Sunday, September 29, 2019

More Chuckmeisterly Observations...

From time to time I post my observations.  You may have noticed.  And my observations are in such demand I'm often stopped on the street and asked if I have any new ones.  Fans are like that sometimes...

Well, Pilgrim, as it happens, I have a few.  New ones, that is.  For your reading pleasure.  Here goes...

  -   The good news is that we're in yoga pants season.  The bad news is that we're in yoga pants season.

  -   Never judge a man without walking a mile in his shoes.  Then, if you and he are still at odds, you're a mile away...and you have his shoes.

  -   I think the U. N. should be moved to the Left Bank of the Seine in beautiful, downtown Paris.  As in France, doncha' know.  Let the French deal with unpaid parking tickets and miscreants who hate us and mouthy, unkempt losers from around the world.

  -   Only the Democrats could believe that a 16 year-old girl from Sweden with serious medical conditions should school them on "climate change."  Oh yeah, and that a hefty new tax is the only thing that can cure it.  Think about just how loony that sounds; Democrats attempting to control the weather with somebody else's $100 bills...

  -   I've heard the House Intelligence Committee's bug-eyed Chairman Adam Schiff is about to add the burning down of Sheryl's she-shed as an additional charge in Trump's impeachment inquiry.

  -   For those who are confused about their gender, like many in California, where there are somewhere between 57 and 100, they tell us, I say simply loosen your belt, open your pants, take your thumb and hook it in your undies.  Pull them out away from your body a bit and look down.  That should answer your question...

  -   If a "gun free zone" sign works, as the gun-grabbers continually tell us, then "illegal immigrant free zone" and "bank robbery free zone" and "terrorism free zone" signs should work also, right?

  -   Just like there's a corollary to Murphy's Law that states, "Junk expands to fit the space available for it," I offer up, "Actors and actresses increase in quantity to fill the rapidly expanding number of cable channels available for them."  

  -   I've learned that there's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it over.  Think about that one for a bit...  

  -   I wonder how much my AR-15s will be worth once the Liberal weenies ban them?  We all know that once we make stuff illegal it goes up in price.  Just take a look at drugs if you doubt me.  So the gun-grabbers will try and make our ARs illegal, and the owners of 16 million ARs will collectively have a really good laugh.  Out loud.  As in, come and take them.  Trading them over the back fence and in the alleyways at a huge profit should finally make all our gun-grabbing friends happy, right?

  -   And finally, I self-identify as a Black illegal alien on occasion.  Those occasions would be when it benefits me financially.  And it's looking like that time may be coming.   All the Dem 2020 POTUS candidates have agreed that reparations for Blacks are a jolly good idea.  And here in the once-Golden State of Taxifornia, they're giving free health insurance to illegals.  Not citizens, mind you, illegals!  Sooooo, it's looking like I may wind up with a sash full of cash from reparations, and freebie health insurance to boot!  Is is this a wonderful to-be socialist country, or what?

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Left's New Religion.

Do you believe in "Global Warming?"  Or "Climate Change."  Or "Climate Chaos."  Or whatever they're choosing to call it these days?

Whether you do or not likely depends upon your age.  And to an extent where you live.  And also your political leanings.  And whether or not you're religious, also.  And most importantly, how much common sense you possess.

Common sense, I might add here, is in dangerously short supply...

If you do believe in "that," you're likely young.  As in school age.  That's because your teachers brainwashed you into believing that if you drive an SUV, or eat a steak, or use plastic straws, or fly in a jet, you're causing the Earth to warm up.  Like, reeeely warm!  And that's because your teachers' teachers brainwashed them.  You see, this scam has been lurking around for decades, just waiting for the right moment to burst forth from its dank, dark hiding place into a huge, nonsensical tirade.  

Sort of like that scary little bug-like creature in "Alien."

And if you live in a crowded, urban environment we know from surveys that you're more likely to buy into this crap.  And also if you're a Democrat.  They'll believe anything.  Some of them even watch infamous tax cheat and rabid racist and bigot and homophobe "Reverend Al" on one of those opinion outfits that masquerades as a news channel.  That tells you all you need to know about some Democrats, I'd say.

But hey, they're all wrong.  There is no Global Warming.  Oh, the Earth is going through a climactic adjustment where we're up a degree or so, a change from down a degree or so a few years back, but that's just normal.  No need to freak out.  The climate warms up at bit, and cools off a bit.  Over the years.  Over the centuries.  Over the millennia.  It's to be expected.  You're not going to be dead in 12 years, as these dumbass weenies are telling us, unless you die from some other reason.

And I'd like to add right about here that looking to a Greta Thurnburg, famed Swedish 16-year old activist and self-identified-climatologist, and also Asberger's Syndrome sufferer, and ADHD and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder sufferer as well, and in my opinion child abuse victim, who said to the U.N. the other day, "You're bringing us all to mass extinction," for your scientific information, is quite a bit less than wise.

But hey, that's just me.

And if you're one of those who parrot that old "97% of climate scientists all agree!" crap, just remember that 97% of climate scientists all work for the Federal Government.  They work for colleges, and universities, and think tanks, and NASA, and NOAA, and they receive monetary Federal grants they no doubt wish to continue.  Telling us there's no climate problem would likely lead to their paychecks grinding to a screeching halt.  The Government doesn't usually fund non-problems.  Just check in with the Weather Channel or your local TV reporter if you'd like the truth about our climate.

Anyway, Those so-called "experts" have predicted we'll all be dead in 12 years if we don't stop doing everything that an industrialized society does.  You know, like flying in planes, and driving in cars, and eating cheeseburgers.  But I say the "experts" are all wrong.  And they're all a bunch of clowns, too.   

And if you doubt me, I'd suggest we take a look back at the predictions all the "experts" have made over the past 50 years or so to see just how expert they really were.  And so, brought to you by The Chuckmeister's exhaustive research, here we go...

  -   1967:  A dire famine was forecast to occur by 1975 (no famine).
  -   1968:  Overpopulation will spread worldwide (it didn't).
  -   1969:  Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1989 (we're still here).
  -   1970:  A new Ice Age will appear by the year 2000 (it didn't).
  -   1970:  America will be subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980 (ummm, nope).
  -   1970:  Nitrogen buildup will make all land uninhabitable (no nitrogen).  
  -   1970:  Decaying pollution will kill all the fish (fishing is still quite good, thank you).
  -   1970:  Killer bees will kill us all (we're still alive)!
  -   1970:  Urban citizens will have to wear gas masks by 1985 (no gas masks).
  -   1971:  A new Ice Age will be coming by 2020 or 2030 (or 2040 or 2050 or 2060?).
  -   1972:  A new Ice Age will appear by 2070 (or 2080, maybe?).
  -   1974:  Space satellites show a new Ice Age is coming fast (not that fast, apparently)!
  -   1974:  Is another Ice Age is upon us (another dumb prediction)?
  -   1974:  Ozone depletion will be a "great peril to life (or, not)."
  -   1975:  April 28th, Newsweek Cover:  "Our Cooling Planet" (I guess that's why everyone dropped their subscriptions).
  -   1976:  Scientific consensus is that the planet is cooling, famines are now imminent (there's that "scientific consensus," again).
  -   1977:  Department of Energy said oil production would peak by the 1990's (it was wrong).
  -   1980:  D. of E. updates its prediction and now says oil production will peak by 2000 (wrong again).
  -   1980:  Acid rain will kill all life in our lakes (lakes are still doing just fine).
  -   1978:  No end in sight to 30-year cooling trend (I guess some think we found the end).
  -   1988:  Temperatures in D.C. will hit record highs (or record lows, whichever).
  -   1988:  Maldive Islands will be underwater by 2018 (news to the Maldivians).
  -   1989:  Rising sea levels will obliterate nations if nothing is done by 2000 (we've still got a lot of nations).
  -   1989:  New York City's Westside Highway will be underwater by 2019 (it's not).
  -   1996:  Oil production will peak by 2020 (wrong).
  -   2000:  Children won't know what snow is by the year 2010 (does this prognosticator do drugs?).
  -   2002:  Total famine in 10 years if we don't stop eating meat, fish and dairy (how about what's left?).
  -   2002:  Oil production will peak by 2010 (wrong again).
  -   2004:  Britain will be Siberia by 2024 (we still have a couple of years to find out, but the Brits don't seem too concerned).
  -   2005:  Manhattan Island will be underwater by 2015 (what's this obsession with drowning Manhattan?).
  -   2006:  We will experience "super hurricanes (I guess Katrina must have scared this person).
  -   2008:  The Arctic will be ice-free by 2018 (it's not).
  -   2008:  Climate genius Al Gore predicts an ice-free Arctic by 2013 (he was wrong, again).
  -   2009:  Climate genius Prince Charles told us we had 96 months to save the world  (he was wrong, too).
  -   2009:  U.K.'s Prime Minister said we had 50 days to "save the planet from catastrophe." (50 days?  Not 49 or 51?).
  -   2009:  Climate genius Al Gore moved his prediction of an ice-free Arctic out 'til 2014 (he was STILL wrong).
  -   2013:  Atlantic Magazine:  The Arctic will be ice-free by 2015 (I always look to opinion magazines for my weather forecasts).
  -   2014:  Only 500 days before "climate chaos! (sorry, I must have missed it)"

And, of course, I have to add the fact that our ex-Prez and famed Global Warming-believer Obama just purchased an expansive Martha's Vineyard $15.7 Million Dollar mansion, on the water.  I'm pretty sure he's not expecting the rise of the sea level anytime soon, making him also a raging hypocrite).

And to paraphrase ex-V.P. Albert Gore, "The Earth's got a fevah' and only a huuuuuge new tax can fix it!"

Sorry experts, sorry scientific consensus, you were all wrong.  And sorry also to all the bozos running for POTUS 2020, and all the blow-dried talking heads on the Telly, and all the climate alarmists who are fundraising off their pitiful cries for action, and all the Hollywood celebs who have nothing better to command their time but lecturing us, you were wrong.  And ARE wrong! 

And sorry, too, to a poor, misguided teenager who's been fed a steady diet of alarmism, and quite possibly an unhealthy dose of child abuse, and feels the need to share her fears with the world.  

So stop all the "sky is falling" crap and get real; we're not going to die from "climate change" in 12 years, or 20 years, or 50 years.  It's nothing but a "sky is falling scam designed to scare those easily swayed into opening their wallets and paying a huge new tax.  And those who are so publicly concerned about nations polluting our skies would do well to address their concerns to China and India, the two countries most responsible for greenhouse gas emissions.    

But they won't.  They know that would do no good.  So they continue to try and hipppppmotize the teaming masses into joining their illicit crusade.  But for those of you who think for yourselves, keep on doing your part to use less natural resources, and don't litter.  And hope that this mass hysteria, promulgated by your friendly Democrat Party and all those pesky "experts," passes real soon...

You're welcome...    

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Memo to the White House:


September 23, 2019

Dear Mr. President;

I'm not sure whether you've noticed it or not, but every single thing you do results in complete and total condemnation by those on the "Left."

(NOTE:  For purposes of this little screed, the "Left" includes standard, everyday Democrats, of which there are very few remaining, plus socialists, communists, Marxists, Antifa-ists, Black Lies Matter-ists, Greenies, enviro-whackos, Redistributionists, witches, militant drag queens and "Climate Chaos" sufferers.)  

Yep, every idea you have, every suggestion you put forth, every entreaty you make, every proposal you offer up is met with immediate and complete negativity by the Democrat Party, all Dem 2020 POTUS candidates, nearly every bozo in Hollywood, all environmentalists and tree huggers everywhere, and all but a couple of those blow-dried, talking head TV Dinosaur Media-types with which we've grown so weary.

Every idea.  Not just a couple.  Not just most.  Not just the vast majority.  All! 

Every. Single. One.

Now, I dunno' about you, but I'd say it's pretty tough to come up with ideas and proposals that are universally disliked by any group of folks, no matter which.  But they have overcome that little speedbump.  Nope, they don't like anything the Blustery Orange Bad Man puts forth.  From taxes to immigration to gun control to foreign policy to "Global Something-or-Other" to what to drive and what to eat and where to live, the Leftoids among us could not be more completely in disagreement.  Hard, I know, but they've accomplished this almost impossible task; to be against everything!

Sooooo, why don't you just decide to put forth ideas completely and totally opposite of what you really want, and then wait, oh, about 30 seconds.  During this period all but two MainStreamMedia networks, all 2020 Dem POTUS candidates, all the Hollyweird swells whose opinion is supposed to matter, and all Twitter-ers in the Twittersphere will come out against your proposal as being anti-American, Putin-friendly, racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, treasonous and destructive to the Middle Class. 

Then, issue a press release indicating that the earlier proposal was put forth in error, the staffer who did it has been fired, and that what you really wanted is the exact opposite; the exact position, therefore, taken by the screaming masses of otherwise-unemployables who for some reason have dedicated their lives to being "Never Trump."

This way you'd (1) finally get stuff accomplished, (2) you'd place the harsh spotlight of truth on the anti-everything Leftoid howling sycophants, and (3) you'd make it plain to everyone everywhere that anything Trump accomplishes is in spite of, not because of, these crazed automatons.     

So there.  Mission accomplished.  Get back to me if there's any other knotty problem you'd like sorted out.  Being an Eagle Scout, a Life Member of the NRA, and an Army Vet who almost single-handedly ended the Cold War, I specialize in doing just that...  

Yours for better governance, I remain,

Sincerely Yours,

The Chuckmeister

(NOTE:  Call me if you need a new National Security Advisor.)

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Why Are They So Mad All The Time?

Have you noticed that all the 2020 Democrat POTUS candidates seem really mad?  All of the time?  I mean, reeeeely mad!

They all look and act like somebody who's dog was just run over by a car.  A car driven by Donald J. Trump.  And he didn't stop to say he was sorry...

They all duke it out with each other to determine just who is the maddest.  Feeling the most aggrieved.  The most terrified of the future!  The most scared about "Global Warming."  Or "Climate Chaos."  Or whatever-the-Hell-they're-calling-it-today.  Or black, evil-looking guns.  Or those terrible "rich" people who make all that money and won't share any of it with the rest of us.  They are uniformly "woe is me."  The sky is falling!  "The end is near!"

And they're also reeeeely mad because most of us aren't mad alongside them!

Why are they so mad all the time?  Robert Francis O'Rourke just told us that if The Donald wins in 2020 it will be, "The end of America!  We'll be ruined!  Our Union will dissolve," he says!

Somehow I doubt it.  After Lincoln fought the Civil War and the Democrats created the KKK and Truman nuked Japan, we got through that pretty well.  Somehow I think we'll manage to get through whatever rough patch in which we now find ourselves.  Just as we have for generations.  For centuries!

But why, I ask again, are they so damn pissed all the time?  There are no "happy warriors" on the Dem side of the aisle.  They're all grumpy.  Their faces filled with sneers.  They are worried.  They wave their arms and shout out their fears in anguish, hoping, I guess, to similarly infect potential 2020 voters and make them mad as well.  Enough so, they're hoping, that those equally depressed folks will pull that lever next November for the socialist nominee.  And we all know by now that whichever Democrat nominee is still standing at the end will of the process surely be a socialist.

I would think that any Party worth joining would be a bit more jolly and exuberant than the modern Democrat Party's holding itself out to be.  No happiness over our robust, record-setting economy.  No joy over the lowest unemployment rate in history.  No smiles at all in response to 1.7 million new job openings without qualified candidates to fill them.  Just seething, glowering, scowling, finger-wagging admonitions of the End of the World unless we vote them in and the Barbarians out.

Somehow I doubt that bit of fear-mongering will prove sufficient.  Somehow I doubt that enough normal Americans will choose pain and suffering and torment over happy and jovial and satisfied.  In fact, I'm guessing depressed, demoralized and deflated folks have little incentive to trundle on down to the polls and vote.  

But maybe I'm wrong.  Maybe I've misjudged my fellow citizens.  Which of us do you think will carry the day next November? 

I think it's me, The Chuckmeister...  

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Is One More Law the Answer?

Work with me for a minute here...

Those on the "Left" would have you believe that all we need is to pass another anti-gun law and everything will be alright.  Just one more.  Ummmm.

I think that's kind of funny.  They want a new law.  Or several new laws.  They want a new law when every single mass shooting we've experienced since mass shootings began, I might offer, was in direct violation of a whole bunch of...already extant laws.

Let me repeat that.  Every person who chose to take a firearm and wage war on schools, or shopping malls, or churches, or synagogues, or anywhere else, did so in violation of existing laws.  Not dwelling on the intricacies of each shooting, but one can be reasonably certain each shooting that left somebody dead was a felony.  A crime.  A first degree murder.

Against the law, doncha' know.

Let's take a trip back in time to the Sandy Hook school massacre.  The mentally-challenged kid who killed all those people in Newtown, MA that day broke quite a few laws in so doing.  He firstly stole his mother's firearms from her locked safe.  That was a felony.  He then shot her in the face, killing her.  Another felony.  He placed the weapons in the trunk of his mother's car, which he then stole, and drove them to the Sandy Hook school.  Another felony.  By so doing he crossed four county lines and one state line with firearms in tow.  All felonies.  He then took the rifle and pistol and shot his way into a locked-down school.  A felony.  He followed up by murdering 26 people.  26 more felonies.  

The laws this young man broke that day, and all the laws that every mass shooter has violated since, are already on the books.  Counting local, city, county, state and Federal laws, there are more than 25,000 of them.  So anyone, anywhere who chooses to take up arms and kill their fellow citizens is already in violation of a myriad of existing laws.  

So I ask, rhetorically, why would the passage of another law, or laws, stop the next mass shooting?  Would the prospective shooter now pay attention to the new law just passed, and choose not to grab a gun and take a life?  Or several lives?  Especially when many of the preceding 25,000 laws have been systematically ignored for decades?

Somehow I doubt it.  And let me add that prosecutors all across our fruited plain have done their best to ignore the laws on the books and have failed to prosecute gun crimes to a degree few would imagine.  Remember those laws way back when that tacked on 5 years in the Gray Bar Hotel if one committed a crime with a gun?  Any crime?  Almost never employed.  Why?  No idea, except that maybe prosecutors in our largest, Democrat-controlled cities consider gang bangers and criminals and those who use guns in the commission of crimes to be a part of their core constituency.

Think of it.  It's almost impossible to get a gun in Chicago.  Chicago is every gun-grabbers dream when it comes to onerous, infringing gun laws.  The very toughest in the nation.  No question about it.  Yet, 18 people were shot there last weekend, and 7 of them died.  That brings the total number of gun deaths so far in 2019 to 350.  Chicago.  Where there are no guns, or at least there shouldn't be...if anyone there obeyed the law!

Remember that old admonition about doing a thing over and over and expecting a different result?  That's Chicago.  Doing nothing over and over and getting no results...

BTW, why isn't the Establishment Media talking about Chicago?  Yes, why?

So, if law enforcement doesn't use the laws we have on the books to try and put offenders in prison, and criminals don't obey the laws, why should we waste our time presuming that new laws would finally, finally cause prospective killers to put down their guns and become responsible citizens?

And BTW, loyal reader, I might ask if you've heard anything from anyone -  anyone at all - about an effort to try and pry guns out of the hands of gang bangers and criminals, the miscreants who have all the illegal guns and actually DO most of the shooting?  New laws proposed?  New sweeps to corral illegal weapons?  New, increased penalties for those who use firearms in the commission of a crime?  No?  I didn't think so...   

In other words, this whole thing is nothing but a gigantic sham!  An exercise in futility!  An effort by the Leftists amongst us to disarm us at any cost.  The Democrats want new laws to additionally restrict, and further diminish, and finally abolish our freedoms, one by one, just so they can exercise their power over us, the Common People.  

And if they can't get that, or even some of it, no big deal; they'll still have the issue to use when they run for office and beg for donations.  

And I don't like it.  Not one little bit.  How about you?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Socialism Explained...

The Federal Government has no money of its own.

No, Pilgrim, Uncle Sugar doesn't have a dime.  He first has to take money from somebody, before he can give it to somebody else.  Or build a road, or an airport, or wage a war.  And the rate he takes (taxes) that money from us should never be more than absolutely necessary to do the business of governing.

Governing a Representative Republic, that is. 

Communistic, socialistic systems, and dictatorships, are a bit different, as they take whatever they want from whomever they want, at any time they want... 

Let me state that again:  The Government has to take more from you so it can give more back to you.  Or to somebody else it deems more worthy than you.  If some smarmy politician promises you free "_____," and I don't care what fits in that blank space, then you know going in that the money for that "free" thing must, MUST be extracted from somebody else to pay for it.  So many might then reasonably ask, why not just keep the money you already have, instead of relying on the Government to make you poorer in order to give something to you that you could have earned for yourself?

Now, I can understand if you're saddled with oodles of student debt, hoping to someday pay for that degree you "earned" in "Medieval Lesbian Poetry," or some other potentially worthless major, you're pissed the best job you can find requires you to ask, "Would you like fries with that?"  And you'd really like some savior like Bernie or Kamala or Liz or Beto to rescue you from your own stupid mistake.  So you're toying with the idea of voting socialist on the off-chance that somebody somewhere with more money than you, who really doesn't need it, right,? will step up and bail you out.

Fat chance, loser!

Nope, you first have to understand that what the Bernie's and the Kamala's and the Liz's and the Beto's are promising is a pipe-dream Utopia that cannot - WILL NOT - ever materialize.  And if it did, you would be looking at Venezuela revisited.  And you don't want that.  Even if they try their best to convince you that you don't.

They are eating their zoo animals, people!

So, friends and neighbors, be advised there's only one system that works; ours.  Capitalism, however flawed, has enabled us to go from a twinkle in Tom Jefferson's eye to the most powerful, most successful, most prosperous country the world has ever known in just a bit over 200 years.  We are the envy of the entire world.  That's why they want to come here in droves.  And they keep on coming.  

If you'd like that to continue, and grow, vote capitalist.  That would be Republican, by the way. 

If you'd like America to wind up in the trash heap of history, a failed exercise in democracy, be sure to vote socialist.  That would be Democrat.  But you likely already knew that... 

You're welcome...    

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Some Observations...

I dunno' know about you, but I watched each and every painfully annoying, awkwardly confusing, and completely exhausting hour of the Democrat 2020 POTUS debate on TV the other night.  

All three of them.


But if you watched it along with me, you no doubt noticed a few things just as did I, your friendly Chuckmeister.  Here's some of the things I jotted down while suffering through this otherworldly mania...

Why are they all so mad?  Every single Dem candidate for POTUS was hopping mad and wanted to do something about it!  Now!  They were pissed about Trump being elected and the Earth warming and guns hunting down innocent children and assassinating them and the recession being just around the corner and some nasty people making more money than others and a terrible wall being built to keep out poor illegal folks from anywhere and everywhere who'd they'd really like to let in and poor Black folks being mistreated and deserving of reparations and the super-urgent need to grab wealth from those awful "rich" people and redistribute it to exchange for their votes.

Yes, it's a long run-on sentence, and I specialize in long run-on sentences.  So there!

Anyway, they were all mad as Hell and not going to take it any more!  And along the way, they're going to spend $3 Trillion or $30 Trillion, or $100 Trillion to remake the Earth's weather so that "Global Warming," or "Climate Change," or Climate Chaos," or whatever they're calling it today...won't happen.  Even though they haven't bothered to check in with China and India, the two biggest and the most unregulated producers of atmospheric pollutants.  

But hey, that's alright, because it's really America's fault.  In fact, everything's America's fault!

But the moderators on this reality show of a debate didn't bother to advise these candidates that there's not enough money in the entire world to finance their little climate-fixing wet dream!  So they continued on, beclowning themselves in front of God and everybody.

BTW, remember when debate moderators were hard news anchors?  Neutral?  Fair and balanced, to quote a phrase?  And not hard core, partisan political commentators as was so explicitly on display in this sham of a reality show?  So do I...

But mainly they made fools of themselves in front of everybody who lives between the Sierra Nevada and the Hudson River.  You see, between these two landmarks live just over half of America's population.  And these are the folks who put The Donald in the White House.  And they're all poised to repeat that feat and vote him in for another four years.  

The likelihood of that occurrence jumped up several magnitudes with the performance of these overeducated and underexperienced dweebs who infested the debate stage last Thursday.

The folks who live in Iowa, and Wisconsin, and North Dakota, and Missouri, and Texas, and Arizona, and Tennessessesseee don't buy the crap these people were shoveling.  Nor do the residents of Georgia, or Florida, or Kentucky, or Colorado, or Kansas.  In fact, those nice folks think the entire group on that stage are a bunch of feckless, indolent, clueless bozos.  Because, my friends, they truly are...

Ask yourself:  Do you think folks who till the soil, or drive a semi truck for a living, or work in a lumberyard, or fix cars, or fill prescriptions, or fell trees believe their tax money should go to buy health insurance for illegal aliens?  Especially when they have to buy their own?  

Do you think everyday people in "Flyover Country" think their tax money should be used to "reparate" our multi-century relationship with Black folks?  Especially after our having spent more than $3 Trillion Dollars during our "Great Society" programs post-L.B.J. to try and "fix" them?  

Do you think the residents of Arkansas or Nevada or Utah or Wyoming think the Government should be permitted to perform a forced "Buy-Back" of their legally-purchased and legally-owned Modern Sporting Rifles?  I.e., the AR- and AK-platform rifles and all semi-automatic firearms in private hands today?  Especially because we didn't buy our rifles from the Government in the first place?  BTW, more than 70% of all firearms for sale today are semi-automatic

Did you know that?

Do you think the residents of South Carolina or Missouri or Florida or Idaho or New Mexico think our Country should s**tcan its 200-plus year-old experiment with a Representative Republic and capitalism and adopt full-blown, Venezuela-style socialism? 

If you do, you most likely live in the "bubbles" created in CA/OR/WA and NY/NJ/MA/CO/MD/DC and every big, Democrat-controlled city.  And thus, your knowledge of and experience with these "Great Unwashed" is sadly lacking.  But those are the folks who will vote their minds and most likely hand these faaaar Left candidates their asses come November, 2020.  

And then they can become modern-day examples of Stacy Abrams and Robert Francis O'Roarke, who lost their elections but believe they should have won, and go on the Leftoid show circuit complaining about how they were robbed out of victory in their campaigns.  By those awful Republicans.  Awwwww!

There.  You've been warned.  But you won't heed my warning.  You never do.  And that's why we have a generational war of ideas unfolding in front of us.  A war between those desirous of defending and protecting our Country and all that it is, and those who desire nothing more than to tear it down and try to rebuild it in a socialist or communist mold.   

Heed my warning:  Although these misguided Leftists simply cannot...and will, the road to their ultimate defeat will be very bumpy.  Very bumpy indeed... 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Caracas, By The Bay...

So what do you do after you've (mis)managed to turn the (heretofore) most beautiful city in America into a steaming pile of human excrement?  A giant boil on the butt of America?  A skidmark on the underwear of humanity?  Caracas, north?

I mean, "33,700" piles of s**t, to be exact (San Fran Human Waste Report, 2010 - Present).  More than 33,000 individual, smelly, nasty piles of human excrement.  On the sidewalks.  Of an important American city.  Now THAT'S a lot of poop!

Thank God they've created the "Poop Patrol" to pick it all up.  At the average cost of "only" $37.00 per each poop pile.  Only...

Multiply 33,000 x $37.00 and try to imagine what else could be done with that money if they didn't allow folks to take a crap on the sidewalks.

If, through misguided Progressive values and a complete abdication of all vestiges of common sense, you and your weenie brothers, sisters and "others," (there's 57 genders here in California, remember!) have turned San Francisco into a dystopian nightmare of homeless encampments, predatory panhandling, drug-addled zombies shooting up in plain sight and sidewalks festooned with piles of human waste, how do you now somehow try and sidestep the horrific blame you've so richly earned by so doing?

Simple, Pilgrim; you just blame the NRA!

Yes, normal American, you could be forgiven if you're unaware of just how awful SFO has become.  From the most beautiful and cosmopolitan city in America, the otherwise unemployables in charge up there have so "screwed the pooch," as Billy Jeff "Blue Dress" Clinton used to say, that the only folks who seem not to know how bad it is are those who permitted it to get that way.  

But then again, they're living in their tony, gated enclaves on Nob Hill, far removed from the tent cities that infest the streets and sidewalks of Union Square and the Embarcadero.  So bad, in fact, that the American Medical Association cancelled its annual meeting to be held there last year because it felt it could not guarantee its members' safety.  BTW, the AMA's convention was due to bring more than $4,000,000 in revenue to this once-proud city.  But hey, they don't need it; they have techie Silicon Valley billionaires calling the shots...

So what's with this blaming the NRA, you might ask?  It seems the Rabid Left has decided that blaming the oldest, largest and most respected 501(c)(3) Public Benefit Corporation in America, founded on November 17, 1781, the National Rifle Association, will somehow expunge their own culpability for the abject failure of leadership that has turned SFO into Thunderdome.

Just in case you didn't know, the NRA is comprised of individual, dues-paying members, including The Chuckmeister.  Some 5.5 Million of them.  Each pays $45 a year to belong, and to help protect and empower the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.  5,500,000 individual Americans, voting with their own money to support the one Right that enabled us to win our freedom back in 1776, and the one Right that enables us to maintain it today.  And to insure that our SCOTUS-guaranteed, individual Right to "...keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."  

That ruling would be Heller v. Washington, D.C., 2008) for those who are interested.    

The Board of Supervisors of San Francisco formally declared the NRA to be a "Domestic Terrorist Organization."  Yes, they really did.  Now, despite the fact that it's up to to the U. S. State Department to do such declarations, and that this spurious finger-pointing is pretty much meaningless, the Supes up there decided to place the blame for all sorts of ills on the only organization in the entire Country dedicated to the  training, education and safety of those who engage in the shooting sports.

You should know that the NRA has sued San Fran for violating its 1st Amendment Right to free speech.  It will be interesting to see how this winds up, as the 9th Circuit is almost certainly going to side with the commies up there, being mostly commies themselves, thus most likely leaving the ultimate decision up to the Supreme Court.

Let's see if they take it up.

However, what the Supervisors may not have thought through is that, if the NRA is a terrorist organization, then each and every one of its members is thereby a terrorist.  Yes, San Fran Supes have called me and every other NRA member, a terrorist.  And as such, they have declared that we NRA members are not welcome in San Francisco.  

Well lemme' see here, Pilgrim.  More than 5 million NRA members have been declared persona non grata in SFO.  And each of them has a wife, a husband, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, cousins and co-workers.  My own calculations place the number thus impacted at something north of 20 million.  And remember, they vote!  

So, in one swell foop SFO just pulled in the welcome mat for a really big chunk of America.  And unless I miss my guess, NRA members are not going to let this pass.  I certainly won't.  

And lest you think that this craziness is limited only to the weirdos in San Fran, Rasmussen Reports just published its most recent survey of the Democrat Party.  You'll be interested to know that fully 28% of all Democrats think it should be illegal for folks like me, and perhaps you, to join organizations like the NRA.  Illegal!  Moreover, 32% believe "...we should be able to declare gun rights groups like the NRA terrorist organizations in the communities they live." 

Is this their full-throated condemnation of America, an indication of the abject failure of our educational system, or just a case of mass hysteria?

So, you now know that full-on dumbassedness is not limited to the 405 area code.  At least one-third of Democrats are all for labeling one-third of Americans as terrorists.

Let that sink in...  

Remember back in the old days when Democrats used to tell us they weren't looking to take our guns?  When all they wanted was "common sense gun violence reforms?"  Well, Pilgrim, now you know; they spilled the beans.  They want our guns, and they'll come for them at the very first opportunity.  

Let's not give them that opportunity.  Otherwise, the outcome would most certainly be be ugly.  Very ugly...  

Thursday, September 12, 2019

More Stuff I'd Really Like to Know...

Although I'm a self-identified braniac, a Mensa-qualified, quasi-genius who's been damn near everywhere and done damn near everything, there's still a couple or five lingering questions I've yet to have answered.  And they seriously perplex me.  Seriously.  They are...

  -   Exactly how many Kardashian sisters are there?  At times it seems like maybe six or eight, or maybe ten, but then I'll read something in a supermarket checkout line that makes me think it might be a much larger number.  Like maybe a dozen, or even more!  

Now we all know this family became famous overnight because their daddy was O. J.'s lawyer.  But then he dropped dead.  The lawyer, unfortunately, not O. J.  And then, whoooeeee!  Things started happening big time!  Our own Olympic champion decathlete Bruce Jenner married the widow, the daughters' mom.  Of course, living with her and those daughters, each of whom was becoming extremely famous for being...extremely famous, must have had an extremely deleterious effect on poor Bruce's sperm count.  Because Bruce became, ummm, Brucilina.  Or, rather Caitlyn.  Don't know why they let him/her/it get away with that "C."  It seems each of the Kardashian names must start with a "K," although the reason seems to be a secret up there with the recipe for Coke.    

But mother Kris kept soldiering on, guiding each of her progeny into bigger and better YouTube deals, and Instagram payouts, and little TV reality-type shows.  Seemingly overnight, they became billionaires and started marrying Black basketball players.  Enough of them for an entire team, I'd surmise.  In fact, I often thought they should take a small percentage of their collective wealth and buy an NBA basketball team.  And then hire all the sons-in-law to play on it.  It would be kind of like a travelling road show.  Like the Globetrotters, I'm thinking.  

But that's yet to be determined.  As in, are there enough of them available to put together a team?  And that's because you never, ever see all of them in one place at one time.  Perhaps they're clones, I'm thinking.  But it seems we'll never get to know how many Kardashians we have to "...keep up with." 

If you have any idea just how many of them there are, please write back; the suspense is killing me.

  -   How, I'd like to know, do the "youts" of today (what's a yout?) keep their pants from falling down around their ankles when they wear them down around their primary orifice?  I mean, their pants are at least a foot below their waste!  Yet, for some strange, perhaps otherworldly reason, they don't.  No matter what they do, their pants just stay right where they are; belt around their butt, defying the laws of gravity.

Superglue?  Velcro?  Magic?

And then why do they do it?  It looks slovenly and unkempt as Hell.  It looks downright stupid.  But hey, that's just me.  Do they think it makes them look cool?  Or sexy?  Or, maybe they're just advertising their availability?  If so, and if it does, it gives me little hope for the future of the human race.

This, my friends, is another perplexing question deserving of an answer.

  -   I'd like to know why some of us get so worked up over this whole "Climate Change" thing.  If it's real, as they tell us, then we "...only have 12 years before it'll be too late!"  "The world will end!"  "We're all going to die!"  

That's what those "climate scientists" who tell jokes to college crowds and spew blow-dried opinion from behind a desk at ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MSNBC/NPR, etc., etc., etc., and lecture all of us Great Unwashed from some meaningless celeb awards show, and beg you for your vote so they can pass laws to take every last penny from your pockets, tell us.  

And they must be right because "97% of climate scientists tell us it's true!"  Of course, 97% of climate scientists work for the government, directly or indirectly, and they want their paychecks to continue.  Just imagine how quickly those grants and stipends would dry up if those "97%" told us everything was going to be just fine.  Yeah, just imagine... 

If one is really interested in this subject, I'd suggest they find out what that other "3%" has to say.  The Weather Channel, for example.  Find out what the experts who aren't only the Federal payroll have to say.  Then make your own decision...   

So, once again, I'd say if these dweebs really believe this horses**t, then they'd blow all their college money on drugs and sex and rock and roll, figuring that the very worst thing we could do as a society is give our Government such complete control over our puny, insignificant lives.  Imagine having the same folks in charge of the "weather" that are managing the DMV?  Amtrak?  The VA?

Think about it:  It took 17 years to build the Freedom Tower after the Bad Guys brought down the Twin Towers.  Which, BTW, took only two years to build in the first place.  At that rate, there's no possible way we could do anything at all to minimize or eliminate this whole "Global Something-or-Other" when we'll all be dead in a dozen years.  

Personally, I'd say we're far better off burned to that proverbial crisp than having AOC and Schumer and Pelosi and bozos like Biden and Fauxchahontas beginning to implement over us their own interpretation of the "Hunger Games."  With us being the "hungry," of course.

  -  I'd like to know why when a cop shoots a Black man, it's the cop.  But when a Black man shoots a cop, it's the gun?  Funny how that happens...

  -   We all know by now that every single idea, suggestion or proposal that POTUS Trump puts forth is immediately and completely trashed by the MainStreamMedia, the Democrat Party, Hollywood famousey-types and climate alarmists everywhere.  

Sooooo, it makes me wonder exactly why Mr. Trump and his Gang doesn't just put forth an idea exactly 180 degrees out from what they really want, then wait, oh, maybe 30 seconds for the (dis)loyal opposition to come out with a full-throated condemnation, and then issue an immediate correction, saying "oops," he really meant the opposite!  By which point all the vitriol would have been spilled, the nasty comments would have been uttered, the useless airtime on the CNN's and MSNBC's would have been wasted and the blathering, spittle-infused craziness would have been hurled.  

Sort of like Emily Latella on SNL, saying "Never mind!"     

Hey Donald!  Are you paying attention?  I just solved your media problem without firing a single shot!

  -   I'd like to know why when somebody, somewhere passes a bad check, everybody else's checking account charges don't go up?  Or when somebody gets a DUI, the rest of us have to reduce our alcohol consumption.  Or when somebody speeds or runs stop signs or drives recklessly, then some of us who didn't break those laws don't lose our licenses?  I mean, if anybody, anywhere shoots up a school, or a church, or a mall, then the rest of the gun owners just HAVE to be punished for the actions of those few.  That's what we're told.  And I'd like to know why?

  -   And finally, for now, I'd like to know why the Democrats don't go ahead and impeach The Donald.  They've been threatening to do so since the day he was inaugurated.  Since the day he was born, perhaps.  Yet, for some reason, they haven't.  Perhaps it's because they've yet to find some of that "high crimes and misdemeanors" stuff our Founding Fathers talked about.  Well, if so, I'd like to offer a suggestion as to what charge to use; He hurt their feelings.

So that'll do it for now.  That's enough questions for my faithful followers to ponder, lest they get a brain cramp.  And we sure don't want that.  So, Pilgrims, let me know if you have answers to any of these perplexing questions.  I'll be forever in your debt...

Monday, September 9, 2019

Curing Willful Blindness...

China and India together represent more than 40% of the Earth's population.  That's 1.339 and 1.386 Billion, respectively.  Did you know that?

China and India together are responsible for more than 55% of all carbon-based pollution.  Some say more like 60%.  Yet, China and India were somehow, someway excluded from any mitigation efforts at all by the United Nations and the Paris Climate Accords.  None.  Zero.  Nada.  The very same accords from which Trump wisely chose to remove America's participation.  

In other words, even though China and India are each opening 2 - 3 coal-fired electricity generation plants weekly, and are the primary villains in oceanic plastic pollution, and are undertaking absolutely no climate greenhouse reduction efforts of any kind, for some reason they've gotten a pass.  A pass from the United Nations.  A pass from the Paris Accords.  A pass from every single Democrat 2020 POTUS candidate...

None has mentioned either China nor India in any of their pronouncements regarding greenhouse gas mitigation efforts.  None.

Just how does that work, I'd like to know?  America has reduced its "carbon footprint" by more than 60% over the past 40 years, becoming the lowest contributor to atmospheric pollution of any industrialized country.  We're now told by those who purport to know that we're responsible for only some 17% of atmospheric pollution, even though we represent 25% of all economic activity globally. 

And we've accomplished that enviable record of reduction through market competition alone; no governmental mandates necessary, thank you.  

Even our cars are now more than 1,000 times cleaner than when pollution devices were first employed on cars back in 1973.  The response from the Left?  Stop selling clean conventional cars and start selling those you must plug-in to the wall - and tap into electricity generated via hydrocarbons in order to "go."  

Yet, for some reason, the Dem candidates, and their Party, and the feckless media-types, and almost all Hollywood celebs, and the Never Trumpers, and all the tree-hugging groups like Greenpeace and the Sierra Club and the Oceans Foundation, have chosen to believe that WE are the problem.  And that WE have to fix it.  And that WE can only do so by taxing ourselves into oblivion while giving those "more equal than us" complete control over every single aspect of our puny, insignificant lives.

Have you been watching the Democrat debates?  If you have, you've noticed that their prescription to resolve this issue is for us to stop driving cars, stop flying in planes, stop eating cheeseburgers, stop having cows, stop, stop, stop virtually everything that makes life in 2019 America worth living.  And they're demanding we conform to this scary plan with scowls on their faces!  Why are they mad all the time?  

Does that make sense to you?  It doesn't to me.  I'd really like these otherwise-unemployables who fervently desire to assume the Presidency to just once mention, even in passing, that we first have to get China and India on board if we decide to do anything at all about this whole "climate crisis" subterfuge the Left is shoveling our way.  

So, whether they choose to call it "Global Warming," or "Climate Change," or Climate Chaos," or "Weather," before they stick their sweaty fists into our wallets, why not start by placing the blame where it belongs; with those who are causing the problem.

And it sure as Hell ain't us.

Which begs the question:  Why do they hate America so much? 

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Social Justice Warriors, Rejoice!

There are more than 100 million gun owners in America.  Nearly one-third of our entire population owns guns.

That number increases by more than 2 million guns per month, no doubt fueled by the increasing attempts by some on the "Left" to reduce or entirely eliminate America's 2nd Amendment Rights (Source:  NICS FBI Background Check Data, April, 2019).

37% of all households claim gun ownership.  That's 47% of Republican households, and just under 17% of Democrats (and that's perhaps a part of the core problem!)  

One of those (illegal) gun owners shot up Odessa, Texas a couple of days back.  It was a running gun battle, over two towns and 20 miles.  The perp killed 7 and wounded more than 20 others.  No rhyme nor reason to the time or location of the attack, or the choice of victims.  Word has it he was fired from his job earlier that day.  And that he'd evidenced multiple clues as to his mental instability in the days leading up to this shooting.  But the facts are, he just went nuts and started shooting.

And Oh By The Way, the killer obtained his AR-style rifle illegally from a friend after having failed to pass a Federal NICS-System background check.  In other words, the law worked; but the criminal broke the law.  Ummm, Hello!  That's what criminals do.  They break the laws.  Often...

Notably, 99,999,999 other American gun owners had nothing at all to do with this carnage.  Nothing.  At.  All.

Yet, every single Democrat candidate for POTUS 2020, and a raft of Hollywood celebs, and scads of Liberal politicians, and nearly all MainStreamMedia blow-dried talking head-types, called for all these same innocent gun owners to be punished by the imposition of new and even more restrictive background checks.  And forced "buy-backs" of certain types of weapons.  And lots and lots of new and "improved" laws to prevent a recurrence of this horrific event.

In other words, even though there are currently some 25,000 gun control laws on America's books, which criminals violate each and every day, the admonition is to "Do something!"  Even, it appears, if that "something" is wrong...

And in their own rather peculiar response to their Liberal board members and stockholders, the management of Wal-Mart and Sam's Club (same corporation) just announced that they will fight this scourge of gun crime by ceasing the sale of all handguns, all pistol ammunition, all short-barrel rifles, and all ammunition commonly used by AR-style rifles.  Oh yeah, but only after they've sold out of their current stock (not toooo aggrieved, are we?).  Annnnnd, they added this kicker; no more open-carry of firearms in their stores, even if those stores are located in states that permit open-carry (interestingly, they'll continue to permit concealed carry, perhaps because, without installing magnetometers, they cannot reasonably prohibit it).

And magnetometers are expensive...

Of interest, Wal-Mart/Sam's has bragged in the past that it enjoys a huge 20% share of all ammunition sales nationwide.  That's likely true because they systematically located their stores in previously underserved areas where only minimal competition was present.  And then they obliterated that competition through predatory pricing until they were the only game in town.  Or, in most instances, the only game in the entire county.  Imagine just learning that Wal-Mart is discontinuing gun and ammo sales in towns like Kodiak, Alaska, where they are the only source of both within hundreds of miles.

The availability of large-caliber handguns and the ammo they require at Wal-Mart is currently the only thing keeping residents of Kodiak from seeing the inside of gigantic Brown Bears, which can grow up to 13 feet tall...
And, Wal/Sam's Boards admits this action is likely to reduce that commanding percentage of ammo sales to just 6 - 9% after the dust settles (I predict less).  In other words, after having used their enormous buying power and saturation predatory pricing to put competitors out of business over the decades, they are now ceding that business back to those they have so rudely screwed.  Interesting, don't you think?

Having had the opportunity to observe the circle-jerk undertaken by Dick's Sporting Goods of late, which just banned the sale of all firearms, and took a huge $150 Million stock write-down as a result, Wal-Mart/Sam's shows us it's excited to now tread down this same self-destructive path in an effort to gain acceptance by the Social Justice Warriors among us.

Good luck on that one...

So some jerk attacks a Wal-Mart full of shoppers in El Paso awhile back, killing 7 and wounding more than 20 others.  Wal-Mart's response is to disarm all their shoppers in all their stores in all the states so that if this happens again, there will be no way for their customers to defend themselves against a future onslaught.  Hmmmmm.  Closing that barn door after all the horses have escaped, are we?

So one-third of the population, which had no part in the last - or any - mass shooting, is being punished by the Largest Corporation on Earth.  Even if many - even most - of this vast group of like-minded folks choose not to retaliate against the Wal-Marts and the Sam's Clubs of America, I believe many will.  Very many.  Myself included.  

What's that sound we hear?  Oh yeah, it's the turnstyles turning at your local gun store, where lots and lots of new guns are flying out the door.  And those customers will be giving Wal-Mart and Sam's the finger as they drive away.  

Maybe one of them will be used to protect a Sam's customer who can no longer protect himself...

Question:  Do you think this decision by a corporation to openly operate against the guarantees afforded by our Bill of Rights will have any affect on their future sales?  And if so, to what degree?