Monday, August 30, 2021

"Nobody Left Behind"

That's more than just a saying.  More than a motto, even.  It's a blood oath, indelibly etched on the inside of the foreheads of every man and woman who's served in the military of the United States.  

It may not be formalized, like "In God We Trust."  But for every service man and woman, it's every bit as formal.  It's a contract, written in blood, between us and those who have tread before us.  And those who toil alongside of us.  It's a guarantee we make to the guy in the foxhole next to us.  And the friend who helps us.  We tell him that we'll never leave him on the battlefield.  Dead or alive, we'll come for him, and we'll bring him home.

And in more than two centuries, we have never wavered.  We have never knowingly left somebody behind.  Even the infamous "Blackhawk Down" incident in Mogadishu centered on 17 of our troops going back to rescue 3.  And dying in the process.  And if you'll forgive me, just about as glorious a death as anyone could imagine.  If death can be glorious, that is...

The entire Afghanistan surrender process has been so miserably mishandled that one can only wonder if it's been on purpose.  So mishandled, in fact, that 13 of our servicemen were murdered trying to carry out Joe O'Biden's evacuation orders.  So mishandled that Joe's generals are now pointing fingers at each other, as Joe chooses to blame them.

Trust me, in this case there's quite enough blame to go around... 

They are even openly admitting that we'll be leaving some behind.  Some unknown number of Americans and Afghan "SIV's" and Green Card holders.  Might be a few hundred.  Could be a few thousand.  (!)  But we're leaving them behind.  I can only assume that civilian socialists desirous of humiliating America are making these choices. 

We need to go in there and get our people!  And those who helped us!  And if we don't go in now, we'll have to go in tomorrow.  Or the next day.  Those of you who haven't served may not be quite as worked up about this as we are.  But consider that O'Biden just disavowed a promise given by the 1,632,000 active-duty military personnel, and the 1,786,000 veterans, to each other, over the course of their centuries of service.

Our civilian "leadership" broke our promise.  And we're not happy about it.  Not happy at all...

Maybe it's the fact that less than one in six of our Congressweenies have served in our military.  91 out of 535.  Just 28 Democrats and 63 Republicans.  1 in 6.  Only.    

I don't think O'Biden and his Team understand the gravity of this choice.  I don't think they understand the manifold and enduring side effects it will hereafter conjure.  Both "over there" and at home.  But there's one thing about which I'm sure: Our military will ultimately have to go in there and clean up the mess he's made.  

On the way out the digital door, I might ask that you all be a bit more careful about how you vote next time.  "Cause and effect," doncha' know... 

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