Thursday, August 26, 2021

Killing Wyoming...

The population of Wyoming is 582,000.  Only.  

Cheyenne, it's Capitol, and largest city, boasts a surprisingly small population of only 65,035, but growing.  58,766 call Casper, its No. 2 city, home.  

You'd be interested to know that 62% of Cheyenne's citizens voted for Republicans in the 2020 Election, and 38.3%, Democrat.  And, considering that just 55% of Wyoming's citizens voted in 2020, you could see that a swing of only around 30,000 voters, or so, could turn reliably Red Wyoming a Bright Blue.  

And that is quite likely their plan.

A little simple math will tell you a swing of only a few bus loads of illegal aliens dropped off at First and Main, in beautiful Downtown Cheyenne, without invitation, could irreparably alter their body politic.  Forever.  The illegals come looking for streets paved with gold, and find them.  Except its our gold.  And it wouldn't take long before they could find it, either.  They could simply register to vote - illegally, of course - and then be rewarded by those who invited them to make the trip...  

Considering Wyoming's population, you should be shocked that the O'Biden Administration is illegally permitting more than 200,000 aliens to pour across our unguarded Southern border each and every month.  More than 1,400,000 so far in 2021.

And then O'Biden is illegally using our military to gather and then fly these aliens to small towns all over America.  Without notice of any kind.  Including little towns in Wyoming.  The first such plane load arrived late last week.  No warning.  Just 120 illegal aliens looking for food and clothing and lodging.  Right now.  And an illegal Social Security number.  And they'll undoubtedly find it all, at Cheyenne's - and our - expense...  

We all know that America is deeply-divided politically; our last Election showed as much.  To import illegal aliens, non English-speaking foreigners who will likely feel indebted to the political party that invited them, is both diabolical and criminal.  And I'm sure you'd agree this would come to a screeching halt if Americans just knew what was happening; what was transpiring right under their collective noses.  

Too bad.  They'll never find out.  Because we've just learned from a national poll that fully 62% of our people get their news from Yahoo and Google.  And it's Yahoo and Google who've censured our news so as to prevent their audiences from learning the truth.  So they don't know what's happening.  Remember when Google and Yahoo and Twitter and Facebook censured the New York Post's absolutely true article about Hunter Biden's criminal activities?  Which quite likely implicated his father?  For months?  Just before the last General Election? 

Those who get their news from Yahoo and Google weren't permitted to know it.    

So while those who put Joe O'Biden in office are happily fumbling through life, while their Country is being stolen, Wyoming is turning from a reliably conservative enclave into a Guatemalan bodega.  Without their citizens being given the courtesy of so much of a vote in the matter.  But having to pay for it all.  Through the nose.  Oh yeah, all of it.

Trying to find an upside in this cosmically destructive sh*tshow, at least we can all agree there's no more of those awful Tweets from Big Bad Orange Man, right?

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