Monday, September 9, 2019

Curing Willful Blindness...

China and India together represent more than 40% of the Earth's population.  That's 1.339 and 1.386 Billion, respectively.  Did you know that?

China and India together are responsible for more than 55% of all carbon-based pollution.  Some say more like 60%.  Yet, China and India were somehow, someway excluded from any mitigation efforts at all by the United Nations and the Paris Climate Accords.  None.  Zero.  Nada.  The very same accords from which Trump wisely chose to remove America's participation.  

In other words, even though China and India are each opening 2 - 3 coal-fired electricity generation plants weekly, and are the primary villains in oceanic plastic pollution, and are undertaking absolutely no climate greenhouse reduction efforts of any kind, for some reason they've gotten a pass.  A pass from the United Nations.  A pass from the Paris Accords.  A pass from every single Democrat 2020 POTUS candidate...

None has mentioned either China nor India in any of their pronouncements regarding greenhouse gas mitigation efforts.  None.

Just how does that work, I'd like to know?  America has reduced its "carbon footprint" by more than 60% over the past 40 years, becoming the lowest contributor to atmospheric pollution of any industrialized country.  We're now told by those who purport to know that we're responsible for only some 17% of atmospheric pollution, even though we represent 25% of all economic activity globally. 

And we've accomplished that enviable record of reduction through market competition alone; no governmental mandates necessary, thank you.  

Even our cars are now more than 1,000 times cleaner than when pollution devices were first employed on cars back in 1973.  The response from the Left?  Stop selling clean conventional cars and start selling those you must plug-in to the wall - and tap into electricity generated via hydrocarbons in order to "go."  

Yet, for some reason, the Dem candidates, and their Party, and the feckless media-types, and almost all Hollywood celebs, and the Never Trumpers, and all the tree-hugging groups like Greenpeace and the Sierra Club and the Oceans Foundation, have chosen to believe that WE are the problem.  And that WE have to fix it.  And that WE can only do so by taxing ourselves into oblivion while giving those "more equal than us" complete control over every single aspect of our puny, insignificant lives.

Have you been watching the Democrat debates?  If you have, you've noticed that their prescription to resolve this issue is for us to stop driving cars, stop flying in planes, stop eating cheeseburgers, stop having cows, stop, stop, stop virtually everything that makes life in 2019 America worth living.  And they're demanding we conform to this scary plan with scowls on their faces!  Why are they mad all the time?  

Does that make sense to you?  It doesn't to me.  I'd really like these otherwise-unemployables who fervently desire to assume the Presidency to just once mention, even in passing, that we first have to get China and India on board if we decide to do anything at all about this whole "climate crisis" subterfuge the Left is shoveling our way.  

So, whether they choose to call it "Global Warming," or "Climate Change," or Climate Chaos," or "Weather," before they stick their sweaty fists into our wallets, why not start by placing the blame where it belongs; with those who are causing the problem.

And it sure as Hell ain't us.

Which begs the question:  Why do they hate America so much? 

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