Sunday, September 15, 2019

Some Observations...

I dunno' know about you, but I watched each and every painfully annoying, awkwardly confusing, and completely exhausting hour of the Democrat 2020 POTUS debate on TV the other night.  

All three of them.


But if you watched it along with me, you no doubt noticed a few things just as did I, your friendly Chuckmeister.  Here's some of the things I jotted down while suffering through this otherworldly mania...

Why are they all so mad?  Every single Dem candidate for POTUS was hopping mad and wanted to do something about it!  Now!  They were pissed about Trump being elected and the Earth warming and guns hunting down innocent children and assassinating them and the recession being just around the corner and some nasty people making more money than others and a terrible wall being built to keep out poor illegal folks from anywhere and everywhere who'd they'd really like to let in and poor Black folks being mistreated and deserving of reparations and the super-urgent need to grab wealth from those awful "rich" people and redistribute it to exchange for their votes.

Yes, it's a long run-on sentence, and I specialize in long run-on sentences.  So there!

Anyway, they were all mad as Hell and not going to take it any more!  And along the way, they're going to spend $3 Trillion or $30 Trillion, or $100 Trillion to remake the Earth's weather so that "Global Warming," or "Climate Change," or Climate Chaos," or whatever they're calling it today...won't happen.  Even though they haven't bothered to check in with China and India, the two biggest and the most unregulated producers of atmospheric pollutants.  

But hey, that's alright, because it's really America's fault.  In fact, everything's America's fault!

But the moderators on this reality show of a debate didn't bother to advise these candidates that there's not enough money in the entire world to finance their little climate-fixing wet dream!  So they continued on, beclowning themselves in front of God and everybody.

BTW, remember when debate moderators were hard news anchors?  Neutral?  Fair and balanced, to quote a phrase?  And not hard core, partisan political commentators as was so explicitly on display in this sham of a reality show?  So do I...

But mainly they made fools of themselves in front of everybody who lives between the Sierra Nevada and the Hudson River.  You see, between these two landmarks live just over half of America's population.  And these are the folks who put The Donald in the White House.  And they're all poised to repeat that feat and vote him in for another four years.  

The likelihood of that occurrence jumped up several magnitudes with the performance of these overeducated and underexperienced dweebs who infested the debate stage last Thursday.

The folks who live in Iowa, and Wisconsin, and North Dakota, and Missouri, and Texas, and Arizona, and Tennessessesseee don't buy the crap these people were shoveling.  Nor do the residents of Georgia, or Florida, or Kentucky, or Colorado, or Kansas.  In fact, those nice folks think the entire group on that stage are a bunch of feckless, indolent, clueless bozos.  Because, my friends, they truly are...

Ask yourself:  Do you think folks who till the soil, or drive a semi truck for a living, or work in a lumberyard, or fix cars, or fill prescriptions, or fell trees believe their tax money should go to buy health insurance for illegal aliens?  Especially when they have to buy their own?  

Do you think everyday people in "Flyover Country" think their tax money should be used to "reparate" our multi-century relationship with Black folks?  Especially after our having spent more than $3 Trillion Dollars during our "Great Society" programs post-L.B.J. to try and "fix" them?  

Do you think the residents of Arkansas or Nevada or Utah or Wyoming think the Government should be permitted to perform a forced "Buy-Back" of their legally-purchased and legally-owned Modern Sporting Rifles?  I.e., the AR- and AK-platform rifles and all semi-automatic firearms in private hands today?  Especially because we didn't buy our rifles from the Government in the first place?  BTW, more than 70% of all firearms for sale today are semi-automatic

Did you know that?

Do you think the residents of South Carolina or Missouri or Florida or Idaho or New Mexico think our Country should s**tcan its 200-plus year-old experiment with a Representative Republic and capitalism and adopt full-blown, Venezuela-style socialism? 

If you do, you most likely live in the "bubbles" created in CA/OR/WA and NY/NJ/MA/CO/MD/DC and every big, Democrat-controlled city.  And thus, your knowledge of and experience with these "Great Unwashed" is sadly lacking.  But those are the folks who will vote their minds and most likely hand these faaaar Left candidates their asses come November, 2020.  

And then they can become modern-day examples of Stacy Abrams and Robert Francis O'Roarke, who lost their elections but believe they should have won, and go on the Leftoid show circuit complaining about how they were robbed out of victory in their campaigns.  By those awful Republicans.  Awwwww!

There.  You've been warned.  But you won't heed my warning.  You never do.  And that's why we have a generational war of ideas unfolding in front of us.  A war between those desirous of defending and protecting our Country and all that it is, and those who desire nothing more than to tear it down and try to rebuild it in a socialist or communist mold.   

Heed my warning:  Although these misguided Leftists simply cannot...and will, the road to their ultimate defeat will be very bumpy.  Very bumpy indeed... 

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