly-minted "middle class" workers at Mickey's or Carl's will then be earning so much they'll be needing the services of a union to protect their economic interests.  Like the SEIU, I'd say.  You know, the champion of the hotel maids?  The $10 an hour types?  Hundreds of thousands of them?  So how about a million or two more?  And how about O'Biden's planned welcoming of up to 11,000,000 new "DACA" recipients?  Perhaps more like 22,000,000!  Could be 30,000,000!  Nobody knows for sure!  And they'd all be making $15 an hour the day after wading across the Border!  

The SEIU has spent more than $40 Million Dollars of its members' union dues so far on its campaign to force the Mickey's and the Carl's to fork over $15.00 an hour.  Which they corporately CANNOT do, as they are franchisors, and their stores are franchisees.  And the franchise laws in America prevent corporate parents from being legally able to dictate to their franchisees any operational demands at all.  So somehow I'm thinking that at least 10% will be scraped off the top of these wages to feed the union maw.  Plus these newly "rich" will then be under scrutiny by the IRS.  First time taxpayers?  Perhaps.  Boy, it sure does cause trouble when you try and earn a living wage scooping ice cream, don't it?  You start making some real money cranking out those Jamocha Almond Fudge Hot Fudge Sundaes and they just won't leave you alone, now will they?

What sort of hubris makes elected representatives somehow figure that they have the authority, much less the right, to decide what a Korean grocer should pay his stock boy for a couple of hours work after school each day?  Or a Chinese restaurant pays its dish washers?  The MinWage was created in a hot-hiring market to make sure employers didn't cheat their pimply-faced recruits.  Was it smart then?  No.  Is it smart now?  No.  Do we now need a New Class of MinWage?  One designed for full-time, permanent, fully-qualified workers?  Separate and distinct from our current setup?  Perhaps.  But I suggest that what we really need is to simply eliminate it entirely!  Wite-Out the MinWage!  Get rid of it.  We don't need it.  Instead of increasing it, just forget it.  Let the bargain struck between those who hire and those who are hired stay between them.  Get the Government out of their bargain.  Especially now with nearly 800,000 out of work.  The Government has no place injecting its massive self into a financial arrangement between free men.  Except for taking its "pound of flesh" from both the employer's and the workers' pay, of course.  Gotta'  have that, now don't we?

Either eliminate the Federal Minimum Wage, which is the smart thing to do, or just mandate that all jobs start at $30,000 a year.  And be prepared for a massive recession.  Or even a depression.  But be sure to tie the MinWage to what we pay our Social Security retirees.  Doing so could result in a doubling of what they are currently earning.  And be sure to include our new military recruits in that deal.  They've been paid only $20,170 a year for defending our freedom, which is far less than the $15.00 an hour the bozo braniacs are demanding.  Imagine, while our soldiers protect us, and our seniors are struggling to keep body and soul together, they're arguing over scoops of ice cream...