Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Up Until Yesterday...

Up until yesterday, the 165 other civilized nations relied upon the United States to be their "Big Brother" against tyranny, within and without.  That's because we'd saved their bacon at least twice over the centuries, and they'd assumed - they thought rightfully - that they could continue to do so in the future.  

In fact, Article 5 of the NATO Charter demands that we defend the other 26 signatories, with military force if necessary.  And they all believed we'd do so.  

Up until yesterday.

Today?  We've proven ourselves to be a feckless, musclebound behemoth with the horsepower to accomplish any goal, any goal, but without the will to protect either its citizens or its strategic friends.  We have abandoned Afghanistan, sentencing it and its citizens to a life of desperation under Sharia Law.  

That's the one that gets you stoned...for being raped.  

Sky News just reported the Taliban shot dead a woman they had commanded to cook for them, and then didn't like her cooking.  Sort of like that. 

Twenty-something women who have never lived under anything but freedom will now have to wear a black plastic trash bag over their entire bodies for the rest of their lives.  

Which could be measured in mere minutes...

Have we heard from the "Squad?"  How about Kamala?  She's big on women's rights, right?  Nothing to say here, just move along?   

As I've said before, we have 3,000 soldiers stationed in Spain.  Playing with their navels.  Yet, we had to jerk 2,500 of our career soldiers out of Afghanistan, turning the world upside down, and absolutely destroying America's reputation, perhaps forever.

Up until yesterday, we'd not lost a soldier for a year and a half.  The Afghanistan story was off the front pages of your local newspaper.  All O'Biden had to do was...nothing.  Like what he had to do with the Southern Border.  Nothing.  And the XL-Pipeline.  Nothing, again.    

Like the Hypocratic Oath so plainly states, first, do no harm.  It's a shame it only pertains to physicians and not to politicians. 

I am personally distraught and incensed over this rabid and indelible mismanagement of our Country and its international relations.  And I'm sure much of America is with me.  And I fear that just might be the prescription for a civil war.  Civil unrest at the very least.  And this time those doing the "unresting" just might be right-leaning, well-armed militias, more interested in taking scalps than waving banners.  

We will not know how this movie ends for months.  Perhaps years.  Maybe decades.  However I doubt we'll enjoy the ending.  Bad Guys like Kim Jung the Un and Putin and Xi and the Castros and all the other really Bad Guys have been kept at bay - and stay at bay - because they have feared our might, and our historically proven willingness to use it.  

Up until yesterday...

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