Thursday, August 12, 2021

How to Stop Mass Shootings:

Okay, fellow Pilgrims and Others, if you tuned in to learn my prescription to end so-called "Mass Shootings," prepare yourself.


Here's the answer.

Make the prospective shooter afraid he'll get shot...before he can carry out his nefarious plan.

In other words, in military parlance we must "harden" likely attractive targets for mass shooters.  We must make sure every school in America has uniformed officers and at least several advertised concealed carriers so that any onslaught can be parried.  As in, drop them like a bad habit before they can get through the front door.

Make sure every shopping mall posts a sign out front that it is protected by both uniformed and civilian marshals.  At all times.  And hospitals, too.  It costs them virtually nothing to have several of their staff undergo and pass concealed carry training so that a couple of dozen guns could be at the ready in an instant.

In other words, more on defense than this guy's offense. 

And here's a tasty tidbit: we have hundreds of thousands of ex-military and retired cops.  Cops especially now, when they're being run out of their jobs by certain northern cities.  They've been trained to handle firearms and some of them might be interested in a little part-time duty as civilian security patrols.  Imagine an ex-Army sniper in civvies with a Glock in his waist, hanging around the Commons, sucking on a Diet Coke, just waiting for the next would-be Charlie Manson to open the front door.

Except he wouldn't.  Because it would have been reported by the so-called "MainStreamMedia" that there'd be a guy in civvies hanging around there just waiting to open him up like a can of tuna, so that the prospective mass-shooter would know to pick a different target.

And that's the whole deal; make them run out of prospective targets.  We live in an Open Society.  Unless or until we close off our most "open" of venues, we're at their mercy.  It's the only answer.  Let's get busy...  

Think back to 1850's Dodge City, Kansas.  You're a dusty cowpoke.  You amble up to the bar in the Long Branch Saloon and happen to bump into the mean looking cowboy already at the rail.  What do you say?  You say "Excuse me," because he's armed, and so is everybody else in the entire place.  As they say, "An armed society is a polite society." 

Where there's a will, there's a way.  And this is the way.  Unless the "will" of an organization has been "woked" to the extent they'd rather be gunned down than carry a gun.  I guess we'll learn from next year's Darwin Awards which is which.  

You can take my advice on this.  I'm a certified gunsmith, champion shooter, quick draw artist, trained Army sniper and all-around bad ass with a gun.  Any gun.  Of any type.  In other words, when the cheese gets binding, be anywhere around me and you'll be safe.  And that's the exact same idea I'm fostering here for the masses.  A bunch of concentric circles of safety surrounding each of our concealed carriers until they overlap.  If a shopping mall featured armed defenses, and advertised them, do you think a prospective mass shooter would pick that location for his evil act?  Think of it this way:

If even 5% of the ducks were armed, do you think anyone would go duck hunting? 

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