Saturday, August 14, 2021

Genocide, Perhaps?

(I, The Chuckmeister, forgive myself now, in advance, for what I'm about to write.  And to then to go ahead and have the temerity to publish.  Whether you choose to forgive me in return is another matter altogether.  I guess we shall soon find out...)

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     What if you were the President for Life of the very largest country on Earth?

(Bear with me here.  It'll get good...)

     And what if you had so damn many people you didn't know what to do with them.  As in, folks running out of your ears, so to speak.  And you can't feed them all without paying out the kazoo to some hated foreign power for their food (read: the United States) because your silly communist system cannot grow enough.  And there's no real impetus for anyone to do more than absolutely necessary.  One Point Seven Billion of those little Yellow folks getting all hungry, doncha' know.  Three times a day.  And that's like, a lot.  A whole lot...

     We here in 'Murica only have about 340,000,000 people, you might like to know.  I was going to write "citizens" here, like I used to, but I can no longer do that.  Let's just say 340 Million souls reside here.  Could be 400,000,000, for all we know, what with illegal immigration over half a century, but it's a LOT!  And under Joe O'Biden, it'll keep growing by at least 200,000 a month!  Most of our residents are still citizens, I think, but who's counting?  Literally?  Who?  

(That wasn't a question. It was an exclamation of my level of contempt for those in authority who are permitting this travesty to occur.).

Of course, it's been over One Million so far this year, and it'll be another 200,000 illegal aliens by the end of the month.

Just imagine another Grand Rapids, MI (pop: 190,000) appearing as if by magic on our fruited plain by the end of the month.  Or a Spokane, WA (pop: 209,000).  Or a Richmond, VA (pop: 204,000).  Or a Des Monies, IA (pop: 206,000).  This, fellow Pilgrim, must stop.   

     So we've lots more room than we've got people, even though some 75% of our folks live in Big Cities.  So the sanest of us never think in terms of population control, like the Chinese are so wont to do.  So they've got Billions of folks, and we've got an okay number of folks, and lots of room.  And we just had a Disrupter as POTUS that nearly caused the Chinese to force us into World War Three...

     Then-President Donald J. Trump harangued and harassed poor little Chinese "President" (read Dictator) Xi into signing the "Pork Product Importation Agreement" on January 7th, 2020.  It required our Chinese competitors to buy more than $250,000,000,000 of pork and beef from our farmers.  Which is a whole lot of pesos.  Farthings?  Sheckles?  

And if Google can be trusted, the date the Pandemic began was January 17th, 2020.  In fact, the Chinese themselves named it "Covid-19." on December 27th, 2019!  Interesting coincidence, doncha' think?  Within a week or so they'd decided to retaliate?  And did?

So here's my (im)plausible theory:  Dictator Xi needed our pork and beef and other farm products badly, but didn't want to pay what Trump wanted to charge.  So he signed the Agreement, and then released the virus.  I think he thought he had 300 or 400 Million Chinese to spare, especially if he could wipe out that nasty little gnat buzzing around his ears... the U.S.  

As in, us...

In fact, you'll recall he clamped the entire city of Wuhan down tight for an entire week following the virus' release.  Wuhan's a city 8,000,000 people, larger even than New York.  Yet those who tested positive were reportedly welded into their apartments.  Yeah, now that's called pandemic (population) control.  

     Doubt my theory?  Okay, name a better one?  An accident?  Funny, if it was an accident, Xi loses a few hundred million people, and no longer has to feed them.  And we lose a few hundred thousand, and suffer catastrophic economic chaos.  

And if it was on purpose?  Just retype the above few sentences; the end result would be exactly the same.  On purpose, his population gets controlled, and so does ours.  By accident, his population gets controlled, and so does ours.

Could I be wrong?  Could I be right?  Hmmmm...  

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