Monday, August 30, 2021

"Nobody Left Behind"

That's more than just a saying.  More than a motto, even.  It's a blood oath, indelibly etched on the inside of the foreheads of every man and woman who's served in the military of the United States.  

It may not be formalized, like "In God We Trust."  But for every service man and woman, it's every bit as formal.  It's a contract, written in blood, between us and those who have tread before us.  And those who toil alongside of us.  It's a guarantee we make to the guy in the foxhole next to us.  And the friend who helps us.  We tell him that we'll never leave him on the battlefield.  Dead or alive, we'll come for him, and we'll bring him home.

And in more than two centuries, we have never wavered.  We have never knowingly left somebody behind.  Even the infamous "Blackhawk Down" incident in Mogadishu centered on 17 of our troops going back to rescue 3.  And dying in the process.  And if you'll forgive me, just about as glorious a death as anyone could imagine.  If death can be glorious, that is...

The entire Afghanistan surrender process has been so miserably mishandled that one can only wonder if it's been on purpose.  So mishandled, in fact, that 13 of our servicemen were murdered trying to carry out Joe O'Biden's evacuation orders.  So mishandled that Joe's generals are now pointing fingers at each other, as Joe chooses to blame them.

Trust me, in this case there's quite enough blame to go around... 

They are even openly admitting that we'll be leaving some behind.  Some unknown number of Americans and Afghan "SIV's" and Green Card holders.  Might be a few hundred.  Could be a few thousand.  (!)  But we're leaving them behind.  I can only assume that civilian socialists desirous of humiliating America are making these choices. 

We need to go in there and get our people!  And those who helped us!  And if we don't go in now, we'll have to go in tomorrow.  Or the next day.  Those of you who haven't served may not be quite as worked up about this as we are.  But consider that O'Biden just disavowed a promise given by the 1,632,000 active-duty military personnel, and the 1,786,000 veterans, to each other, over the course of their centuries of service.

Our civilian "leadership" broke our promise.  And we're not happy about it.  Not happy at all...

Maybe it's the fact that less than one in six of our Congressweenies have served in our military.  91 out of 535.  Just 28 Democrats and 63 Republicans.  1 in 6.  Only.    

I don't think O'Biden and his Team understand the gravity of this choice.  I don't think they understand the manifold and enduring side effects it will hereafter conjure.  Both "over there" and at home.  But there's one thing about which I'm sure: Our military will ultimately have to go in there and clean up the mess he's made.  

On the way out the digital door, I might ask that you all be a bit more careful about how you vote next time.  "Cause and effect," doncha' know... 

Saturday, August 28, 2021


Just learned our "leadership" in the White House is now providing unfettered entry into the United States for every Afghan who wants to come.

And we're flying them here on our shiny C-17's, for free.  And we're sure to have plenty of water and "culturally-appropriate" food and clothing and blankets on hand.  Got to make them comfy.  

Of course.

So, unless I'm getting this wrong, our Government is picking up a society from across the world and setting it down in America.  With every human need necessary for these wonderful folks to set down roots and make sure their welfare checks arrive on time.  At last I heard, there were some 85,000 of these fine people.  These wonderful, fine people. 

We're told. 

BTW, is it just me, or is 85,000 a lot of people?  Now, I know that Joe O'Biden's people are importing over 200,000 illegal aliens a month via our open southern border, but still, 85,000 of one group, one culture, one belief, one religion, one language, is a LOT!  And if you resettle huge chunks of "over there" to "over here," isn't it likely to change the demographic dynamic "over here?"  

Or is that the goal?

Un, I was just thinking; I'm pretty sure there are at least 85,000 people in Appalachia who would gladly run right down to their local airport, climb on board and be resettled to any damn place these Liberal pukes hearts' desire.  Except they don't have a neighborhood airport.  They live in them there "hollers" in West Virginia and chunks of Virginia and the Corolinas.  And there's tens of thousands of them who will surely go to bed hungry tonight.  With no shoes to wear tomorrow.  And whether due to rampant, generational poverty, or Governmental indifference (how do they vote again?), the stain of this failure is on all of our hands.  

So you open the Southern Borders to let in Future Democrat Voters, and fly in Afghan Future Democrat Voters, could you do me a favor; 

could you just find a nice, White, English-speaking country to declare war on next time? 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Killing Wyoming...

The population of Wyoming is 582,000.  Only.  

Cheyenne, it's Capitol, and largest city, boasts a surprisingly small population of only 65,035, but growing.  58,766 call Casper, its No. 2 city, home.  

You'd be interested to know that 62% of Cheyenne's citizens voted for Republicans in the 2020 Election, and 38.3%, Democrat.  And, considering that just 55% of Wyoming's citizens voted in 2020, you could see that a swing of only around 30,000 voters, or so, could turn reliably Red Wyoming a Bright Blue.  

And that is quite likely their plan.

A little simple math will tell you a swing of only a few bus loads of illegal aliens dropped off at First and Main, in beautiful Downtown Cheyenne, without invitation, could irreparably alter their body politic.  Forever.  The illegals come looking for streets paved with gold, and find them.  Except its our gold.  And it wouldn't take long before they could find it, either.  They could simply register to vote - illegally, of course - and then be rewarded by those who invited them to make the trip...  

Considering Wyoming's population, you should be shocked that the O'Biden Administration is illegally permitting more than 200,000 aliens to pour across our unguarded Southern border each and every month.  More than 1,400,000 so far in 2021.

And then O'Biden is illegally using our military to gather and then fly these aliens to small towns all over America.  Without notice of any kind.  Including little towns in Wyoming.  The first such plane load arrived late last week.  No warning.  Just 120 illegal aliens looking for food and clothing and lodging.  Right now.  And an illegal Social Security number.  And they'll undoubtedly find it all, at Cheyenne's - and our - expense...  

We all know that America is deeply-divided politically; our last Election showed as much.  To import illegal aliens, non English-speaking foreigners who will likely feel indebted to the political party that invited them, is both diabolical and criminal.  And I'm sure you'd agree this would come to a screeching halt if Americans just knew what was happening; what was transpiring right under their collective noses.  

Too bad.  They'll never find out.  Because we've just learned from a national poll that fully 62% of our people get their news from Yahoo and Google.  And it's Yahoo and Google who've censured our news so as to prevent their audiences from learning the truth.  So they don't know what's happening.  Remember when Google and Yahoo and Twitter and Facebook censured the New York Post's absolutely true article about Hunter Biden's criminal activities?  Which quite likely implicated his father?  For months?  Just before the last General Election? 

Those who get their news from Yahoo and Google weren't permitted to know it.    

So while those who put Joe O'Biden in office are happily fumbling through life, while their Country is being stolen, Wyoming is turning from a reliably conservative enclave into a Guatemalan bodega.  Without their citizens being given the courtesy of so much of a vote in the matter.  But having to pay for it all.  Through the nose.  Oh yeah, all of it.

Trying to find an upside in this cosmically destructive sh*tshow, at least we can all agree there's no more of those awful Tweets from Big Bad Orange Man, right?

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Up Until Yesterday...

Up until yesterday, the 165 other civilized nations relied upon the United States to be their "Big Brother" against tyranny, within and without.  That's because we'd saved their bacon at least twice over the centuries, and they'd assumed - they thought rightfully - that they could continue to do so in the future.  

In fact, Article 5 of the NATO Charter demands that we defend the other 26 signatories, with military force if necessary.  And they all believed we'd do so.  

Up until yesterday.

Today?  We've proven ourselves to be a feckless, musclebound behemoth with the horsepower to accomplish any goal, any goal, but without the will to protect either its citizens or its strategic friends.  We have abandoned Afghanistan, sentencing it and its citizens to a life of desperation under Sharia Law.  

That's the one that gets you stoned...for being raped.  

Sky News just reported the Taliban shot dead a woman they had commanded to cook for them, and then didn't like her cooking.  Sort of like that. 

Twenty-something women who have never lived under anything but freedom will now have to wear a black plastic trash bag over their entire bodies for the rest of their lives.  

Which could be measured in mere minutes...

Have we heard from the "Squad?"  How about Kamala?  She's big on women's rights, right?  Nothing to say here, just move along?   

As I've said before, we have 3,000 soldiers stationed in Spain.  Playing with their navels.  Yet, we had to jerk 2,500 of our career soldiers out of Afghanistan, turning the world upside down, and absolutely destroying America's reputation, perhaps forever.

Up until yesterday, we'd not lost a soldier for a year and a half.  The Afghanistan story was off the front pages of your local newspaper.  All O'Biden had to do was...nothing.  Like what he had to do with the Southern Border.  Nothing.  And the XL-Pipeline.  Nothing, again.    

Like the Hypocratic Oath so plainly states, first, do no harm.  It's a shame it only pertains to physicians and not to politicians. 

I am personally distraught and incensed over this rabid and indelible mismanagement of our Country and its international relations.  And I'm sure much of America is with me.  And I fear that just might be the prescription for a civil war.  Civil unrest at the very least.  And this time those doing the "unresting" just might be right-leaning, well-armed militias, more interested in taking scalps than waving banners.  

We will not know how this movie ends for months.  Perhaps years.  Maybe decades.  However I doubt we'll enjoy the ending.  Bad Guys like Kim Jung the Un and Putin and Xi and the Castros and all the other really Bad Guys have been kept at bay - and stay at bay - because they have feared our might, and our historically proven willingness to use it.  

Up until yesterday...

Sunday, August 22, 2021

"Rules for Surrender."

Let's say you're a crusty old coot with a thin grasp on reality, that nobody voted for, just against his opponent.  And because of this you have a deep-seated need to humiliate yourself and your Country in front of a national audience.  Heck, an international audience! 

So you go against the advice of all your dozens of generals and admirals and highly-paid consultants and order our last few soldiers out of Afghanistan.  No peace treaty.  No government-level, non-aggression pact.  Just plain-ass surrender.  Sort of like Japan did on the decks of the our Battleship Missouri.  Plain-ass, whimpering surrender.  Every bit as shocking.    

So what's the best way to surrender these days?  Is there an etiquette for dropping your trousers and spreading your cheeks and showing the enemy your ass?  What are the "rules for surrender" these days?  

Normally, when a Fighting Force intends to depart an operational theater, they:

     1.  Remove all sensitive military equipment and supplies, then totally and completely destroy what's left.

     2.  Evacuate the civilians and "friendlies." Every single one.

     3.  Order out the military, turn off the lights.

In this case, good ol' Joe O'Biden quite obviously didn't get the memo.  He did it bass-ackwards.  Joe's "Plan," such as it was, looked like this:  

     1.  Give the enemy all your nicest and newest and biggest military equipment and materiel.  $200 Billion Dollars worth of equipment.  Equipment that will make it ever harder for us to confront them in the future.  Materiel so advance they cannot use it; it's surely on its way to Beijing and Moscow for reverse-engineering.  That includes more than 600,000 small arms, 75,000 Armored Personnel Carriers, 2,000 tanks, 40 planes and 166 Blackhawk helicopters.  In one swell foop Joe gave  Afghanistan the Second Largest Fleet of Attack Helicopter Gunships in the World! 

     2.  Evacuate the military.  They might get a hangnail.

     3.  Leave the civilians and friendly locals to fend for themselves.


Joe O'Biden has "managed" in just a couple of weeks to lose a war we'd won decades ago, leave our allies under cover of darkness and without notice, alienate our allies, sentence millions of Afghan women to a life of pitiful, frightening servitude, guarantee those who have assisted us a death sentence, arm 6th Century maniacal goat herders with modern weaponry, give America a black eye on the international stage from which it may never recover, make America look like Libya, and give our enemies a nightly dose of "Hate America First" on every TV channel except those that Liberal Americans watch.  

Like CNN(LOL), and MSPMS, and ABC, and CBS, and NBC, and PBS, and NPR...  

Think about that last line for a moment.  The only people who aren't learning just how feckless and maladroit our elected leaders are...are those who put them in office.  

That's pretty tough to do in just a couple of weeks!

Kind of makes you think he's planned all this.  Or maybe those behind him have.  Or maybe nobody's planned anything at all and they're just letting it all free-wheel, believing it will all work out if their socialist little heart's remain in the right place.  Putting it all on the pass line and rolling the bones.  With our collective asses on the line.  Don't know about you, but all of this makes me more than a little nervous.  It'd be nice to know the Plan for "What Comes Next."  

It'd also be nice if they knew...    

Friday, August 20, 2021

Sand Into Glass...

A friend asked yesterday what my feelings are, as both an American and an ex-soldier, regarding the fiasco unfolding in Afghanistan.  

I thought for a minute, choosing my words carefully.  Especially carefully because I would dearly like to fly apart like a Woolworth watch, taking out everybody and everything within a full city block in in the process.  So what I said to my friend was, "Did you know you can turn sand into glass?"  No, he said, he didn't.  I said, "All you have to do is add enough heat, I said.  "Lots and lots and lots of heat.  About 3,000 degrees of heat..."

That's the same amount of heat that might be delivered via your average modern-day "suitcase" nuke.  Not your Big Boys like might be strapped to the nosecone of an ICBM.  No, no, just a little guy.  One that might be an international expression of "Get off my lawn!"  Like totally eradicating a couple of zip codes.  Sort of like a "going away present."  Yeah, something like that would be in order...

You might know that I, The Chuckmeister, have worn the uniform of the United States.  I'm therefore more than a little sensitive to the needs of the military.  And had, and still have, a warrior mentality.  They beat it into me, and I've yet to lose it.  And today I can tell you your military is in the worst shape of my entire life.  I would not be surprised to see several thousand vets commit suicide over the coming days.  That serious.  As serious as a heart attack.  Pay attention, America, things could come unraveled very quickly from here...

The reason Russia hasn't been more bellicose toward us or our allies, most particularly Ukraine, is they've feared what we might do in response.  Let me emphasize "feared."  The reason China hasn't forcefully taken Taiwan (Nationalist China) is because we've promised to defend them.  What do you think that promise is worth today, in the aftermath of our indelible surrender in Afghanistan?  And most especially following our failure to assist Hong Kong in its hour of need?

America has almost a million living veterans.  Those who have fought and in some cases been wounded in the service of their country.  Us.  I would bet that they are uniformly angry and depressed and pissed off today.  I know I am.  We were keeping an "easy peace" using a tiny footprint of just over 2,500 American soldiers and marines.  It had been that way for more than a year and a half, and it had been over a year and a half since we'd lost a soldier or Marine.  In other words, we kept it off the front pages of your local newspaper using only half a brigade of fighting men and women.  Less than the number of soldiers we have stationed in Spain.  And they're all career people, so we'll be paying them whether they're there or not.  Yet, the ranting Progressive harpies amongst us just couldn't leave well enough alone.  They had to try and pry them loose and "bring them home," whether they would come home or not.  Most all would be reassigned to one of our hundreds of other bases.  So, I'm reminded of a snippet from "The Charge of the Light Brigade:"

     "For want of a shoe, a horse was lost.  For the want of a horse, the rider was lost.  For the want of a rider, the battle was lost..."   

What we're witnessing unfold in Afghanistan could well be the beginning of the end of America.  Let's see if our enemies choose to now exploit our perceived weaknesses.  Perceived, Hell!  Obvious!  And if they do, we'll surely have to defend against those aggressions.  And at a cost far higher than just leaving well enough alone in Afghanistan...

But at least we don't have to put up with any more of those late-night ugly Tweets, right?

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

"Everyone Gets a Trophy"

I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

(Actually, I've been wrong twice so far this year.  The first time I was really right when thought I was wrong...)

Anyway, I could be wrong, but I think this whole "woke" catsafterme agenda inflicting our society today like a pandemic started a generation or so ago when Progressive pukes grown up on pre-woke pabulum began demanding that every kid in an athletic competition get a trophy.  Whether his team won or not.  Sort of a "participation trophy," they called it.  Sort of like getting a trophy just for showing up.

For that's exactly what it was.  Remember Woody Allen's admonition?  "90% of life's just showin' up."  It appears that's the life those now in charge prefer...

That "everyone gets a trophy" tag line got little kids used to the idea of coming home with a prize, even when their performance sucked.  Ergo, they don't have to try.  As in, why sweat when you don't have to?  And there's a whole lot of non-sweaters occupying positions of power in our Government.  I could start with the crustly old goat rambling around the Rose Garden.

That's now morphed via the wet dreams of the Leftoid "Wokesters" of our society into "equity;" everybody not only gets noticed for participating, everybody must WIN!

Now, that's hard to do.  And in truth, the only way to accomplish it is to micro-manage input; tilt the rules or the playing field in favor of one person or one team or another in an effort to achieve a desired outcome. 

BTW, that's the very definition of Marxism. 

Example?  Sure.  One of the first Executive Orders our Aged Squinter issued in the first days of his Presidency was to try and give Black southern farmers with FDA loans a 120% "rebate" on their "investment."  Sooooo, if our theoretical Black farmer had borrowed $1,000,000 under the guarantee of the Feds, then he'd get a check for $1,200,000.  And owe nothing.  Of course, a Federal judge smacked him across the face with a restraining order; No Go Joe.  Seems somebody forgot to tell Joe that this E.O. was blatantly and obviously unconstitutional and racist and discriminatory.  But hey, if you can buy votes and get away with it, why not?

No wonder Joe graduated well toward the bottom of his law class.

And then there's the fiasco over the moratorium on rents.  The E.O. stating you didn't have to pay your landlord was due to run out at the end of July.  The "Squad" in Congress starting chirping to Joe that he should just unilaterally extend it...again.  He checked with his legal beagles and then told him no way, no how; couldn't do it.  So he just went away and did it anyway.  He extended the moratorium for 4 more months.  And, in order to get any sort of Federal help at all, the landlord must first get the renter to initiate the paperwork.  Which they have absolutely no reason to do.  I guess he figured there are more renters than there are landlords.  

So back to "trophy."  Imagine growing up today.  You're expected to try, but not necessarily too hard.  If you succeed, they'll take your first born.  And if you fail, they'll give you whatever you might need of OPM: Other Peoples' Money...

Monday, August 16, 2021

Burnouts? You Want Some Friggin' Burnouts?

I was just watching a TV show full of hot cars doing burnouts for miles.  Not surprising.  I watch all sorts of "F&F" style programming.  Have all my life.  Big Time car guy, me.  Owned 128 of them (not a typo; list to follow).  Caused to me to think back about my own excesses as a rambunctious late teen with the very hottest car in town.  In a town known far and wide for its hot cars.  

Turns out it was my 19th birthday and my present to myself was a new car and 3 speeding tickets.  In that order.  Say what?

The first happened upon my arrival back in town from Kansas City, Missouri.  I had just written a check for a brand-new 1962 Chevrolet Impala Super Sport.  A 409 Chevy Super Sport.  A 409 horsepower, 409 cubic inch, two four-barrel carbureted, positraction terror that was emblematic of everything my hot rod soul wanted in life.  And so did every other kid.  

Although 409 horsepower doesn't sound like so much these days, back then it was the HOLY GRAIL!  Remember, I owned this car while the Beach Boy's song "Giddy Up, Giddy Up, 409!" was No. 1 on the charts!

So I'd learn from my Dad how to shoot a mean game of pool and I took to it like a Democrat takes to deficit spending.  I began at 13, was a terror by 14, and a traveling, full-blown hustler by 16.  By the age of 19 I was making $Thousands a week, wore a money belt and carried a gun.  I thought everybody did.  Just your normal, everyday, average teenager.

I never kept track of my actual winnings, but I averaged at least two new cars a year for years during this period.  And this Honduras Maroon, black leather bucket-seated, 4-speed dynamo was clearly THE Main Attraction in my home town of 9,589 White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Christian souls.   

So, a check for $3,830.23 and I was out the door, windows rolled down even though it was freezing out that November 12th, headed back to Chillicothe.  The butterflies on my twin four-barrel carburetors open wiiiide whenever and wherever possible all the way home.  I can still hear the "bwwwwaaAAAAA!!!" as the carburetors sucked in the atmosphere.  

So I got my first ticket that day as I rolled into town around dusk.  There's a 4-mile stretch of four-lane I-65 highway unfolding from the south of Chillicothe with a 40 mph speed limit.  For others, perhaps.  For me?  That day it was 66, or so the ticket read.  S**t!

Ticket #2 came about an hour later as I "engaged in a demonstration of speed."  Or so the cop said.  Actually, I left a stop light as it turned green a little faster and louder and with more tire smoke than the portly policeman preferred (an alliteration for your reading enjoyment).  He said he measured my black marks at 85 feet long.*  So that was "careless and imprudent."  3 more points on my license, just like the one earlier that day.

#3 came as I decided to find out how fast my 409 Chevy would go.  You need to know that, right?  I mean, I'd owned it almost a day!  I found out about 1:30 a.m. the next morning.  On Highway 36, which is a nice, wide, two-lane stretching all the way to Utica, Mo, some 8 or 9 miles distant.  And if you can pick your time, it's occasionally deserted.  Yummmm!!!

So, me and my little buddy Dick Saccaro hop in the car and let it eat!  I buried the speedometer quickly, which would be about 130, and let it go for another minute or so after that.  I'd guess we were going about 150, which demanded our complete attention.  So much so we didn't see the flashing lights.  In the rear view mirror.  The flashing red lights.

Patrolman Dick Defreece was the Mo. State highway patrolman on duty as I streaked by that night.  He said he was glad I pulled over for him as he knew he'd never be able to catch me in his '62 Dodge Polara.  He wrote the ticket for "80-plus" as a favor (he had my driver's license number memorized) and I went on home.  Slower, this time.  3 more points.  A bit excessive, to be sure.  9 points in one day, when the maximum one could accumulate in a year before license suspension was 12.  But then, what the Hell...

EPILOGUE:  I kept waiting for the letter from the State to arrive yanking my driver's license.  I knew I was way over the permitted point limit, so it wasn't a matter of "if," but rather "when."  But that letter never came.  We all learned exactly why a year or so later.  And that "why" deserves the retelling.  Turns out Sheriff Kelsie Reeter was caught "doing" a local Black prostitute in the front seat of his patrol car.  Her bare footprints were found on the inside of his front window.  Think about that for a minute.  He was fired and sent packing.  They later opened his desk drawer and found hundreds and hundreds of tickets, large and small, the copies of which he should have sent to the DMV in Jefferson City for processing.  When he didn't, the statute to limitations ran out on them and we were all home Scot Free!  Hundreds of us!  

I skated on 23 points!  There is a God!

*  It's all true.  All of it.  As Ripley would say, you must "believe it or not."  I can't say I'm proud of all of my indiscretions as a young man, however it was a different time back then, and I can say I didn't wind up in jail.  Came close a couple of times, but no cigar!  Plus, I had a Hell of a good time!  

However, as to black marks on a highway, my car was delivered with a rear axle ratio of 3:08 - 1, which is extremely "high."  That meant the car would go very fast but get there a bit slower than if it were geared "lower."  And it meant that my 1st gear could wind out to about 65 mph.  A quick shift while the rear tires were still spinning and this car would lay rubber from a dead stop to more than 150 miles per hour.  

EPILOGUE #2:  My car was delivered that Saturday with 7:50-14" General Jet-Air Thin Line White Wall tires.  The first year these tires became available.  That means those tires had a contact patch area of only about 16 sq. inches!  Smaller than your palmprint, BTW.  Scary small, considering the mammoth motor residing up front, it's more than 3,850 lb. weight, and my relative inexperience as its driver.  But as noted earlier, this car would do burnouts.  In fact, it wouldn't NOT do burnouts.  To the extent that I sold the bald rear tires to a local tire recapper 8 days later for $1.25 apiece.   

Burnouts?  You want burnouts?  I had all the stinkin' burnouts you could possibly want...        

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Genocide, Perhaps?

(I, The Chuckmeister, forgive myself now, in advance, for what I'm about to write.  And to then to go ahead and have the temerity to publish.  Whether you choose to forgive me in return is another matter altogether.  I guess we shall soon find out...)

                 ///////////////   +++  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\

     What if you were the President for Life of the very largest country on Earth?

(Bear with me here.  It'll get good...)

     And what if you had so damn many people you didn't know what to do with them.  As in, folks running out of your ears, so to speak.  And you can't feed them all without paying out the kazoo to some hated foreign power for their food (read: the United States) because your silly communist system cannot grow enough.  And there's no real impetus for anyone to do more than absolutely necessary.  One Point Seven Billion of those little Yellow folks getting all hungry, doncha' know.  Three times a day.  And that's like, a lot.  A whole lot...

     We here in 'Murica only have about 340,000,000 people, you might like to know.  I was going to write "citizens" here, like I used to, but I can no longer do that.  Let's just say 340 Million souls reside here.  Could be 400,000,000, for all we know, what with illegal immigration over half a century, but it's a LOT!  And under Joe O'Biden, it'll keep growing by at least 200,000 a month!  Most of our residents are still citizens, I think, but who's counting?  Literally?  Who?  

(That wasn't a question. It was an exclamation of my level of contempt for those in authority who are permitting this travesty to occur.).

Of course, it's been over One Million so far this year, and it'll be another 200,000 illegal aliens by the end of the month.

Just imagine another Grand Rapids, MI (pop: 190,000) appearing as if by magic on our fruited plain by the end of the month.  Or a Spokane, WA (pop: 209,000).  Or a Richmond, VA (pop: 204,000).  Or a Des Monies, IA (pop: 206,000).  This, fellow Pilgrim, must stop.   

     So we've lots more room than we've got people, even though some 75% of our folks live in Big Cities.  So the sanest of us never think in terms of population control, like the Chinese are so wont to do.  So they've got Billions of folks, and we've got an okay number of folks, and lots of room.  And we just had a Disrupter as POTUS that nearly caused the Chinese to force us into World War Three...

     Then-President Donald J. Trump harangued and harassed poor little Chinese "President" (read Dictator) Xi into signing the "Pork Product Importation Agreement" on January 7th, 2020.  It required our Chinese competitors to buy more than $250,000,000,000 of pork and beef from our farmers.  Which is a whole lot of pesos.  Farthings?  Sheckles?  

And if Google can be trusted, the date the Pandemic began was January 17th, 2020.  In fact, the Chinese themselves named it "Covid-19." on December 27th, 2019!  Interesting coincidence, doncha' think?  Within a week or so they'd decided to retaliate?  And did?

So here's my (im)plausible theory:  Dictator Xi needed our pork and beef and other farm products badly, but didn't want to pay what Trump wanted to charge.  So he signed the Agreement, and then released the virus.  I think he thought he had 300 or 400 Million Chinese to spare, especially if he could wipe out that nasty little gnat buzzing around his ears... the U.S.  

As in, us...

In fact, you'll recall he clamped the entire city of Wuhan down tight for an entire week following the virus' release.  Wuhan's a city 8,000,000 people, larger even than New York.  Yet those who tested positive were reportedly welded into their apartments.  Yeah, now that's called pandemic (population) control.  

     Doubt my theory?  Okay, name a better one?  An accident?  Funny, if it was an accident, Xi loses a few hundred million people, and no longer has to feed them.  And we lose a few hundred thousand, and suffer catastrophic economic chaos.  

And if it was on purpose?  Just retype the above few sentences; the end result would be exactly the same.  On purpose, his population gets controlled, and so does ours.  By accident, his population gets controlled, and so does ours.

Could I be wrong?  Could I be right?  Hmmmm...  

Thursday, August 12, 2021

How to Stop Mass Shootings:

Okay, fellow Pilgrims and Others, if you tuned in to learn my prescription to end so-called "Mass Shootings," prepare yourself.


Here's the answer.

Make the prospective shooter afraid he'll get shot...before he can carry out his nefarious plan.

In other words, in military parlance we must "harden" likely attractive targets for mass shooters.  We must make sure every school in America has uniformed officers and at least several advertised concealed carriers so that any onslaught can be parried.  As in, drop them like a bad habit before they can get through the front door.

Make sure every shopping mall posts a sign out front that it is protected by both uniformed and civilian marshals.  At all times.  And hospitals, too.  It costs them virtually nothing to have several of their staff undergo and pass concealed carry training so that a couple of dozen guns could be at the ready in an instant.

In other words, more on defense than this guy's offense. 

And here's a tasty tidbit: we have hundreds of thousands of ex-military and retired cops.  Cops especially now, when they're being run out of their jobs by certain northern cities.  They've been trained to handle firearms and some of them might be interested in a little part-time duty as civilian security patrols.  Imagine an ex-Army sniper in civvies with a Glock in his waist, hanging around the Commons, sucking on a Diet Coke, just waiting for the next would-be Charlie Manson to open the front door.

Except he wouldn't.  Because it would have been reported by the so-called "MainStreamMedia" that there'd be a guy in civvies hanging around there just waiting to open him up like a can of tuna, so that the prospective mass-shooter would know to pick a different target.

And that's the whole deal; make them run out of prospective targets.  We live in an Open Society.  Unless or until we close off our most "open" of venues, we're at their mercy.  It's the only answer.  Let's get busy...  

Think back to 1850's Dodge City, Kansas.  You're a dusty cowpoke.  You amble up to the bar in the Long Branch Saloon and happen to bump into the mean looking cowboy already at the rail.  What do you say?  You say "Excuse me," because he's armed, and so is everybody else in the entire place.  As they say, "An armed society is a polite society." 

Where there's a will, there's a way.  And this is the way.  Unless the "will" of an organization has been "woked" to the extent they'd rather be gunned down than carry a gun.  I guess we'll learn from next year's Darwin Awards which is which.  

You can take my advice on this.  I'm a certified gunsmith, champion shooter, quick draw artist, trained Army sniper and all-around bad ass with a gun.  Any gun.  Of any type.  In other words, when the cheese gets binding, be anywhere around me and you'll be safe.  And that's the exact same idea I'm fostering here for the masses.  A bunch of concentric circles of safety surrounding each of our concealed carriers until they overlap.  If a shopping mall featured armed defenses, and advertised them, do you think a prospective mass shooter would pick that location for his evil act?  Think of it this way:

If even 5% of the ducks were armed, do you think anyone would go duck hunting? 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Could it be...Racism?

I'd like to start by saying that I'm kinda' pissed.  

I wasn't invited to B. Hussein Obama's 60th birthday bash over the weekend.  You no doubt heard about it.  It was held on Martha's Vineyard, where the really cool people live.  Could have been I was on the original list of more than 500 "swells," but was lopped off unceremoniously when they had to pare it down due to public outrage.  To maybe 450...  

Perhaps it was due to my having not invited him to my 60th?  That was a long time ago and I didn't really know him them, so I have an excuse.  And those of you who know me well might recall my having rented out an entire office building and invited more than 250 of my closest friends to my soiree.  And had a band.  And an open bar.  And lots and lots of food.  Just so you know I'm no piker here.

Or maybe it was something I said.  Perhaps it was, as I've said quite a lot about good ol' Barry over the years.  And most of it hasn't been favorable, admittedly.  After all, what's good to say about a beach bum turned community organizer who rode dulcet tones all the way to the White House?  But hey, I thought all was forgiven!  

However, I'm forced to consider one other alternative; racism.  Could Barry having not invited me be due to racism?  I noticed his band was all Black.  Just sayin.'  I hate to play the "race card," as they say, but perhaps Barry should look deep down within his community organizing soul to make sure his ignoring me wasn't due to latent racism.

But then again, a whole bunch of other high profile folks weren't invited either, so I won't take it personally.  As a matter of fact, I hear Madame Speaker Pelosi was also left cooling her heels at a local diner.  Now I don't feel so bad.  However, I will use it as a springboard to discuss a matter of mutual importance.  A matter that I suspect neither Mr. Obama, nor Mr. O'Biden, would prefer we discuss at all.  

What if we woke up on the first of next month and we had a brand-new Rochester, MN (pop: 210,000) on the fruited plain somewhere?  Filled with likely Democrat voters?  And what if a month thereafter we woke up with another Akron, OH (pop: 199,000)?  And then a month later with another Des Moines, IA (pop: 206,000)?  And then another Montgomery, AL (205,000) by Christmas?  Where am I going with all of this, you might ask?  

Each and every month since Joe O'Biden took over we've had an average of 200,000 illegal aliens pour across our Southern Border.  Unimpeded.  Often assisted.  Each of them our Border Patrol apprehended were issued a citation with instructions to appear at some court some time later.  And I estimate somewhere around 34 of them will comply.  

And oh yeah, the Border Patrol tells us there were 179,784 "gotaways" to go along with the more than One Million illegals crossing thus far this year.  That's the ones that chose to run and we couldn't catch.  Because our folks were pulling illegals out of the Rio Grande.  To keep them from drowning.  After they'd paid some coyote $8,000 as an "entry fee."

And oh yeah yeah, the CDC tells us that fully one-fifth of all aliens tested are COVID-19 positive.  And they've infected a total of 140 Border Patrol officers so far.  Just imagine a Country that would permit a COVID-infected illegal to enter freely, but would force a two year-old to mask in school?  Are you getting it, America?  Are you learning that the enemy is actually in charge?  And he really, really doesn't like you?  

Why are 200,000 illegal aliens permitted to violate our immigration laws?  With the net result being a population of illegals equal to a mid-size city crossing our Border each month?  Like another Fayetteville, NC (pop: 202,000) down the road from you next month?  Voting in the next election?  Democratic?  Just know there will be enough illegals breaking our immigration laws to fill it.  How about another Oxnard, CA (pop: 201,000)?  They likely already vote Democrat so no harm, no foul.

So if you wouldn't like another Grand Rapids, MI (pop: 190,000) filled to the brim with illegal aliens in America next month, likely all voting Democrat, it just might be a good time for you to get involved in how your Country is being run...

BTW, I hear Martha's wine is actually quite good.  There had to be some reason Barry moved there...

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Official Chuckmeister Pronunciamento:

The White House has just issued another of its cute little Executive Orders commanding us plebes to once again wear masks.

For no apparent reason.

Other than to exert its control over our puny, insignificant little lives once again.  Either that or just because they can...

However, many of my friends and neighbors are confused over these new mask mandates.  They want to know exactly when to wear them, and when they can take them off.  And that's true especially because most of them know the flimsy, paper masks we're wearing do not work.  So, after copious research into the matter, I've decided to issue this Official Chuckmeister Pronunciamento, 'splaining to you, the undereducated masses, exactly what this new E.O. from our scrawny, rapidly-fading bag of bones really means:



There.  That's it.  The Gummint needs folks to toe the line.  To choose sides.  To come out of the darkness and into the light.  To become some of the "cool kids" and wear that mask.  The only exception might be when you're actively engaged in sexual activity with a frequent partner (not to disparage an infrequent partner).  Or kissing your new born baby.  Perhaps.  Maybe.  Subject to change...  

But at all other times you must be masked.  You voted for all of this.  Learn to live with it...

Friday, August 6, 2021

How Many Olympic Medals?

"If an athlete wins a medal at the Olympics and nobody reports it, was it really won?"

                           ////// +++ \\\\\\

You'll be pleased to know that there has been an Olympics going on, and that some of you have been watching it.

Not many, but some.

Just about half of previous Olympics, to be sure, which was about half the previous one, but some, to be sure.  

However, those nice folks at NBC have been a bit negligent in reporting the proper medal count.  Perhaps they don't think you care to know who won all the medals in Japan.  Especially medals where they don't, shall we say, "approve" of the sport.  Whatever the reason, three of our Countrymen and Women have won Gold Medals at the woebegone Japanese Olympics.


And two others have won Silver and another Bronze.  For a total of Six.  That's quite a number of unreported medals, I'm sure you'll agree.

Of course, the so-called "MainStreamMedia" has been somewhat lagging in their reportage of this fact.  Maybe they didn't notice.  Or maybe they don't want you to know your Countrymen and Women are pretty handy with guns.  Those would be the items we can "keep and bear" without Governmental interference.  In any case, The Chuckmeister, your Scribe Without Portfolio, will unearth the truth:

     -  Amber English, 31, Gold, Skeet.  Amber is a proud U. S. Army 1st Lieutenant.

     -  Vincent Hancock, 32, 3rd Individual Gold Medal, Skeet.  Previously won Gold in both 2008 and 2012.

     -  William Shaner, 20, 10 Meter Air Rifle.  This is William's first Olympics, and first Gold, having arrived via the 2020 World Cup.

And once again, in addition to these three Gold, two of our best scored two Silver Medals and a Bronze Medal as well.  But somehow, someway, the National Broadcasting Corporation has been wont to provide suitable reportage.  

I wonder why?

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

"Maps to the Stars' Homes!"

Everyone except those who get their news from Yahoo and Google (about 62% of our population, BTW), knows by now that our Southern Border is Wide Open!  And that 200,000 illegal aliens are pouring across each and every month.  The O'Biden Administration wants it that way, as having so screwed the poooch with their own policies, they're attempting to reinvent their Electorate out of Guatemalans and El Salvadorans.  

There appears to be little us normal Americans can do about this.  Except for me, The Chuckmeister.  I can do stuff only Superman and others of the Justice League can do.  I can even come up with diabolical answers to perplexing questions.  Need an example?  Sure.  How about this one?  

     -  Instead of attempting to arrest illegals as they break our Immigration Laws, we reassign our Border Patrol Officers.  We station them about every 50 feet, prepared to welcome each and every illegal alien as they waddle across our muddy Rio (Not-So) Grande.  

Our BP agents then hand them a "Map to the Stars Homes."  Written in 19 languages.  Since we know that Cher and "Cher-not Alike" all have 5 acre spreads in Beverly Hills, and they've each banged the drum for "immigrant rights," in the past, I'm certain they'd be glad to host a few hundred poor starving wretches on their palatial digs.  So give each illegal the Map, plus a bus ticket to Beautiful Downtown Hollywood, and we're home free!

All of a sudden the clot of illegals would be concentrated in Bev Hills and surrounding areas.  And that would be good, as then the Feds, were they so inclined, could concentrate their feel-good Liberal efforts in a far smaller area.  Easier and quicker that way.  Instead of busing them all over America, simply bus them to Cher's back yard!  

I'm guessing she could welcome at least 500, and her neighbors 500 each.  Think of it: Yuuuge "Hunny wagons" running back and forth between the Porta Pottys in previously oh-so-sweet-smelling Beverly Hills and God knows where?  Clotting downtown traffic.  Delicious. 

And if in the future a more Conservative administration found itself in charge, it'd be able to throw a rope around all the illegals, as they'd all be in Cher's back yard.  Heh, heh...

Oh yeah, and we should add in a book of coupons as well.  Like, say, a bunch of freebies from Starbucks.  They could even shoot up now in its bathrooms.  If they're going to be our new Electorate, let's start teaching them how to act!  Right?



Monday, August 2, 2021

Resolving the "CRT" Teaching Issue...

Americans with the sense God gave a goose are twisting themselves in knots in an effort to force the cessation of "Critical Race Theory" teaching in their kids' schools.

You no doubt know what CRT is, so I won't bore with those details here.  However I will provide you with a solution to the problem of how to stop it, should you be so inclined.  No, you don't need the courts.  They're too slow.  And no, you don't need the legislature.  They're too unpredictable.  And too susceptible to manipulation, if you know what I mean.  Here, fellow Pilgrims, is the answer to your problems:

     A.  Place an A/V camera in each and every classroom in America, running 24 hours-per-day.  A professional teacher should be willing to be judged by his or her work product.  Just like a doctor is, and a lawyer, and a pilot.  Those folks are filmed, and many of those folks are unionized.  Thus, they should be proud to have their classes recorded. 

        And if the school boards won't pay for the cameras, I'm sure the PTA's will.  There should be no impediment to the implementation of this Plan.  None.  ZERO! 

     B.  Have every PTA appoint a committee to review the recordings regularly to make sure there is no teaching of racial preference in our schools.  Any teacher injecting his or her personal political views into the lesson plans should be counseled.  And if violations persist, sent packing (or tarred and feathered, if in the South).  

     C.  Publicize each and every instance where there's been an effort to brainwash our kids with Marxist ideology like "CRT."  If they get away with it once, they'll try it again and again.  Something tells me a video surfacing on Tucker Carlson Tonight could go a long way toward ending this abuse.    

I think this just might bring this problem to a screeching halt.  I doubt most teachers would intentionally risk their careers to teach personal opinion, if that opinion could get them fired.  And teaching that American didn't begin until a Black foot touched North American soil in 1619 should get them fired.  And teaching that the American Revolution was fought to continue the practice of slavery should get them fired.  The very first time it's taught.  

I'm amazed at the fact some Americans believe such tripe.  I'm even more amazed one of our teachers would teach it.  Me thinks activism may have overtaken the profession of teaching...

Let's try a Brand New Idea, America!  How about we all stop trying to get ahead by demeaning those with whom we disagree personally or politically?  

Just a thought...