Sunday, October 31, 2021

A Tithe to the God of Climate...

First of all, I'd like to disabuse my tens of rabid readers of the notion that my toned physique is in any way related to the use of contraband steroids or other performance-enhancing pharmaceuticals.  Just in case anyone was asking...

Now then, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints require that their members tithe not less than 10% of their gross annual income.  That's how they pay for all those big white temples.

And no shade thrown at the Mormons.  Tithing is a well-respected way of churches raising money.  Notice I emphasize, "churches."  Who ask their adherents to pony up contributions.  Voluntary contributions.  Without coercion, of any kind.  

"Tithe" is an olde-timey word, on the other hand, that means "We're confiscating a percentage of your wealth to pay for our little projects.  You don't mind, do you?"  Just so you know.

And members of the United States of America Club pay a tithe far greater than do the Mormons.  Oh yes, fellow Pilgrims, those Club Members pay an increased tithe of as much as 30 - 40% every they visit their Energy Place these days.  From an average of $2.14 a gallon a year ago, we're averaging $3.41 a gallon now, and in some places it's double that!  And I, The Chuckmeister, live in one of "those places."  Along with 17% of our population.  Where gas just hit $8.59 a gallon in one obviously blighted place.

So every time our Club members fill up they're throwing an extra $10 or $20 or even $30 extra hard-earned dollars at the Great God of Wind and Solar.  Involuntarily.  He lives in the Church of Climate Change.  That's where our "Progressives" go to pray.  It's across the street from AOC's house.  He's a hungry devil, that guy.  He's got to have our extra gas $Bucks to build those big, shiny "cathedrals" to Big Gummint in Downtown D.C.

Now, it must be stated that we Club Members had no hand in choosing our new, official State Religion.  Nobody asked us.  For they knew the answer they'd get, I'm guessing.  And it wouldn't have been the one they wanted.  It was chosen for us by those nice zealots who have a 50 - 50 split in the Senate and a bare plus-5 Representative margin in the House.  The smallest governing margin in more than 160 years!  Which they view as an Overwhelming Mandate.  A Mandate to change our entire way of life.  Our entire existence.  

Even a day or so ago O'Biden mumbled in a speech somebody else wrote that "...We will be operating all carbon-free vehicles by the year 2030!"  So that means he's planning to take some 200 million gas-powered cars off the road in the next eight years.  Cars our citizens have paid for.  And stop manufacturing them.  When only 2% of our population now drives electric cars.  Probably the same 2% who'll be picked clean by the next tax-grab policies they're now trying to pass. 

There are few good things I can think of about growing old.  Except for one really, really big one that comes to mind right about now after reading the stuff I just wrote.  I won't be around to have to witness the massive disruption and poverty and carnage that our society will be subjected to over the coming years.  And I sure as Hell won't have to pay for it, either.

Lucky me...  

Friday, October 29, 2021

Please Help Me Welcome a Brand-New Dallas!

Remember when you were very young and you could remember stuff longer than why you just went into the kitchen?  Yeah, me too. And I just did...

I thought I recalled a certain speech Joe O'Biden gave way back when, which could maybe help shed some light on where we find ourselves today.  So I did a little research and found it!  (I always research everything I write about.  Doesn't everyone?)  

Yep, he was pandering to an Asian American and Latino action committee.  It was on August 24th of 2019.   You might want to look it up if the following surprises you.  Among his paternalistic, rambling, mumblings he said, and I quote: 

      "We could afford to take in a heartbeat another two million people (per year).  The idea that a country of 330 million cannot absorb people who are in desperate absolutely bizarre."

Flash forward to today.  It was just reported by our Homeland Security Department's Border Protection and Watch Them While They Enter Department that more than 2.1 Million Illegal Aliens have streamed across our southern border so far this year!  And there's no one lifting a finger to slow this deluge anytime soon.  Which tells us all we need to know about whether this is on purpose.  Considering that we've averaged some 800,000 alien entries annually since the 1950's, the largest annual migration rate in the world, O'Biden's comment was telling to anyone who'd care to listen.  I cared to listen.

Apparently, not enough did...

Oh yeah, the population of Dallas is 2.1 Million.  O'Biden just imported another Dallas while Yahoo and Google and your friendly cable news channel chose not to let you in on it.  They think you don't need to know.  Or maybe they just hope you don't find out.  

An ignorant citizenry is a compliant citizenry, I always say...

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Erasing Yesterday: An Essay

NOTE:  Those who do not wish to learn from history should not read this essay.  That's the very best way to remain ignorant.  And those who learn from it should pass it along.  That's the very best way to insure against tyranny...  

                                    ///////   +++   \\\\\\\

In 1549 Diego DeLanda, Pope-appointed, Spanish-born Archbishop of the Peninsula of the Yucatan, arrived on the shores of Guatemala.

He and his men were immediately welcomed by Pakal, the Mayan peoples' king, as gods.  Being White, and averaging nearly 7" taller than the Mayans at the time, one could understand why.  DeLanda's guys kidnapped Pakal and held him for a ransom in gold equal to his weight.  When the "indigenous personages" coughed up that much gold, the Spaniards decided they really meant twice his weight.  And then when they complied, thrice his weight.  

Once the Spaniards had relieved the Mayans of all of their (available) gold, they killed Pakal anyway.  For that's what folks acting in the name of God do, apparently.  And then, having discovered that the "heathens" knew several times more about astronomy and mathematics and the sciences and nearly everything else than did they; they had to destroy it!  It must be the work of the Devil!  So, not wishing such information to escape their clutches, they burned it.  All of the Mayan codices, the scrolls of their glyphs describing everything about their lives, were destroyed.  Thousands of them!  All of the knowledge they had accumulated down through the ages was gone.  Twelve hundred-plus years of taming their environment.  The Men of God made sure of it...

DeLanda had a good teacher as to how to meet and greet the natives.  When the Romans captured Alexandria from Queen Cleopatra, they burned all of the books from the Library at Ephesus (I've been there!).  Some 300,000 of them, we're told.  For more than a dozen years, Cleo had demanded all the written materials from all the ships visiting her harbor at Alexandria, as it was the principle seaport of the time, and then had her scribes copy them.  Furiously.  And then she read them.  All of them!  She was a pretty smart cookie, one must say.  It's been reported she spoke and read nine languages, including Egyptian (she was Greek), was accomplished at medicine, the arts, plus she was a damn fine politician.  She kept the peace in this volatile region for her entire reign.  

But since the Egyptians knew oodles more than the Romans, about nearly everything, once again, that oversight had to be rectified; they burned their books.  

When the Taliban swept over Afghanistan 20 years ago, among the first things they did was to burn all the books.  I can still recall the images of a roasting bonfire consuming all their knowledge, right outside the famous Treasury in Jordan.  Gotta' keep the dumbasses dumb, I guess.

See any similarities between the actions of the Conquistadors and irrational, modern-day Leftists?  And before them, the Romans?  No?  How about the statue of Jefferson that the members of the City Council of Manhattan just voted to remove from the Public Library?  A statue that had been there for more than 100 years.  A statue of one of our Founding Fathers.  Jefferson.  Why?  Because like many in his day, he owned slaves.  So he must be therefore be erased...

It appears Leftist rules require us to judge those of the past by the folkways and mores of the present.  Presumably, one can only assume, in an effort to control the events of the future.   

And the House of Representatives has voted, at the instigation of their Speaker, San Fran Nan Pelosi, to remove all statues of men who'd owned slaves from our Statuary Hall in the Capitol Building.  Including nine Founding Fathers.  

Including George Washington.

San Franpoopco's City Council not only voted to remove all the Founder's statues, they wanted to erase their names!  As if they had never existed!  

And only a couple of weeks back the city council of Richmond, VA, removed and hid the statue of General Robert E. Lee which had stood in the center of town for more than 100 years.  This, the Capitol of the Confederacy, decides to erase General Lee.  Their general.  They won't tell us where they hid the statue, BTW.  Perhaps they think maybe somebody will want to re-erect it someday...

Erasing yesterday.  That's the ticket!  If yesterday doesn't agree with your conception of what today ought to be, just change it!  Erase it!  Paint it over!  Remove it!  Or, like DeLanda and the Roman emperor and the Taliban, just burn it!

Like the Marxists when they took over Russia, and the communists when they took power in China, and the thugs who seized control in Cuba, and in North Korea, and in Venezuela, and in so many other places, the first thing the authoritarian socialist pricks try to do on their first day is to erase yesterday.  Right after they take away all their weapons, of course (can't have them putting up a fight, now can we?).  And to then rebuild knowledge from today forward.  Can't have those plebes checking back to see how it was done yesterday, now can we?

What was that famous quote?  "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."  They haven't...and we are.

                                                              -  George Santayana

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Guns in the Hands of Fools...

So Alec Baldwin, one of Hollywood's most rabid anti-gun demagogues, just killed a cinematographer and wounded an assistant director on the set of his movie, "Rust."

It's okay, though, he/they tell us, because the pistol was handed to him by the asst. director with the statement, "Cold gun."

That in movie parlance means, "It's not loaded."  Yeah.

And that rattlesnake at your feet won't bite you, either.

Alec Baldwin, as the movie's producer, shares responsibility, if not guilt for this accident.  But perhaps he cannot be blamed for being what he is; a creature of the Upper East Side, who doesn't know the first thing about gun safety.  That's why movie production rules require the employment of an "armorer," whose job is to keep control over all weapons to be used on the set, and guarantee they won't be used unsafely or incorrectly.  Like what happened at the Bonanza Creek Movie Ranch.  But there appears to have been a breakdown in that control somewhere.  And a man was seriously wounded and a woman died.

For those of you who still do not know, here are the Hard and Fast Rules regarding firearm safety:

     1)  You treat all firearms as if they are loaded until you personally prove otherwise.  If somebody hands you a firearm, you personally check it to make sure it's unloaded before proceeding.  No matter what they tell you, it's loaded until you verify that it isn't.

     2)  You never, ever point a firearm at something you don't intend to killNot playing around, not for any reason.  Not ever.

     3)  Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot.  

     4)  Never load a firearm until it's ready to be used.*

All four of these Cardinal Rules were violated in this tragic incident.  Had Baldwin read a book on the subject, or been a Boy Scout, or served in the military, or taken an NRA Safety Firearm Safety course, or even asked a question or two from somebody who knew how this should have been handled, he'd have known that pointing a gun at someone you don't intend to shoot is a World-Class No-No!  And whether or not the armorer or the asst. director or the janitor checked the gun and called it "cold," meaning unloaded, it was up to Baldwin to make sure it was.  He didn't.  And a woman paid for his blunder with her life.

A few years back this snotty dumbass Leftist elitist creep sent a derogatory tweet to a cop who'd just accidentally killed a person in a botched raid.  He snidely asked the cop what it felt like to shoot an innocent person.  Now he knows.

Baldwin may not face a criminal proceeding for his actions in this case, but I guaran-damn tee-ya' that there will be a civil one.  A Very Big Civil case.  And as an expert on firearms, their handling and their use, I will humbly offer my expert testimony on the subject, should it be needed...

For free...

*  If you or any of your friends could use a hand with firearm selection, or advice on handling or care and usage, please give me a call.  Just like any other responsible gun owner (and Life Member of the NRA), I'd be happy to help...

Friday, October 22, 2021


I'm guessing that just about half of America is really embarrassed right about now.

That's the half of America that voted to put Joe O'Biden in office.

And who are now reminded of the error of that decision every time they visit Albertsons.  Or the gas station.  Or when they try to buy a Happy Meal that cost $5.99 a year ago that costs $8.99 now.  Or try to keep their job without having to first submit to a forced inoculation.  Or happen to watch a CNN Town Hall featuring our aged, scrawny, shuffling, mumbling, squinting and scowling old President trying to answer a few simple questions.  


Now, you know that you've made a grievous error in voting for this dimbulb.  You know it, but you'd never, ever admit it to anybody.  Perish the thought!  You would never stoop to taking responsibility for such a dumbass move.  Just like Joe, never take responsibility for anything.  That's the rule.  No, more than likely you're quietly seething inside, wishing this guy was who you wanted him to be.  Or, perhaps you've shared your feelings with a fellow victim.  Sometimes it helps to seek solace in the comfort of other, similarly duped citizens.

Yes, fellow Pilgrim, I'm thinking that at least half of the half of America that voted for this tired old retread of a politician that never was all that bright to begin with have come to realize by now that they screwed up.  Bigly.  What MSPMS and the Clinton News Network told them...was a lie!  This old buzzard is riddled with dementia, and every time he opens his mouth, he proves it.  

They had to know it.  The people closest to good ol' train-ridin' Joe had to know that he'd lost his fastball.  If he ever had one, that is.  They had to know that he's an empty suit.  An avatar into which they can pour their Leftist dogma and he'll spew it out on command.  Like a Jerry Mahoney to somebody's Paul Winchell (if we had a legitimate Press corps, they'd find out).  A "Weekend at Bernies" creation that they trot out of the closet whenever they need him to read some socialist crap on the TelePrompTer.  


And they have to be massively embarrassed.  I'm sure they've confessed their sin to the priest of their choice if they're Catholic, but what do they do if they're a Methodist?  Or worse yet, a socialist?  Someone who believes in nothing, except maybe that the rich ought to pay their "fair share." Whatever that is...

No, these sycophantic drones are unable as yet to admit the error of their ways.  Verbally.  But it's still early.  O'Biden's only been screwing up America for 10 months or so.  Just imagine how bad it will get when there's no toys on the shelves for them to give little Johnnie and Suzie for Christmas?  Or Hannukah?  However that's spelled?  Or maybe no turkey for Thanksgiving?  Or maybe it'll extend throughout 2022, or even later!  Maybe everything you need is on a 1,000 foot-long container ship just off Long Beach.  One of the many.  Some 154 of them as of this writing.  Waiting for Joe O'Biden's personally-created Supply Chain dilemma to be unwound.    

And maybe your dreams are on that ship as well...

The half of America that knew Joe O'Biden is neither suited nor equipped to be our POTUS voted for The Donald.  Whether or not they liked his late-night tweets.  And I have a sneaking feeling that a big chunk of the half that voted to put Joe in charge of their bank accounts and their lives are now privately, inwardly, sorry they did.  And I have a feeling they're going to vote to change things back to the way they were just as soon as they can.  Quietly.  Privately.  So know one will know how badly they f*cked up.

Except maybe their priest...

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Only 60-Some Million To Go...

Joe O'Biden read off the TelePrompTer the other day that all but about 67 million of us are vaccinated.  Against the dreaded Wuhan Chinese Killer Coronavirus, if you've forgotten.

And he says those recalcitrant "few" should run right down and get the shot because, until then, they are a danger to the vaccinated.  Ummm, wha?  Now, that goes against science, but then again, so has a lot of stuff O'Biden has uttered.

So we'll just mark that one up as another gaffe.  In a sea of O'Biden gaffes.  Truth is, as we all know, the unvaxxed are no danger to the vaxxed.  They are most assuredly a danger to each other, but not to us (if you're fully vaxxed, that is).  In fact, I'd say that we're in a pandemic of the unvaxxinated.  They're infecting each other.  And will continue to do so until or unless we've actually achieved that elusive "herd" immunity, as Dr. "TV" Fauci used to talk about (why doesn't he talk about that anymore?), or the virus wanes and goes into hiding, only to possibly arise once again at some later date.

Like the regular old flu does every fall.

One could stand back and say that the first 200 million or so of us were pretty easy to get, starting with Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" last year.  That's where the vaccine came from, if you've forgotten.  In fact, O'Biden should bow down to Trump every day, thanking him for forcing through the development of the vaxx  and then its administration.  Without it his uber-rocky start would be made mucho worse.

So exactly who is it that's holding out, Mr. Chuckmeister?  Who is it that's refusing to get the "jab" and thus, we're told, putting all their friends and neighbors at risk?  Except the 200 million or so of us who are fully vaxxed (except those with compromised immune systems).  Well, fellow Patriots, the answer is not an easy one, nor is it easy to fix.  There's a lot of folks out there that are dead-set against the vaxx and so far has refused to get it.  Who are they?  Ready?  Here goes...  

     -  7th Day Adventists:  All 1.5 million of them.  They are against any form of medical intervention.  By anyone.  At all.  Including vaccinations.  They will never submit.  Live with it.

     -  The Amish (and all the others who drive buggies*):  Want to try and drag these folks in for a shot?  They don't even have TV sets.  There's another half million or so.

     -  U. S. Navy Seals:  600 of the 2,500 U. S. Navy Seals, whom we train at the cost of more than $1 Million Dollars each, are refusing vaccination.  And will be forcibly (and dishonorably) discharged from the service at the end of November if they don't get it.  Is this the dumbest goddam thing you've ever heard?  

     -  U. S. Service Members:  Millions of them.  See above.

     -  The Homeless:  Ummm, yeah.  How many of them are there?  100,000?  200,000?  500,000?  Who knows.  But they've got to be vaxxed in order to make Joe happy.  I can't wait for the White House's "outreach to the homeless" program to unfold...

     -  Nosocomophobia Sufferers:  A big word for those who are afraid of hospitals and shots and doctors and nurses and the smell of rubbing alcohol.

     -  Those Why Believe Carmala and Good Ol' Joe:  They convinced their followers last summer when they went all over TV and blathered that we should have nothing to do with this vaccine, or the nasty cheeseburger-eater who created it.  Stay away, she told us!  And a yuuuuge % of Black folks are staying away as a result.  

     -  Southwest Airlines Pilots:  Just a small percentage of their pilots deciding to get sick in the same week shut this airline down.  Can't wait to see what happens when all of them are on the ground. 

     -  Chicago Cops:  We're told that Mayor Lorie (Beetlejuice) Lightfoot's order that cops must upload their vaccination data via computer by the end of October, violates their Union's Collective Bargaining Agreement.  And some 30% of them are planning to stay out.  From a dramatically depleted force, due to previous defunding efforts and the Virus itself.  That should work out well.   

These are but a few of the many examples we're sure to hear about over the coming days and weeks.  Like I'm fond of saying, bring it on Joe!  Only by your continuing to prove yourself by your actions - and lack of actions - to be the single dumbest and least capable POTUS in the entire history of these here United states, will the idiots who voted you in to office come to realize the error of their ways...

*     Do you know how to drive a baby buggy?  Tickle his feet...

Tuesday, October 19, 2021



Abortion, abortion, abortion.

Can't you people talk about anything else?

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed the "Women's Health Protection Act" this past Friday.  The vote was 218 - 211.  All Republicans voted against the measure, which prevents the Federal Government from enacting laws or rules that conflict with any part of their proposed new law.  In other words, this will be their final word on the subject, and don't you ever bring it up again

That's bad enough; in effect trying to prevent the passage of a future law limiting the scope of this one.  Can you say illegal?  But my favorite provision of this new act is the Democrat's recognition that "Abortions are critical to the health of every person capable of becoming pregnant - including transgender men, non-binary individuals, those who identify with a different gender, and others."   

Are these people dumber than a bag of rocks, or what?

It seems we're to believe that the Democrats support abortion, always, calling it "pro choice," which means, "pro death."  And that the Republicans are dead-set against it, always, calling it "pro life," which means, "Leave that fetus alone!"

Speaking of which, you'll pardon me if I insert about here that old adage our abortion-friendly friends are famous for spouting:  "My Body, My Choice."  Apparently according to them, I don't get a choice unless I belong to their club...

Reducing an entire political Party or movement to One Single Primary Subject seems to me not only wrong, but counterproductive.  It seems to me that if a woman wants to abort her fetus, after having given it full consideration, including consultation with those who matter, she should go ahead and do so.  There's nothing I could do or say to stop her.

And if the State in which she resides doesn't permit it, then she can simply come to California, where our Boy Guv has promised not only to get everyone an abortion, but to pay their airfare, too!

With my tax money!  Damn, I'm helpful!  Thank me very much!

Now that's some helpful Gov, doncha' think?  And we tried to recall him!  What's wrong with us?  

However, all of those clamoring for "reproductive freedom," which is Liberal code for "killing your fetus," might wish to back up a bit and consider some of the following facts.

You might be surprised to learn that of the 1,220 words in the Declaration of Independence, nary a one of them is "abortion."

And you might also be surprised to learn that of the 4,543 words in the Constitution of these here United States, you'll likewise not find "abortion" listed even once.

And as a matter of fat, the word "abortion" does not appear in any of the tens of thousands of documents from our Founding Fathers on file at the Library of Congress.  None.

Yet, our Supreme Court Justices dug deep within that same Constitution a couple of decades back and "managed" to somehow find the word "abortion" disguising itself as the word "privacy."  

Neat trick, huh?

That "Eureka moment" occurred when some Supreme way back happened to look under the Right to Privacy as outlined in the 14th Amendment.  That Amendment permits the Federal Government to step in should states begin to violate women's "Rights," as outlined in that same Constitution (see now where their new law fits in?  Ingenious, what?).  

So they found, in their infinite wisdom, (cough, cough), that a woman has a "Right to privacy."  Which is great, I think we'll all agree.  And within that "Right to privacy," they found, comes the right to "abort" fetuses, even though they are, as a class, not mentioned.  Anywhere.  

That seems sort of strange, doesn't it?  Presumably one can do so at will.  Whenever, wherever.  And, depending upon where you live, like CA, and OR, and NY, and MD, and IL, and WA, etc., etc., up until the last minute before delivery.  

Or, if you live in Governor Ralph Northam's Virginia, up until the third grade.

So why, you might ask, should we give a s**t?  Especially because Margaret Sanger, the Founder of Planned Parenthood, was such a bigot and a racist?  She was dedicated to eradicating the Black race here in America, doncha' know, and the Brown one too, believing as she did that they are substandard and defective, and she thought abortion was a damn good way of getting there (Google it if you doubt me).  

And she's been proven right.  Even with this fact known up front, so far our abortion providers have aborted more than 17,000,000 Black babies and millions more White ones over the past few decades.  And since we have about 17 million Blacks in America today, just think; their political influence could now be doubled if they had just picked an alternate method of birth control. 

NOTE:  If any of our women are so poor they cannot afford the $9.00 a month for birth control, those pills will be provided by the Gummint for free.  Removing any reason, at all, not to choose this rather less dramatic and less sanguine and far speedier form of birth control.  Just sayin...

I must say that when a political base is so focused and dedicated (and loud and obnoxious and demanding) that they can cower a supposedly rattle-free deliberative body like the Supreme Court into conjuring up a supposed "Right" that doesn't exist, finding something where there is nothing, one has to applaud them.  When you can find a "right" to abort fetuses hiding under the "Right to Privacy," now THAT's advocacy.    

Ummm...Right.  I'm sorry, right...

Hey look; Abort your babies if you want to.  I'm the father of four daughters and I'd advise but never preach to them about how to approach this issue.  But you may think of it as a messy sort of birth control if you wish.  That's up to you.  (And for the religious, their God).  I'm actually happy that they who are willing to even contemplate the murdering of their prospective children should be deprived of the joy such a delivery would certainly bring.  

They don't deserve it.  

Why is The Chuckmeister writing about abortions, that "third rail" of politics, you might ask?  Because I'm not a politician, and I don't have to be limited by any "rails," and nobody else seems to want to, at least from my perspective. It's a Big Problem and it needs to be resolved.  

Maybe we need a Third Political Party that doesn't concern itself with abortion, either for or against.  Just freedom and independence and the avoidance of government interference.   

I'm also happy that these dummies are self-selecting under Darwin's Theory.  Just leave them alone.  Let them abort the Hell out of each other.  We can hide in the bushes and watch their numbers decline.  And hopefully precipitously.  Maybe someday soon there won't be any more of them left to clot up our body politic.  

And Margaret Sanger, wherever she is, will be smiling up at us even more broadly than before...

Sunday, October 17, 2021

The Church of the Chuckmeister...

Regular reader of this unassuming little blog will recall that I, The Chuckmeister, your Faithful Scribe and Unbiased Observer, started the "Church of the Chuckmeister" some years ago.

That's because in fact I'm an Ordained Minister of the Gospel, permitted, nay encouraged to perform weddings and bar mitzvahs and Druid Summer Solstice ceremonies.  And I did.  Hundreds of them.  And, so far as I know, there's not been a single divorce amongst them.  So far as I know.  Heh, heh...

But I also created the "Church" because the Gummint under Hizzoner Mr. B. Hussein Obama was forcing us to buy his special little brand of health insurance back then.  You may recall.  Unless one had a religious exemption, that is.  And guess what?  The Church just happened to offer such exemptions on a "case by case" basis.  Ahem.

Well, boys and girls, we're there once again!  The Gummint under Mr. O'Biden is going to force us to get a vaccination, he says.  Force us.  As in, lose your job if you don't get one.  Or get fired from police and fire departments all over America at the exact same time when we need them most.  Or, most importantly, under our newly-"woke" Defense Department you'll get boarded out with a Bad Conduct or Dishonorable Discharge if you don't get one.  And according to what I hear, there are hundreds of thousands of them!  Can you say, "Oooops!"

Don't you love it when all those fancy little plans they drew up in the Yale faculty lounge are put into operation...and found wanting.  Big Time!

Speaking of which, with dozens of examples we can highlight, could someone point me to a place where socialism has worked?  A single place?

Anyway, while we're living through that I also learned that Good Ol' Joe's Dept. of the Navy is going to Dishonorably Discharge some of our 2,500 Navy Seals who refuse to get the shot.  Some 600 of them at last report.  Now then, those faculty lounge plans might not have taken into account that Navy Seals cost more than $1 Million Dollars Each to train, and that losing too many so fast could have an immediate negative impact on our national defense.  

So, I, The Chuckmeister, Your Minister, hereby issues a statement:  All Navy Seals wishing a religious deferment due to "Nosocomophobia,"* one of the demons we fear most, please get in touch immediately.  I will waive my normal $5.00 honorarium** and consider assisting these heroes my personal pleasure.

Then, thereafter, they will be protected from the ravages of our Federal Government's attempt to force us to take a medicine, any medicine, against our religion.  

Minister Chuckmeister, out...

*     Nosocomophobia is the fear of doctors, nurses, physicians' assistants, needles, syringes, shots, vaccines, inoculations,  hospitals, clinics, the "red cross," the smell of (rubbing) alcohol, medical shows on television and the word "mandate."

**   That courtesy does not extend to others.    

Friday, October 15, 2021

Jon Gruden Has Been Erased.

Didja' hear the news?  

Jon Gruden, (in)famous head coach of the Las Vegas Raiders has been fired unceremoniously for numerous apparently racist and homophobic and transphobic and misogynistic and a whole bunch of other "ics" to let us know he's a truly bad person.  Truly bad.

Evil!  Clear down to his core!

Except the thousands of referenced emails, during which he insulted almost everyone, were from 10 years ago.  Ten years ago as a part of the NFL's investigation into the Washington "Redskins" Football Team's "toxic" work environment.  And during that investigation they reviewed millions of emails from everyone in the organization.  And that included emails from one Jon Gruden, then coach, in a string of completely unrelated conversations between he and Bruce Allen, the Team's owner.  

Now follow with me, fellow Patriots, as this can get complicated.

So Gruden had a lot to say, privately, about nearly everybody.  And most of it wasn't complementary.  Even incendiary.  But had some disgruntled weenie within the Team not leaked these emails to the MSMedia, none of this would have come out.  And none of it SHOULD have come out, since they were PRIVATE.  Whatever happened to privacy rights?  Did they get sacrificied on the alter of "wokeness," too?

But that's okay.  Gruden had to be "cancelled" on the alter of "wokeness" for having called the NFL players representive's lips "...the size of Michelin tires." And he called the League's CEO a "queer."  And O'Biden a "nervous...p**sy."  But again, we wouldn't, and shouldn't, have known about these comments, had someone not had an axe to grind for Gruden.  And boy, did they ever get a pelt!

Now, don't get me wrong.  I think he's an asshole!  A true, world-class dick.  I've always called him "Chucky" because of his face's similarity to the movie horror doll.  Hell of a football coach, but then again, Jeffrey Dahmer was a terrific artist, they tell me.  But what he says, in private, so long as it hurts no one, is no business of mine, nor yours, nor the National Football League's.  I trust you'll agree.  

As a matta' of fact, I'd like to know whatever happened to the good old days?  The times when if you're caught with your hand in the cookie jar, for no matter what awful infraction, drugs, sex, booze, etc., whatever, you could call a press conference, admit your guilt, weep uncontrollably, tell us all you'd be entering rehab and ask everyone to pray for you.  America loves comeback stories!  Everyone would rally around you and wish you well as you embark on your long journey back to normalcy...

Think Gary Hart.  Think John "Brylcreme" Edwards.  Think Billy Jeff "Blue Dress" Clinton.  Think Eddie "The Swimmer" Kennedy.  This world-class turd permitted an innocent woman to drown, and was reelected to the Senate by his constituents four more times.  I could go on and on, but you get the idea.  This is all just another victory for the Progressive Left's incessant hunt for somebody, anybody to "cancel."

Still doubt me?  Remember that Robert Downey, Jr. was ordered to wash cars at the Riverside Sheriff's Office for a summer awhile back.  Something about being caught with oodles of cocaine his jeans.  Again.  And again.  And again...  

Oh wait!  Downey's a Democrat!  Never mind...

Well, folks, I frankly don't give a damn about Gruden, but it sure seems to me that his players, having worked with him for 4 years in Vegas, and 7 years at Orlando, and another 5 years in the broadcast booth, would be the best judges of whether he's racist or not.  And from what his players are saying, he ain't.

However, the purge has commenced.  His plaque has been taken down from the Bucs' stadium.  Also the Raiders.'  I doubt his name will ever be spoken again in the "polite" society of NFL football or broadcast sports.  Taking a page out of Mao, he's been effectively "cancelled."

It's "1984," just 37 years too late...                                               

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Migrant Repellant...

I believe that I, The Chuckmeister, just might have the solution to the wave of illegal immigrants flooding across our southern border.

And now that Yahoo and Google have been forced to cover it, having willfully chosen not to enlighten their readers with the facts about it before now, are finally letting audiences in on the truth; our Republic is at risk.

So far, the Gummint has sparingly leaked out the fact that some 2.1 million illegals (don't blame me, that's what our Constitution calls them!) have walked across our Border and turned themselves in so far in 2021.  And there's another 400,000 that ran like cheetahs to avoid being apprehended by our BP.  So that's the population of Los Angeles, sprinkled across America, all ready to apply for a Social Security cards and welfare payments and a drivers' licensed and a...gasp!...Voters Registration Card.  

At least that's what the Democrats are counting on.

So I have an idea how we just might be able to stem this human tide somewhat.  It might not be whatcha' call "politically correct," doncha' know, but I'm guessing it might work.  Here's how it would go...

We would dig foxholes every 100 yards or so all across the 1,798 miles of our Southern Border.  That's our SOVEREIGN Southern Border, the laws about crossing which without permission are well known to our Elected Public Servants, starting with our POTUS.  And that would include keeping out all of those presumably nice - but illegal - folks one Mr. O'Biden has been letting in.  


In these foxholes we would mount M-60 automatic machine guns in 7.62mm caliber.  They spew big chunks of metal at the rate of 800 rounds a minute.  Quite deadly, they are.  These weapons have been around since the Second World War so nobody has to worry that they'll get all jammed up when we need them most.  Using tried-and-true technology to protect our fine Country is important, especially out in the harsh Southwest desert.  I'm sure that was troubling any budget hawk out there trying to make sure we don't waste our cash.  

We would detail our military to man these guns, 24-7, each now having a complete, cross-radius, 180 degree field of fire, left to right (can't be allowing any "gotaways," doncha' know).   

We point these machine guns south, and anyone attempting to enter the U. S. illegally, gets a taste of American Sovereignty.  A short, very loud burst should suffice.  Just enough to let them know we mean business.  Something sadly lacking from the O'Biden Administration up to this point.

And I don't want to hear from any of you whiny Libs out there, either.  Yes, it's entirely possible that an illegal or two might get perforated in this activity, but I can assure them it shouldn't have to happen more than once or twice.  The word would get out pretty quick that the O'Biden Admin was no longer welcoming their new electorate.

In fact, the "word" could be heard in the form of gunfire...

And yes, for those found "leaking," please recall that our fine Country, unlike the one these illegals fled, with their Air Jordans and I-Phones in tow, offers free health care.  So, our fine nurses and doctors should be able to plug them up and ship them back to Cuernavaca or Caracas or Cartagena macht schnell! 

Or, in the event they choose not to avail themselves of such care, I could also recommend "Stop Leak."

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Population of Los Angeles...

The cowboy's job is to stay on the bull for eight seconds.

The bull's job is to throw him off.

The illegal alien's job is to break in to America.

America's job is to keep him out.  Unless we have somebody in charge who wishes to destroy America. 

I feel like I ought to be able to stop right there.  That I've said enough in the preceding four short paragraphs to convey the entire thought.  That our job, America's job, should we continue to wish to be a sovereign country, is to keep out all of those who might wish to break in.  To avail themselves of the many and varied delights associated with American citizenship without first having taken the trouble of becoming one.  And after first, we must remember, obtaining an illegal Social Security card...

Nobody works in America, on the books, without a Social Security Number.  And to obtain one illegally is a Federal crime.  Punishable by up to 10 years in prison.  I cannot remember the last time I heard of anyone being convicted of this crime, or even tried.  It's perhaps the single most broken of America's laws.  We're told that 2.1 million illegal aliens have broken into our Country so far this year, plus another 400,000 so-called "gotaways."  They're the ones who didn't give themselves up for processing.  Presumably, they're the ones we should have arrested.  I'm wondering when, or even if, the O'Biden Administration will either choose to honor our laws and protect our Country, or simply tell us they have no intention of doing so.

Fellow Pilgrims, I leave you with this: The 2.5 million illegals we have "welcomed" so far this year represents the population of Los Angeles.  A new Los Angeles has arrived here in America since the beginning of the year.  And another one is on the way.  I ask the half of our population that gets its news from Yahoo and Google, now that I'm finally making you aware of reality, are you okay with America being deconstructed and remanufactured as a socialist "paradise?"  

For that is exactly what is happening...  

Sunday, October 10, 2021


I was just advised by our friends on the Telly that this is "Hispanic and LatinX History Month."

First of all, I don't know what "LatinX" means.  I do know that it's a "neologism," meaning a "made-up" word.  And I also know that most of my political opponents on the other side of the equation have no idea what a neologism is.  

They just know how to make up words.  And crises to try and remanufacture America.  

Does that mean others who are close to Latinos, but aren't quite, might also qualify?  Or just simply that they're "X-tra" special folks, and the networks want to make sure you know it.  

Or that the networks are pandering shamelessly to every single racial group to try and win viewers.  (Lemme' think here... Duh!)

I also made it a point to note that a month or two ago was "African-American History Month."  Why aren't they called "American-Africans, BTW?"  Aren't they more proud of America than Africa?  And "Gypsy History Month" no doubt before that.  But I do not recall their "months" having had an "X" attached to the back end of their races.  Was there a "BlackX History Month?"  No.  Was there a "GypsyX History Month?"  Ummm, no.  Was there an "Indigenous PeoplesX" month?  No, again.  Now about "Pacific Islanders/JavaneseX" History Month?  No, no, no!  And I should stop trying.  Wouldn't even know where to put the "X."  

I did Google "Irish History Month," for me, being proudly Irish, and damn!  Found one!  It's in March, I think.  But even as the Latinos get an "X," the Irish are left high and dry; no stinkin' "X" for us.  No "IrishX" for us.  Are we failing to get all the stuff our Gummint should be giving us?  Like our own "X?"  Or are they being branded with their own special six-pointed yellow star, like our Jewish friends were in Warsaw way back when?    

Racism?  You decide...   

Being an inquisitive sort, and wondering exactly when "White" or "Caucasian History Month" would come around, I Googled it.  Damn!  You would thought I'd committed a Capitol Crime!  How dare me!  To actually think that we think that we deserve a "History Month!"  If for no other reason that just because every body else got one.

Or does that make sense only to me?

Google tells me I'm surrounded by White People and their History and their Exploits.  And that I shouldn't need to be reminded of either them, or what they've accomplished.  I'm kind of worried now that Google will send my info off the the FBI and that they'll start a file on me.  If they can police parents at school board meetings, I'm pretty sure they could come after me.  I guess I'm supposed to just fade into the background, "taps" playing soulfully.  With the rest of America's faithful patriots fading away with me...

Well guess what, America?  I'm whatcha' call "White," and I'm okay with it.  I'm neither extra proud about my skin shade, nor particularly off-put by it.  I just came stock with it, like my arms and legs, so I've kind of grown used to it.  In fact, I go entire DAYS and even WEEKS without even thinking about my particular shade of skin.  I think about trimming my toenails more often than my skin color.  I would assume those of differing races feel just about the same.   

But if you listen to race-baiting, opportunistic, greedy Democrats, like our POTUS 44, I guess I could be wrong...

So, somebody please tell me why I should bow down to some alter of Skin Shade Perfection somewhere?  I'll wait...  

Of course, I remind you that I identify as a Latino, and Hispanic, if there's any difference, and Black, and also gay.  And Gypsy, if you care.  And any other "protected class" that I would otherwise offend.  

Gleefully.  Proudly...

And I would suggest that all my friends who happen to be in my VBRC (Very Big Racial Club) would similarly identify.  Only by our so doing will we disarm the miserable commie pinko pukes who are trying so desperately to divide - and destroy - America...

Friday, October 8, 2021

Old? You Want Old?

My English school teacher daughter Dana asked me the other day what it was like to grow up back in the '50's and '60's and 70's.  Like I would ask a paleontologist what it was like back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.  

She asked me that as she'd given her class a project around the subject, and since I'm "old," (she didn't say that), I'd know.  She and I are going to do a Zoom call in the near future so I can video it for her class.  But in the meantime, since it's on my mind, I thought I'd jot down a couple of my more indelible remembrances...

     ---  I recall vividly the day then-President Harry S. Truman visited Springfield, MO.  It was 1948 and he was running for re-election to POTUS.  My folks owned a motel on Glenstone Boulevard there.  That's the main drag, doncha' know, and the parade was to come by our "Show-Me Tourist Court."  

I was five, and dad took me by the hand and got us a good spot in which to view the passing parade as Harry drove by.  I know dad wasn't a Democrat, and I doubt anyone around those parts was at the time, either.  But I'm pretty sure that being one or the other didn't mean the same thing as it does today, what with the War having just ended and us having just nuked the Japanese.  I think Dad was just bored and curious.  So as Harry passed, standing and waving from the back of a bright green Chrysler Town and Country convertible, top down, dad lifted me high and said, "Give 'em Hell, Harry!"  That was Harry's famous tag line.

Harry ordered his driver to stop and waved my dad to bring me closer.  Harry leaned down and dad lifted me high.  Truman placed me in the back seat, right next to him, and ordered the parade to continue.  Imagine:  The parade creeping along, Harry waving, me waving, and dad running along beside the car trying to get his kid back.

Indelible memory?  You betcha...'

     ---  And old?  You want old?  I happened to be near a cornfield just outside of my home town of Chillicothe, Missouri, one sunny summer day back in 1962.  Actually, it wasn't a "happening."  I had heard that Lyndon Baines Johnson was running for re-election, and that he was making a campaign stop.  In that cornfield.  Just outside of my hometown...

So, my interest in politics just gaining a foothold, I got there early.  So did about a hundred of my fellow Missourians.  Most of them were journalists and Secret Service agents and politicians from Jefferson City, our Capitol.  Very few were farmers and citizens from Chillicothe and environs, as we were (and still are, I believe) pretty conservative, and this bozo was Democrat Number One.  And he was yuuuuge!  This guy was about 6' 5" and 275, if he weighed an ounce.  Let's put it this way: he blotted out the sun. 

His ten gallon hat would have measured at least 12  gallons.  

His suit fit like he didn't like to wear it, and it didn't like to be worn.  

He had a gigantic spot of mustard on his dark blue tie, and I couldn't stop staring at it.  No one else could either.

LBJ gruffed (spoke) in a language approximating English for about an hour, mostly about his vaunted "Great Society Program," that he and his wife Lady Bird were foisting upon America.  And that in retrospect, I might mention, has failed so miserably to solve our racial problem here in America, and at the cost of only about $8 Trillion Dollars.  So far. 

You'll note how Democrats keep on making the same mistakes over and over and over again, while guaranteeing us voters all a different result.  That is, BTW, the very definition of insanity.

I guffaw heartily in response.

Shall you guffaw with me?  

Thursday, October 7, 2021

A Hooker, and a Crapper.

As you may know, I, The Chuckmeister, am a history buff.  As in, I like to know what happened yesterday, so as to avoid making the same mistakes twice.  

Like our present Administration in Washington, D. C., continues to do everyday.

Anyway, I like history, and since I'm older than dirt, I'm often called upon to share that knowledge with others.  Here's a couple of subjects for today you might find interesting:

     -  Do you know where the term "Crapper" came from?  You might know it as shorthand for your toilet.  A shorthand word for your toilet most likely not shared in polite company.  Yet, the source for that nickname is very polite; one Sir Thomas Crapper.  He lived and worked in late 19th Century England.  He founded Crapper and Sons.  He produced some nine patents, but none for the flush toilet, interestingly.  He was England's first really famous plumber, having been recognized for his ability to stop leaks with a Knighthood by none other than Queen Elizabeth herself.  

I somehow doubt he'd be happy to have his name attached so pejoratively. 

     -  Then we have Brigadier General "Fighting" Joe "Hooker."  He was General Grant's second in command when the Union Army was trying to defeat the Army of Northern Virginia (the name of the Army of the Confederacy).  Although West Point educated, he wasn't terribly good at being a general.  He WAS very good, the history books tell us, at hosting lavish, days-long Washington, D.C. parties, getting drunk and chasing prostitutes.  So good, in fact, that his name has now become synonymous with the painted ladies that he so diligently pursued.  Ironic, don't you think?

Like our friend Crapper, I doubt the good General would be happy how his name is now being used... 

So, my children, you were perhaps choosing to read this unassuming little blog today so as to catch up on some Gummint excess or get The Chuckmeister's view on some politician's overreach.  But today you'd be getting something extra special; a Chuckmeister history lesson.  

Take your blessings as you receive them, fellow Pilgrims, then go forth and prosper...

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

$Three and One-Half Trillion Dollars...

A highly-placed Democrat operative said the quiet part out loud on Sunday morning TV.

Yep, White House Senior Advisor Sedrick Richmond, from Taxifornia's S.V. (Socialist Valley), said on cable TV last Sunday that he had no idea where that magic $3.5 Trillion Dollar number came from that appears at the top of the "Build Back Better" legislation O'Biden and his Sycophants want so desperately to pass.

No, he says the usual way is to dream up a bunch of programs, like free college for everyone, then figure out what they might cost over 10 years, total it all up and then try and pass that number.  

With this one?  No, somebody, somewhere, most likely in a basement in Cinncinnannannatti, in his 'jammies, drinking his Ovaltine, said hey, "Why don't we see if we can get $3.5 Trillion?"  And they rest of them in the meeting must have said, "Hey, what a great idea!"

Well, fellow Pilgrim, Richmond was right.  That dimbulb in Cinncinnannannannatti proved to us that there's not a whit of economic sensibility (or desire to acquire any!) in the entire Democrat Party.  Else they wouldn't be trying to bankrupt America.  And turn it into Amerika...

Remember, as the famous economists Frederick von Hayek once said, "Socialists don't know anything about economics.  If they did, they wouldn't be socialists."

An example would be the cost of giving Air Jordans to every inner-city Black kid in Philadelphia, if their mommies and daddies would just vote Democrat.  Or, more likely, keep on voting Democrat.  So, you'd take $269 per pair, times a million Black kids, and you've got your number.  A number that largesse would cost.  The taxpayers.  Not THEM, the taxpayers.  Got it?

So I thought I'd figure out just how much money $3.5 Trillion Dollars is, and what it could buy for us.*  Here's a short list...

     -  It could buy us all brand-new Mustang convertibles, with all the options.  But the backup cameras, that is...

     -  It could not only send us on a cruise, it could buy us all cruise lines!  What a concept!

     -  It could send everybody in Appalachia for dental implants!  It would create thousands of jobs for dentists and cause cousins to recognize each other again.  It would also force Joe Mansion to vote for the Bill, since most of the folks getting the teeth would be from West Virginia.

     -  With $3.5 T, that's 12 zeros doncha' know, we could all have our skin "homogenized" so that none of us are White or Black or Brown or Yellow or Red.  That's the only way I can figure the Lefties will stop talking about racism.  My dearly departed wife Elaine used to say that it would only take a generation or two more before intermarriage would de-colorify us all.  She might be right.  

Or, we could just tax the sh*t out of every body else to pay for it now by using the $3.5 T to train enough dermatologists to de-colorize Amerika...

     -  With that much money we could give everyone an all-expense paid vacay to The Swamp so they could go there and protest.  All of them.  Millions and millions.  And maybe take in a short tour of the Capitol Building.  All of them together.  Should be fun.  Showing off their brand-new teeth.

     -  With $3.5T we could stop being jealous of Jeffey Bozos.  We could ALL have our own little rocket company and take them on little rides whenever we wanted to.  So there, Jeffey!

     -  And lastly, but not leastly, with $3.5 Trillion each of us could be given 40 acres and a mule.  Just like the Gummint promised Black folks at the end of the Civil War.  And trust me, with O'Biden's inflation pushing food prices through the roof, you just might have to grow your own...  

I'll keep on keeping track of this nonsense and then reporting back to you, my Loyal Patriots.  Stay strong during the coming fracas.  It shall be fun...

*   It must remembered that we fought, and WON, World War Two for the entire cost of $1.12 Trillion Dollars.  So, unless the Democrats are intending to fight THREE WW11's, and based on their actions in Afghanistan I don't think so, I doubt they need $3.5 Trillion Dollars.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Hunting Bigfoot...

As you may know, I, The Chuckmeister, am retired.

Been that way for quite awhile, have I.  I like it.  Wish I'd started earlier.  

I'm also lame.  As in, the inability to meander.  Wander.  Motigate.  Saunter.  Amble.  Shuffle.  Boogie.  Okay, walk.  Can't do that.  I can do most other stuff, but walking?  Ummm, no.  

I have a degenerative neurological ailment with an unpronounceable name that is ever-so slowly turning me into a mass of whimpering protoplasm.  The ailment I feature is a distant relative of Lou Gehrig's Disease, if you're at all familiar.  Thankfully, a fairly distant one.

However, the results are pretty much the same.  The old brain little by little ceases to communicate with my lower extremities.  It's called "bi-lateral polyneuropathy."  It means "both legs are numb."

So walking any distance at all at any speed at all is quite out of the question.  I'm thinking maybe an 8 minute 400 yard dash.  But the brain is otherwise functioning quite nicely, thank you!  Actually, maybe even better than ever, now that I'm not saddled with making a living!  Memory sucks, but function?  Yeah, good...

So, being unable to "get around," as they say, I've embarked on a number of hobbies.  Hobbies that don't require me to run and skip and jump.*  And among my favorites of all those hobbies?

Localized Bigfoot Hunting!

Actually, "part-time" localized Bigfoot Hunting, as my other pursuits would interfere if I "turned pro."  

So, as a part-timer, who's also lame, I find "localized" is the best way to go.  It means "nearby."  As in, close.  In my case, it means real close, as in my house and my yard.  I have a complete routine I employ each day.  I look high and low for our "Big Friend," paying especially close attention for prospective footprints.  None so far, but I'm still looking...

I actually save a bundle on all the accoutrements, too.  I don't have to buy the hiking boots and the tent and the camping gear and the commo and night vision stuff one needs to hunt our Big Boy out there.  I just put a folding chair on the front porch, whip out my binoculars, and begin "Squatching."       

I keep looking, high and low, each and every day for a Bigfoot.  I look for tracks, I listen for knocks and howls and grunts and other sounds I hear they're supposed to utter.  Nothing.  

But that does not dissuade me!  I shall continue looking.  Like the Good Scout that I am.  And one day, God willing, (and the creek don't rise!), I'll see one!  Front yard, back yard, no matter.  And maybe, just maybe I'll get the chance to interview him/her.  Or maybe "it" (California, doncha' know).  Maybe we can make friends and put together a cable TV show.  Or maybe a podcast.  Or a videoblog.  But until I do, I'll keep on looking.

Damn!  Is this not the greatest and cheapest hobby a retired cripple can have?  BTW, I also look for UFO's while I'm out.  

Just sayin'

*  (As the Founder, CEO, Chairman, and Fearless Leader of "Proud Cripples of America," you might want to refer to my list of Approved Hobbies and Activities if you're lame and have some time on your hands...)

   ((40 shot in Lorie Lightfoot's Chicago over the weekend...))

Friday, October 1, 2021

Rip Van "Twinkle"

Let's say your name's Rip Van Twinkle and you've just awakened from an 18-month nap.

I say "Twinkle" because hey, we're here in California, and, well, you know...

And I say "awakened" because I know the English language and how to use it.

Anyhow, when Rip laid down early last year the Federal Minimum Wage was $7.85 an hour.  We were at so-called "full-employment," meaning everyone who wanted a job had a job, and a Big Mac combo cost about $5.99.

Rip just woke up.  And realized he was hungry and needed a burger and some fries.  So Rip hops in his car, which needs gas, and so he fills it up.  For $4.87 a gallon.  Or about a $1.50 more than it was when he lay down for that nap last year.  "What could possibly have happened," he wonders?  

It's even higher, he's now learned, than in San Franpoopco.  Imagine $6.00 a gallon!  Of course, our gas prices are now about $2.50 a gallon higher than in most of the rest of the Country, but that's due to the commie pukes who've done their best to install socialism here in Sacramento, at the very highest levels.

And Joe O'Biden's having stopped our drilling.  No crude, no gas at the pump.  Which means higher prices.  Which it would seem half the country is happy to pay if it meant getting rid of Trump.  No more of those mean Tweets, right?    

Rip also noted the sign as he hit the drive-thru.  "Help Wanted," it states.  "$16.10 An Hour," it blasts!  "Start Today" it proclaims!  And then Rip learns that sign is in front of a McDonalds!  

We have more than 10 million jobs available today, yet the dimbulbs in Gummint have been competing with our businesses by paying our workforce to stay home!  

Did Rip ever imagine when took that nap that he'd have to compete with our Government, the very same Government to which he pays taxes, for his employees?

And then good ol' Rip learns that there's a pandemic upon us, and that there's a couple of things he needs to know.  Desperately.  First, he has to wear a flimsy plastic mask, that doesn't keep out viruses, just to placate the dumbasses at the CDC and the White House who treat masks as their new religion.

(The pore size in the masks are twenty times larger than the size of a virus!)

Second, he needs to get vaccinated.  And I don't care if he's allergic to vaccines, and getting the shot might kill him, he must get it.  Today.  He must get the shot and be able to able to prove it ("Show me your papers!").  The reason is that depending upon where he lives, he just might be shunned.  Considered an "other."  Among the "Unclean."  Made an "outcast."  He may not be able to enter a restaurant, or a government building, or take a ride on a plane, or visit any other public area unless he does.  In fact, many hospitals and universities and airlines and railroads and even the United States Military are firing those of their employees who refuse the vaccine.  Today.  As this is written...

 The "shot" has become the "brass ring."  It's proof that he's "woke."  That he will have joined the Club.  That he's among the cognoscenti.  That he cares desperately about his Fellow Man. 

Wow!, Rip thinks.  All this in one year.  We've lost one-third of our restaurants, half of our movie theaters, nearly all of our oil and gas and coal workers, and many of our police.  Is this progress?  Funny.  The "Progressives" are in charge, it must be... 

Rip sits back and contemplates all that he has witnessed since awakening.  Damn, he says!  All of this has happened under the "Progressives?"  "Forgive me," he says, "stop the world and let me off!  I don't need no more stinkin' progress!"  

So Rip gets his "shot," quietly packs his bags and moves to the Hill Country of Texas and starts a winery.  Where there are no taxes, property is cheap and nobody cares if he wears a mask...