Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Top 10 Worst Storms

Joe O'Biden commandeered our TV's the other day to proclaim that "Climate change caused this most recent hurricane!"  He squinted us in the eye and told us straight out, with his lower denture obviously in need of some additional Polident, flopping around as it was, preventing me from paying rapt attention to "Mr. Mumbles," that "The only way to stop these killer storms is to pass my legislation!"   

Now then, a), he would have no way in Hell of knowing that, given he was never all that smart, and I'm sure never came up with an original thought; and b), I'd be inclined not to be believe him generally because he lies like a rug, and c), it's not his job to pontificate about matters scientific.  

But I can.

I've taken the liberty of doing what Joe, or his legions of two-dimensional sycophants, could have done; look up the statistics.  The statistics as to the 10 Worst Storms Ever to Hit America.  As in, both before, and after, SUV's.  And here it is:

The worst storms in descending order of magnitude, whether by the loss of human life, or the cost, or both, to ever hit the United States:

     -  Hurricane Katrina, 2015.  123 deaths, $86 Billion loss.

     -  Galveston Hurricane, 1900.  17,000 deaths, $496 Million loss.

     -  Hurricane Camille, 1969.  259 deaths, $1.5 Billion loss.

     -  Hurricane Harvey, 2017.  107 deaths, $1 Billion loss.

     -  "SuperStorm" Sandy, 2012.  233 deaths, $65 Million loss.

     -  Okeechobee Hurricane, 1928.  2,000 deaths, $1.3 Billion loss.

     -  1926 Miami Hurricane.  372 deaths, $2.3 Billion loss.

     -  Hurricane Andrew, 1992.  65 deaths, $27.3 Billion loss.

     -  Hurricane Chenere Caminada, 1893.  2,000 deaths, $118 Million loss.

     -  Hurricane Maria, 2017.  2,975 deaths, $90 Billion loss.

Now then.  You'll no doubt note from even a casual perusal of the above statistics that only 4 of these "killer" storms occurred during the post-SUV period.  That would the period AFTER John Kerry started shooting off his Patrician mouth.  In fact, several of them occurred while we were still using telephone operators to connect our calls.  Our land-line calls.  Our party-line, land-line calls...  

In other words, the nice folks in Galveston weren't spending an undue amount of time a century ago trying to decide how much blame "Climate Change" should receive for their Storm.  They were too busy cleaning up. 

I'd even go out on a limb and guess that there was not a single solitary soul back then wasting quality time over "Climate Change."  But there sure are now.  


The Democrats seem to have learned that fully half of America's population were born and raised after the "Roaring 'Sixties."  That was the time when the radical environmental movement got its legs.  Remember "tree huggers?"  Yeah, back then.  So they're counting on you all NOT remembering that there used to be Bad Storms.  Really Bad Storms.  And there still are.  That's why they put roofs on houses.  

That's why they've been putting rooves on houses since even before Environmental Whackos started plying their evil trade.

Face it: there are an average of 11 - 12 Named Atlantic Storms each year.  And there have been for 100 years.  Adding SUV's to the mix hasn't seemed to appreciably increased either the number, or the intensity, of Atlantic hurricanes.   

But the CPDLW's* could never, ever bring themselves to believe that.

So here's the deal, as the police like to say.  The Democrats would have you believe you could write a check to the Democrat National Committee and these highly destructive storms would just stop.  In their tracks.  And that we can make all this unpleasantness go away by simply agreeing to have our taxes raised.  A lot.  By simply shipping off more of our hard-earned cash to Foggy Bottom.

Do you believe that?  Do you really?  

(Commie Pinko Dumbass Liberal Weenies) 

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