Sunday, September 22, 2019

Why Are They So Mad All The Time?

Have you noticed that all the 2020 Democrat POTUS candidates seem really mad?  All of the time?  I mean, reeeeely mad!

They all look and act like somebody who's dog was just run over by a car.  A car driven by Donald J. Trump.  And he didn't stop to say he was sorry...

They all duke it out with each other to determine just who is the maddest.  Feeling the most aggrieved.  The most terrified of the future!  The most scared about "Global Warming."  Or "Climate Chaos."  Or whatever-the-Hell-they're-calling-it-today.  Or black, evil-looking guns.  Or those terrible "rich" people who make all that money and won't share any of it with the rest of us.  They are uniformly "woe is me."  The sky is falling!  "The end is near!"

And they're also reeeeely mad because most of us aren't mad alongside them!

Why are they so mad all the time?  Robert Francis O'Rourke just told us that if The Donald wins in 2020 it will be, "The end of America!  We'll be ruined!  Our Union will dissolve," he says!

Somehow I doubt it.  After Lincoln fought the Civil War and the Democrats created the KKK and Truman nuked Japan, we got through that pretty well.  Somehow I think we'll manage to get through whatever rough patch in which we now find ourselves.  Just as we have for generations.  For centuries!

But why, I ask again, are they so damn pissed all the time?  There are no "happy warriors" on the Dem side of the aisle.  They're all grumpy.  Their faces filled with sneers.  They are worried.  They wave their arms and shout out their fears in anguish, hoping, I guess, to similarly infect potential 2020 voters and make them mad as well.  Enough so, they're hoping, that those equally depressed folks will pull that lever next November for the socialist nominee.  And we all know by now that whichever Democrat nominee is still standing at the end will of the process surely be a socialist.

I would think that any Party worth joining would be a bit more jolly and exuberant than the modern Democrat Party's holding itself out to be.  No happiness over our robust, record-setting economy.  No joy over the lowest unemployment rate in history.  No smiles at all in response to 1.7 million new job openings without qualified candidates to fill them.  Just seething, glowering, scowling, finger-wagging admonitions of the End of the World unless we vote them in and the Barbarians out.

Somehow I doubt that bit of fear-mongering will prove sufficient.  Somehow I doubt that enough normal Americans will choose pain and suffering and torment over happy and jovial and satisfied.  In fact, I'm guessing depressed, demoralized and deflated folks have little incentive to trundle on down to the polls and vote.  

But maybe I'm wrong.  Maybe I've misjudged my fellow citizens.  Which of us do you think will carry the day next November? 

I think it's me, The Chuckmeister...  

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