Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Did You Know?

Did you know that the Federal Gummint, via its long-suffering taxpayers, is paying $39.00 to Pfizer for each shot of its vaccine?

And did you know that we're shipping off $32.00 a shot to Astra-Zeneca for each dose of its really-special anti-COVID stuff?

And lastly, did you know that you and me, the Taxpayers, are paying Johnson & Johnson $22 a shot for each of its doses?

Did you know that?  For hundreds of millions of doses of a vaccine?  A vaccine to protect us from a virus?  A virus manufactured and almost certainly leaked, on purpose or by accident, by the Chinese Communist Party?  

Speaking of which, can you remember the last time the Federal Gummint paid for the vaccines doctors prescribe for their patients? 

As in NEVER.  Why now?  

And did you also know that our Mr. O'Biden had ordered up another One Billion Doses of this vaccine so that he can give it to other countries?  Starting with India?  The largest democracy in the world?  Which competes with us on the World Stage.  Which is developing its own vaccine?  And has its own money?  And taxpayers?  Kinda' stupid, right?

Yes, we are.  

But why should it refuse our generosity?  With Uncle Sugar, as my Dad use to call "Him," whoever he was at the time, paying the bills, why should anyone care about the costs?

Am I the only one who gives a sh*t about the $Trillions our Government is throwing away?  No wonder O'Biden is so stridently demanding the unvaccinated get religion and roll up their sleeves.  I just had a passing thought today.  I thought how lucky I am that I'm no longer in that high tax bracket.  The one I lived in for decades.  I thought, Damn!  Let those Silicon Valley $Billionaires and the Hollyweird Entertainment Community, and of course, Ben and Jerry, pay the taxes necessary to float this ever-expanding boat.

I was also thinking that California is a yuuuuge State.  And it has lots and lots and lots of room in which to park jillions of brand-new illegal aliens.  Those who O'Biden and his Sycophants intend to turn into voters.  

As soon as our very next election... 

(Oh, the joy of being able to write what I want in this unassuming little blog.  Large enough to reach you, my faithful readers, but small enough not to draw the attention of the censor-mad pukes in Silicon Valley...)

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The "MainStreamMedia"

You may have heard from various sources that our so-called "MainStreamMedia" is slanted toward the "Left."  As in "Liberal." 

That they are in the camp of the Democrat National Committee, performing nominally as their "Media Arm," refusing to report any story that might compromise the O'Biden* Agenda (whatever that is).  So you routinely get smarmy, gauzy, wispy feel-good stuff from the Associated Press, and the Washington Post (Amazon's official newspaper), "Alphabets" (ABC, CBS, NBC), and all but a couple of cable TV news channels.  

If that's true, as many proclaim (including moi), that the "Press" is biased, one must ask, "Why?"  Why would that be the case?  Well, fellow Pilgrim, I'm here to offer up a few possible answers.

Take a look at journalists.  They tell us they went to journo school to "help people," mainly.  To help the downtrodden by reporting on all the savage reality that confronts our oft cruel society today.  And to thereby help uplift them.  To better their lot in life by simply shining the "bright light of truth" on their stark situation.  In short, since they know that reporters make bupkus at the pay window, they are filled to the brim with the milk of human kindness, and they intend to use their craft for advocacy.  In spite of its inherently low pay.  To slant the news Left, in other words.  By their own lips...

Think about it: the folks who are teaching our young crop of journalists were dope-smoking, tie-died-wearing, summer-of-love hippies back in 1969.  They were trying to change the world back then, and they're STILL trying to change it via their teaching.  

Have you ever met a rich reporter?  Not the Woodstein and Bernwards, I mean your average, every day beat reporter for your Great Metropolitan Newspaper.  Or your local TV affiliate.  They're making maybe $45,000 to start.  Even a seasoned print reporter seldom cracks six figures.  And considering where most of them live (i.e., big cities), good luck in affording an apartment.

Which makes them even more pissed!  Pissed at a system that won't even permit them to earn a decent living after accumulating $Mountains of student loans while only choosing this career to advocate for those less fortunate.  

And have you heard of a journalist or a reporter starting a company?  A business of any kind?  With the exception of Rupert Murdock?  No, you haven't.  They are the antithesis of entrepreneurial.  They're the epitome of worker bees, just toiling away, turning over rocks, looking for blockbuster stories, trying to put "The Man" in prison.  Whoever the "man" might be at the time.  Loathing "climate change," loving Big Gummint, hating on guns, hoping others will have to pay more in taxes while saving for an electric car.  

And damn few of them ever even aspire to managerial positions.  Primarily, I would offer, because they're not qualified.  They just want to earn a living wage, like every other good socialism-spewing capitalist.  And most of them don't.  

As I said, pissed.  And then tend to take it out on those who "have," seeing themselves as the "have nots."  In fact, no matter what degree of success they ever achieve, they always identify with the poor and downtrodden of our society.  I guess in some ways that's good.  But as far as it colors their opinions and reportage against the successful, it isn't...       

See now why Donald Trump was such an ogre?  See now why they were at his throat from the beginning, and still are?  See why they've been dogging his every step since his daddy helped him buy his first hotel?  They see him as the "Massa."  The owner of the Plantation, metaphorically whipping his millions of unfortunate slaves into submission.  Like those Border Cowboys did(n't) to those Haitian migrants (illegal aliens) the other day.  Doubt me?  Go to MSNBC's and CNN's websites.  Chances are that the first two or three stories every single day are always about Trump.  Still.  Even to this day.  Why he was so bad, how he almost ruined America, and why he's going to be brought to justice.  

For what, they don't care.  Anything.  I think they'd even be willing to settle for an income tax beef, like the one that brought down Al Capone.  They are ravenous.  And unscrupulous.  And they feel vindicated in being so, as to them... 

...the end always justifies the means.

*  O'Biden refers to the fact that good ol' Joe carried water for B. Hussein Obama for eight years, and it seems he's STILL trying to emulate his agenda.   

Sunday, September 26, 2021

It Must Feel Really Strange...

And infuriating.

If you are among the small contingent of uber-rich here in America, it must feel really strange, and infuriating, to see those in Congress arguing over your wealth.  Like Hyenas over a new kill.

They want it, you've got it.  Give it to them.

There's not a Democrat member of Congress who hasn't appeared in front of a willing camera and swore that the rich are not paying their "fair share."  And that he/she/it are going to work overtime to make sure that they do.  They are going to pass oodles of new laws, each of them costing $Trillions, all of which they say will be "paid for," using the aforementioned rich's money.  Can you say horsesh*t?  

Howdja' like to be a member of that club?

There are only three kinds of rich people: 1), those who inherited it, like Mark Warner (D-VA), the richest man in Congress; 2), those who married it, like John "Lurch" Kerry ((he married it TWICE!); and 3), those who worked their asses off for it, like Elon Musk.  I can't imagine that any of them would like to pay the Government more than they are, and they are paying the Government far more than you've been told.

As per the Infernal Revenue Service's latest statistics, the top 1% of wage earners here in America pay 38.5% of all receipts.  The top 5% pays 49.1%.  You've been lied to.  Those who get their news from Google and Yahoo (62%) have no idea that the "rich" are paying FAR MORE THAN THEIR FAIR SHARE right now, and I'm frankly amazed they haven't rebelled!

And they just might.  The Congress is right now planning to pass some $5.5 Trillion of new spending.  Which means new taxes.  From the rich, and most likely, everybody else.  This "sausage making" is loud and obnoxious and counterproductive.  

So what would I do?  I'd pack my saddlebags with cash, hop on my G-5 and relocate to Costa Rica, Panama or Belize.  Or any other dollar-based economy that doesn't tax its residents like America does.  I wouldn't stick around and wait for the torches and pitchforks. 

Should the Gummint find every dollar due it?  Sure.  Should the Gummint try to pluck its citizens like Christmas turkeys?  I'd say no.

We're pretty close to a tax revolt.  This will become Jimmy Carter 2.0.  There will be tax shelters out the kazoo.  Back then, I bought 1% of the Oakland Convention Center, borrowed all the money to do it, wrote off the interest and didn't pay a dime in taxes for more than six years.  Congratulate me for using the tax laws to my advantage.  Thank me very much.  That's what tax lawyers and accountants are for.  And that's why increasing efforts to steal from the rich will just result in more tax lawyers and accountants stealing it right back.  

Of course, I might mention that they put one of my best friends in jail for trying to foist off his investment in an unreleased Willie Nelson record.  And a jojoba bean farm.  With windmills on it.  Yeah.  

So, we'll go from record income tax receipts ($4.5 Trillion!), due to the Trump tax reduction law, to ever-diminishing returns, due to ever more outlandish efforts to raise it.  

Here's a little advice for those trying to squeeze the balloon; the air will always move somewhere else...  

TAX AVOIDANCE is an immutable Law of Nature.

Friday, September 24, 2021

The "I-70 Uncontested Divorce"

Up with this we shall no longer put (with apologies to Yoda)!  

Dunno' about you, but I'm damn tired of what America has become.  And so I'm proposing to do something about it.  I'm proposing what I'll call the "I-70 Uncontested Divorce."

In just a few short months, Joe O'Biden and his Raging Band of Sycophants (new name for a band?) have endeavored to turn America inside out.  It's appearing that they are determined to deconstruct it, and then remake it their preferred image.  We don't want that.  We don't want that very much.

When two people or countries can't live together anymore, they either come to polite, diplomatic terms for separation, or they go to war.  

I'm endeavoring to prevent that latter possibility.  Endeavoring, but not unwilling.  

Unless you've been living in a dumpster behind the local Wal-Mart, you're aware that the "Left" and the "Right" in our Country have never been further apart, in every single measurable way.  Those in the Big Cities think those who live in the hinterlands are pickup truck-driving, flag-waving, gun-totin,' beer-swilling rubes.  Those who live in the Heartland think those who live in the Big Cities are inbred, multi-generational welfare recipients who'll vote for anyone who promises them more.

Evidence?  Alexandria Occasional-Cortex.

"They" want even more from us, so they can trade it for votes, and "we're" tired of being picked clean like a Thanksgiving turkey.  

Sooo, given all of that, I propose the "I-70 Uncontested Divorce."  I'll represent those on the Right in this negotiation, if you don't mind, even though I'm not an attorney (one of the few mistakes I've failed to make).  Here goes...

We draw a new Border between those on the Left, who are generally located in Northern Big Cities, where fully 75% of our population resides, and those on the Right, who are mainly dispersed throughout the South.  We'll use I-70, if you don't mind.  It sort of geographically divides what was America in half, which seems fair.    

(Even though they'd get more population, I'd say, good riddance!  Most of the population they have, we don't want...)

So, they get the so-called "MainStreamMedia," which is located in a six-block radius in Mid-Town Manhattan.  They lie for a living, and we're having no more of it.  We'll take all of what was America's manufacturing capability in exchange, and then proceed to build it back up to what it was before we became "global."

They'll get our Entertainment Industry, such as it is, and we'll take our Farm Belt and food production.  They'll get our Ivy League colleges and universities, filled to the brim with really bright fools, and we'll take small town community colleges.

We'll give them the snow, we'll take the warmth.

We'll give them Washington, D. C. and its 535 multi-millionaire Congressweenies and the 20,000 lobbyists who snap at their heels, and we'll take all the small towns and cities spread across the fruited plain.

And lastly, we'll give them Black Lives Matters and we'll take the Military.  (We might later need the military to beat back BLM).

The new Border?  Just follow I-70 from around Baltimore at the Eastern end, to Colorado on the West.  And then take a sharp right turn and include the "Blood Red" Dakotas, Wyoming and Idaho, and give the Lefties most of the "Bleeding Blue" ones like WA, OR and CA.  

We'll build a Wall, a Big Ass Wall, and we'll staff it will our military.  Shoot to Kill.  Don't be comin' 'round our parts once we make the break.  It's serious.  And remember...

We're the ones with all the guns!!! 

But that's okay with them, I'm pretty sure.  They have those little Starbucks cocktail swords...

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Good News!

I'm happy to share the Good News with you today, fellow Pilgrims!

Yes, my friends, the Federal Bureau of Investigation just released statistics indicating that 2,343,739 of your fellow citizens underwent NICS (National Instant Criminal System) firearm background checks in August, 2021.  These Checks are a faithful indicator of gun purchases made, as one cannot legally buy a weapon without first undergoing such a review.*  

And that was the second most weapons ever purchased.  Number One was in August, 2020, when, get this: 3,394,239 fellow Patriots whipped out the plastic and walked away with Personal Protection!**  No longer needing to pretend that our police are there to protect us (by order of the Supreme Court, believe it or not, they aren't!), we can revert back to the time when Men were Men and responsible for their own safety and the safety of their families.  Hoorah!

How quaint.

So think of it this way:  Between August, 2020, and August, 2021, another 15% of the totality of your fellow American citizens "armed up."  That means more than 140 Million Americans Now Own Firearms.  

Not in New York City, maybe, where they must resort to using those little Starbucks cocktail swords for protection, but all those other places where Real Americans live.  

Eat your hearts out, Chicago!***

*      Some among us will be surprised to know that we've been doing background checks on firearms purchases for more than 20 years.  But their sources for news choose not to report that fact.

**    The average time for 911 response in the 50 largest American cities is 13 minutes.  Your choice:  Beg for 13 minutes, or reload and add an insurance round.  Our fellow Patriots know that when seconds count, the police are only minutes away...

***  Another 63 were shot in Lorie Lightfoot's Chicago last weekend, and 14 of them died.  Except you'll not hear a word about it on the so-called "MainStreaMedia."

Monday, September 20, 2021

There are Two Kinds of People...

There are two kinds of people.  The people who divide people into two kinds...and then there's that other kind...

That was a joke.  I'll wait for you to compose yourselves.

Whether or not you chose to guffaw, or just chortle politely, I'll still share with you something that you deserve to know: Only those who have served, or are serving, in the military of the United States can understand how we feel.  How desperately we were sandbagged.  How we were lied to, and then sold out.  We are angry.  As a group.  And that's 3.5 million veterans who have served or are serving.   

Or, I'd offer, quite a few more than want boys to pee in girl's bathrooms.  Or want "critical race theory" taught in our kindergartens.

We (thought we) knew that no matter how meager the pay, how long the hours, how dingy the assignments, or how dangerous the missions, at least we'd never be left behind, nor leave another behind.  That's been our mantra.  Our motto.  It gave the whole thing meaning.  It was like the "why" when anyone asked...

But now the civilians in Washington, D.C., have broken that promise made so long ago.  To us, to our allies, to our friends, and even to our enemies.  It always served as a deterrent, I've thought, for our enemies to know we'd be coming back for them...and you...if you shot any of us.  And it was.  

No longer, apparently.

We don't leave one or two behind.  No Siree Bob!  In Afghanistan we've left somewhere around 100 or so American civilians, maybe more, and another 14,700 "S.I.V.'s."  Or course, these numbers are "fluid," as they say.  Apparently nobody knows.  Or if they do, nobody's saying.  They not only left people, no...they left the population of a small town behind!!!

Our Founding Fathers decided long ago that civilians should be put in charge of our military.  Preventing coups, and all that.  Normally it's worked okay.  Normally we've either had presidents who had military experience, or those who have valued the military and its contributions.

Like our last one.  

Okay, okay.  I hear somebody in the Cheap Seats yelling, "But what about Jimmuh Carter?"  Touche!

Anyway, the F.F.'s chose civilians, and I haven't had a bitch about it to date.  I do now.

The stumbling, dimbulb fool in the White House went straight from law school to the Senate.  He graduated 73rd in his class of 187 at Univ. of Maryland Law, and took that degree of stellar academic and intellectual achievement to his first, and only, job.  As a U. S. Senator.  

Which lasted about 87 years.

Just kidding.  Only about 39.  Then 8 years wiping Obama's a*s.  And now his turn in the barrel.  I often wonder if this empty suit actually knows what's going on around him.  What a shi*storm his (or somebody's?) policies have caused.  I think they just keep him in the corner, wound up, like "Weekend at Bernie's," and drag him out when the TelePrompTer needs reading.  Poorly...

So in closing, just leave here with this:  Those who are charged with keeping us safe are pissed off, and shall remain so.  Likely forever.  And just think.  Each of those soldiers and sailors and Marines and Guardsmen believe you broke their promise.  And they all have moms and dads and brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and relatives out the kazoo.  And they all vote...

You think this will all just go away?  You think that this is the last time you'll hear about this?  

Not a chance in Hell...

Saturday, September 18, 2021

And Now For Something Completely Different...

The Chuckmeister is going to share with you, fellow Patriots, a truly grandiose and exciting gift.  "What gift," you might ask?  A college drinking ditty that I wrote back in college, one of them, one of the many, or maybe somebody else did, I'm not really sure, because, as I said, it's a drinking song.

Oh yeah, where was I.  I majored in Animal Husbandry until they caught me at it.  That's a joke.  I used to tell that to people who tried to invade my space while I was travelling all hither and yon on airplanes by asking what I did for a living.  That shut 'em right up, I'm telling you.

And back to the Poem/Song/Ditty.  You have to hear it sung, preferably by me, in order to get the full impact.  But I'm going to try and pass some of that along using my keyboard.  If you just have to know the tune, call me and I'll hum it to you.  For a dollar.  

And so, for the very first time anywhere (please enjoy my emphases wherever appropriate), I offer you...

"Ohhhhhhh, the party's all over the guests were all leaving, 

O'Leary was closing the barrrrrr!

When he turned and he said to the lady in red, 'Get out you can't stay where you arrrrrrre."

Shheeeeeeeeee, wept a sad tear in her bucket of beer as she thought of the long night aheaddddddd,

Whennnnn, Gentleman Dapper stepped out of the crapper, and here...are...the...words...that...he...said:

"Her mother never told her, the things a young girl should know.

About the waaa-haays of college mennnnnn.... And how they come and go; Mostly come!

Now age has taken her bu-huu-hu-teee!  And sin has left it's sad scar.  

So remember your mothers and sisters, boyzzzzz....  

And let Maaa---Reee sleep under the bar.


                                              (copyright The Chuckmeister, 2021)

Please enjoy this song whenever good friends get together and are tired of singing the Star Spangled Banner.  You're welcome...                              

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Ashli Babbitt...

You may be interested to know that the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the Capitol Police and the management of the Westminster Dog Show have all concluded that the policeman that shot hairdresser, tourist and activist Ashli Babbitt in the neck on January 6th committed no act against official policy.

Damn, that's good to know!

And yes, since I love to write long sentences (I graduated as a Mississississippi River Boat gambler (minor as an ecdysiast, not a journalist), but you got the entire gist of what I had to say.  So, you can either choose to continue reading, whereby you can gain the benefit of my immense knowledge, or you can move along.  

And yes, that was a long sentence...

Of course, I'd say one has to quibble with a policy that permits shooting unarmed Capitol Building visitors in the neck.  Or anywhere else, for that matter.  Or maybe I should apply for that job; there's a lot of folks I'd like to shoot in the neck.  And in the ass...

However, I'm in a quandary; how does a Capitol Policeman, a guy named Michael Byrd, a Lieutenant, mind you, shoot an unarmed visitor, even one who everyone agrees was, along with several others, attempting to break through the window of a barricaded door without provocation?  And why didn't this guy shepherd those he was protecting to another location in the Capitol, without having to shoot anyone?  

And also considering that this guy Byrd was already on notice for having previously left his loaded service pistol in the Capitol bathroom.  Just overlooked it.  Could have happened to anyone (!).  It was turned in by a Boy Scout who was on a tour. 

He was not reprimanded. 

From the video we can see that he could see she was unarmed.  She was one of several who were admittedly breaking through a window.  "Breaking," as in "not yet broken."  And "not yet dangerous," As in, "half in, and half out," to my way of thinking.  Yet, the clearance statement read that he "exercised proper force."  And that he only shot as a "last resort."  Damn!  What would have been improper?  What would have been first resort?  A cannon?  An RPG?  A suitcase nuke?

It might help for the fair reader to understand that I, The Chuckmeister, was trained by the U. S. Army as a sniper.  Trained to put a bullet in the space of a playing card at 600 yards.  A real-life sicario.  But, try as I might, I never got an assignment that resulted in "reaching out and touching someone."  

So, I've really always wanted to execute somebody just for the Hell of it.  I've held myself in check, as has so many other potential mass murderers because it just wouldn't be kosher.  Not acceptable to community standards, doncha' know.  Not the nice thing to do.  So I'm thinking that joining the White House Police Force would be just right for me, and maybe for other wannabe snipers as well.  I could shoot a visitor every now and then just to assuage my need to execute folks, and nobody could complain.  Ever.  Because I'd be "exercising proper force."  

San Fran Nan Pelosi said so...

Oh yeah, and while we're at it, could we shoot one of those worthless Congressweenies every now and then?  Trust me, it would be an improvement to the both the Congressional, and the gene pool...  

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

You Really Want Some Gun Control?

We all know by now that President Joe O'Biden and his Band of Socialist Sycophants want desperately to take away all our guns.

Not ALL of them, maybe, just those scary, black, military-style, ugly-looking "assault rifles" he's been haranguing us with.  For decades.  Those terrible "semi-automatic" ones.  The type that comprise fully 73% of all new guns sold today.  Yeah, those guns.  Guns like the shotgun your grandad uses to hunt ducks.  Like you dad might use to hunt deer.  He wants to come in through the back door.  O'Biden wants them outlawed and confiscated.  Now.  

Funny, I was just thinking.  In Uncle Joe's hastily-arranged and crappily-staged withdrawal (Surrender) from Afghanistan, he (mis)managed to leave some 166,248 "assault weapons" behind.  For the Taliban.  Perhaps the single most dangerous group of folks on Earth.  Absolutely no charge.  Courtesy of the American Taxpayer and their elected representatives.  

And these "assault weapons" were really assault weapons, without the "quotes."  They were M-4's, which are selective-fire, full-automatic SAW's (Squad Automatic Weapons).  So dangerous they are outlawed for civilian ownership in all but a couple of our States, and only then after an application to the Federal Gummint like the Manhattan phonebook and a Federal license with a huge permit fee ($2,000 up front, $200 per year).  

  That's 166,248 Assault Weapons.

But it's my guess that Joe thought the Taliban needed a few SAW's to even the playing field, in the event we'll ever have to go back in.  Which we will.  And soon.  They'll be better armed so as to fight us better (!).  Remember:  Just because we left the battle doesn't mean the battle left us.

Oh, and he left them with the 6th Largest Fleet of Attack Helicopters on Earth.  For free.  These Blackhawks are $7 Million each, so that's a nice little gift, doncha' think?  

I wonder why he gave the Taliban $86 Billion Dollars of our finest military hardware?  Almost all of which will likely be sold for hard cash to China and North Korea and Cuba and Argentina and Russia, and may well wind up here, in the U. S. of A.  To kill and maim even more of our citizens?  

And yet, they try and take our puny little rifles away?  

So, I'ma' thinkin' that I don't wish to hear anything else about "gun control" over here, until there's "gun control" over there.  Go over there and collect up all those "assault weapons" you left laying around, you incompetent, bumbling, geriatric fool.  And until you do, shut the f**k up...

Kinda' makes one wonder what they have planned for us...if they need to take away our guns to do it...   

Monday, September 13, 2021

Darwin's Theory...

Are you familiar with Darwin's Theory of Evolution?

In short, it basically states that the fittest shall survive.  The meanest and nastiest and fiercest shall be left standing on the battlefield of evolution, while the nicer, softer and more reasonable competitors will be left in the dustbin of history. 

Every year a website publishes the Top Ten dumbest things people have done that year to try and invoke Darwin's Theory.  As in, get that sucker out of the gene pool!  They are hilarious, to be sure, and well worth your time to seek it out.  

One of my favorites was the guy who went ice fishing in Wisconsin.  The drove his brand-new pickup truck from the dealership straight to the lake and out to his ice blind.  Several hundred feed out.  He then pulled out his gear and prepared to fish.  

Except this guy's method of fishing was to take a stick of dynamite and use it to blow a hole in the ice.  So he and his dog head over to the pickup for safety, which was several yards away.  He lights the dynamite and throws it out on to the middle of the lake.   

His bird dog does what bird dogs do.  He runs out and grabs the dynamite and brings it right back to his master, who was sitting in his truck.  The guy jumps out of his truck and runs like Hell to get get to the shore, and to safety.  His dog leaves the dynamite under the guy's new truck and joins his master.  The explosion blew a gigantic hole in the ice...and plunges the brand-new pickup, with 98 miles on it, right straight to the bottom of the lake.

Now That's the Darwin Awards.

So I propose that we consider the 70-some million people who have yet to be vaccinated for the Wuhan Chinese Killer Coronravirus as candidates for the Darwin Awards.  If they're too stupid to walk into a drug store or a gym or a health clinic and obtain insurance against dying, in the form of a shot, let them die.  Now.  Today.

Clear out the gene pool.  Something tells me that most of those who would thus succomb to the virus would be a net improvement in our society.  Plus, there would be more room at the gym and supermarket and movie theater.  Once again, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.  

You can also lead an American to the Answer, but you can't make him accept it...   

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Recalling Newsom...

If you "live" in California, our largest, most populace, highest taxed and least enjoyable state, you already know everything I'm getting ready to write, so save your time and go do something else.  Go clean out the garage.  Learn to fly a drone.  Do something rewarding.  Take your significant other out for a milkshake.  

But check back later for newer postings...

So, now for the rest of you lucky, lucky souls.  You may have heard that a couple of million of us suffered all sorts of slings and arrows to gather enough signatures to force a recall of our Boy Governor, Gavin Newsom.

Ever heard of Newsom?  He's the pretty-boy nephew of the Speaker of the House, San Fran Nan Pelosi.*  He grew up a child of privilege; silver leg in his mouth and all that.  His Godfather was J. Paul Getty, the founder of Standard Oil Company and at one time the richest man in the world.  It's like finding oneself on third base and thinking you hit a triple.  

His campaign first for Mayor of San Franpoopco, and then Governor of Taxifornia, has been funded almost entirely by six uber-rich San Fran families.  HIS families.  That means he needs not a single dollar from me or you or anybody in order to fuel his campaigns.  Tens of $Millions of dollars in campaign contributions from his "family."  Perhaps the single greatest example of "out of touch" in the history of American politics.  Example?  Sure.  He was given a winery for his 21st birthday, and who knows what else since.  Tough life, but somebody has to live it.

But we don't have to pay for it...

The Bottom Line:  Newsom is a blowhard puke who never had an original thought in his entire life.  He's zigged when he should have zagged over his Governorship, whipsawing us, the citizens, like rag dolls.  Homelessness is way up, gas prices are way up, crime is way up, poverty is way up.  This guy is a train wreck and you should vote to get rid of him as soon as possible! 

And then there's Larry Elder.  Everybody should know Elder.  He's been a staple on L. A.'s KABC radio for more than 30 years.  He's a Conservative from South Central who put himself through law school while working two jobs.  No "silk purse" here.  He's out there for all to see.  And it works like this:

And oh yeah, despite what you've read in the Lost Angeles Crimes, Larry Elder is Black.  As in the the race.  Black.  They've tried to tell you he's an Uncle Tom at best, and the Director of Membership for the White Nationalist Party at worst. 

I've met Elder and I can tell you he's neither a Toady nor a zealot.  He'd like to get us back some of our lost freedoms while perhaps lowering our taxes.  I can dig that.  And so should you. 

If you like the way things are going you can vote not to recall and send that infernal mail-in ballot back.  However, if you're one of the millions who've been negatively impacted by Newsom's outrageous actions, including videographic proof that he routinely violates his own orders, you can vote to recall, and then vote for the person you think should replace him.  

The polls tell us that Elder has no chance.  The visits by O'Biden and Carmela and all the brainless celebritards, coupled with the $Millions thrown at this by the Democrats, some estimate as much as $75 Million, has seemingly worked, and this assault on Newsom's dictatorship has been vanquished.  So Newsom will wind up with even more time to spend gobbling up that super-tasty, super-expensive French Laundry food... 

There's about 50 folks who've lined up to challenge Newsom.  Only Elder has a chance.  And it seems he doesn't have much of a chance, either.  California has a two-to-one advantage, Democrat over Republican, in terms of registered voters.  So he's already at a yuuuuuge disadvantage.  

And then there's the fact that the Democrats will cheat.  They will do anything, go anywhere, say whatever, to win this election.  Don't let them do it.

There.  I've spoken.  It Won't do a damn bit of good, but it's my obligation...   

*  No matter how badly you feel about the way things are going, just remember: somewhere tonight there's a Mr. Pelosi...

Friday, September 10, 2021

Less Vetting Than a Cruise Line?

There's just too damn much news.  I try my level best to only opine on the news and events of the day, every other day, but DAMN!  There's just too much news these days!  Even with Google and Yahoo censoring some of it, there's still waaay too much to contemplate.  I continually have to pick and choose what to write about, oft leaving important stories wanting.  Laying in the dustbin of "old news."  

It pains me, fellow Patriots!  And up with it I shall no longer put (with apologies to Yoda).  So, I intend to write and publish whenever the spirit moves me to do so.  It may be every day, it might even be more often than that.  We shall have to wait and see, you and me.  But in the meantime, here's a little something upon which you might wish to chew:  

     -  Princess Cruise Lines owns and operates the very largest cruise ship in the world.

It's called the "Symphony of the Seas" (SoS) and it's indeed massive.  Massive like 20% bigger than our biggest aircraft carrier massive.

The "SoS" is a staggering 1,188 feet long and 215.5 feet wide.  Think laying the Empire State Building over on its side.  It's considerably taller than the Eiffel Tower and weighs an unbelievable 228,081 gross tons.  That's more than 200 feet longer and four times heavier than the Titanic!!!

Put another way, the SoS could not have crossed through the Panama Canal before they widened it in 2007!

The SoS has 16 decks and 1,158 cabins, and can entertain up to 6,680 guests on its Caribbean excursions.  That's more than the population Carrolton, Missouri.  Clearly, the SoS is the pinnacle of the cruising art.

It is so good that it can make you pay $80 a bottle for cheap wine and buy a portrait by some unknown artist named "Diego" for only $2,499 before even the second night out.

After investing more than $1.5 Billion Dollars in the SoS, the Board of Directors of Princess Cruise Lines appointed Rob Hempstead as its Captain.  He has more than 30 years' experience piloting cruise ships of ever larger size and  Princess deemed him the single most qualified person to shepherd this yuuuuge ship.  Big responsibility, big talent.

As a matter of fact, you can tell when the SoS is sailing because there's nobody left in downtown Manilla.

Imagine if America were to choose to emulate the Board of Directors of Princess Cruise Lines and appoint only the single most qualified person to run America.  If we did, you can bet your sweet ass that the scrawny geriatric puke we "elected" would be nowhere near the White House...   

Thursday, September 9, 2021


 It seems there's a rather large contingent of folks among us who would prefer to be known by a letter.

As in, the "LGBTQ" crowd.  That stands, I believe, for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender and Queer.  But I could be wrong.  I think they're making it up as they go along.  However, those letters don't seem to be expansive enough.  They weren't inclusive enough.  So instead of continually adding letters to the descriptor, as they once did, they just added a "+."  So it's now "LGBTQ+."  

So I guess it's now, "Good evening, what are you?," as opposed to, "who are you."  Like having a talisman with which to forever protect yourself.  Sort of strange, I'd say...

So do you recall when I inaugurated the term, "CPDLW" a few years back?  I got tired of calling people names and decided to just call them by an acronym.  It stands for, "Commie Pinko Dumbass Liberal Weenie."  Pretty explanatory, I'd say.  I describes all those who would disavow our Constitution and law and prefer to govern according to "feelings."   

But having now gone to school by our militant gay friends, I think I'll add a "+" to the end.  So that someday when I might want to add some other pejorative, it'd already be covered.  Sort of a soothing thought, don't you agree?

Now, all of those who hide behind the "LBGTQ+" shield are put on notice: The Chuckmeister is here with his "CPDLW" atomic weapon. 

A "+." 

So those of you who live by the acronym, I now invite you to choose exactly which of mine you believe best describes you.  Go ahead, I'll wait... 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Top 10 Worst Storms

Joe O'Biden commandeered our TV's the other day to proclaim that "Climate change caused this most recent hurricane!"  He squinted us in the eye and told us straight out, with his lower denture obviously in need of some additional Polident, flopping around as it was, preventing me from paying rapt attention to "Mr. Mumbles," that "The only way to stop these killer storms is to pass my legislation!"   

Now then, a), he would have no way in Hell of knowing that, given he was never all that smart, and I'm sure never came up with an original thought; and b), I'd be inclined not to be believe him generally because he lies like a rug, and c), it's not his job to pontificate about matters scientific.  

But I can.

I've taken the liberty of doing what Joe, or his legions of two-dimensional sycophants, could have done; look up the statistics.  The statistics as to the 10 Worst Storms Ever to Hit America.  As in, both before, and after, SUV's.  And here it is:

The worst storms in descending order of magnitude, whether by the loss of human life, or the cost, or both, to ever hit the United States:

     -  Hurricane Katrina, 2015.  123 deaths, $86 Billion loss.

     -  Galveston Hurricane, 1900.  17,000 deaths, $496 Million loss.

     -  Hurricane Camille, 1969.  259 deaths, $1.5 Billion loss.

     -  Hurricane Harvey, 2017.  107 deaths, $1 Billion loss.

     -  "SuperStorm" Sandy, 2012.  233 deaths, $65 Million loss.

     -  Okeechobee Hurricane, 1928.  2,000 deaths, $1.3 Billion loss.

     -  1926 Miami Hurricane.  372 deaths, $2.3 Billion loss.

     -  Hurricane Andrew, 1992.  65 deaths, $27.3 Billion loss.

     -  Hurricane Chenere Caminada, 1893.  2,000 deaths, $118 Million loss.

     -  Hurricane Maria, 2017.  2,975 deaths, $90 Billion loss.

Now then.  You'll no doubt note from even a casual perusal of the above statistics that only 4 of these "killer" storms occurred during the post-SUV period.  That would the period AFTER John Kerry started shooting off his Patrician mouth.  In fact, several of them occurred while we were still using telephone operators to connect our calls.  Our land-line calls.  Our party-line, land-line calls...  

In other words, the nice folks in Galveston weren't spending an undue amount of time a century ago trying to decide how much blame "Climate Change" should receive for their Storm.  They were too busy cleaning up. 

I'd even go out on a limb and guess that there was not a single solitary soul back then wasting quality time over "Climate Change."  But there sure are now.  


The Democrats seem to have learned that fully half of America's population were born and raised after the "Roaring 'Sixties."  That was the time when the radical environmental movement got its legs.  Remember "tree huggers?"  Yeah, back then.  So they're counting on you all NOT remembering that there used to be Bad Storms.  Really Bad Storms.  And there still are.  That's why they put roofs on houses.  

That's why they've been putting rooves on houses since even before Environmental Whackos started plying their evil trade.

Face it: there are an average of 11 - 12 Named Atlantic Storms each year.  And there have been for 100 years.  Adding SUV's to the mix hasn't seemed to appreciably increased either the number, or the intensity, of Atlantic hurricanes.   

But the CPDLW's* could never, ever bring themselves to believe that.

So here's the deal, as the police like to say.  The Democrats would have you believe you could write a check to the Democrat National Committee and these highly destructive storms would just stop.  In their tracks.  And that we can make all this unpleasantness go away by simply agreeing to have our taxes raised.  A lot.  By simply shipping off more of our hard-earned cash to Foggy Bottom.

Do you believe that?  Do you really?  

(Commie Pinko Dumbass Liberal Weenies) 

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Pay Me Not to Shoot You...

So you're gonna' wanna' hear about this one.

Our common sense-deprived friends in San Franpoopco have finally gone over that proverbial edge.  Their City Council and Mayor London Breed have decided to pay their "at risk" citizens $300 a month not to shoot each other.  It's called the "Dream Keeper Project," and it's designed to "protect" those at either end of "gun risk;" the shooter, or the shootee.  

You read that right.  They're going to take some of the $120 Million they're removing from their police budget ("defund the police!") and use it to pay their known prospective murderers...not to murder each other.  Now, one would think that if they knew exactly who was a prospective murderer, they'd be watching that person pretty closely to prevent it, now wouldn't they?  But that would be stretching common sense to the extreme.  And it sort of seems to me people have to show up and admit their intent in order to sign up for all this taxpayer largesse, wouldn't you say?  Like, "Hello, I intend to murder my neighbor unless you start paying me."    

Instead, they'll just pay them not to do it.  Maybe it bring new meaning to "drive-by" shooting.  You drive slowly past the police department and they'll toss you your payment.    

Now, it seems to me that once you codify a certain act or skill or talent as being worth payment to do it, or in this case not to do it, it's obvious that those within that classification or grouping who possess the greatest skill and talent level will rise to the top.  Like cream.  And therefore they'll likely demand even more money because they're even more likely to offend.  

Having been given a taste of public bucks some might even demand $1,000 a month not to leave carnage in the streets, or $5,000, or even more!  And then those in the bottom of that grouping will obviously anger at being given short shrift and start acting out.  Hey!  Look at me!  They'll blast away in response.  Forcing San Franpoopco to shovel even more cash in their direction, too.

It's called human psychology, understood by all except Democrats.  Especially San Franpoopco Democrats.

I'm thinking given the location of all this insanity, the next thing we could expect is them to form a union and demand their Rights!  They'd threaten to strike, or in this case "shoot," if they aren't paid more.  And maybe even to team up with the gangs in order to cause more blood to run in the streets.  And maybe also threaten to start proselytizing others to come and join their happy band of paid non-killers.  Wanna' make an extra $300 a  month?  Yeah, come along and join us.  

Well now, that just might poke a yuuuuuge hole in Mayor Breed's little scam, er' plan, to, as she indicated in private, "help her Black constituency."  Nothing like favoring one part of your voters over others.  But maybe the fact that she's Black gives us a clue...

So paying people not to shoot each other.  Cogitate on that one for awhile.  Hey, I've got it!  Mayor Breed!  Pay me not to move to San Franpoopco and start killing all your Black constituents!  I'll cave for $300 a month.

To start...

Friday, September 3, 2021

"Impeachment Insurance"

According to Tim Kaine, Navy Admiral (ret), Secretary of Defense, National Security Advisor to two presidents, and Democratic candidate for Vice President, "...Joe Biden's been wrong on nearly every single foreign policy and national security issue for more than four decades."

                        //////  +++  \\\\\\

Now I know why Joe O'Biden picked Karmela Harris to be his Vice President.  I think we all do...

No matter how badly he does and how awful things get, I'm guessing he knew that if we impeach him for any of a number of glaring faults...we'd be left with 


I presume he was expecting to do badly.

Think back.  She ran for Prez right along side of Joe.  When it came down to the South Carolina Primary, she was so non-existent in the polls, so universally disliked, she dropped out.  Ran like a bandit, actually.  Before the very first vote was even taken.  While she was running at Under 2%.  So she wouldn't be embarrassed.  

So, basically nobody wanted Carmula to be our Prez.  And it appears only Joe wanted her to be our Vice Prez.  I presume because he knew no matter how much of a screw up he would prove to be, we'd be hamstrung; throw him out, welcome her in...

Kurmala.  Remember her?  She's the Southeastern Asian-Quasi-American woman who grew up in Canada.  The daughter of extremely bright parents who wound up as Professors as Stanford University.  So Carmala was a child of privilege.  Big time privilege.  Each a Full Professor at Stanford.  But you'd never know it to hear her talk.

Or cackle.  DAMN, does she have cackle!!!

Fortunately for her, she was hand-selected by ex-Speaker of the House of California Willie Brown to receive his special brand of "career counseling" as she was "coming" up; that's a euphemism for mistress, I think.  Steady squeeze.  An out-in-the-open, "wink-wink" girlfriend, he paraded all around San Franpoopco for years.  In front of his wife.  As a friend of mine commented, "I'd never vote for anyone who knows what Willie Brown tastes like."  I don't understand what he meant exactly.  Perhaps you could enlighten me...

Because she's a Democrat, and Almost Black (and almost White!), and a Woman, I'm pretty sure, who ticks all the boxes, she was elected Attorney General of California.  She then proceeded to lock up nearly every Black man in sight for smoking dope.  Even though she tells us she was doing the exact same thing at the time.

So Joe picks her because he knew she'd be his bulwark against his own incompetence.  Incompetence he's now demonstrating on steroids.  Let's put it this way: if Joe O'Biden were anyone else, he'd be so impeached it would take $2.00 to get him a postcard.  Anyone else...

But with Kurmala, they stomp the brakes.  It seems everyone in D.C. is now weighing the pros and cons of keeping him in power, as opposed to putting HER in power.  Hello!  Even her own staff hates her!  And since she was proclaimed to be the most liberal member of Congress, having her as our Prez is not a real good option.  If we'd like America to continue being capitalistic, that is.  

And also since she's a specious, overbearing, self-centered witch with a "cackle" that would stop your watch.  Just thought I'd throw that in...    

So we've got to live with Joe, or put a socialist in the White House.  A cackling socialist.  That's you basic "Choice Between Negatives."  And she may yet wind up there, as somebody is surely going to push the "25th Amendment" button real soon.  They should have pushed it before he was elected, as one day soon they'll no longer be able to pull off the absolute-best rendition of "Weekend at Bernie's" in the history of modern politics.  

Except in Joe's case he's not dead (yet), just non compos mentis (look it up)...

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Taliban "Equity"

When we first heard of the Taliban way back when, it was just Usama Bin Hiden, a few goat herders, a couple of AK-47's and a cave.  

That was when they first hit the scene by blowing up a 2,500 year-old Jordanian statue of Budda and running a tank over thousands of CD's.  Nice folks.

That was about 20 years ago, right after they knocked down the World Trade Center, crashed a plane into the Pentagon, forced another into the ground at Shanksville, and killed nearly 3,000 of our citizens and visitors.  Seems like it didn't take all that much to bring great pain on the Great Satan, as the Taliban likes to call us.

They did all that with a few folks in "Al Qaeda."  That's Arabian for "The Camp."  Just a few camel jockeys.  Imagine what they could do with an entire country?  (Stay tuned, fellow Pilgrims!).

So three presidents ago declared "We're Pissed" at these folks and we went in.  With both feet.

(BTW, the last war we declared was Number Two.  That was about 70 years and 30 wars ago.  Declare war?  We don't need to declare no stinkin' war!  As we say, that was then, this is now.)


The O'Biden Administration, obviously feeling the need to insure that the Taliban has "equity" (a "Marxist" term for ending up equal no matter how you started out) in its existential fight with that Great Satan, has given the Taliban a yuuuuge inventory of shiny new weapons with which to fight us the next time we're forced to go in.  Which will maybe the week after  next.  I've posted a list below of the weaponry we've given to the new Taliban Army and Air Force so you can judge for yourselves just how "equitable" we've been with this once mortal enemy:


     -  122,174 Humvees

     -  634 M-117 M-RAPS 

     -  155 MxxPro Mine-Proof vehicles

     -  169 M-113 Armored Personnel Carriers

     -  42,000 pickups and SUV's

     -  64,363 machine guns

     -  8,000 trucks

     -  162,043 radios

     -  16,035 night vision goggles

     -  176 artillery pieces

     -  358,530 assault rifles

     -  126,295 MD-9 pistols

Air Force:

     -  33 Mi17 helicopters

     -  133 UH-40 Blackhawk Attack Helicopters ($6.7 Million each)

     -  43 MDS-30 helicopters (Hughies)

     -  23 Embraer EMB Super Tucano

     -  28 Cessna Stationaire

     -  10 Cessna AC-208 Strike Gunship

     -  4,500 rocket propelled grenades

Oh yeah, millions and millions and millions of rounds of ammunition.

Now, I dunno' about you, but I'd say if Mr. O'Biden's goal was to make our enemy the Taliban much stronger and more deadly than before, and much more equal to us, than I'd say he's achieved his it.  I predict the coming days will be filled with potent and stark reminders as to exactly why we should have left a small security contingent in Afghanistan and left well enough alone.  Seems like O'Biden just cannot do that.

I might also mention, as both an ex-soldier and a historian, the empty suits we've elected have chosen to leave the battlefield.  Only time will tell if the battlefield has chosen to leave us...