Sunday, October 24, 2021

Guns in the Hands of Fools...

So Alec Baldwin, one of Hollywood's most rabid anti-gun demagogues, just killed a cinematographer and wounded an assistant director on the set of his movie, "Rust."

It's okay, though, he/they tell us, because the pistol was handed to him by the asst. director with the statement, "Cold gun."

That in movie parlance means, "It's not loaded."  Yeah.

And that rattlesnake at your feet won't bite you, either.

Alec Baldwin, as the movie's producer, shares responsibility, if not guilt for this accident.  But perhaps he cannot be blamed for being what he is; a creature of the Upper East Side, who doesn't know the first thing about gun safety.  That's why movie production rules require the employment of an "armorer," whose job is to keep control over all weapons to be used on the set, and guarantee they won't be used unsafely or incorrectly.  Like what happened at the Bonanza Creek Movie Ranch.  But there appears to have been a breakdown in that control somewhere.  And a man was seriously wounded and a woman died.

For those of you who still do not know, here are the Hard and Fast Rules regarding firearm safety:

     1)  You treat all firearms as if they are loaded until you personally prove otherwise.  If somebody hands you a firearm, you personally check it to make sure it's unloaded before proceeding.  No matter what they tell you, it's loaded until you verify that it isn't.

     2)  You never, ever point a firearm at something you don't intend to killNot playing around, not for any reason.  Not ever.

     3)  Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot.  

     4)  Never load a firearm until it's ready to be used.*

All four of these Cardinal Rules were violated in this tragic incident.  Had Baldwin read a book on the subject, or been a Boy Scout, or served in the military, or taken an NRA Safety Firearm Safety course, or even asked a question or two from somebody who knew how this should have been handled, he'd have known that pointing a gun at someone you don't intend to shoot is a World-Class No-No!  And whether or not the armorer or the asst. director or the janitor checked the gun and called it "cold," meaning unloaded, it was up to Baldwin to make sure it was.  He didn't.  And a woman paid for his blunder with her life.

A few years back this snotty dumbass Leftist elitist creep sent a derogatory tweet to a cop who'd just accidentally killed a person in a botched raid.  He snidely asked the cop what it felt like to shoot an innocent person.  Now he knows.

Baldwin may not face a criminal proceeding for his actions in this case, but I guaran-damn tee-ya' that there will be a civil one.  A Very Big Civil case.  And as an expert on firearms, their handling and their use, I will humbly offer my expert testimony on the subject, should it be needed...

For free...

*  If you or any of your friends could use a hand with firearm selection, or advice on handling or care and usage, please give me a call.  Just like any other responsible gun owner (and Life Member of the NRA), I'd be happy to help...


  1. I wish I lived nearby and could take you up on the offer! I have asked help from countless, but their promises never materialized. I finally went to Point Blank a couple years ago but that's all my experience so far. But, even I taught my kids the Hard and Fast Rules of gun safety.

  2. I wish I did too, Chris. But fear not; just go to and see what they're offering on gun safety courses in your area. Or at least download their tips from their website. THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE! You treat a gun as a tool. A potentially deadly tool. Those who fail to heed these simple rules should be prosecuted...


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!