Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Could it be...Racism?

I'd like to start by saying that I'm kinda' pissed.  

I wasn't invited to B. Hussein Obama's 60th birthday bash over the weekend.  You no doubt heard about it.  It was held on Martha's Vineyard, where the really cool people live.  Could have been I was on the original list of more than 500 "swells," but was lopped off unceremoniously when they had to pare it down due to public outrage.  To maybe 450...  

Perhaps it was due to my having not invited him to my 60th?  That was a long time ago and I didn't really know him them, so I have an excuse.  And those of you who know me well might recall my having rented out an entire office building and invited more than 250 of my closest friends to my soiree.  And had a band.  And an open bar.  And lots and lots of food.  Just so you know I'm no piker here.

Or maybe it was something I said.  Perhaps it was, as I've said quite a lot about good ol' Barry over the years.  And most of it hasn't been favorable, admittedly.  After all, what's good to say about a beach bum turned community organizer who rode dulcet tones all the way to the White House?  But hey, I thought all was forgiven!  

However, I'm forced to consider one other alternative; racism.  Could Barry having not invited me be due to racism?  I noticed his band was all Black.  Just sayin.'  I hate to play the "race card," as they say, but perhaps Barry should look deep down within his community organizing soul to make sure his ignoring me wasn't due to latent racism.

But then again, a whole bunch of other high profile folks weren't invited either, so I won't take it personally.  As a matter of fact, I hear Madame Speaker Pelosi was also left cooling her heels at a local diner.  Now I don't feel so bad.  However, I will use it as a springboard to discuss a matter of mutual importance.  A matter that I suspect neither Mr. Obama, nor Mr. O'Biden, would prefer we discuss at all.  

What if we woke up on the first of next month and we had a brand-new Rochester, MN (pop: 210,000) on the fruited plain somewhere?  Filled with likely Democrat voters?  And what if a month thereafter we woke up with another Akron, OH (pop: 199,000)?  And then a month later with another Des Moines, IA (pop: 206,000)?  And then another Montgomery, AL (205,000) by Christmas?  Where am I going with all of this, you might ask?  

Each and every month since Joe O'Biden took over we've had an average of 200,000 illegal aliens pour across our Southern Border.  Unimpeded.  Often assisted.  Each of them our Border Patrol apprehended were issued a citation with instructions to appear at some court some time later.  And I estimate somewhere around 34 of them will comply.  

And oh yeah, the Border Patrol tells us there were 179,784 "gotaways" to go along with the more than One Million illegals crossing thus far this year.  That's the ones that chose to run and we couldn't catch.  Because our folks were pulling illegals out of the Rio Grande.  To keep them from drowning.  After they'd paid some coyote $8,000 as an "entry fee."

And oh yeah yeah, the CDC tells us that fully one-fifth of all aliens tested are COVID-19 positive.  And they've infected a total of 140 Border Patrol officers so far.  Just imagine a Country that would permit a COVID-infected illegal to enter freely, but would force a two year-old to mask in school?  Are you getting it, America?  Are you learning that the enemy is actually in charge?  And he really, really doesn't like you?  

Why are 200,000 illegal aliens permitted to violate our immigration laws?  With the net result being a population of illegals equal to a mid-size city crossing our Border each month?  Like another Fayetteville, NC (pop: 202,000) down the road from you next month?  Voting in the next election?  Democratic?  Just know there will be enough illegals breaking our immigration laws to fill it.  How about another Oxnard, CA (pop: 201,000)?  They likely already vote Democrat so no harm, no foul.

So if you wouldn't like another Grand Rapids, MI (pop: 190,000) filled to the brim with illegal aliens in America next month, likely all voting Democrat, it just might be a good time for you to get involved in how your Country is being run...

BTW, I hear Martha's wine is actually quite good.  There had to be some reason Barry moved there...

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