Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Good News!

I'm happy to share the Good News with you today, fellow Pilgrims!

Yes, my friends, the Federal Bureau of Investigation just released statistics indicating that 2,343,739 of your fellow citizens underwent NICS (National Instant Criminal System) firearm background checks in August, 2021.  These Checks are a faithful indicator of gun purchases made, as one cannot legally buy a weapon without first undergoing such a review.*  

And that was the second most weapons ever purchased.  Number One was in August, 2020, when, get this: 3,394,239 fellow Patriots whipped out the plastic and walked away with Personal Protection!**  No longer needing to pretend that our police are there to protect us (by order of the Supreme Court, believe it or not, they aren't!), we can revert back to the time when Men were Men and responsible for their own safety and the safety of their families.  Hoorah!

How quaint.

So think of it this way:  Between August, 2020, and August, 2021, another 15% of the totality of your fellow American citizens "armed up."  That means more than 140 Million Americans Now Own Firearms.  

Not in New York City, maybe, where they must resort to using those little Starbucks cocktail swords for protection, but all those other places where Real Americans live.  

Eat your hearts out, Chicago!***

*      Some among us will be surprised to know that we've been doing background checks on firearms purchases for more than 20 years.  But their sources for news choose not to report that fact.

**    The average time for 911 response in the 50 largest American cities is 13 minutes.  Your choice:  Beg for 13 minutes, or reload and add an insurance round.  Our fellow Patriots know that when seconds count, the police are only minutes away...

***  Another 63 were shot in Lorie Lightfoot's Chicago last weekend, and 14 of them died.  Except you'll not hear a word about it on the so-called "MainStreaMedia."

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